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2:20 PM ET, April 30, 2018


 Top Items: 
Chris Kahn / Reuters:
Exclusive: Democrats lose ground with millennials - Reuters/Ipsos poll  —  MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - Enthusiasm for the Democratic Party is waning among young voters - so-called millennials - as its candidates head into the crucial midterm congressional elections, according to the Reuters/Ipsos national opinion poll.
Famed photographer among 29 killed in twin Afghanistan blasts  —  Journalists among dozens killed in Kabul bomb attacks  —  Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN)Eight journalists were among 29 people killed in a suicide attack in Kabul Monday, including a famed photographer who had written of the dangers of reporting in the Afghan capital.
Associated Press:   Twin bombings in Afghanistan kill 25, including 9 reporters
The Guardian:
Ten journalists among 36 killed in Afghanistan attacks
Discussion: VICE News
Hyonhee Shin / Reuters:
Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize, says South Korea's Moon  —  SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in said U.S. President Donald Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the standoff with North Korea over its nuclear weapons program, a South Korean official said on Monday.
Rory Cooper / The Daily Beast:   Trump Is Unethical, Dishonest, and Norm-Busting. So What Do We Say if He Helps Solve North Korea?
Agence France-Presse:
Trump can have Nobel Peace Prize: S. Korea president
Discussion: Axios and Yonhap News Agency
Associated Press:
Trump to attend the NRA convention in Dallas  —  President Donald Trump will be at the National Rifle Association convention in Dallas on Friday.  —  A White House official said Monday that Trump will attend the group's annual meeting.  Trump has been a strong supporter of the NRA and enjoyed their backing in his 2016 campaign.
Resistance Setback: Robert Mueller Has Abandoned The Russia Investigation After Determining That The Real Crime Is How Low The Prices Are On Kinja Deals  —  Members of the resistance, our best shot at impeaching Donald Trump pretty much died on the table today: Special counsel Robert Mueller …
Jill Colvin / Associated Press:
In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — The presidential news conference, a time-honored tradition going back generations, appears to be no longer.  —  More than a year has passed since President Donald Trump held the only solo news conference …
Discussion: Political Wire and The Week
Arthur Allen / Politico:
‘Who the hell is this person?’  Trump's Mar-a-Lago pal stymies VA project  —  A West Palm Beach doctor's ties to Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago social circle have enabled him to hold up the biggest health information technology project in history — the transformation of the VA's digital records system.
Discussion: Daily Kos
David M. Drucker / Washington Examiner:
Josh Hawley is trying to reassure Republicans he can still beat Claire McCaskill  —  Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley moved Monday to quell spiraling anxiety among senior Republicans and top party donors that his bid to oust vulnerable Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill is slowly slipping away.
Erik Wemple / Washington Post:
The president is seeking to destroy journalism.  Now let's debate dinner entertainment! … On Dec. 12, 2017, CNN's Jim Acosta appeared on-air to detail another disturbing episode in the media's struggles with the Trump White House.  At issue was a “pool spray” — essentially an opportunity …
Discussion: CNNMoney, Townhall, Mediaite and Raw Story
Daniel Lippman / Politico:
Playbook: Pelosi's giant first quarter  —  NEW: HOUSE MINORITY LEADER NANCY PELOSI raised $16.1 million for House Democrats in the first quarter of 2018, a massive pile of cash that brings her total this cycle to $66.7 million.  She is outpacing her fundraising of the 2016 cycle by nearly $10 million …
Helen Branswell / STAT:
Bill Gates got President Trump fired up about a universal flu vaccine — and also (maybe) got a job offer
Discussion: The Week and Politico
Christopher Miller / Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty:
U.S. Confirms Delivery Of Javelin Antitank Missiles To Ukraine  —  KYIV — The United States has confirmed to RFE/RL its delivery of American-made, Javelin antitank missile systems to Ukraine in a move that is welcome in Kyiv but will almost certainly enrage Moscow amid a four-year conflict …
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty:   EU Expected To Expand Russia Sanctions Over Presidential Poll In Crimea
Ben Taub / New Yorker:
The Spy Who Came Home  —  Why an expert in counterterrorism became a beat cop.  —  Shortly after an evening nap, Patrick Skinner drove to the police station in the Third Precinct in Savannah, Georgia, wearing ill-fitting body armor.  It was late December, and bitterly cold …
Associated Press:
Mystery solved: Why Trump-Macron friendship tree vanished  —  PARIS (AP) — The French president's office says there's nothing mysterious about the disappearance of an oak tree he planted on the White House lawn.  —  It was put in quarantine, like other plants or animals brought into U.S. territory.
The mystery of the missing White House tree has been solved
Discussion: RedState, 89.3 KPCC and Althouse
Exclusive: U.S. EPA grants biofuels waiver to billionaire Icahn's oil refinery - sources  —  NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has granted a financial hardship waiver to an oil refinery owned by billionaire Carl Icahn, a former adviser to President Donald Trump …
Katherine Faulders / ABC News:
Trump campaign has paid portions of Michael Cohen's legal fees: Sources  —  The Trump campaign has spent nearly $228,000 to cover some of the legal expenses for President Donald Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen, sources familiar with the payments tell ABC News, raising questions …
Discussion: Raw Story
Jason Barker / New York Times:
Happy Birthday, Karl Marx.  You Were Right!  —  SEOUL, South Korea — On May 5, 1818, in the southern German town of Trier, in the picturesque wine-growing region of the Moselle Valley, Karl Marx was born.  At the time Trier was one-tenth the size it is today, with a population of around 12,000.
Dave Jamieson / HuffPost:
Don Blankenship's Mine Took This Man's Son, Brother And Nephew.  Now Blankenship Wants His Vote.  —  To those who lost loved ones at Upper Big Branch, the former coal CEO's Senate run in West Virginia feels like harassment.  —  SHREWSBURY, W.Va. Don Blankenship had been out of prison …
Roll Call:
CQ Top Editor Steve Komarow Dies  —  Steve Komarow, a veteran foreign correspondent and newsroom leader who served as senior vice president and executive editor at CQ Roll Call, died Sunday after a recent accident and long illness.  He was 61.  —  “Steve and I joined CQ Roll Call in January 2015 …
Discussion: Politico
Israel's Netanyahu to make ‘significant’ announcement on Iran  —  JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will make a televised announcement Monday evening (1700 GMT) in what his office said would be a “significant development” regarding the 2015 nuclear agreement between global powers and Iran.
Emily Crane / Daily Mail:
Smiling Kanye meets with right-wing commentators Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk after his glowing praise of President Trump  — Kanye West met with right-wing commentators Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk in Los Angeles on Sunday  — Kirk, who is the founder of conservative group Turning Point USA …
Discussion: Breitbart
Washington Post:
In private chat with senator, Trump hints at policy shift in Afghanistan — and a return to isolationism … In the days leading up to a key vote over the fate of his nominee for secretary of state, President Trump found a way to win over one of the biggest skeptics in the Senate.
Discussion: Political Wire
Frank Rich / New York Magazine:
The Original Donald Trump  —  The New York Establishment will ignore unscrupulous acts to serve its interests — just look how it treated Roy Cohn, onetime lawyer to the president.  —  Amid the aftershocks of Donald Trump's firing of James Comey last May, I went to see Angels in America …
Discussion: New York Times
Lucia Moses / Digiday:
Mic faces an uncertain future in a post-Facebook world  —  June 2015 was an ebullient time for  The company closed a $17 million funding round.  The news site for millennials was chasing hard-hitting stories about the racially fraught police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, and sexism in gaming.
Elena Schneider / Politico:
GOP civil war in Ohio threatens another special election loss  —  Republicans' latest special election headache is unfolding in central Ohio, where a chaotic primary has divided the party and stoked fears of losing another seat in Donald Trump territory to Democrats.
Jon Street / Mediaite:
Exclusive: Fired RedState Writer Slams Site Over Hypocrisy of Layoffs: We Were ‘Insufficiently Partisan’  —  The conservative blog RedState experienced “mass firings” Friday because of what its parent company, Salem Media, characterized as a decision influenced by finances.
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit
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 More Items: 
Emily Badger / New York Times:
Anonymous Owner, L.L.C.: Why It Has Become So Easy to Hide in the Housing Market
Discussion: Splinter
Carey Gillam / The Guardian:
Weedkiller found in granola and crackers, internal FDA emails show
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Time's Up / The Root:
Women of Color Within Time's Up Join #MuteRKelly Protest
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
GorsuchStyle Garners a Gusher of Groans. But Is His Writing Really That Bad?
Discussion: How Appealing
Pa. gerrymandering's surprise co-conspirators: Democrats
Wall Street Journal:
Banks, Credit-Card Companies Explore Ways to Monitor Gun Purchases
Discussion: National Review
Jordan Libowitz / CREW:
CREW Files Complaint Against Mick Mulvaney
Amy Spiro / Jerusalem Post:
Roseanne at JPost Conference: I want to move to Israel and run for PM
Discussion: Breitbart, IJR and AOL
 Earlier Items: 
Jerry Zremski / The Buffalo News:
Collins quits biotech's board amid corporate overhaul, fresh controversy
Discussion: The Daily Beast
Rachana Pradhan / Politico:
Maine governor sued for defying Medicaid expansion ballot measure
Kristine Phillips / Washington Post:
Betsy DeVos was asked, again, about visiting struggling schools. A staffer interjected.
Steve Cavendish / New York Times:
Can a Tennessee Democrat Pull a Doug Jones?
Discussion: Washington Monthly
Ben Kesling / Wall Street Journal:
Weapons Training Likely Causes Brain Injury in Troops, Study Says
Stephen Chen / South China Morning Post:
‘Forget the Facebook leak’: China is mining data directly from workers' brains on an industrial scale
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
The one-trick pony: Inside Trump's negotiating style

From Techmeme:

Chris Welch / The Verge:
Apple touts its device longevity in a white paper and says True Tone and battery health data will be available for third-party replacement parts later in 2024

Andrew Chung / Reuters:
SCOTUS declines to impose limits on the way the Biden administration may communicate with social media platforms, overturning a lower court's 2023 decision

Jessica Lyons / The Register:
Researchers:, which offers JavaScript polyfills, is being used to infect 100K+ websites with malware, after a Chinese CDN bought the domain in 2024

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