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10:00 PM ET, June 3, 2017


 Top Items: 
‘Van hits pedestrians’ on London Bridge in ‘major incident’  —  Police are responding to reports that a van has hit a number of pedestrians on London Bridge in central London.  —  Witnesses have said that armed officers are understood to be at the scene after a white van mounted the pavement before driving into people.
Ekin Karasin / Daily Mail:
BREAKING NEWS: Fears of new terror attack after a white van ‘mows down 20 people’ on London Bridge amid unconfirmed reports of gunfire and stabbing  —  A white van has reportedly ploughed into 20 people in a suspected ‘terror attack’ on London Bridge station, amid unconfirmed reports of gunfire and stabbing.
Claire Phipps / The Guardian:
London attacks: incidents at London Bridge and Borough Market confirmed as terrorism - live  —  Armed police respond to serious incidents at London Bridge and Borough Market - with members of the public urged to reach areas of safety  —  The London Ambulance Service assistant director of operations …
Nicola Harley / Telegraph:
Live London terror attack: London Bridge, Borough Market and Vauxhall latest - at least two dead amid van attack, stabbings and gunfire  —  Live: London Bridge  — ‘Multiple’ casualties following major incident in London  — Police say they are responding to three incidents in London Bridge, Borough Market and Vauxhall
The Sun:
Eye witnesses report that victims were receiving CPR after being ‘stabbed’
Steven Erlanger / New York Times:   London Bridge Shut Down After Pedestrians Struck; Stabbings Reported in Nearby Market
Cynthia Littleton / Variety:
Bill Maher Apologizes for Using N-Word on HBO's ‘Real Time’ … Bill Maher has issued an apology for using the N-word on Friday's edition of HBO's “Real Time with Bill Maher.”  —  Maher said in a statement: “Friday nights are always my worst night of sleep because I'm up reflecting on the things …
Discussion: Mediaite
Ryan Parker / Hollywood Reporter:
HBO Says Bill Maher's Use of the N-Word “Completely Inexcusable”  —  The comment will be removed from future episode airings.  —  HBO officials on Saturday morning said Bill Maher's use of the N-word on Friday night's show was “completely inexcusable.”  —  The network also said in a statement …
Dave Itzkoff / New York Times:
Bill Maher Apologizes for Use of Racial Slur on ‘Real Time’
Nicole Chavez / CNN:
Bill Maher apologizes for using racial slur during ‘Real Time’ interview
John Wagner / Washington Post:
Trump plans week-long focus on infrastructure, starting with privatizing air traffic control  —  President Trump will seek to put a spotlight on his vows to privatize the nation's air traffic control system and spur $1 trillion in new investment in roads, waterways and other infrastructure …
Discussion: Politico
New York Times:
Trump Plans to Shift Infrastructure Funding to Cities, States and Business  —  WASHINGTON — President Trump will lay out a vision this coming week for sharply curtailing the federal government's funding of the nation's infrastructure and calling upon states, cities and corporations to shoulder …
Mallory Shelbourne / The Hill:
Alec Baldwin defends Griffin: ‘F—k them all’  —  Alec Baldwin on Friday defended comedian Kathy Griffin for the photograph she posed for with a severed head resembling President Trump.  —  In a series of tweets, Baldwin, who frequently impersonates Trump on Saturday Night Live …
Discussion: RedState and Raw Story
Alicia Cohn / The Hill:
‘Pittsburgh Not Paris’ rally at White House thanks Trump  —  Republicans and Republican supporters gathered near the White House on Saturday for a “Pittsburgh Not Paris” rally supporting President Trump's decision to pull the United States out of the Paris climate agreement.
Discussion: Politico, The Week and TheBlaze
Brandon Carter / The Hill:
Protestors spell out ‘investigate Trump’ on National Mall
Discussion: Politicus USA
Max Greenwood / The Hill:   March for Truth protests calling for independent Russia probe kick off
Landon Thomas Jr / New York Times:
Small Businesses Cheer ‘New Sheriff in Town’ After Climate Pact Exit  —  As news that President Trump was pulling out of the Paris climate accord hit at a luncheon for small-business owners in Toledo, Ohio, on Thursday, an already happy crowd suddenly turned euphoric.
Editorials / New York Daily News:
Trump to World: Drop Dead! Donald's jobs con won't bring back the economy of the past
Discussion: ThinkProgress and Politicus USA
Ben Chapman / The Independent:
Michael Bloomberg offers to pay $15m that UN stands to lose after Donald Trump quits Paris Agreement
Discussion: and CNNMoney
New York Times:
How G.O.P. Leaders Came to View Climate Change as Fake Science  —  WASHINGTON — The campaign ad appeared during the presidential contest of 2008.  Rapid-fire images of belching smokestacks and melting ice sheets were followed by a soothing narrator who praised a candidate who had stood …
Discussion: The Mahablog and Mother Jones
Wall Street Journal:
Connecticut's Tax Comeuppance  —  With the rich tapped out, the state may resort to Puerto Rico bonds.
Anna North / New York Times:
The Hottest Body Part?  For a Sapiosexual, It's the Brain  —  In a society obsessed with physical appearance, sexual attraction for some people is based on intellect, and not necessarily on looks.  —  Aboubacar Okeke-Diagne finds internet pornography a little disappointing.
Carl Hulse / New York Times:
Obama Unwittingly Handed Trump a Weapon to Cripple the Health Law  —  WASHINGTON — Obama administration officials knew they were on shaky ground in spending billions of dollars on health insurance subsidies without clear authority.  But they did not think a long-shot court challenge by House Republicans was cause for deep concern.
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 More Items: 
Kim Weaver:
Over the last several weeks, I have been evaluating personal …
Discussion: Raw Story
William A. Jacobson / Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion:
July 2016: “He is a faker”  —  Donald Trump's second Executive Order …
John Williams / New York Times:
Robert Caro, Nearing the End of His Epic L.B.J. Bio, Eyes a Trip to Vietnam
T.A. Frank / Vanity Fair:
For Trump, Is there Life After Jared Kushner?
Discussion: Reuters, Politico and The Guardian
Dominic Patten / Deadline:
Roman Polanski Attacks “Dishonest” U.S. Courts; Seeks Interpol Aid In Rape Case
Discussion: IndieWire
New York Times:
Manchester Bomber Met With ISIS Unit in Libya, Officials Say
Discussion: The Daily Caller
 Earlier Items: 
Wall Street Journal:
With Russia Probe, Trump Legal Fighter Takes On Battle in Unfamiliar Arena
Discussion: Axios
The Intercept:
Keith Edwardsstaff / Kennebec Journal & …:
Augusta City Center closes after angry man unleashes 100 live bedbugs
Discussion: The Guardian and CBS Pittsburgh
Holly K. Michels / Missoulian:
Gianforte gives 1st interview since election-eve assault, does not address campaign statement
Discussion: IJR
New York Times:
Fringe Groups Revel as Protests Turn Violent
Discussion: JustOneMinute and The Smoking Gun
Annie Karni / Politico:
America's CEOs fall out of love with Trump
Discussion: Raw Story
Associated Press:
Discussion: The Right Scoop