Top Items:

Senate Democrats Poised to Pick Up 5-7 Seats — Senate Republicans had been doing a pretty solid job of maintaining their distance from GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump by running their own campaign that focused largely on more local issues or those issues that motivate their base.
RedState, Talking Points Memo, Politico and Washington Post

Reid: ‘I have set the Senate’ for nuclear option
neo-neocon, Constitution Daily, New York Magazine, Instapundit and Daily Kos

Poll: Republican Party Fractured As Hillary Clinton Maintains Solid Lead — Hillary Clinton's 5-point lead over Donald Trump remains virtually unchanged since last week—but after prolonged in-fighting among GOP party leaders, a majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning voters (57 percent) …
The Hill, Hot Air, Rasmussen Reports, The Daily Caller, The Gateway Pundit, Towleroad, Political Wire, AOL and CNBC

Stressed About the Election? If So, You've Got Company — For all their sharp differences, supporters of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have one thing in common: election-related stress. Nearly half of all likely voters in the ABC News tracking poll, 46 percent, describe the election …
Balloon Juice, Associated Press and New York Magazine

Top Hispanic Republican in Texas says he will vote for Clinton
Politicus USA

Florida spirals away from Trump — From polling to early voting trends to TV ad spending to ground game, Donald Trump's Florida fortunes are beginning to look so bleak that some Republicans are steeling themselves for what could be the equivalent of a “landslide” loss in the nation's biggest battleground state.
New York Magazine, McClatchy Washington Bureau, Hullabaloo, The Week and Washington Post

Florida Democrats poised to overtake Republicans in early votes
Discussion: and Guardian

Breitbart coordinated with liberal activist and organizer who disrupted GOP primary campaign events — A liberal activist and organizer coordinated with reporters from the conservative news site Breitbart during the primaries to cover his disruptions of events for candidates such as Sen. Marco Rubio.

Despite denials of business ties, Democrat Patrick Murphy's dad was pictured with Trump at groundbreaking — (CNN)Patrick Murphy, the Democrat in Florida seeking to unseat Sen. Marco Rubio in November, has flat-out denied he and his family have ever done business with Donald Trump …
America Rising and Washington Free Beacon

Liberals Adored Trump When He Was Winning The GOP Primary
Washington Monthly, Salon and Washington Post

2017 Premium Changes and Insurer Participation in the Affordable Care Act's Health Insurance Marketplaces — , Michelle Long, Ashley Semanskee, Rabah Kamal, Gary Claxton, and Larry Levitt — Health insurance premiums on the Affordable Care Act's marketplaces (also called exchanges) …

Rates Up 22 Percent For Obamacare Plans, But Subsidies Rise, Too
Raw Story, Daily Wire, FiveThirtyEight, Hot Air and Politico

Obamacare Customers Face Big Price Hikes Next Year
Talking Points Memo, Vox, The Federalist, Washington Post and RT

Inside Donald Trump's One-Stop Parties: Attendees Recall Cocaine and Very Young Models — The morals of Donald J. Trump, as a longtime model lover and then a modeling agency owner, were forged in another era, one in which young girls were used as a sort of currency between men doing business with one another.
Discussion:, Raw Story, Occupy Democrats, RedState, The Right Scoop and Little Green Footballs

Trump Spent $300K Of Donor Money On Books From ‘Art Of The Deal’ Publisher — It looks like Donald Trump's book sales got a boost from his own presidential campaign. — The Republican nominee directed $300,000 of small donors' money to the publisher of his bestselling business book …
Daily Kos

The Divide Over America's Future: 1950 or 2050? — Pessimism about the direction of the country is considerably higher today (74%) than it was at this time during the 2012 presidential race, when 57% of the public said the country was off on the wrong track.

Clarence Thomas's Twenty-Five Years Without Footprints — This month marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of Clarence Thomas's confirmation to the Supreme Court. Conservatives like Thomas have dominated the Court throughout his tenure, and he has been in the majority in all of their victories.

The Right Is Giving Up on Democracy — It's not just Donald Trump and his fans who think the system is rigged. — The single most ominous thing that Donald Trump said in all three presidential debates was a misguided attempt at a quip: “I'll keep you in suspense, okay?”

Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey Still Won't Answer Trump Question — Democrats push hard for a win in Pennsylvania 6:33 — Sen. Pat Toomey again refused to say whether he would vote for Donald Trump, making him the only vulnerable Republican senator to keep his constituents in the dark on where he stands on the issue.
NBC News, and Political Wire

What Drives Donald Trump? Fear of Losing Status, Tapes Show — By any measure, Arsenio Hall was a Hollywood success: He had starred in popular films, packed houses as a stand-up comic and hosted a hit late-night television show bearing his name. — Donald J. Trump saw it differently by the mid-2000s.
Talking Points Memo

The Most Astute Analysis of American Politics in 2016? SNL's “Black Jeopardy!” Sketch. — It had more to say about class and race than a thousand tenderly crafted portraits of the white working class. — For the past year, political journalists across the ideological spectrum have worked …

Fearing Trump, Bar Association Stifles Report Calling Him a ‘Libel Bully’ — WASHINGTON — Alarmed by Donald J. Trump's record of filing lawsuits to punish and silence his critics, a committee of media lawyers at the American Bar Association commissioned a report on Mr. Trump's litigation history.
Talking Points Memo, Washington Times,, Hit & Run, New York Magazine, The Week, Mediaite and ThinkProgress

Donald Trump: ‘I have no interest in Trump TV’ — Donald Trump says he has no interest in setting up “Trump TV” when the election ends. — “No, I have no interest in Trump TV,” Trump said on Cincinnati radio station 700WLW on Tuesday. “I hear it all over the place.
Politico, Talking Points Memo and Mediaite, more at Mediagazer »

How angry does Donald Trump make me? Angry enough to steal 40 Trump signs. — How a middle-aged mom became a political vandal. … Donald Trump campaigns in Bangor, Maine, on Oct. 15. (Photo by Sarah Rice/Getty Images) — FALMOUTH, Maine — I committed a crime this month, along with two of my friends.
Althouse and Central Maine

James O'Keefe quietly employs convicted felon who tried to blackmail David Letterman — Former TV producer Robert “Joe” Halderman now helping Project Veritas with guerrilla filmmaking — With $10,000 in funding from Donald Trump's “charitable” foundation, guerrilla filmmaker James O'Keefe …
Business Insider,, Raw Story and Washington Times

Campus police to probe ‘offensive’ Halloween costumes, students told — Members of Tufts University's Greek system have been told they could face “serious disciplinary sanctions” — including a possible investigation by the campus police — for wearing Halloween costumes that offend peers …
John Hawkins' Right Wing News, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and The Daily Caller

Clinton Leads By Eight Points In Siena/NYT Upshot North Carolina Poll — Hillary Clinton sits eight points ahead of Donald Trump in North Carolina following the final presidential debate, according to a new poll from Siena College/New York Times Upshot. — Clinton leads the poll …
The New Civil Rights Movement

Hacked Email Shows Obama Knew About Clinton's Private Email While Claiming He Didn't — The same day that President Barack Obama publicly insisted that he learned about Hillary Clinton's use of private email for government business from news reports, internal campaign emails show that Clinton staffers knew he wasn't telling the truth.
Politico, The Daily Caller, Hot Air and The Week

AT&T Is Spying on Americans for Profit — On Nov. 11, 2013, Victorville, California, sheriff's deputies and a coroner responded to a motorcyclist's report of human remains outside of town. — They identified the partially bleached skull of a child, and later discovered the remains …

Trump quieter, but makes similar points in one-on-one interview — GOP presidential nominee gives interview, meets with first responders — ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. - Speaking with Donald Trump before he took the stage at the St. Augustine Amphitheater Monday afternoon, the Republican nominee …
CNBC and Business Insider

Obama Was Right About Republican Extremism All Along — They should've listened to his warnings about the dangers of right-wing rhetoric. Now they're going to pay for it. — It has been a long time since a popular, term-limited president has campaigned vigorously on behalf of his presumptive heir.
Business Insider