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1:10 PM ET, May 1, 2018


 Top Items: 
Anna R. Schecter / NBC News:
Trump doc says Trump bodyguard, lawyer ‘raided’ his office, took medical files  —  In February 2017, a top White House aide who was Trump's longtime personal bodyguard, along with the top lawyer at the Trump Organization and a third man, showed up at the office of Trump's New York doctor without notice …
Manu Raju / CNN:
Exclusive: Pence's doctor alerted WH aides about Ronny Jackson concerns last fall  —  Washington (CNN)Vice President Mike Pence's physician privately raised alarms within the White House last fall that President Donald Trump's doctor may have violated federal privacy protections for a key patient …
NBC News:
Kelly thinks he's saving U.S. from disaster, calls Trump ‘idiot,’ say White House staffers  —  WASHINGTON — White House chief of staff John Kelly has eroded morale in the West Wing in recent months with comments to aides that include insulting the president's intelligence and casting himself …
Michael S. Schmidt / New York Times:
Mueller Has Dozens of Inquiries for Trump in Broad Quest on Russia Ties and Obstruction  —  WASHINGTON — Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel investigating Russia's election interference, has at least four dozen questions on an exhaustive array of subjects he wants to ask President Trump …
New York Times:
The Questions Mueller Wants to Ask Trump About Obstruction, and What They Mean  —  The questions show the special counsel's focus on obstruction of justice and touch on some surprising other areas.  —  The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, recently provided President Trump's lawyers …
Brooke Seipel / The Hill:
Mueller's former assistant says grammatical errors prove leaked questions came from Trump  —  Michael Zeldin, a CNN legal analyst and former assistant to Robert Mueller  —  , said Tuesday he believes President Trump  —  leaked the list of nearly 50 questions the special counsel allegedly wants to ask Trump.
Sarah K. Burris / Raw Story:
Robert Mueller's former assistant explains how grammar errors prove ‘leaked questions’ came from Trump
Discussion: CANNONFIRE and Washington Post
Mike Allen / Axios:
Comey: Trump should submit to Mueller interview
Discussion: Politico, Raw Story and AOL
Masha Gessen / New Yorker:
How Michelle Wolf Blasted Open the Fictions of Journalism in the Age of Trump  —  On Saturday, the comedian Michelle Wolf, performing at the annual White House Correspondents' Association dinner, delivered the most consequential monologue so far of the Donald Trump era.
Teddy Wayne / McSweeney's:
More Appropriate White House Correspondents' Association Dinner Jokes for 2019
Michael Gerson / Washington Post:
The rhetoric of our era has reached its vile peak
Discussion: theGrio
Economist:   The Wolf at the White House Correspondents' Dinner
Kevin Naff / Washington Blade:   Behind the scenes with Kathy Griffin
Elizabeth Williamson / New York Times:
Meet the Schlapps, Washington's Trump-Era ‘It Couple’  —  WASHINGTON — Matt Schlapp, the pro-Trump chairman of the American Conservative Union, had a remarkable on-air clash not long ago with his old friend Michael Steele, an anti-Trump former chairman of the Republican National Committee.
NBC News Urged Its Anchors to Report on Supportive Tom Brokaw Letter (EXCLUSIVE)  —  On Monday, NBC News staffers received a memo with guidance from the network's standards and practices on how to handle reporting a sensitive story about sexual harassment allegations against Tom Brokaw.
Emily Smith / Page Six:
NBC staffers felt pressured to sign letter defending Brokaw  —  Female staffers at NBC News are complaining they felt under huge pressure to sign the “women's letter” defending Tom Brokaw against sexual harassment allegations.  —  After former colleague Linda Vester claimed he …
U.S. Officials: Israeli F-15s Struck Syrian Base Storing Iranian Anti-aircraft Missiles  —  More details soon...  Zen Subscribe now  —  Israeli F-15 fighter jets struck a military base near Hama on Sunday after Iran had transferred a shipment of anti-aircraft missiles there, three U.S. officials told NBC News.
Jon Gambrell / Associated Press:   AP Analysis: Iran has few options to avenge Syria strikes
Courtney Kube / NBC News:
Israel seems to be preparing for war with Iran, U.S. officials say
Discussion: NBC News
Jim Acosta / CNN:
Cohen responds to message sent by National Enquirer cover  —  Washington (CNN)A National Enquirer cover story targeting Michael Cohen could be a strong sign President Donald Trump is upset with his personal lawyer and turning against the man known for years as his “fixer,” a source close to Trump said.
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:   Has Michael Cohen Already Flipped on Donald Trump?
JTA / Jerusalem Post:
Pompeo: U.S. has known about Iran nuclear files for ‘a while’
Discussion: National Review
New York Times:
Israel Says Secret Files Detail Iran's Nuclear Subterfuge
Alberto Nardelli / BuzzFeed:
The Professor At The Center Of The Trump-Russia Probe Was In Moscow Just Weeks Before Court Documents Were Unsealed  —  Joseph Mifsud's trip to Moscow coincided with an official visit by the king of Saudi Arabia.  —  Reporting From  —  London  —  Joseph Mifsud, the enigmatic Maltese professor …
Kyra Phillips / ABC News:
EXCLUSIVE: EPA whistleblower says Pruitt ‘bald faced lied’ to Congress  —  A whistleblower from the Environmental Protection Agency says that Administrator Scott Pruitt was “bald-faced lying” when he told members of Congress that no EPA employees were retaliated against for raising concerns about his spending decisions.
Ken Doctor / Nieman Lab:
Newsonomics: Alden Global Capital is making so much money wrecking local journalism it might not want to stop anytime soon  —  Digital First Media's financials — revealed here — show how the company has ridden its deep cuts to nearly $160 million in profits and the highest margins in the business.
Jason Horowitz / New York Times:
Is This Artichoke Kosher?  Rome Defends a Classic Jewish Dish  —  LADISPOLI, Italy — As women wearing artichoke body paint caressed artichoke sculptures shaped like an owl, a snowman and a cobra at this seaside town's 68th annual Festival of the Artichoke, Ada Di Porto stood inside a tent …
Bob Van Voris / Bloomberg:
Michael Cohen Hit With New Taxi Taxes, Owes New York $282,000  —  Michael Cohen, already under pressure from a federal criminal investigation into his business and financial dealings, has been hit this month with more than $185,000 in new state warrants for unpaid taxes on his taxicab companies.
Discussion: Talking Points Memo
Glenn Kessler / Washington Post:
President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far … In the 466 days since he took the oath of office, President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims, according to The Fact Checker's database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president.
Kim Jong Un agrees to meet Donald Trump at DMZ, source says  —  Sources: Kim agrees to meet Trump at DMZ  —  Seoul, South Korea (CNN)South Korean President Moon Jae-in has convinced North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to hold his upcoming meeting with US President Donald Trump …
Quint Forgey / Politico:
Condoleezza Rice to Trump: Let experts handle details of Korea talks
Discussion: Breitbart
Ben Terris / Washington Post:
'I feel like I'm losing my mind sometimes': Trying to figure out what matters in today's news cycle … Benjamin Wittes, a legal commentator with a large Twitter following, was on an airplane last month when the FBI raided the office of President Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen.
Washington Post:
Trump-allied House conservatives draft articles of impeachment against Rosenstein as ‘last resort’  —  Conservative House allies of President Trump have drafted articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, who oversees the ongoing special-counsel probe …
Paul Bedard / Washington Examiner:
Top judge: Backlog of illegal immigration court cases over 1 million, delayed deportations 684,000  —  The backlog of court cases addressing the status of illegal immigrant's has reached over one million, prompting Justice and immigration courts to step up efforts to hire more judges …
Fox News:
Russian fighter jet buzzes US military spy plane over Baltic Sea, officials say  —  Incident occurred over the Baltic Sea; U.S. officials say the incident was safe, but unprofessional.  —  A Russian fighter jet buzzed a U.S. military spy plane in the Baltic Sea on Tuesday morning, two defense officials told Fox News.
Dr. Adam Feldman / Empirical SCOTUS:
Out of Steam or Out of Time  —  For those following the Supreme Court, the notion that the Court is moving slowly this term has already been reiterated multiple times.  The first clear notion of the Court's historically slow pace came with the timing of the Court's second signed decision …
Michael Scherer / Washington Post:
Crimes are no longer a disqualification for Republican candidates  —  Former New York congressman Michael Grimm is a felon who has admitted to hiring undocumented workers, hiding $900,000 from tax authorities and making false statements under oath.  To hear him tell it …
Discussion: Daily Kos
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 More Items: 
The Commonwealth Fund:
First Look at Health Insurance Coverage in 2018 Finds ACA Gains Beginning to Reverse
Michelle Cottle / The Atlantic:
Hillary Clinton's High Profile Is Hurting the Democrats
Colin Dwyer / NPR:
Literature Nobel In Doubt Amid Claims Swedish Princess Was Sexually Harassed
Discussion: Telegraph
Ishaan Tharoor / Washington Post:
Remembering a past many Americans would rather forget
Washington Post:
Syria, a love story
Natasha Bertrand / The Atlantic:
There's Nothing to Stop the 2018 Elections From Being Hacked
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
How's That Tax Cut Working Out?
Rhitu Chatterjee / NPR:
Americans Are A Lonely Lot, And Young People Bear The Heaviest Burden
Discussion: USA Today, Shakesville and The Week
 Earlier Items: 
Melanie Ehrenkranz / Gizmodo:
Meet Furry Boi, the Squirrel Who Won a UC Berkeley Senate Seat Thanks to a Facebook Meme Page
William McGurn / Wall Street Journal:
The Population Bomb Was a Dud
Marc Caputo / Politico:
Grayson says he'll challenge Soto in Florida's 9th
Sean Illing / Vox:
Why this political scientist thinks the Democrats have to fight dirty
Rob Merrick / The Independent:
Brexit result has been thrown into question by the Cambridge Analytica data scandal, says Tory MP