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3:45 PM ET, September 27, 2018


 Top Items: 
Lori Rozsa / Washington Post:
Silence on Wall Street.  Tears in a retirement home.  The country watches, transfixed, as Ford tells her story.  —  LAKE WORTH, Fla. — “It looks like she's crying,” Hilda Darkins said, as several retirees around her dabbed their own eyes.  “Who can blame her?”
Jesus Rodriguez / Politico:
GOP governors call for delaying Kavanaugh vote  —  Four Republican governors have called for the Senate to take its time with or even forgo a vote on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court ahead of a hearing Thursday on Capitol Hill to examine sexual assault allegations against him.
Deirdre M. Bowen / USA Today:
I'm from Kavanaugh's elitist world.  I know how prep-school privilege buries secrets.  —  Students attending Washington-area prep schools are groomed to be society's leaders.  But a blemishless record speaks more to secrecy than integrity.  —  CONNECT  —  The whores on the hill.
Bret Stephens / New York Times:
This Revolution, Too, Will Eat Its Children  —  What this frenzied national inquest means for our civic culture.  —  It wasn't long ago that Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court hinged, as it must, on his qualifications as a judge.  Then, necessarily, it became a question of his fitness as a man.
Kendall Karson / ABC News:
Kavanaugh hearing live updates: ‘I am terrified’ says an emotional Christine Blasey Ford  —  Now underway, Judge Brett Kavanaugh and professor Christine Blasey Ford face questions from the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday.  —  The stakes are high: a lifetime appointment to the swing seat on the Supreme Court.
Annie Karni / Politico:
Ford questioning leaves some Trump allies cringing  —  Some officials are dismayed by a GOP prosecutor quizzing Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford, while other Trump allies like the hearing's relatively low-key tenor.  —  White House officials were glued to their television screens throughout …
Discussion: The Daily Beast and Breitbart
Peter Baker / New York Times:
Christine Blasey Ford Reluctantly Takes the Stage as Republicans Step Back  —  WASHINGTON — She was nervous as anyone would be describing perhaps the worst evening of her life.  Her voice at times was high, her manner solicitous.  And for a moment, it was possible to hear that 15-year-old girl trying …
Discussion: The Atlantic, Vox and The Root
David Rutz / Washington Free Beacon:
Tapper: There Is No Corroborating Evidence for Any of the Charges Against Kavanaugh  —  CNN anchor Jake Tapper noted Thursday there is “no contemporaneous, corroborating evidence” for any of the sexual misconduct allegations made against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
NBC News:
Senate probing new allegation of misconduct against Kavanaugh  —  Supreme Court Nominee has been asked privately about an accusation of physical assault, sources tell NBC News.  —  WASHINGTON —The Senate Judiciary Committee is inquiring about at least one additional allegation of misconduct …
Zoe Tillman / BuzzFeed News:
Two Men Told Senate Staffers They Had “The Encounter” With Christine Blasey Ford, Not Brett Kavanaugh  —  WASHINGTON — Senate Judiciary Committee staff interviewed two men who said they believed that they, and not US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, had “the encounter” …
Wall Street Journal:
Mitchell Has About 15 Minutes to Go  —  Three Republican senators remain, and each has five minutes to question Dr. Ford.  If they all yield their time to Ms. Mitchell, she has about 15 minutes left.  —  Highlights  —  We're Back From Lunch Recess; Hirono Goes on the Offensive
Joe Tacopino / New York Post:
Two men tell Senate that they, not Kavanaugh, assaulted Ford  —  Two men have come forward to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to claim that they are the ones who actually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford during a house party in 1982 — and not Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Ex-boyfriend filed restraining order against third Kavanaugh accuser
David M. Drucker / Washington Examiner:
Kavanaugh confirmation controversy spilling into House races, and Republicans are worried
Discussion: Bloomberg and Detroit News
Jill Abramson / New York Times:
This Hearing Is Stacked Against Christine Blasey Ford
Darren Samuelsohn / Politico:
Trump delays Rosenstein meeting, leaving future of Mueller boss uncertain
Discussion: Breitbart
Eve Peyser / VICE:
Men Are Defending Brett Kavanaugh Because They're Afraid
Luppe B. Luppen / Yahoo:
A field guide to the legal teams at Kavanaugh's hearing
Discussion: The Atlantic, Vox and AUL
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
Kavanaugh “hopping mad” ahead of hearing
Discussion: Breitbart and Washington Post
Christina Cauterucci / Slate:
Toxic Bro Culture Finally Found a News Peg
Discussion: The Atlantic, Vox and ThinkProgress
Todd S. Purdum / The Atlantic:
President Trump's Surreal News Conference Didn't Do Kavanaugh Any Favors
Madeleine Kearns / National Review:
‘False Memories’ Are More Common Than You Think
Discussion: CANNONFIRE and Townhall
Scott Wong / The Hill:
First Republican calls for FBI to investigate Kavanaugh
READ: Christine Blasey Ford's Opening Statement For Senate Hearing
Stephen Collinson / CNN:
A day that will resonate in history
Discussion: Bustle, Breitbart and TheBlaze
Michael Lewis / The Guardian:
'This guy doesn't know anything': the inside story of Trump's shambolic transition team  —  Chris Christie noticed a piece in the New York Times - that's how it all started.  The New Jersey governor had dropped out of the presidential race in February 2016 and thrown what support he had behind Donald Trump.
Kevin Poulsen / The Daily Beast:
Fancy Bear, the Russian Election Hackers, Have a Nasty New Weapon  —  If Putin's new malware hits you, don't bother wiping your hard drive.  Just throw out your computer.  —  Russia's GRU has secretly developed and deployed new malware that's virtually impossible to eradicate …
Monmouth University Polling Institute:
Indicted Incumbent Leads in CD50  —  1-in-10 voters think Hunter is guilty but still support him  —  West Long Branch, NJ - Republican incumbent Duncan Hunter holds a sizable lead over Democratic challenger Ammar Campa-Najjar in the race for California's 50th Congressional District, according to the Monmouth University Poll.
Discussion: Politico
Jon Herskovitz / Reuters:
U.S. court upholds Louisiana restriction on abortion clinics  —  AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday upheld a Louisiana provision that requires doctors who perform abortions in the state to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital.
Brandon Morse / RedState:
Bill Clinton's Rape Accuser Is at Kavanaugh Hearing and Highlighting Democrat's “Believe Women” Double Standard
Discussion: Daily Wire and IJR
US F-35 fighter jet conducts first-ever airstrike  —  The U.S. military's $400B fighter jet (2016)  —  (CNN)The US military's F-35B joint strike fighter conducted its first-ever airstrike in the last 24 hours, according to three US defense officials.  —  The strike took place in Afghanistan against a fixed Taliban target.
Discussion: Task & Purpose
Jacob Pramuk / CNBC:
Trump claims he rejected a meeting with Trudeau over NAFTA — but Canada says it never asked to meet  — President Donald Trump says he declined a one-on-one meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during the United Nations General Assembly.  —  President Donald Trump claimed Wednesday …
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Discussion: Wall Street Journal
David French / National Review:
Ford's Testimony Has Changed Everything and Nothing
Emma Platoff / The Texas Tribune:
Beto O'Rourke committed to serving out his six-year Senate term if elected. Ted Cruz? Not so much.
 Earlier Items: 
Washington Post:
D.C. principal was taped mocking student's sex assault claim, lawsuit says
Discussion: Essence and TheBlaze
Washington Post:
Trump eyes Northern Virginia for 2020 reelection campaign headquarters
Discussion: Axios and Political Wire
Rachel La Corte / National Journal:
Massive House Map Continues to Grow

From Techmeme:

Janko Roettgers / The Verge:
Redbox's owner, Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment, files for bankruptcy protection; Chicken Soup took on $325M in debt when it acquired Redbox in 2022

Paul Kiernan / Wall Street Journal:
The US finalizes rules requiring custodial crypto platforms to report user transaction info to the IRS; DeFi platforms are exempt amid fierce crypto lobbying

The Information:
Source: Amazon plans to use a controversial trade rule used by Temu and Shein, which exempts packages worth $800 or less from tariffs, for its discount section

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