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10:55 PM ET, September 27, 2018


 Top Items: 
Keane / America Magazine:
The Editors: It is time for the Kavanaugh nomination to be withdrawn  —  Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee today clearly demonstrated both the seriousness of her allegation of assault by Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh and the stakes of this question for the whole country.
Wall Street Journal:
Kavanaugh Monitoring Hearing From Elsewhere  —  Among those watching Dr. Ford's testimony was Judge Kavanaugh, a committee aide said, from a monitor in another room in the Dirksen Senate Building, where he awaits the opportunity to tell his side of the story later today.
Discussion: The Week
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Lindsey Graham's meltdown gives away the GOP game on Kavanaugh  —  Christine Blasey Ford has finished testifying, and judging by Twitter and cable, the widespread consensus among neutral observers and even some Republicans has been that she was entirely credible.
Philip Wegmann / Washington Examiner:
Someone on Capitol Hill just doxxed Republican Sens. Mike Lee, Orrin Hatch, and Lindsey Graham  —  Somebody working from a House of Representatives office is editing the Wikipedia pages of Republican senators to post what looks like their home addresses.  —  Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina …
Discussion: Liberty Unyielding
Alexandra Petri / Washington Post:
HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO BRETT KAVANAUGH?  —  HOW DARE YOU?!  —  HOW DARE YOU DENY HIM THIS SEAT?!  —  Listen, NO, YOU listen!  —  Do you know who Brett Kavanaugh is?  Brett Kavanaugh went to Georgetown Prep!  —  BRETT KAVANAUGH IS AN OPTIMIST WHO LOOKS ON THE SUNSHINE SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN!
Discussion: Raw Story and CNN
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
Why Brett Kavanaugh's Hearings Convinced Me That He's Guilty  —  I think Brett Kavanaugh is probably lying about having sexually assaulting Christine Blasey Ford, and many other things, and has decided from the beginning to say what he has to in order to fulfill his career ambition.
Discussion: Townhall
Alexander Bolton / The Hill:
Moderate Republicans remain undecided on Kavanaugh after hearing  —  Senate Republican moderates remain undecided on how to vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh after nearly eight hours of testimony Thursday before the Judiciary Committee, according to Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.).
Kendall Karson / ABC News:
Kavanaugh hearing live updates: ‘I am terrified’ says an emotional Christine Blasey Ford  —  Now underway, Judge Brett Kavanaugh and professor Christine Blasey Ford face questions from the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday.  —  The stakes are high: a lifetime appointment to the swing seat on the Supreme Court.
Josh Gerstein / Politico:
Rachel Mitchell's disappearing act confirms GOP blunder  —  Senate Republicans thought that bringing a female prosecutor to question Christine Blasey Ford would help them avoid looking like they were ganging up on an alleged victim of sexual assault.  —  But once the hearing was underway …
Andrew Restuccia / Politico:
From cringes to cheers: Trump White House rode Kavanaugh hearing roller coaster  —  President Donald Trump and his aides were ebullient Thursday as Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh defiantly rejected charges of sexual misconduct — a mood that reflected some relief after Trump officials conceded …
Lori Rozsa / Washington Post:
Silence on Wall Street.  Tears in a retirement home.  The country watches, transfixed, as Ford tells her story.  —  LAKE WORTH, Fla. — “It looks like she's crying,” Hilda Darkins said, as several retirees around her dabbed their own eyes.  “Who can blame her?”
David Crary / Associated Press:
Kavanaugh-Ford hearing: A dramatic lesson on gender roles  —  NEW YORK (AP) — He let his anger flare repeatedly, interrupted his questioners and cried several times during his opening statement.  She strived to remain calm and polite, despite her nervousness, and mostly held back her tears.
Graham erupts in anger at Kavanaugh hearing  —  Lindsey Graham had had enough.  —  The South Carolina Republican erupted in anger during his turn to question Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday, marking a pivotal turn away from the GOP's previously measured attempt to rely …
Discussion: Vox and Axios
Jonathan V. Last / Weekly Standard:
Six Takeaways from the Ford-Kavanaugh Hearings  —  Everyone in America should be angry about what happened in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.  —  1) The Democrats screwed America.  It doesn't matter if you believe Christine Blasey Ford or Brett Kavanaugh.
Jesus Rodriguez / Politico:
GOP governors call for delaying Kavanaugh vote  —  Four Republican governors have called for the Senate to take its time with or even forgo a vote on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court ahead of a hearing Thursday on Capitol Hill to examine sexual assault allegations against him.
New York Times:   Why Brett Kavanaugh Wasn't Believable
Jennifer Senior / New York Times:   ‘Is This Good?’  —  The pain of watching Christine Blasey Ford …
Philip Bump / Washington Post:
Kavanaugh is pressed on the key July 1 entry in his calendar. But only to a point.
Discussion: Lawyers, Guns & Money
James Poniewozik / New York Times:
A High-Stakes Hearing Raises Two Voices, One Quiet, One Loud
Discussion: Bloomberg, Vox and Slate
David French / National Review:   After Kavanaugh's Stand, Republicans Abandon Him at Their Peril
Niels Lesniewski / Roll Call:
Jeff Flake Straddling the Fence on Kavanaugh Ahead of Friday Vote
Wall Street Journal:   Confirm Brett Kavanaugh
Ashley Parker / Washington Post:
For Trump and White House, Kavanaugh hearing was a suspenseful drama in two acts
Wall Street Journal:
Senate Weighs Judge's Fate After Emotional Hearing
Discussion: Bustle
YouTube:   Christine Blasey Ford's opening remarks at Kavanaugh hearing: ‘I believed he was going to rape me’
Paul Kane / Washington Post:
Silent no more, Senate's angry Republican men roar to Kavanaugh's defense
Discussion: Mother Jones and Politico
The Latest: Flake: Kavanaugh confirmation vote ‘tough call’
Discussion: Power Line
CBS News:
Brett Kavanaugh hearing: Kavanaugh insists on his innocence
Ben Schreckinger / Politico:
‘Men Are Trash’ vs. ‘I Stand With Brett’: Wild scene at the Capitol for Kavanaugh drama
Discussion: AOL and CNN
Dan Merica / CNN:
Democrat apologizes for fundraising off Kavanaugh allegations
Emma Dumain / The State:
Lindsey Graham gets angry, defends Kavanaugh during emotional hearing
Discussion: BuzzFeed News and CNN
David M. Drucker / Washington Examiner:
Kavanaugh confirmation controversy spilling into House races, and Republicans are worried
Discussion: Detroit News and Bloomberg
Streiff / RedState:
BREAKING.  Collins, Murkowski, and Donnelly Make Their Decision  —  My colleague, Sarah Quinlan, just announced that West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin has declared he will vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.  Now, according to Hill sources, he has company: … If true, that's it folks.
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 More Items: 
Coral Davenport / New York Times:
E.P.A. to Eliminate Office That Advises Agency Chief on Science
Discussion: Vox
Cristiano Lima / Politico:
SEC hits Elon Musk with fraud suit, demands ouster from Tesla
Wall Street Journal:
China's Muslim Detention Camps Spark Protests in Islamic World
Discussion: Wall Street Journal
David French / National Review:
Ford's Testimony Has Changed Everything and Nothing
 Earlier Items: 
US F-35 fighter jet conducts first-ever airstrike
Discussion: Task & Purpose
Kevin Poulsen / The Daily Beast:
Fancy Bear, the Russian Election Hackers, Have a Nasty New Weapon
Monmouth University Polling Institute:
Indicted Incumbent Leads in CD50
Discussion: Politico

From Techmeme:

Janko Roettgers / The Verge:
Redbox's owner, Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment, files for bankruptcy protection; Chicken Soup took on $325M in debt when it acquired Redbox in 2022

Paul Kiernan / Wall Street Journal:
The US finalizes rules requiring custodial crypto platforms to report user transaction info to the IRS; DeFi platforms are exempt amid fierce crypto lobbying

The Information:
Source: Amazon plans to use a controversial trade rule used by Temu and Shein, which exempts packages worth $800 or less from tariffs, for its discount section

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