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7:15 PM ET, May 12, 2017


 Top Items: 
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
Trump's Comey fight spooks Capitol Hill  —  There is widespread concern among Congressional leadership about Trump's frame of mind in the wake of the Comey firing.  —  Senior Senate aide: “It has to stop ... never seen anything like this in my entire career.”
Pamela Brown / CNN:
Source: Comey is ‘not worried about any tapes’  —  Washington (CNN)Former FBI Director James Comey is “not worried about any tapes” of conversations between him and President Donald Trump, a source familiar with the matter told CNN Friday, adding that “if there is a tape, there's nothing he is worried about” that could be on it.
Charles J. Sykes / New York Times:
If Liberals Hate Him, Then Trump Must Be Doing Something Right  —  If there was one principle that used to unite conservatives, it was respect for the rule of law.  Not long ago, conservatives would have been horrified at wholesale violations of the norms and traditions of our political system …
Pierre Thomas / ABC News:
Comey furious at lack of respect White House showed, sources say  —  Former FBI Director James Comey was furious at the lack of respect the White House showed him in the way he was fired, sources have told ABC News.  —  Associates say he is simmering at some of the comments directed …
Austin Wright / Politico:
Comey declines to testify before Senate committee  —  Ousted FBI Director James Comey will not appear in a closed session before the Senate Intelligence Committee next Tuesday.  —  Comey had been invited by Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) and top Democrat Mark Warner of Virginia.
Fox News Insider:
Judge Jeanine Pirro Interview With President Trump  —  Plus Bobby Knight joins “Watters' World.”  —  Don't miss Judge Jeanine Pirro's interview with President Donald Trump, Saturday at 9:00pm ET on Justice.  —  The president will go inside his controversial decision to fire FBI Director James Comey …
AP News:
The Latest: Senate intel chair sees no evidence of collusion  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on President Donald Trump and the FBI (all times local):  —  The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee says he doesn't think the FBI investigation into alleged links between President …
James Fallows / The Atlantic:
Five Reasons the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate  —  The tangled affair now known as Watergate began 45 years ago, before most of today's U.S. population had even been born.  (The median age of Americans is about 38, so most people in the country were born in 1979 or thereafter.)
Shannon Vavra / Axios:
Comey turns down Senate invite, won't testify next week  —  Senate Intel committee ranking member Mark Warner (D-VA) told MSNBC Friday that former FBI Director James Comey will not be appearing before the committee next Tuesday, despite an invitation to speak with the committee behind closed doors.
Discussion: ABC News, Political Wire and Hot Air
Jonathan Easley / The Hill:
Trump's Comey firing sets off new round of leaks  —  President Trump is besieged by internal leaks as he tries to weather the fallout from his firing of FBI director James Comey.  —  Media reports about the run-up to Trump's decision paint him as isolated and consumed by anger and paranoia …
New York Times:
Trump Warning to Comey Prompts Questions on ‘Tapes’  —  WASHINGTON — President Trump on Friday warned James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director he fired this week, against leaking anything negative about him, saying that Mr. Comey “better hope” that there are no secret tapes of their conversations …
Bwittes / Lawfare:
Et Tu Rod?  Why The Deputy Attorney General Must Resign  —  President Trump speaks with Lester Holt on Comey's firing / NBC News  —  “He made—he made a recommendation,” Donald Trump said yesterday of his Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein in an interview with NBC News.
Paul Sperry / New York Post:
The real reason Trump canned Jim Comey
Brad Reed / Raw Story:
‘No one can talk sense into him’: CNN guest says even Ivanka seems to have lost control of President Trump
Discussion: AOL
NBC News:
My Dinner With Comey: Current and Former FBI Officials Dispute Trump Account of Meeting With FBI Director
Jake Tapper / CNN:
Comey was taken aback by Trump request for loyalty pledge
Ramesh Ponnuru / National Review:
Trump vs. the Russia Investigations
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
What Grassley and Feinstein said about Trump, the FBI, and Russia
Discussion: Power Line, RedState and Hot Air
Stef W. Kight / Axios:
The not-so-viral Comey firing
Discussion: The Daily Caller
NBC News:
Poll: Majority of Americans Think Comey's Dismissal Was Not Appropriate
Discussion: Vox and Mediaite
Max Greenwood / The Hill:
Top Dems call for report on Sessions's role in Comey firing
GreAt / Securelist:
WannaCry ransomware used in widespread attacks all over the world  —  Earlier today, our products detected and successfully blocked a large number of ransomware attacks around the world.  In these attacks, data is encrypted with the extension “.WCRY” added to the filenames.
Selena Larson / CNNMoney:
Massive ransomware attack hits 74 countries
Discussion: RedState and WATE-TV
New York Times:
Hackers Hit Dozens of Countries Exploiting Stolen N.S.A. Tool
Chris Baraniuk / BBC:
Ransomware infections reported worldwide
David Weigel / Washington Post:
The ‘Merrick Garland for FBI’ scheme shows why liberals lose  —  We live in a golden age of political stupidity, but I'm not being hyperbolic when I say this: The idea of pulling Judge Merrick Garland off the D.C. Circuit federal appeals court and into the FBI is one of the silliest ideas I've seen anyone in Washington fall for.
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Judas, Tax Cuts and the Great Betrayal
Discussion: Fox News Insider
McClatchy Washington Bureau:
How Senate Democrats could get what they want from Comey's firing
Discussion: New York Magazine
Sari Horwitz / Washington Post:
Sessions issues sweeping new criminal charging policy  —  Attorney General Jeff Sessions overturned the sweeping criminal charging policy of former attorney general Eric H. Holder Jr. and directed his federal prosecutors Thursday to charge defendants with the most serious, provable crimes carrying the most severe penalties.
The Hill:
Obama AG rips Sessions as being ‘dumb on crime’
Discussion: ABC News and RedState
Hadas Gold / Politico:
New York Times publisher sends personal appeal to those who canceled over Bret Stephens  —  New York Times publisher Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr. is making a personal appeal to subscribers who canceled because the paper hired Bret Stephens, a conservative columnist who has questioned …
Discussion: Lawyers, Guns & Money
Pete Madden / ABC News:
Donald Trump's tax law firm has ‘deep’ ties to Russia  —  The lawyers who wrote a letter saying President Trump had no significant business ties to Russia work for a law firm that has extensive ties to Russia and received a “Russia Law Firm of the Year” award in 2016.
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 More Items: 
Andy Ngo / National Review:
Fired for Reporting the Truth
Discussion: IJR, Geller Report and The College Fix
Graeme McMillan / Hollywood Reporter: Redirects to Official White House Website
Discussion: Washington Times, The Week and IJR
Washington Post:
‘You are paddleboarding next to approximately 15 great white sharks,’ chopper tells Calif. beachgoers
Discussion: Boing Boing
Philip Bump / Washington Post:
Why it's likely that Trump does have recordings of his Oval Office conversations
Joe DePaolo / Mediaite:
‘It Took My Breath Away’: Chris Wallace Offers Stunning, Must-Watch Critique of Trump White House
Discussion: The Week
Julian Sanchez / Just Security:
A Misplaced Focus on “Collusion”
Kay Lazar /
Black Malden charter students punished for braided hair extensions
Discussion: The Root and New York Magazine
 Earlier Items: 
Jennifer Haberkorn / Politico:
Senate GOP making tax credits look more like ... Obamacare
Discussion: Daily Kos
Travis Waldron / HuffPost:
ESPN Reporters Say They're Not Going To ‘Stick To Sports’
Stephen Ohlemacher / Associated Press:
Discussion: Mediaite
Hugh Hewitt / The Hugh Hewitt Show:
HHS Secretary Dr. Tom Price On The Senate Negoitations Ahead