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4:20 PM ET, June 3, 2017


 Top Items: 
Ryan Parker / Hollywood Reporter:
HBO Says Bill Maher's Use of the N-Word “Completely Inexcusable”  —  The comment will be removed from future episode airings.  —  HBO officials on Saturday morning said Bill Maher's use of the N-word on Friday night's show was “completely inexcusable.”  —  The network also said in a statement …
Cynthia Littleton / Variety:
Bill Maher Apologizes for Using N-Word on HBO's ‘Real Time’ … Bill Maher has issued an apology for using the N-word on Friday's edition of HBO's “Real Time with Bill Maher.”  —  Maher said in a statement: “Friday nights are always my worst night of sleep because I'm up reflecting on the things …
Discussion: Mediaite
Colby Hall / Mediaite:
'I'm A House N*gga': Did Bill Maher Cross a Line During Ben Sasse Interview?
Discussion: Hot Air
Alicia Cohn / The Hill:
‘Pittsburgh Not Paris’ rally at White House thanks Trump  —  Republicans and Republican supporters gathered near the White House on Saturday for a “Pittsburgh Not Paris” rally supporting President Trump's decision to pull the United States out of the Paris climate agreement.
Discussion: Politico, The Week and TheBlaze
Brandon Carter / The Hill:
Protestors spell out ‘investigate Trump’ on National Mall  —  Protestors in Washington, D.C. at Saturday's “#MarchForTruth” rally gathered for an aerial photo spelling out “INVESTIGATE TRUMP.” … The protestors were demanding an independent investigation into possible collusion between President Trump's election campaign and Russia.
Discussion: Politicus USA
Max Greenwood / The Hill:   March for Truth protests calling for independent Russia probe kick off
New York Times:
How G.O.P. Leaders Came to View Climate Change as Fake Science  —  WASHINGTON — The campaign ad appeared during the presidential contest of 2008.  Rapid-fire images of belching smokestacks and melting ice sheets were followed by a soothing narrator who praised a candidate who had stood …
Landon Thomas Jr / New York Times:
Small Businesses Cheer ‘New Sheriff in Town’ After Climate Pact Exit  —  As news that President Trump was pulling out of the Paris climate accord hit at a luncheon for small-business owners in Toledo, Ohio, on Thursday, an already happy crowd suddenly turned euphoric.
John Wagner / Washington Post:
Trump plans week-long focus on infrastructure, starting with privatizing air traffic control  —  President Trump will seek to put a spotlight on his vows to privatize the nation's air traffic control system and spur $1 trillion in new investment in roads, waterways and other infrastructure …
Discussion: Politico
Miranda Green / CNN:
Haley: ‘President Trump believes the climate is changing’  —  Watch Jake Tapper's full interview with Nikki Haley on CNN's “State of the Union” Sunday at 9 a.m. ET.  —  Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump does believe in climate change and that humans have a role in it …
Matt Viser /   Kerry says Trump's decision was ‘a day of craven ignorance’
Peter Baker / New York Times:
Does Donald Trump Still Think Climate Change Is a Hoax? No One Can Say
T.A. Frank / Vanity Fair:
For Trump, Is there Life After Jared Kushner?  —  Kushner may be becoming political kryptonite, and the White House may be happier without him.  But do we really want the “deep state” handling H.R.?  —  Let's agree that one of the finest qualities of Jared Kushner is his tailoring.  The fit is so good.
Discussion: The Guardian, Breitbart and AOL
Ryan Lizza / New Yorker:   How Climate Change Saved Steve Bannon's Job
Annie Karni / Politico:
America's CEOs fall out of love with Trump  —  NEW YORK - The relationship between corporate America and Donald Trump's White House has chilled.  —  The regular parades of business titans into the West Wing are gone.  A gathering of executives led by Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman initially planned …
Discussion: Raw Story
Wall Street Journal:
Connecticut's Tax Comeuppance  —  With the rich tapped out, the state may resort to Puerto Rico bonds.
Discussion: Instapundit
Michael S. Schmidt / New York Times:
Trump Appears Unlikely to Hinder Comey's Testimony About Russia Inquiry  —  WASHINGTON — President Trump does not plan to invoke executive privilege to try to prevent James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, from providing potentially damaging testimony to Congress on statements the president …
Keith Edwardsstaff / Kennebec Journal & …:
Augusta City Center closes after angry man unleashes 100 live bedbugs  —  A man upset that he didn't qualify for General Assistance reportedly slammed a cup of 100 or so bugs on a counter, prompting City Hall's closure and pest control measures.  —  AUGUSTA — A reportedly disgruntled man slammed …
Discussion: The Guardian and CBS Pittsburgh
The Intercept:
STANDING ROCK DOCUMENTS EXPOSE INNER WORKINGS OF “SURVEILLANCE-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX”  —  Leaked Documents Reveal Counterterrorism Tactics Used at Standing Rock to “Defeat Pipeline Insurgencies”  —  On a freezing night in November, as police sprayed nonviolent Dakota Access Pipeline opponents …
Robert Burns / Star Tribune:
Mattis: North Korea a ‘clear and present danger’ to world  —  SINGAPORE — North Korea is accelerating its push to acquire a nuclear-armed missile capable of threatening the United States and other nations, and the U.S. regards this as a “clear and present danger,” U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Saturday.
Discussion: The Daily Caller
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 More Items: 
Dominic Patten / Deadline:
Roman Polanski Attacks “Dishonest” U.S. Courts; Seeks Interpol Aid In Rape Case
Discussion: IndieWire
New York Times:
Manchester Bomber Met With ISIS Unit in Libya, Officials Say
Wall Street Journal:
With Russia Probe, Trump Legal Fighter Takes On Battle in Unfamiliar Arena
Discussion: Axios
Holly K. Michels / Missoulian:
Gianforte gives 1st interview since election-eve assault, does not address campaign statement
Discussion: IJR
New York Times:
Fringe Groups Revel as Protests Turn Violent
Discussion: JustOneMinute and The Smoking Gun
Fed Officials Sharpen Concerns Over Trump's Immigration Policy
 Earlier Items: 
Brendan Meyer / Dallas Morning News:
At age 111, America's oldest veteran is still smoking cigars, drinking whiskey and loving life
Michael Birnbaum / Washington Post:
Trump's tangle with Europe leads the continent to find partners elsewhere
Discussion: Power Line and The Atlantic
Associated Press:
Discussion: The Right Scoop
Paul Mirengoff / Power Line:
Ted Cruz crushes bizarre attack on Paris withdrawal
Jesse Byrnes / The Hill:
Trump to nominate Richard Spencer for Navy secretary
Discussion: Mediaite
Robert Charles / Fox News:
Donald Trump - miracle worker

From Mediagazer:

Janko Roettgers / The Verge:
Redbox's owner, Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment, files for bankruptcy protection; Chicken Soup took on $325M in debt when it acquired Redbox in 2022

Elsa Keslassy / Variety:
Arnaud Lagardère returns as French publishing group Lagardère SA chair and CEO, after appealing an April 29 management ban by a court over embezzlement charges

Michael Schneider / Variety:
Nielsen: the Biden-Trump debate drew an average audience of 51.3M viewers across 17 networks in the US, down from 2020's first debate, with nearly 73.1M

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