Top Items:

The GOP must do something about the conservative media industrial complex if it wants to survive — Standing before a Miami audience, sleeves rolled up, President Barack Obama was hard at work campaigning for Hillary Clinton. — But, as he sometimes does when he's riffing on the stump, the president took a detour in his speech.
Washington Examiner, RedState and

Fact-free conservative media is a symptom of GOP troubles, not a cause — My colleagues Oliver Darcy and Pamela Engel have written a good account of the Republican Party's captivity to its own disinformation complex of talk radio and conservative websites that push both extremism and false information.

Obamacare's double-digit rate hike, explained in 400 words — Obamacare premiums are on track to rise faster than ever before in 2017. — The Obama administration released data Monday showing that premiums for mid-level plans will rise, on average, 22 percent between 2016 and 2017.

Obamacare premiums to soar 22%
Discussion:, Hot Air and Daily Wire

Obamacare in 2017: Much higher premiums, much less choice
Patterico's Pontifications

Breitbart coordinated with liberal activist and organizer who disrupted GOP primary campaign events — A liberal activist and organizer coordinated with reporters from the conservative news site Breitbart during the primaries to cover his disruptions of events for candidates such as Sen. Marco Rubio.
RedState, Raw Story, The Right Scoop and The Resurgent

Inside Donald Trump's One-Stop Parties: Attendees Recall Cocaine and Very Young Models — The morals of Donald J. Trump, as a longtime model lover and then a modeling agency owner, were forged in another era, one in which young girls were used as a sort of currency between men doing business with one another.
RedState, Little Green Footballs, The Right Scoop and Occupy Democrats

Trump on porn actress who accused him of misconduct: 'Oh, I'm sure she's never been grabbed before' — (CNN)Donald Trump on Monday addressed the latest accusations of inappropriate sexual contact made against him, saying of the accuser, an adult film performer, “Oh, I'm sure she's never been grabbed before.”
New York Times, Vox, ThinkProgress, The Atlantic, Guardian, Talking Points Memo, The New Civil Rights Movement,, Politico, Business Insider, Shakesville and The Week

Porn star Jessica Drake ‘launched official online sex store’ …
John Hawkins' Right Wing News, The Daily Caller, BizPac Review and Independent Journal Review

Porn star launched sex shop one day before Trump allegations
RedState, The Daily Caller, Independent Journal Review and

Trump's Campaign Is Launching a Nightly News Show on Facebook — Welcome to the Donald Trump show! — Tonight, the Trump campaign is kicking off a show that will air on the candidate's Facebook page every night at 6:30 pm ET via Facebook Live from the campaign war room at Trump Tower.

Obama reads round two of ‘mean tweets’ on Kimmel — President Obama will appear on ABC's “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” late Monday night, reading a second batch of “mean tweets” about himself. — ...bro, do you even lift?" he read. “ Well, I lifted the ban on Cuban cigars. That's worth something.

Pro-Trump fundraisers agree to accept illicit foreign donation — Donald Trump's presidential campaign is facing a fundraising scandal after a Telegraph investigation exposed how key supporters were prepared to accept illicit donations from foreign backers.
Daily News Bin, Politicus USA, New York Times, Hot Air and Raw Story

Steven DenBeste 1952(?)-2016 — Steven DenBeste has passed away. — I just received word from Steven's brother, graciously thanking me for making the welfare call to the police and confirming that what many of us feared had indeed come to pass. I did not inquire as to specifics …
Patterico's Pontifications and Outside the Beltway

Forget Trump and Clinton. ‘Black Jeopardy’ is SNL's best political sketch this year. — Just before midnight Saturday, Tom Hanks put on a denim shirt, a goatee and a red “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” hat, and in six minutes pulled off the best political sketch of the year …
The French Revolution, Mediaite, Business Insider, Liberal Values and The Huffington Post

We're in the Universal Derp Implosion — Donald Trump is giving a raging, rambling speech with accusations against everyone and everything. But there's one thing he flagged that everyone needs to understand the details about. — Here's what he said ...
The Week

Republicans Threaten Lawsuits Over TV Ads Linking Them To Donald Trump — Saying a candidate supports Trump is basically defamation, they argue. — Congressional Reporter, The Huffington Post — WASHINGTON Some Republicans are running so far away from their party's nominee …
Talking Points Memo

Trump, Clinton In Dead Heat As Race Hits Final Two-Week Stretch — IBD/TIPP Poll — With the presidential election set to enter its final two weeks, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump find themselves in a near dead heat at 41% each in a four-way race, the latest IBD/TIPP presidential tracking poll shows.
Florida Politics, WND, NPR, Washington Times, John Hawkins' Right Wing News and Breitbart

How the GOP's first female presidential campaign manager manages Donald Trump — Conway on Trump: ‘He delivers his own speeches’ — (CNN)Morning at the Conway household is like mornings in most homes with children. It's a scramble to get the kids fed, dressed and out the door on time for school …

Time for Clinton supporters to be tolerant and believe in ‘stronger together’ — This column is tough to write. I know that, out of context, I might be accused of wanting to pull punches on GOP nominee Donald Trump — and on many of his extreme, hateful supporters. — The opposite is the case.

Clinton aims to run up the score — NEW YORK — Hillary Clinton and her allies have an animating aim in the final 14 days of the 2016 contest - drive up the score so dramatically that claims by Donald Trump of Democratic vote-rigging will be rendered inconsequential thanks to the margin of victory.

Bernie Sanders: If his staff's email were hacked, there would surely be some unkind things about Clinton — BURLINGTON, Vt. — The trove of hacked Democratic emails that have spilled into public view over recent months have included some unkind things about Bernie Sanders.
RT, AOL, The Daily Beast, The Week, Mediaite, Politicus USA and Talking Points Memo

Clinton's Specter of Illegitimacy
The American Spectator, Power Line and Raw Story

Woman Groped At Protest Against Trump's Groping, Police Say — A man groped a female protestor at an event meant to highlight Trump's own inappropriate touching outside of Trump Tower ahead of the third presidential debate. — One woman who attended the “Pussy Power at Trump Tower” …
DNAinfo New York and Liberty Unyielding

Fearing Trump, Bar Association Stifles Report Calling Him a ‘Libel Bully’ — WASHINGTON — Alarmed by Donald J. Trump's record of filing lawsuits to punish and silence his critics, a committee of media lawyers at the American Bar Association commissioned a report on Mr. Trump's litigation history.
TalkLeft, The Week, Mediaite, ThinkProgress and Guardian

RJ poll shows Clinton adding to lead over Trump in Nevada — Hillary Clinton is pulling away from Donald Trump in Nevada with early voting underway, according to a poll commissioned by the Las Vegas Review-Journal. — Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, has a 7-point lead …
Politicus USA and Washington Post

Trolls for Trump — Meet Mike Cernovich, the meme mastermind of the alt-right. — In late August, Hillary Clinton announced that she would soon give a speech, in Reno, Nevada, linking Donald J. Trump to what has become known as the alt-right—a loose online affiliation of white nationalists …
The Week, Mike Cernovich Presents … and Vox Popoli

Harry Reid's Parting Shot: Dems Will Nuke The Filibuster For SCOTUS — Outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said he is confident that he has laid the groundwork for Democrats to nuke the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees if they win back the Senate in November.
Daily Kos, New York Magazine and Mother Jones

Ex-CIA director calls Hannity a ‘true propagandist’ — A former director of the CIA under President George W. Bush writes that Fox News host Sean Hannity is a “true propagandist.” — Michael Hayden, who led the CIA under Bush from 2006 to 2009, told Brookings Institution senior fellow Benjamin Wittes …
Media Matters for America, RedState and Mediaite

Twitter Planning Hundreds More Job Cuts as Soon as This Week — Company may announce around third-quarter earnings report — Twitter said to plan cut of about 8 percent of workforce — Twitter Inc. is planning widespread job cuts, to be announced as soon as this week, according to people familiar with the matter.
TechCrunch and Engadget