Top Items:
Gabriel Debenedetti / Politico:
Electors demand intelligence briefing before Electoral College vote — In its first show of public support for efforts questioning the legitimacy of Donald Trump's victory, Hillary Clinton's campaign said it is supporting a request by members of the Electoral College for an intelligence briefing …
Washington Post, Talking Points Memo,, Wall Street Journal, BizPac Review, Power Line, Washington Monthly, Mediaite, ThinkProgress, The Gateway Pundit, Business Insider, The Hill, The Nation, Washington Free Beacon, AOL, Daily Kos, Weasel Zippers, John Hawkins' Right Wing News, The Daily Caller,, CANNONFIRE and The Guardian

McCain Calls Russian Hacking a ‘Form of Warfare’ — John McCain says there is no doubt about Russian hacking, which he called “warfare.” — President-elect Donald J. Trump formally names John F. Kelly, a retired Marine general, as secretary of homeland security.
Christine Pelosi:
Bipartisan Electors Ask James Clapper: Release Facts on Outside Interference in U.S. Election — Open Letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper: — We are Electors who were selected by the voters of our states to represent them in the Electoral College on December 19, 2016.
ABC News, NBC News, ThinkProgress, Law News, Politicus USA, Politico, CNBC, Washington Times, The Guardian, New Century Times, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, Business Insider, Mediaite and BizPac Review

McConnell rejects special panel for Russian election interference allegations — (R-Ky.) on Monday said recent findings by the CIA that the Russian government tied to influence the U.S. presidential election should be investigated by the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Electors want briefing on Russian interference before Electoral College vote
Nolan D. McCaskill / Politico:
Fiorina casts doubt on intelligence about Russia hacking
Fiorina casts doubt on intelligence about Russia hacking
ABC News
Jeff Greenfield / The Daily Beast:
The Faithless-Elector Fantasy Is Fun, but It's Just a Fantasy
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
The Tainted Election — The C.I.A., according to The Washington Post …
The Tainted Election — The C.I.A., according to The Washington Post …
Washington Post, Hot Air, Mediaite, emptywheel, The Daily Caller, TheBlaze, Hit & Run, Independent Journal Review, RedState, American Prospect and The Guardian
Cyra Master / The Hill:
Bolton questions if Russian hacks were ‘false flag’
Bolton questions if Russian hacks were ‘false flag’
ABC News, Politico, New York Magazine, Raw Story, John Hawkins' Right Wing News and Washington Post

Reid: FBI director's letter cost Democrats the election, Senate — (CNN)Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Monday FBI Director James Comey was “heavily involved as a partisan” in the weeks leading up to the election and that Comey's actions handed the presidency to Donald Trump.
NPR, Independent Journal Review and

The 5 Stages Of Losing An Election To Donald Trump — Though many things have changed in American political life over the past couple of years, one aspect remains a comforting constant: Democrats never lose an election. Not really. Not fairly. — Sure, elections can be stolen.
Washington Monthly, Washington Post, American Thinker, Hot Air and Maggie's Farm

Donald Trump Adviser Kellyanne Conway Says President-Elect 'Doesn't Want Interference in Our Politics'
Politico, Associated Press, Talking Points Memo, Politicus USA and Daily Kos
Jay Caruso / RedState:
Gutless Liar, Harry Reid, Smears James Comey as A ‘Partisan’
Gutless Liar, Harry Reid, Smears James Comey as A ‘Partisan’
Karoli Kuns / Latest from Crooks and Liars:
Josh Earnest: GOP Must Reconcile Their ‘Patriotism’ With Trump Support
Josh Earnest: GOP Must Reconcile Their ‘Patriotism’ With Trump Support
Talking Points Memo and Balloon Juice

Pre-existing Conditions and Medical Underwriting in the Individual Insurance Market Prior to the ACA — Before private insurance market rules in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) took effect in 2014, health insurance sold in the individual market in most states was medically underwritten.1 …
Discussion:, US News, Mother Jones, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Washington Post
Russia Applauds Trump Dream Team as Exxon CEO Eyed for State — Tillerson emerges as possible secretary of state under Trump — Oilman would join security, defense picks welcomed in Moscow — With two decades of deal-making in Russia's vital oil industry under his belt, Rex Tillerson is Vladimir Putin's kind of man.
Hot Air, Washington Free Beacon and NPR

Five Questions About Russia's Election Hacking
New York Times and Washington Monthly

Sam Venable: Santa grants a final wish — Eric Schmitt-Matzen looks every bit the part of Santa Claus. — His 6-foot frame carries 310 pounds, leaving “just enough of a lap for the kids to sit on,” he says with a gentle Kringley chuckle right out of Central Casting. — No fake facial fuzz for this guy.
TheBlaze,, Associated Press,, AOL, Independent Journal Review, BizPac Review and Fox News Insider

Did Trump Make a Tactical Error? — RUSH: One of the things that Trump did was he took some shots at the intelligence community in his initial reaction to this. — And that may be — and I'm not totally decided yet on this, but that may be his first big mistake.
Gabriel Debenedetti / Politico:
Democrats fear another Trump trouncing — As Donald Trump's inauguration draws near, Democrats fear they remain woefully unprepared to fight the new president's agenda. — The party loses its standard-bearer once President Barack Obama leaves office, and the Democratic National Committee …
Hot Air, No More Mister Nice Blog and Raw Story
The Independent:
China flies nuclear bomber over South China Sea to ‘send a message’ to Donald Trump — China flew a nuclear-capable bomber outside its borders in a show of force less than a week before US President-elect Donald Trump's phone call with the president of Taiwan, it has been reported.
The Daily Beast, Arkansas Blog, Arkansas Times, NPR, Daily Kos, and Patterico's Pontifications

W.Va. official who lost job over racist Michelle Obama remark quietly reinstated — A West Virginia government employee who was removed from her position for a Facebook post referring to first lady Michelle Obama — as an “ape in heels” will get her job back, according to recent reports.
Refinery29, Charleston Gazette-Mail, The Root and Raw Story
Steven Goldstein / Washington Post:
Trump risks war by turning the One China question into a bargaining chip — President-elect Donald Trump has just said that he considers America's One China policy a bargaining chip, to be traded off against other things that the United States wants from China. In his description:
Little Green Footballs, Hullabaloo and New York Times
Matt Spetalnick / Reuters:
Exclusive: Don't ‘leap to conclusions’ that Trump to drop ‘one China’ policy - McCain
Exclusive: Don't ‘leap to conclusions’ that Trump to drop ‘one China’ policy - McCain
Political Wire and The Week
Hugh Hewitt / The Hugh Hewitt Show:
Kellyanne Conway On All Things Transition, Including #ElectionDeniers … President-elect Donald Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway joined me today to discuss all things #Transition: — 12-12hhs-conway — Transcript: — HH: So pleased to welcome back on my first day back Kellyanne Conway …
Talking Points Memo, CNN, TheBlaze, Independent Journal Review and Business Insider
Brent Griffiths / Politico:
Conway: Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem ‘big priority’ for Trump
Conway: Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem ‘big priority’ for Trump
Jewish Telegraphic Agency

House Benghazi committee files final report and shuts down — WASHINGTON — The special congressional investigation into the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi is officially over now that the panel filed its final report the day before the House adjourned for the year.
Political Wire and Daily Kos
Jonathan O'Connell / Washington Post:
Obama to open post-presidency office in World Wildlife Fund headquarters — President Obama has been determining what he'll work on once he leaves the White House and now he has a place to do it. — Obama has agreed to lease office space in the headquarters building of the World Wildlife Fund …
The Daily Caller and Independent Journal Review
The Cipher Brief:
Fmr. CIA Acting Dir. Michael Morell: “This Is the Political Equivalent of 9/11” — The Washington Post report on a secret CIA assessment concluding that Russia intervened in the U.S. Presidential election with the intention of helping President-elect Donald Trump win is only part …
RedState, Business Insider, Raw Story, NPR, The Daily Caller and Politico