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11:00 PM ET, April 29, 2016


 Top Items: 
Walker Bragman / Salon:
A liberal case for Donald Trump: The lesser of two evils is not at all clear in 2016  —  Is there one?  A Trump presidency needn't be a nightmare for the left.  On many issues, Clinton presidency might be  —  There are perhaps no three words more jarring to liberals than “President Donald Trump.”
Tampa Bay Times:
Marco Rubio warming up to Donald Trump  —  Marco Rubio appears to be warming up to Donald Trump, saying Friday his “performance has improved significantly.”  Rubio has also continued to withold an endorsement of Ted Cruz, even though he previously praised him as the conservative in the race.
Mark Hensch / The Hill:
Trump aide: We're prepared to hit Clinton with Lewinsky
Discussion: Politico, BuzzFeed and MSNBC
Kristin Salaky / Talking Points Memo:
Clinton On Trump Attacks: I've Dealt With Men Who Are ‘Off The Reservation’
Discussion: CNN
Los Angeles Times:
Live updates from California Republican Party convention: Trump arrives for lunch speech as protests get more intense  —  Welcome to a special edition of Essential Politics, our live feed from the California Republican Party convention in Burlingame.  Here's a quick glance at the agenda.
Discussion: New York Magazine
Live Wire** California GOP Convention Chaos: Protesters Block Donald Trump's Motorcade  —  Live updates from Breitbart News on protesters disrupting the California Republican Convention.  All times local.  —  1:19 PM — Alex Swoyer: View of Trump speaking. … 1:18 PM — Lee Stranahan: Trump burned in effigy.
Discussion: KTLA, The Gateway Pundit and SFist
Jim Hoft / The Gateway Pundit:   VIDEO=> LEFTISTS AND OPEN BORDER THUGS Bust Through Security and Storm California GOP Convention
Jessie Hellmann / The Hill:
New poll finds Cruz with double-digit lead in Indiana  —  by double digits in a new poll of Indiana, which hosts the next contest in the GOP presidential primary on Tuesday.  —  The Texas senator leads the real estate mogul 45 percent to 29 percent among registered voters …
Discussion: Hot Air
Nolan D. McCaskill / Politico:
Fiorina rips Trump for touting Mike Tyson endorsement
NBC News:
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence Endorses Cruz While Commending Trump
Discussion: WMUR
Kyle Mantyla / Right Wing Watch:
Glenn Beck Mocks Donald Trump By Covering His Face With Crushed-Up Cheetos  —  On his radio program yesterday, Glenn Beck and his co-hosts mocked Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump for looking like an “orange racoon” and wondered how he obtained his unnatural hue.
Katherine Krueger / Talking Points Memo:
Glenn Beck Films Humiliating Video Of Himself Rubbing Face In Cheetos (VIDEO)
Discussion: The Daily Beast
Christian Datoc / The Daily Caller:   Glenn Beck: My Campaigning With Cruz Didn't Cause Layoffs At The Blaze [AUDIO]
Lloyd Grove / The Daily Beast:
40 Layoffs as Glenn Beck's Blaze Empire Continues Its Decline and Fall
David French / National Review:
Dear Mainstream Media, Don't You Dare Whitewash Anti-Trump Violence  —  Last night, anti-Trump protesters rioted in Costa Mesa, California.  Yes, rioted.  That's what you call it when “demonstrations” turn into this: … Or this: … Just imagine for a moment the shrieking outrage …
Ruben Vives / Los Angeles Times:
Protests rage outside Trump rally in Orange County; 17 arrested, police car smashed
Nick Carey / Reuters:
From bikers to truckers, pro-Trump groups plan forceful presence in Cleveland
Emily Smith / Page Six:
Will Ferrell pulls out of Reagan Alzheimer's comedy  —  Will Ferrell has backed out of a comedy about Ronald Reagan's struggle with Alzheimer's disease following outrage from the former president's family.  —  The 48-year-old comic confirmed Friday that while he had seen the script …
Kyle Burger / WVTM:
11-year-old protects Talladega home against intruder  —  Chris Gaither, 11, shot a home intruder Wednesday morning  —  Home school student Chris Gaither, 11, was alone Wednesday morning when he heard a noise.  —  Someone had broken into his house and walked upstairs.
Charles P. Pierce / Esquire:
When We Forget  —  Donald Trump will rise, and keep rising, until we remember what came before.  —  In Lenin's Tomb, his lucid account of the end of Soviet Russia, David Remnick uses as an epigraph a famous quote from Czech author Milan Kundera.  “The struggle of man against power,” …
Discussion: Washington Monthly
Robert Barnes / Washington Post:
Former Alabama governor Don Siegelman sent to solitary confinement  —  Former Alabama governor Don E. Siegelman was sent to solitary confinement this week at the Louisiana facility in which he is imprisoned on political corruption charges, according to his son Joseph Siegelman.
Scott Wong / The Hill:
GOP campaign chief: We won't lose the House  —  Rep. Greg Walden, the House Republican campaign chief, is ruling out the possibility that a wave election this fall could wipe out the GOP's historic majority and hand Democrats control of the chamber.  —  In a wide-ranging interview with The Hill …
Discussion: Politico and Talking Points Memo
Eric DuVall / UPI:
Obama to attend final White House Correspondents Dinner  —  It is almost time again for the annual gathering of journalists, politicians, athletes and celebrities known inside the Beltway as “nerd prom” — and to the rest of the country as the White House Correspondents Dinner.
Nolan D. McCaskill / Politico:
‘Billy on the Street’ dreams of Melania in the White House
Discussion: Gay Star News
Tim Nudd / Adweek:
Temptations Made a Collar That Finally Gives Your Cat a Human Voice, So It Can Talk to You  —  After all these millennia, a breakthrough?  —  Since the dawn of time, humans have been confounded by cats, those mystifyingly aloof creatures whose inner thoughts are famously inscrutable.  But no longer!
CBS Miami:
Tunsil Tries To Tamp Down Furor Regarding His Draft Freefall  —  DAVIE, Fla. (AP) — Laremy Tunsil kept repeating the same answer to questions about his freefall in the NFL draft, the social media hacking that cost him millions and the investigation he stirred at Ole Miss.
Whitney McFerron / Bloomberg:
The U.S. Is Sitting on a Mountain of Cheese  —  Move over bacon, we have a new food glut to deal with.  —  When bacon was abundant it was everywhere: in your jam, on seemingly every burger, even flavoring bourbon.  So if history is any guide, this year's food trend should be extra cheese.
Geoff Brumfiel / NPR:
Weasel Apparently Shuts Down World's Most Powerful Particle Collider  —  A small mammal has sabotaged the world's most powerful scientific instrument.  —  The Large Hadron Collider, a 17-mile superconducting machine designed to smash protons together at close to the speed of light, went offline last night.
Jamie Satterfield / USA Today:
Ex-nuke manager admits Chinese paid him for secrets … KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — A former senior manager for a federal energy agency has admitted that the Chinese government paid him for nuclear technological information while working for the utility, court records unsealed Friday show.
Craig Fehrman / FiveThirtyEight:
Indiana Is Weird  —  In the last week, Indiana has played an unusually central role in the presidential primary, with Hoosiers watching as Ted Cruz and John Kasich forged a deal while Donald Trump exhumed Bobby Knight.  One thing the campaigns (and many pundits) seem to agree on is that Indiana …
Discussion: Indianapolis Star and The Atlantic
Media Matters for America:
Wayne Simmons, Right Wing Media's Benghazi Expert, Pleads Guilty To Fraud  —  Wayne Simmons, who presented himself as a national security expert and was a part of the conservative media push for a congressional investigation of the Benghazi attack, has pleaded guilty to federal fraud charges.
Discussion: Hullabaloo
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 More Items: 
Carolina Moreno / The Huffington Post:
Héctor Elizondo Says Joe Will Return For ‘Princess Diaries 3’
Discussion: AOL and Slantpoint
Bethania Palma Markus / Raw Story:
Pastor says he took pictures of Heaven — but lost them when his phone was stolen
Discussion: Friendly Atheist
Dominic Holden / BuzzFeed:
Legal Groups Urge Feds To Threaten North Carolina's School Funding
Maggie Fox / NBC News:
U.S. Reports First Zika Virus Death in Puerto Rico
Scott Johnson / WJXT-TV:
VIDEO: Officer hits woman in handcuffs
Discussion: Raw Story and AOL
 Earlier Items: 
New York Times:
China Blocks U.S. Navy Flotilla's Visit to Hong Kong
J.K. Trotter / Gawker:
Journalism Professor Will Go to War for Free Speech, as Long as It Doesn't Mock Him
Akoning / Center for Public Interest Polling:
President Obama / Facebook:
Today, I want to update you on some important progress we've …
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Wrath of the Conned
Discussion: Balloon Juice and Washington Post
Unmasking the Men Behind Zero Hedge, Wall Street's Renegade Blog

From Mediagazer:

Tim Marchman / Wired:
Quora-owned AI chatbot platform Poe is providing users with downloadable HTML files of paywalled articles from outlets including NYT, Forbes, and The Atlantic

Michael Schneider / Variety:
Nielsen: the Biden-Trump debate drew an average audience of 51.3M viewers across 17 networks in the US, down from 2020's first debate, with nearly 73.1M

Hanaa' Tameez / Nieman Lab:
Spain's El País launched a digital edition to cover the US in Spanish in May with 11 bilingual correspondents; as of April, the outlet had ~366K subscribers

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