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9:55 AM ET, September 27, 2018


 Top Items: 
NBC News:
Senate probing new allegation of misconduct against Kavanaugh  —  Supreme Court Nominee has been asked privately about an accusation of physical assault, sources tell NBC News.  —  WASHINGTON —The Senate Judiciary Committee is inquiring about at least one additional allegation of misconduct …
Suppressed Blasey Ford Yearbooks Reveal Fast Times at Holton-Arms  —  Democrats plan at Thursday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing to use the high school yearbooks of embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, which they say imply he and his prep school pals regularly got drunk …
Ex-boyfriend filed restraining order against third Kavanaugh accuser  —  Julie Swetnick, the woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and a friend of attending house parties where women — including herself — were sexually assaulted, had a restraining order filed against her years later in Miami by her former boyfriend.
Zoe Tillman / BuzzFeed News:
Two Men Told Senate Staffers They Had “The Encounter” With Christine Blasey Ford, Not Brett Kavanaugh  —  WASHINGTON — Senate Judiciary Committee staff interviewed two men who said they believed that they, and not US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, had “the encounter” …
Jill Abramson / New York Times:
This Hearing Is Stacked Against Christine Blasey Ford  —  It is almost unthinkable that there will be a second Supreme Court justice taking his seat under suspicions of perjury and sexual misconduct.  —  Ms. Abramson is a former executive editor of The Times and author, with Jane Mayer …
Collins privately raises concerns about new allegations, lack of subpoena for Kavanaugh friend  —  (CNN)Sen. Susan Collins, who could determine whether Brett Kavanaugh gets a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court, raised serious concerns at a private meeting about the newest allegations …
Deirdre M. Bowen / USA Today:
I'm from Kavanaugh's elitist world.  I know how prep-school privilege buries secrets.  —  Students attending Washington-area prep schools are groomed to be society's leaders.  But a blemishless record speaks more to secrecy than integrity.  —  CONNECT  —  The whores on the hill.
Peter Beinart / The Atlantic:
The Fear Driving Conservative Support for Kavanaugh  —  It's remarkable: The more women accuse of Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, the more committed to his confirmation conservatives become.  On Monday, after Deborah Ramirez became the second woman to accuse Kavanaugh of wrongdoing …
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Mark Judge's former girlfriend is ready to talk to FBI and Judiciary Committee, her lawyer says  —  The onetime girlfriend of Mark Judge, who is alleged by Christine Blasey Ford to have been present while Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in the 1980s, has emerged as a pivotal if hidden figure …
Ashley Parker / Washington Post:
‘Give it to me’: Trump lets loose with 81 minutes of bluster, falsehoods and insults  —  The Debrief: An occasional series offering a reporter's insights  —  President Trump's 81-minute news conference Thursday began predictably enough — with a first question tossed to a favored reporter …
Brett Samuels / The Hill:
Third Kavanaugh accuser gives first TV interview  —  The third woman to accuse Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct said in her first on-camera interview that she believes the behavior she claims to have witnessed from him during the 1980s should disqualify him from serving on the Supreme Court.
Discussion: Bustle and Joe.My.God.
Scott Wong / The Hill:
First Republican calls for FBI to investigate Kavanaugh  —  Rep. Walter Jones (N.C.) became the first Republican lawmaker in Congress to call for an FBI investigation into allegations by three women that President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, sexually assaulted or harassed them decades ago.
Peter Hasson / The Daily Caller:
Man Apologizes For Claiming Kavanaugh Sexually Assaulted His Friend, Says He ‘Made A Mistake’  —  A Rhode Island man who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting his friend apologized on Wednesday and said he “made a mistake.”  —  The man called Rhode Island Democratic …
David Rutz / Washington Free Beacon:
Tapper: There Is No Corroborating Evidence for Any of the Charges Against Kavanaugh  —  CNN anchor Jake Tapper noted Thursday there is “no contemporaneous, corroborating evidence” for any of the sexual misconduct allegations made against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Joe Tacopino / New York Post:
Two men tell Senate that they, not Kavanaugh, assaulted Ford
Discussion: Shot in the Dark
Becket Adams / Washington Examiner:
No Standards: NBC News' latest charge shows that the media will report any allegation against Kavanaugh, however thin
Discussion: Breitbart, Roll Call and
The Daily Beast:   ‘Disaster’: Trumpworld Starting to Sweat Over Brett Kavanaugh's Mounting Sexual Assault Allegations
New York Times:   Read Christine Blasey Ford's Prepared Statement
Emily Jane Fox / Vanity Fair:
“I Was Ashamed”: After Ford's Accusation, a Generation of Holton-Arms Alumnae Wrestle with Their Own Truths—Together
Todd S. Purdum / The Atlantic:   President Trump's Surreal News Conference Didn't Do Kavanaugh Any Favors
Stephen Collinson / CNN:
A day that will resonate in history
Naomi Lim / Washington Examiner:
Bill Clinton accuser to make Capitol Hill appearance in support of Kavanaugh
Discussion: Balloon Juice
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
Kavanaugh “hopping mad” ahead of hearing
Discussion: ABC News and LifeZette
Michael E. Miller / Washington Post:
Who is Julie Swetnick, the third Kavanaugh accuser?
Sohrab Ahmari / New York Post:
Third Kavanaugh accuser's accusations riddled with holes
Discussion: Joe.My.God., Fox News and IJR
GOP anger over Kavanaugh allegations boils ahead of hearing
Discussion: Talking Points Memo and The Week
Beth Baumann / Townhall:   WATCH: NRA Blasts Key Democrats in Jaw-Dropping Ad in Support of Kavanaugh
Michael Lewis / The Guardian:
'This guy doesn't know anything': the inside story of Trump's shambolic transition team  —  Chris Christie noticed a piece in the New York Times - that's how it all started.  The New Jersey governor had dropped out of the presidential race in February 2016 and thrown what support he had behind Donald Trump.
Discussion: AOL and Raw Story
New York Times:
Sessions Aide, a Trump Loyalist, Is Seen as Ascendant Amid Rosenstein Chaos  —  WASHINGTON — Convinced that the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, was ready to resign after the revelation that he suggested President Trump was unfit for the job, senior White House aides got to work last weekend installing a replacement.
‘Can you do this?’: Russia probe conflicts rampant among Rosenstein replacements
Discussion: New York Times, ABC News and NPR
Jacob Pramuk / CNBC:
Trump claims he rejected a meeting with Trudeau over NAFTA — but Canada says it never asked to meet  — President Donald Trump says he declined a one-on-one meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during the United Nations General Assembly.  —  President Donald Trump claimed Wednesday …
Rachel La Corte / National Journal:
Massive House Map Continues to Grow  —  Recent polling and new TV ad reservations suggest an expanding battlefield with 40 days until the midterms.  —  Ally Mutnick  —  Democrats are finding compelling evidence that a new set of Republican-held seats are becoming increasingly competitive, stretching an already expansive map.
Emma Platoff / The Texas Tribune:
Beto O'Rourke committed to serving out his six-year Senate term if elected.  Ted Cruz?  Not so much.  —  In interviews with The Texas Tribune, both candidates were asked if they'd commit to serving their full six-year terms in the U.S. Senate.  There has been speculation that either — or both — could run for president in 2020.
Discussion: Joe.My.God. and Political Wire
David Byler / Weekly Standard:
SwingSeat Update: Hope for the Best, Expect the Worst  —  A swing through the best/worst realistic scenarios for both parties.  —  Since we launched SwingSeat, THE WEEKLY STANDARD's stats-powered Senate forecast, I've been periodically writing “SwingSeat Update” pieces to explain why the model …
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 More Items: 
Jessica Wehrman / The Columbus Dispatch:
Senate candidate Jim Renacci uses strip-club owner's private plane to campaign in Ohio
Wall Street Journal:
Widely Used Election Systems Are Vulnerable to Attack, Report Finds
Kyle Cheney / Politico:
House Intel Committee tees up release of Russia probe transcripts
Washington Post:
D.C. principal was taped mocking student's sex assault claim, lawsuit says
Discussion: TheBlaze
Washington Post:
Trump eyes Northern Virginia for 2020 reelection campaign headquarters
Discussion: Political Wire
Bryan Menegus / Gizmodo:
Amazon's Aggressive Anti-Union Tactics Revealed in Leaked 45-Minute Video
Jeremy Wallace / Houston Chronicle:
Texas sets voter registration record, with 1.6 million new voters since 2014
 Earlier Items: 
John Irish / Reuters:
Trump says learned about Syria's Idlib from supporter at recent rally
Paulina Dedaj / Fox News:
Man arrested in Virginia, accused of multiple murders, is DACA recipient, source says
Discussion: Breitbart and Front Page Magazine
Tampa Bay Times:
In shakeup, Ron DeSantis hires Susie Wiles to take over floundering campaign
Discussion: Florida Politics
Robert O'Harrow Jr / Washington Post:
Trump anti-discrimination official once called most hate crimes hoaxes
Discussion: Raw Story
Jennifer Williams / Vox:
Read: Trump's bizarre, rambling solo press conference on Kavanaugh, Rosenstein, and more
Kashmir Hill / Gizmodo:
Facebook Is Giving Advertisers Access to Your Shadow Contact Information

From Techmeme:

Janko Roettgers / The Verge:
Redbox's owner, Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment, files for bankruptcy protection; Chicken Soup took on $325M in debt when it acquired Redbox in 2022

Paul Kiernan / Wall Street Journal:
The US finalizes rules requiring custodial crypto platforms to report user transaction info to the IRS; DeFi platforms are exempt amid fierce crypto lobbying

The Information:
Source: Amazon plans to use a controversial trade rule used by Temu and Shein, which exempts packages worth $800 or less from tariffs, for its discount section

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