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10:00 AM ET, November 29, 2017


 Top Items: 
Jim Rutenberg / New York Times:
NBC Fires Matt Lauer Over Sexual Misconduct Allegations  —  NBC has fired its leading morning news anchor Matt Lauer over sexual harassment allegations, the network's president for news said in a memo to staff on Wednesday.  —  “On Monday night, we received a detailed complaint from a colleague …
Brian Stelter / CNNMoney:
NBC fires Matt Lauer after complaint about ‘inappropriate sexual behavior’  —  Matt Lauer was fired from NBC News on Wednesday after an employee filed a complaint about “inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace,” the network announced.  —  Savannah Guthrie made the announcement at the top of the “Today” show.
Emily Smith / Page Six:
Matt Lauer allegedly sexually assaulted staffer during Olympics  —  Matt Lauer allegedly sexually assaulted a female NBC staffer during the Rio Olympics, sources told Page Six.  —  The staffer, who has not been named and wishes to remain anonymous, complained to NBC News bosses yesterday, prompting them to move fast and fire him.
Erik Ortiz / NBC News:
NBC News fires ‘Today’ anchor Matt Lauer after sexual misconduct review  —  Matt Lauer, the anchor of “Today” for two decades, was fired by NBC News after a detailed complaint about inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.  —  “Today” co-anchors Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb announced …
Read Andy Lack's statement on Matt Lauer's firing  —  NBC News Chairman Andy Lack released a statement Wednesday morning about the firing of long-time Today Show anchor Matt Lauer.  Below is Lack's full statement:  —  Dear Colleagues,  —  On Monday night, we received a detailed complaint …
Discussion: ThinkProgress and Shakesville
Morgan Winsor / ABC News:
NBC News fires Matt Lauer for alleged ‘inappropriate sexual behavior’
New York Times:
Trump Once Said the ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape Was Real.  Now He's Not Sure.  —  WASHINGTON — Shortly after his victory last year, Donald J. Trump began revisiting one of his deepest public humiliations: the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape of him making vulgar comments about women.
Washington Post:
From ‘Access Hollywood’ to Russia, Trump seeks to paint the rosiest picture … President Trump has expressed certainty that the special-counsel probe into his campaign's possible collusion with Russia will be finished by the end of the year, complete with an exoneration from Robert S. Mueller III …
Ashley Parker / Washington Post:
Trump retweets inflammatory and unverified anti-Muslim videos  —  President Trump Wednesday shared three inflammatory anti-Muslim videos on Twitter posted by a far-right British activist.  —  The videos — whose authenticity could not be independently verified — were first shared by Jayda Fransen …
Nico Hines / The Daily Beast:
President Trump Tweets Out Anti-Muslim ‘Snuff Film’ … LONDON—Donald Trump retweeted an apparent snuff video to his 40 million followers Wednesday morning, with footage depicting what looked like a brutal murder carried out by an Islamist mob that had been posted by a far-right British political activist.
Discussion: Politico and Mashable
Shane Savitsky / Axios:
Trump retweets anti-Islam videos from far-right British politician
New York Times:
Trump Shares Inflammatory Anti-Muslim Videos
Discussion: The Week
Paul Gattis /
Exclusive: Accuser to Roy Moore, ‘Where does your immorality end?’  —  In an impassioned letter released exclusively today to, Leigh Corfman, who accused Roy Moore of undressing her when she was 14 and he was 32, demanded the Republican Senate candidate stop calling her a liar …
Jacqueline Thomsen / The Hill:
Conservative media critic: O'Keefe is ‘hurting the conservative movement’
Discussion: ABC News, RedState and Joe.My.God.
New York Times:
Republicans Clear Major Hurdle as Tax Bill Advances  —  WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans took a significant step toward passing a sweeping tax overhaul on Tuesday, with a key panel giving its approval and several wavering senators indicating they would support the tax package …
Discussion: New Republic and The Week
Erica Werner / Washington Post:   No feeling of party loyalty for Johnson, a key Senate holdout for the GOP tax bill
Associated Press:
Senate gives Trump another victory on judges
Jason Schwartz / Politico:
CNN to boycott White House Christmas party  —  Adding fuel to its growing feud with President Donald Trump, CNN told POLITICO it will be boycotting the White House Christmas party for the media this year.  —  “CNN will not be attending this year's White House Christmas party,” a CNN spokesperson said.
Alex Isenstadt / Politico:
Trump weighs 11th-hour boost for Roy Moore
Discussion: Weekly Standard
Toluse Olorunnipa / Bloomberg:
Trump's Tax Promises Undercut by CEO Plans to Reward Investors  —  Corporate leaders say tax cut proceeds will go to shareholders  —  President has said corporate tax cut will boost hiring, wages  —  Major companies including Cisco Systems Inc., Pfizer Inc. and Coca-Cola Co. say they'll turn …
Discussion: Washington Post and Political Wire
Anna Fifield / Washington Post:
North Korea's latest missile launch appears to put U.S. capital in range  —  TOKYO — North Korea claimed the entire United States mainland was within reach after “successfully” testing a new kind of intercontinental ballistic missile, which it called the Hwasong-15, and said could carry a “super large heavy warhead.”
Trump on North Korean missile launch: ‘We will take care of it’
David Wright / All Things Nuclear:
North Korea's Longest Missile Test Yet
Washington Post:
Federal judge rules that Trump's choice can remain at head of consumer watchdog bureau  —  A federal judge refused to block President Trump's choice of budget director Mick Mulvaney from serving as acting director of the prominent federal consumer watchdog agency on Tuesday …
Lorraine Woellert / Politico:
Victorious Trump moves to reshape consumer bureau
Discussion: The Atlantic and CNNMoney
NBC News:
Millennial poll: Strong majority want a third political party  —  A strong majority of millennials — 71 percent — say the Republican and Democratic parties do such a poor job of representing the American people that a third major party is needed, according to the results of a new NBC News/GenForward poll.
Discussion: Political Wire
Rebecca Lurye / Hartford Courant:
Lucian Wintrich, White House Correspondent For Gateway Pundit, Arrested After Altercation At UConn Talk  —  Lucian Wintrich, of Gateway Pundit, tries to give his talk, “It Is OK To Be White,” at UConn on Tuesday night, before an altercation that led to his arrest.  (Rebecca Lurye / Hartford Courant)
Farhad Manjoo / New York Times:
The Internet Is Dying.  Repealing Net Neutrality Hastens That Death.  —  The internet is dying.  —  Sure, technically, the internet still works.  Pull up Facebook on your phone and you will still see your second cousin's baby pictures.  But that isn't really the internet.
Discussion: The Badger Herald
Stuart Rothenberg /
Why Evangelicals Stick with Donald Trump & Roy Moore  —  Nobody should be surprised that evangelical voters are sticking with the GOP.  —  I've been watching evangelical voting behavior since I worked for Paul Weyrich's Free Congress Foundation in the 1980s, and I've come to believe that …
Discussion: Balloon Juice
Associated Press:
House to vote on mandatory sexual harassment training  —  Rocked by allegations of sexual misconduct, the House is moving ahead on legislation to require anti-sexual harassment training for all members and their staffs.  —  The vote comes amid a wave of accusations against lawmakers …
Elise Viebeck / Washington Post:
Conyers faces new pressure to resign after fourth accuser alleges harassment
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 More Items: 
Melissa Eddy / New York Times:
German Mayor Who Welcomed Refugees Is Stabbed by Angry Resident
Discussion: BBC, Reuters and ThinkProgress
Washington Post:
The Russian billionaire next door: Putin ally is tied to one of D.C.'s swankiest mansions
Ben Shapiro / Daily Wire:
No, The Bible Doesn't Say You Should Vote For Roy Moore Just Because God Uses Bad People To Do Good Things
Discussion: The Federalist
Alexi McCammond / Axios:
Democratic group will invest $4 million to train 50k candidates in 2018
Discussion: Political Wire
Justin Green / Axios:
Scoop: When Trump reamed Manafort
Discussion: Business Insider
Billy House / Bloomberg:
Translator From Trump Tower Meeting Meets With House Panel
 Earlier Items: 
Jesse Paul / Denver Post:
Colorado governor's office won't renew contract with powerful lobbying firm after chief of staff rejoins them
Hovater Support Fund
Discussion: Raw Story
Mueller's Russia Probe May Now Include Flynn's DIA Tenure
Discussion: The Hill and The Daily Caller
Margaret Sullivan / Washington Post:
Reality scores a win over the perverse drive to discredit honest reporting
Jerry Iannelli / Miami New Times:
Rick Scott Consultant Denies He Used Ice Penis to Hump Mannequin