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11:35 PM ET, April 30, 2018


 Top Items: 
NBC News:
Kelly thinks he's saving U.S. from disaster, calls Trump ‘idiot,’ say White House staffers  —  WASHINGTON — White House chief of staff John Kelly has eroded morale in the West Wing in recent months with comments to aides that include insulting the president's intelligence and casting himself …
Manu Raju / CNN:
Exclusive: Pence's doctor alerted WH aides about Ronny Jackson concerns last fall  —  Ronny Jackson is no longer Trump's doctor  —  Washington (CNN)Vice President Mike Pence's physician privately raised alarms within the White House last fall that President Donald Trump's doctor …
Peter Nicholas / Wall Street Journal:
Trump Considering Kelly as Possible Candidate to Lead VA  —  Other candidates being discussed by administration include former GOP congressman Jeff Miller and the CEO of hospital giant Ascension  —  WASHINGTON—The search for a new Veterans Affairs chief is wide open, with President Donald Trump considering …
Jill Colvin / Associated Press:
In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference
Washington Post:
Pentagon to determine whether Ronny Jackson will face investigation
Michael S. Schmidt / New York Times:
Mueller Has Dozens of Inquiries for Trump in Broad Quest on Russia Ties and Obstruction  —  WASHINGTON — Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel investigating Russia's election interference, has at least four dozen questions on an exhaustive array of subjects he wants to ask President Trump …
New York Times:
What Mueller Wants to Ask Trump About Obstruction, and What It Means  —  The questions show the special counsel's focus on obstruction of justice and touch on some surprising other areas.  —  The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, recently provided President Trump's lawyers a list of questions he wants answered in an interview.
ClickHole:   Resistance Setback: Robert Mueller Has Abandoned The Russia Investigation After Determining …
Brian Stelter / CNNMoney:
White House correspondents think about changing dinner for Trump era  —  WHCA president discusses her ‘regret’ about dinner  —  The White House Correspondents Association is belatedly accepting the fact that its annual dinner changes dramatically when the president isn't there.
Excerpts: ‘Fresh Air’ Interview with Michelle Wolf  —  Monday, April 30; NPR's Terry Gross spoke with comedian Michelle Wolf about her performance at the White House Correspondent's Dinner this weekend in an interview that will air Tuesday, May 1 on WHYY's Fresh Air.
You Can't Bully These Motherfuckers  —  When I write that CNN politics writer Chris Cillizza is the rankest assbrain in the Western Hemisphere, I am not being nice to him.  When I write that God clowned Chris Cillizza before he was born by making him Chris Cillizza instead of a shit-eating maggot, I am being unkind.
Discussion: The Root, CNN, NewsBusters and Althouse
Benny Johnson / The Daily Caller:
I Watched How Sarah Sanders Privately Reacted After Being Attacked - This Is Her Real Character  —  I was in the room Saturday night when comedian Michelle Wolf began attacking White House press secretary Sarah Sanders.  —  Sanders was sitting just feet away from Wolf as she began to hurl insults and bully her.
Dan Evon /
Was Comedian Michelle Wolf Once Arrested for Bestiality?
Masha Gessen / New Yorker:
How Michelle Wolf Blasted Open the Fictions of Journalism in the Age of Trump
Discussion: Bloomberg, ThinkProgress and CBS News
Jonathan Capehart / Washington Post:
Shut up about Michelle Wolf if you've been silent on Trump's offenses
Discussion: NewsBusters and Common Dreams
Elizabeth Williamson / New York Times:
Meet the Schlapps, Washington's Trump-Era ‘It Couple’  —  WASHINGTON — Matt Schlapp, the pro-Trump chairman of the American Conservative Union, had a remarkable on-air clash not long ago with his old friend Michael Steele, an anti-Trump former chairman of the Republican National Committee.
New York Times:
Israel Says Secret Files Prove Iran Lied About Nuclear Program  —  JERUSALEM — Revealing a huge archive of stolen Iranian nuclear plans that dated back more than a decade, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel accused Iran on Monday of lying for years about its efforts to build a nuclear weapon …
Discussion: National Review
Eli Lake / Bloomberg:
Israel Exposes Iran's Nuclear Lies, and the Limits of U.S. Intelligence  —  Advocating for a pact in 2015, John Kerry said American agencies had “absolute knowledge” about the regime's past nuclear efforts.  Oops.  —  Since Iran and six world powers reached an agreement to pause Iran's enrichment …
Discussion: Wall Street Journal
Adam Kredo / Washington Free Beacon:
U.S. Confirms Authenticity of Secret Iran Nuclear Docs, Officials See Game Over for Deal
Fred Kaplan / Slate:
Bibi's Iran Speech Was a Bust
John Bacon / USA Today:
Netanyahu: Evidence proves Iran deal ‘based on lies and Iranian deception’
Katherine Faulders / ABC News:
Trump campaign has paid portions of Michael Cohen's legal fees: Sources  —  The Trump campaign has spent nearly $228,000 to cover some of the legal expenses for President Donald Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen, sources familiar with the payments tell ABC News, raising questions …
Wall Street Journal:
Trump Postpones Steel Tariff Decision for EU, Other U.S. Allies  —  Decision postponed until June 1; countries were granted temporary exemptions  —  President Donald Trump decided to postpone decisions about imposing steel and aluminum tariffs on the European Union and other U.S. allies until June 1 …
Discussion: Vox, New York Times, Washington Post and AOL
Associated Press:
White House delays tariffs on EU, Canada and Mexico
Matthew Barakat / Associated Press:
Documents show ties between university, conservative donors  —  FAIRFAX, Va. (AP) — Newly released documents show Virginia's largest public university granted the conservative Charles Koch Foundation a say in the hiring and firing of professors in exchange for millions of dollars in donations.
Discussion: ThinkProgress
Washington Post:
Trump-allied House conservatives draft articles of impeachment against Rosenstein as ‘last resort’  —  Conservative House allies of President Trump have drafted articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, who oversees the ongoing special-counsel probe …
Discussion: Raw Story, Political Wire and Mediaite
Jason Barker / New York Times:
Happy Birthday, Karl Marx.  You Were Right!  —  SEOUL, South Korea — On May 5, 1818, in the southern German town of Trier, in the picturesque wine-growing region of the Moselle Valley, Karl Marx was born.  At the time Trier was one-tenth the size it is today, with a population of around 12,000.
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
Trump Handed the Agenda to Conservatives and They Blew It
Discussion: Axios
Andrew Hanna / Politico:
Starbucks drops Jewish group from bias training  —  Bowing to pressure from African-American activists, Starbucks excluded the Anti-Defamation League from an upcoming daylong anti-bias training session.  —  The ADL, whose mission is to fight anti-Semitism, will play an advisory role …
Kyra Phillips / ABC News:
EXCLUSIVE: EPA whistleblower says Pruitt ‘bald faced lied’ to Congress  —  A whistleblower from the Environmental Protection Agency says that Administrator Scott Pruitt was “bald-faced lying” when he told members of Congress that no EPA employees were retaliated against for raising concerns about his spending decisions.
Chris Kahn / Reuters:
Exclusive: Democrats lose ground with millennials - Reuters/Ipsos poll  —  MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - Enthusiasm for the Democratic Party is waning among young voters - so-called millennials - as its candidates head into the crucial midterm congressional elections, according to the Reuters/Ipsos national opinion poll.
Washington Post:
After a day at the border, first eight members of migrant caravan taken into U.S. custody to begin processing asylum claims … BREAKING: After a day at the border, first eight members of migrant caravan taken into U.S. custody to begin processing asylum claims.
Wall Street Journal:
Acting Director of ICE Plans to Retire From Agency  —  Under Thomas Homan, Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrests rose  —  WASHINGTON— Thomas Homan, the controversial acting director of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, plans to retire and leave his post, three people familiar with his plans said.
McClatchy Washington Bureau:   Acting ICE Director departs amid frustrations over immigration deal
New York Times:
Investment Boom From Trump's Tax Cut Has Yet to Appear  —  After years of costly layoffs and plant closings, things are looking up for the heavy-machinery giant Caterpillar, which forecasts solid global sales growth and increased demand this year.  Yet despite the corporate investment incentives …
Paul Gattis /
Roy Moore files complaints claiming ‘political conspiracy’ targeted his Senate run  —  Update at 4:39 p.m.: An attorney for Roy Moore said at a press conference Monday afternoon in Gadsden that the former U.S. Senate candidate has filed a lawsuit in Etowah County Circuit Court for political conspiracy, among other counts.
Mariam Khan / ABC News:
McCain reveals this is last term in new memoir, criticizes Trump  —  In a new memoir, Sen. John McCain admits this will be his last term in office as he battles brain cancer.  —  “This is my last term,” McCain, 81, writes in his upcoming book “The Restless Wave.”  An excerpt of the book was posted Monday on Apple News.
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 More Items: 
Ben White / Politico:
Morning Money at the Milken Institute Global Conference: Animal spirits take over on Day One
Knoxville News-Sentinel:
U.S. Secretary of the Interior gets hands dirty, helps jump-start Kodak woman's car
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Alex Isenstadt / Politico:
Blankenship slams ‘Cocaine Mitch’ in anti-McConnell ad
Justin Glawe / The Daily Beast:
Fake Green Party Candidate Exposed as Having Ties to Republican Congressman
David A. Lieb / Columbia Daily Tribune:
Report: Woman says Greitens ‘coaxed’ her as ‘wounded animal’
Michael Simkovic / Brian Leiter's Law School Reports:
A well-organized campaign to bait, discredit, and take over universities is exploiting students …
Discussion: Contemptor
 Earlier Items: 
Steve Usdin / Tablet Magazine:
Franklin Roosevelt's ‘M Project,’ America's Answer to the ‘Jewish Question’
Discussion: Instapundit
Emma Loop / BuzzFeed:
Jill Stein Has Turned Over Hundreds Of Documents To Congress As Part Of The Russia Probe
Discussion: CNN and Law & Crime
Monica Davey / New York Times:
Detroit Was Crumbling. Here's How It's Reviving.