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6:35 PM ET, April 11, 2017


 Top Items: 
Matt Pearce / Los Angeles Times:
United passenger David Dao says he's still in the hospital  —  This image made from a video provided by Audra D. Bridges shows David Dao, the passenger who was forcibly removed from a United Airlines flight in Chicago on Sunday.  (Associated Press)  —  David Dao, a Kentucky physician …
Avi Selk / Washington Post:
United CEO, facing boycott calls, defends booting passenger so crew could take his seat  —  United Airlines' chief executive is defending his employees after a passenger who refused to give up his plane seat to a crew member was pulled screaming into the aisle by security, battered …
Daily Mail:
PICTURED: The internal medicine specialist father-of-five who was beaten and dragged off an overbooked United flight as CEO pens ‘tone deaf’ email DEFENDING staff  — The 69-year-old Vietnamese-American is married to a pediatrician who has a clinic in Elizabethtown, Kentucky - about 40 miles south of Louisville
USA Today:
United Airlines CEO doubles down, says employees followed procedures, flier was ‘belligerent’  —  LOUISVILLE — The intense firestorm roaring against United Airlines and its unrepentant CEO raged on Tuesday after his letter to the airline's employees lauded the behavior of the flight's crew when a …
Justin Bachman / Bloomberg:
United Airlines Tumbles After Social-Media Storm Goes Global
Discussion: The Moderate Voice
Madeline Conway / Politico:
Spicer under fire for claiming Hitler didn't use chemical weapons  —  White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Tuesday again found himself in hot water, after ham-handedly claiming that Adolf Hitler did not use chemical weapons, seemingly minimizing the atrocities of the Holocaust.
Alexander Smith / NBC News:
Eric Trump Says Syria Strike Was Swayed By ‘Heartbroken’ Ivanka  —  Donald Trump's decision to bomb Syria was influenced by his daughter, Ivanka, being “heartbroken and outraged” at the country's alleged chemical weapons attack, one of the president's sons told a British newspaper.
Simon Johnson / Telegraph:
Ivanka Trump encouraged my father to launch air strikes against Assad in Syria after chemical weapons attack, says Eric Trump  —  Eric Trump has said he is “sure” his sister Ivanka used her influence over their father to encourage the US president to launch military action against Bashar al-Assad in Syria.
Spicer: Hitler ‘was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing’  —  (CNN)White House press secretary Sean Spicer, in an effort to shame Russia's alliance with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his use of chemical weapons, said Tuesday Adolf Hitler …
James Hohmann / Washington Post:
The Daily 202: Reflexive partisanship drives polling lurch on Syria strikes
Nick Giampia / Fox Business:
Assad is Worse Than Hitler: Syrian Chemical Weapon Survivor
Discussion: Washington Post
Eli Lake / Bloomberg:
What Reset?  White House to Call Out Russia's Fake News on Syria  —  President Donald Trump's Russian reset is in big trouble.  —  That's one message of a four-page dossier on the Syrian government's April 4 chemical weapons attack that killed up to 100 people and injured many more.
Discussion: Hot Air
Julie Hirschfeld Davis / New York Times:
White House Accuses Russia of Cover-up in Syria Chemical Attack  —  WASHINGTON — The White House on Tuesday accused the Russian government of engaging in a cover-up of the chemical weapons attack last week by Syrian forces that prompted American airstrikes, saying that United States intelligence …
Mark Hensch / The Hill:
Putin: US plans to fake chemical weapons in Syria
Discussion: Politico, CNN, RedState, Reuters and ABC News
Jim O’Sullivan /
Remember Mitt Romney's ‘binders full of women?’  They're real.  And we got them.  —  In the world of important political documents — from the Magna Carta to the Pentagon Papers — there are also those known for more pedestrian reasons.  Count Mitt Romney's “binders full of women” in that category.
Julie Hirschfeld Davis / New York Times:
The Latest Test for the White House?  Pulling Off Its Easter Egg Roll  —  WASHINGTON — President Trump received an urgent warning in February, informing him of a crucial date he was about to miss.  —  “FYI manufacturing deadlines for the Easter eggs are near,” said a Twitter post directed at Mr. Trump …
Eliza Collins / USA Today:
Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows pursues health care deal with Speaker Ryan  —  HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. — Rep. Mark Meadows intends to deliver an Obamacare repeal and replacement plan to House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., on Tuesday that would leave in place the existing law's mandates …
Maya T. Prabhu / Post and Courier:
Attendees chant ‘you lie’ at U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson during Graniteville town hall … GRANITEVILLE — U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson received some protests Monday like other Republican congressmen nationwide during town halls this year, getting drowned out at times with loud boos and receiving 30 seconds of “You Lie” chants.
Ben Billmyer / Associated Press:
Town hall meeting erupts into shouts, boos as Congressman Joe Wilson addresses healthcare repeal
Discussion: Shareblue and Common Dreams
Jacqueline Alemany / CBS News:
Pennsylvania congressman to be named drug czar by Trump  —  Pennsylvania Congressman Tom Marino is expected to step down from his seat to take on a new role in the Trump administration.  Multiple sources tell CBS News that Marino will head up the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), assuming the informal title of drug czar.
Discussion: Washington Post, STAT and Hit & Run
Ed O'Keefe / Washington Post:
Schumer: If Trump doesn't release his tax returns, 'it's going to make tax reform much harder'  —  Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) is warning that President Trump needs to release his personal tax returns if he hopes to achieve comprehensive tax reform in the coming months.
New York Times:
Think New York Transit Is Bad?  Just Wait  —  In the past few weeks, commuters in New York and New Jersey have been dealing with the chaos caused by the derailments of an Amtrak train and a New Jersey Transit train in New York's Penn Station.  While the accidents themselves were minor …
Alan Gomez / USA Today:
Errors prompt Trump to halt reports shaming ‘sanctuary cities’  —  After just three weeks, the Trump administration has stopped publishing a weekly report designed to publicly shame “sanctuary cities” that fail to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement efforts after local police agencies complained …
William McGurn / Wall Street Journal:
The Silencing of Heather Mac Donald  —  Lofty college statements on free speech are worthless without enforcement.  —  No one who knows her could ever describe Heather Mac Donald as a victim.  —  Still, last Thursday night the Manhattan Institute scholar became the latest target of the latter …
Matthew Yglesias / Vox:
Donald Trump and Paul Ryan are the problem — a staff shake-up won't fix anything  —  It's not Steve Bannon's fault the GOP's policy agenda is incoherent.  —  The Trump administration knows it hasn't gotten off to a very impressive start, with Shane Goldmacher reporting that officials …
Sean Trende / Real Clear Politics:
Does Kansas Special Election Signal Trouble for GOP?  —  Since the inauguration of Donald Trump, speculation has abounded as to whether his unpopularity could drag down the Republican House majority in 2018.  We've seen massive protests in liberal enclaves, but we haven't had a whole lot …
Judy Kurtz / The Hill:
Ginsburg refers to Graham as one of ‘the women of the Senate’  —  Ruth Bader Ginsburg appears to have been caught up in a gender-swapping snafu, mistakenly dubbing Sen. Lindsey Graham  —  (R-S.C.) one of the “women of the Senate.”  —  The 84-year-old Supreme Court justice delivered remarks …
Maya Lau / Los Angeles Times:
He was a pastor and a gentleman: ‘She thought she had a wonderful husband’  —  A school shooting has left San Bernardino reeling from violence once again.  (April 11, 2017) (Sign up for our free video newsletter here  —  Karen Smith tied the knot in January with a man she had known for years.
Alex Roarty / McClatchy Washington Bureau:
Can Democrats cuss their way back to the White House?  —  WASHINGTON  —  An old political maxim holds that politicians campaign in poetry but govern in prose.  —  But after voters rewarded Donald Trump despite - or perhaps because of - his plain, often expletive-prone rhetoric …
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 More Items: 
Paul A. Djupe / Washington Post:
How fights over Trump have led evangelicals to leave their churches
Discussion: The Hugh Hewitt Show and Raw Story
Rasmussen Reports:
Voters Not Convinced Obama Wasn't In On Trump Spying
Kevin Sullivan / Washington Post:
Trump promised an ‘unpredictable’ foreign policy. To allies, it looks incoherent.
Anya Kamenetz / NPR:
Here's The Fine Print On The Country's Biggest-Ever Free College Plan
Trump's border wall will get its start in San Diego County
Discussion: Vox and The Daily Caller
Brian Naylor / NPR:
More Travelers Entering U.S. Are Being Asked For Their Cellphones And Passwords
Discussion: RedState
 Earlier Items: 
Scott Thistlestaff / Press Herald:
Sen. Collins says she may run for Maine governor in 2018
Rick Perlstein / New York Times:
I Thought I Understood the American Right. Trump Proved Me Wrong.
Andrew Restuccia / Politico:
Why the Trump administration has so many vacancies

From Techmeme:

Janko Roettgers / The Verge:
Redbox's owner, Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment, files for bankruptcy protection; Chicken Soup took on $325M in debt when it acquired Redbox in 2022

Paul Kiernan / Wall Street Journal:
The US finalizes rules requiring custodial crypto platforms to report user transaction info to the IRS; DeFi platforms are exempt amid fierce crypto lobbying

The Information:
Source: Amazon plans to use a controversial trade rule used by Temu and Shein, which exempts packages worth $800 or less from tariffs, for its discount section

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