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7:55 AM ET, April 12, 2017


 Top Items: 
Ellen Nakashima / Washington Post:
FBI obtained FISA warrant to monitor Trump adviser Carter Page  —  The FBI obtained a secret court order last summer to monitor the communications of an adviser to presidential candidate Donald Trump, part of an investigation into possible links between Russia and the campaign, law enforcement and other U.S. officials said.
Oscar Munoz / United Hub:
Statement from United Airlines CEO, Oscar Munoz, on United Express flight 3411  —  The truly horrific event that occurred on this flight has elicited many responses from all of us: outrage, anger, disappointment.  I share all of those sentiments, and one above all: my deepest apologies for what happened.
Matt Pearce / Los Angeles Times:   United passenger David Dao says he's still in the hospital
USA Today:
United Airlines CEO doubles down, says employees followed procedures, flier was ‘belligerent’
Daily Mail:
PICTURED: The internal medicine specialist father-of-five who was beaten and dragged off …
Washington Post:
United Airlines CEO apologizes for ‘horrific event,’ promises review of policies after passenger violently deplaned
New York Times:
Live Results: Republicans Defend House Seat in Kansas Special Election  —  Candidate Party Votes Pct.  —  Dem.  —  28,646  —  Ron Estes  —  Rep.  —  27,105  —  Lib.  —  32% reporting (199 of 620 precincts)  —  Republicans are wary of a close race to fill the seat of the new C …
Lisa Hagen / The Hill:
Live results: Kansas special election  —  The first general election contest since President Trump took office kicks off in Kansas, with what was once expected to be an easy win for Republicans turning unexpectedly fierce.  —  Republican Ron Estes, a two-term state treasurer …
Ron Estes / Decision Desk HQ:
Kansas 4th Congressional District Special Election  —  Candidate Percent Votes  —  53.3%  —  60,504  —  45.0%  —  51,090  —  1.7%  —  1,952  —  Write In (Unaffiliated)  —  0.1%  —  Sedgwick is all in, and Estes almost won despite losing the early vote by a big margin.
Bryan Lowry / Kansas City Star:
Republican Ron Estes prevails in tough Kansas congressional race
New York Times:
Ron Estes, a Republican, Survives Tight House Race to Win Kansas Seat
CNN Exclusive: Classified docs contradict Nunes surveillance claims, GOP and Dem sources say  — Republican and Democratic lawmakers and aides have so far found no evidence that Obama administration officials did anything unusual or illegal  — Their private assessment contradicts …
Gabriel Sherman / New York Magazine:
Bill O'Reilly Is Going on Vacation.  Will His Show Return?  —  Embattled Fox News host Bill O'Reilly announced tonight that he is taking a vacation.  O'Reilly's decision to go off the air in the midst of a sexual harassment scandal and advertiser boycott arguably has the appearance of a suspension …
Michael Goodwin / New York Post:
Trump won't definitively say he still backs Bannon  —  MORE FROM: … Washington's rumor mill is working overtime on the fate of aide Steve Bannon, who is said to be at the center of the rampant White House in-fighting.  When I asked the President Tuesday afternoon if he still has confidence in Bannon …
Daily Mail:
Melania Trump - An Apology  —  The Mail Online website and the Daily Mail newspaper published an article on 20th August 2016 about Melania Trump which questioned the nature of her work as a professional model, and republished allegations that she provided services beyond simply modelling.
UK's Daily Mail to pay Melania Trump damages over modeling claims
Discussion: Joe.My.God.
Greg Stohr / Bloomberg:
Supreme Court Retirement Talk Focuses on Pivotal Justice Kennedy  —  80-year-old Kennedy keeping mum on whether he'll step down  —  Trump appointment would create solid conservative majority  —  Justice Anthony Kennedy reclaimed his position as the man in the middle of the U.S. Supreme Court …
John Sexton / Hot Air:   Justice Ginsburg: Sen. Lindsey Graham one of the ‘women of the Senate’
Tyler Durden /
China Threatens To Bomb North Korea's Nuclear Facilities If It Crosses Beijing's “Bottom Line”  —  With everyone putting down new and/or revised “red lines”, be it on Syria or North Korea, it was now China's turn to reveal its “red” or rather “bottom line”, and in a harshly worded editorial titled …
China's Xi calls for peaceful resolution of North Korea tensions in call with Trump
Discussion: New York Times
Alan Blinder / New York Times:
For Alabama Christians, Governor Bentley's Downfall Is a Bitter Blow  —  MONTGOMERY, Ala. — As governor, Robert Bentley would quote the Bible before the Alabama Legislature and say that God had elevated him to the State Capitol.  In his dermatology practice, in the city where he was a Baptist deacon …
Jonah Goldberg / National Review:
What Rick Perlstein's Embarrassing New York Times Essay Gets Wrong  —  Perlstein's essay offers a really good insight into how the Times has jettisoned so much credibility in the age of Trump.  —  If you'll forgive the self-indulgence, let me start by sharing a few things …
Discussion: alicublog, RedState and New York Times
Tillerson Asks Why U.S. Taxpayers Should Care About Ukraine  —  Offhand remark an unexpected moment as foreign ministers meet  —  Top diplomat still finding footing in protocol-rich meetings  —  With one offhand remark, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson left European diplomats befuddled at a gathering in Italy.
Josh Dawsey / Politico:
Spicer apologizes for claiming Hitler didn't use chemical weapons  —  White House press secretary Sean Spicer had to do something Tuesday night his boss deeply dislikes: He apologized.  —  Hours after seemingly minimizing the Holocaust in an attempt to explain the atrocities of chemical attacks …
Spicer: Hitler ‘was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing’
Katie Pavlich /
BREAKING: Sessions Announces Illegal Aliens Who Illegally Re-Enter The U.S. Will Be Charged With a Felony  —  Speaking from the U.S.-Mexico border in Nogales, Arizona Tuesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced major changes to Justice Department protocol when it comes to charging and prosecuting illegal aliens.
Ted Hesson / Politico:
Sessions signals immigration crackdown: ‘This is the Trump era’
Anna Edgerton / Bloomberg:
Trump Meddling Leaves Ryan's Clout in Doubt After Health Fiasco  —  Speaker was face of health-care bill until Trump stepped in  —  Republicans still making changes to bill and hoping for vote  —  Paul Ryan was the public face of Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare until two weeks ago.
Jordan Fabian / The Hill:
White House to lift federal hiring freeze  —  The White House will lift President Trump's federal hiring freeze on Wednesday, following fire from critics who said it hampered the government from carrying out core functions.  —  The end of the freeze is part of guidance ordering federal departments …
Discussion: Politico
Helaine Olen / New York Times:
United Airlines Is Not Alone  —  United Airlines found itself at the center of social media controversy this week, after a horrifying video of a doctor being forcibly removed from a coach class seat on one of its planes went viral.  The man was, according to published reports …
CBS North Carolina / WNCN:
NC bill looks to ban gay marriage  —  RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) - A bill filed by three Republican lawmakers looks to ban gay marriage in North Carolina.  —  The “Uphold Historical Marriage Act” says the U.S. Supreme Court over stepped its “constitutional bounds” when in 2015 it struck down what was known as Amendment One.
Tennessee clergy urge Haslam to expand Medicaid  —  Eleven of the demonstrators from the Moral Movement Tennessee have chosen to stay in the governor's office after being repeatedly asked to leave.  —  They are sitting on the floor of the office praying, singing and holding signs calling …
Madeline Conway / Politico:
Trump: I want to pass health care before doing tax reform  —  President Donald Trump still wants to pass a health care bill before he turns to tax reform.  —  “We're going to have a phenomenal tax reform, but I have to do health care first,” Trump said, according to an excerpt of an interview …
Discussion: ABC News and Political Wire
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 More Items: 
The Hill:
Obama fingerprints at DNC?
New York Times:
Trump's Trademark Continues Its March Across the Globe, Raising Eyebrows
Virginia Hale / Breitbart:
‘Ban Cars to Stop Terror’ Says Sweden's Best-Selling Newspaper After Stockholm Attack
Discussion: Infowars and Sputnik International
Janet Hook / Wall Street Journal:
Newly Energized Liberals Pour Record Effort Into Local Races
Discussion: FiveThirtyEight and Daily Kos
T. Rees Shapiro / Washington Post:
Rolling Stone settles with former U-Va. dean in defamation case
Discussion: The Other McCain and NPR
Charlie Spiering / Breitbart:
Barack Obama and Angela Merkel Plan Globalist Reunion at Brandenburg Gate
Discussion: France 24, Hot Air, Axios and Mediaite
 Earlier Items: 
Daily Mail:
What United claimed: The document attached to his passenger file which claimed Dr David Dao …
Judy Kurtz / The Hill:
Jenna Bush Hager: Barbara Bush has eight toes
Discussion: IJR
Matt Rosoff / CNBC:
Facebook has reached its Microsoft Bing moment, and history shows the results won't be pretty
Discussion: Daily Mail
Alan Gomez / USA Today:
Errors prompt Trump to halt reports shaming ‘sanctuary cities’
Paul A. Djupe / Washington Post:
How fights over Trump have led evangelicals to leave their churches
Discussion: The Hugh Hewitt Show and Raw Story
Jacqueline Alemany / CBS News:
Pennsylvania congressman to be named drug czar by Trump
Discussion: Washington Post, STAT and Hit & Run

From Techmeme:

Janko Roettgers / The Verge:
Redbox's owner, Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment, files for bankruptcy protection; Chicken Soup took on $325M in debt when it acquired Redbox in 2022

Paul Kiernan / Wall Street Journal:
The US finalizes rules requiring custodial crypto platforms to report user transaction info to the IRS; DeFi platforms are exempt amid fierce crypto lobbying

The Information:
Source: Amazon plans to use a controversial trade rule used by Temu and Shein, which exempts packages worth $800 or less from tariffs, for its discount section

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