Top Items:

Trump cancels White House Christmas party for the press — EXCLUSIVE - President Trump has canceled the White House holiday party for the media, making the decades-old tradition a victim of his increasingly contentious relationship with major news organizations.

Trump confides to friends he's concerned about impeachment — Despite public declarations that he's unconcerned, the president has told people close to him he's alarmed about the prospect of impeachment. — WASHINGTON — Despite President Donald Trump's public declaration that he isn't concerned …
Shareblue Media, Mother Jones, Talking Points Memo, Taylor Marsh, Joe.My.God., Political Wire, Raw Story, Mediaite and Lawyers, Guns & Money

“This Was a Big Repudiation of Jared”: After the Ayers Chief-of-Staff Fiasco, Trump Is Eyeing Bannon Ally Dave Bossie — First, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump pushed Nick Ayers, who jilted Donald Trump. Then, Trump pushed Kushner on Sean Hannity to take the heat—and into the doghouse.
The Resurgent, Raw Story and Splinter

A ‘loud gong’: National Enquirer's surprise deal could imperil Trump — The National Enquirer's parent company has agreed to tell prosecutors everything it knows about Donald Trump — and it might know a lot. — In a court document released Wednesday, the tabloid publisher, American Media Inc. …
Washington Post, Daily Kos, Hullabaloo, CNBC, The Atlantic, Damian J. Penny, The Daily Beast, POLITICUSUSA, Politico and CNN, more at Mediagazer »

As protectors abandon Trump, investigation draws closer
Media Matters for America, Patterico's Pontifications and NOQ Report

Meet the reporters who started exposing Michael Cohen's payments two years ago
Patterico's Pontifications, Outside the Beltway, Hot Air and HuffPost

How the National Enquirer broke up with President Trump
New York Times, Mediaite and Vox

Trump denies he ‘directed’ Michael Cohen to break the law as prosecutors contend
Wall Street Journal and USA Today

Get Ready for Mueller's Phase Two: The Middle East Connection — The ‘Russia investigation’ is set to go global. In court filings due to drop in 2019, prosecutors will unveil Middle Eastern countries' attempts to influence U.S. politics. — Over the past year, the indictments, convictions …
Talking Points Memo and Raw Story

Did Michael Flynn Try to Strike a Grand Bargain With Moscow as it Attacked the 2016 Election? — His associates say he claimed he was in contact with the Russian ambassador during the campaign. — In early December, special counsel Robert Mueller, in preparation for the upcoming sentencing …
Talking Points Memo

Key lawmakers seek to haul in Trump associates working with Mueller — (CNN)Now that President Donald Trump's former “fixer,” Michael Cohen, has been sentenced to prison, leaders of the House and Senate Intelligence committees are preparing to haul him back before Congress before he begins serving time.

Mueller should try to indict Trump. It would guarantee his report goes public.
Raw Story

Cohen Will Talk After Mueller Probe Is Complete, Lawyer Says
Shareblue Media, Joe.My.God., Informed Comment, POLITICUSUSA, Washington Press, IJR, Reuters and New Republic

Top Democrat: DOJ ‘needs to re-examine’ guidance that a sitting president shouldn't be indicted
Joe.My.God., Washington Times and Washington Free Beacon

Chris Hayes's Work Diary: ‘My Life Is an Unceasing Festival of Impatience’ — The journalist and MSNBC host wakes up to Twitter and ends the day “basically a brain-dead mess.” — As told to J. K. Trotter — Before he began hosting “All In,” which airs weeknights on MSNBC …

Apple Plans Billion-Dollar Austin Campus in Wave of New Sites — iPhone maker says its planned Austin facility could create 15,000 jobs, would come alongside new offices in Seattle, San Diego and Culver City — Apple Inc. AAPL 0.28% plans to invest $1 billion building a new corporate campus in Austin …

Apple Will Build $1 Billion Campus in Austin, Adding 5,000 Jobs

U.S. to Declare Russia, China National Security Threats in Africa
The American Conservative

'They don't care': Facebook fact-checking in disarray as journalists push to cut ties — Journalists paid to help fix Facebook's fake news problem say they have lost trust in the platform — Journalists working as fact-checkers for Facebook have pushed to end a controversial media partnership …
Real Clear Politics and Liberty Unyielding

Alleged Russian spy Maria Butina admits to engaging in conspiracy against US — Washington (CNN)Alleged Russian spy Maria Butina admitted in federal court Thursday morning to engaging in a conspiracy against the United States. — Butina, 30, was accused of working to infiltrate Republican …

A law firm in the trenches against media unions — In May, the law firm Jones Day hosted a conference in its Manhattan office focused on labor and employment law in the news media industry. It was an invitation-only affair, bringing together Jones Day attorneys and media executives …

The Rise of Right-Wing Extremism, and How We Missed It … Listen and subscribe to our podcast from your mobile device: — Despite repeated warnings over the past two decades, federal law enforcement officials in the United States have ignored the threat of violence from far-right extremists.
Talking Points Memo

Walls Work — WE ARE BUILDING THE FIRST NEW BORDER WALL IN A DECADE. — DHS is committed to building wall and building wall quickly. We are not replacing short, outdated and ineffective wall with similar wall. Instead, under this President we are building a wall that is 30-feet high.

Trump got Mexico to pay for the wall by simply changing the meaning of ‘pay’ and ‘Mexico’ — When you were in fourth grade, someone probably blew your mind by telling you not to think of an elephant. It's a fun little trick, that I will now deploy with a slight variant.

Trump claims new trade pact will ensure Mexico pays for border wall
One America News Network

Does This Look Right to You? HOLLAD TONNEL — They decked the Holland with boughs of holly Then people called their décor folly. — Hundreds signed a web petition Now they'll vote on their position. — As it has in so many Decembers past, the Port Authority of New York …
New York Post, and CBS New York

Democrats in New Jersey Have a Firm Grip on Power. They Want Even More. — TRENTON — [What you need to know to start the day: Get New York Today in your inbox.] — Legislative power brokers across the country have long designed district lines in back-room deals that entrenched their control for years, if not decades.

The Flynn Entrapment — A court filing shows the ugly tactics employed by James Comey's FBI.

Foul-mouthed Santa horrifies parents — (CNN)Organizers of a Christmas event have apologized to outraged parents after a fire alarm reportedly prompted Santa Claus to burst out of his grotto, rip off his beard and scream at children to “get the f**k out.” — The incident occurred at an event …
CBS Pittsburgh,, The Guardian and Washington Free Beacon

OUTRAGEOUS. — ProPublica, a left-wing activist group funded by the likes of George Soros, is now funding . . . “investigative reporting” at the Courier Journal. — Is this the future of journalism? Who is holding the Courier-Journal accountable? — Don't take my word for it!
The Guardian, Mediaite and YouTube, more at Mediagazer »

Sen. James Inhofe Bought Defense Stock Days After Pushing for Record Pentagon Spending—Then Dumped It When Asked About It — Ethics experts say the purchase underscores the moral hazard of lawmakers owning assets in areas of industry affected by legislation they are in positions to author.
Roll Call, Talking Points Memo, KXLF-TV, Splinter, Washington Press and Investor's Business Daily

When Anti-Zionism Tunnels Under Your House — For the people of northern Israel, anti-Zionism isn't some feckless sally in the world of ideas. — In 2002, Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary-general of Hezbollah, was said to have given a speech noting that the creation of the state of Israel …

Judge tosses suit by Maine GOP congressman who lost election — AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) — A federal judge rejected a lawsuit Thursday by a Republican incumbent from Maine who lost the nation's first congressional election held under a candidate-ranking system.
Political Wire

Senate 2020: Republican exposure on paper, but not necessarily in practice — GOP defending a lot of turf, but much of it is dark red — KEY POINTS FROM THIS ARTICLE — Of the 34 Senate races on the ballot in 2020, Republicans already control 22 of them while Democrats hold only 12.

Trump and Democrats can reach a deal on the wall — if they have the spine to take it — PUT ASIDE Tuesday's Oval Office theatrics and remember this: There's a compromise within reach on the wall and immigration for President Trump and congressional Democrats — if each side has the spinal fortitude …
Balloon Juice and Splinter

‘He got screwed’: Gillum absent from indictment after DeSantis bashed him as corrupt — MIAMI — Federal authorities unveiled a 44-count, 66-page indictment Wednesday of a Tallahassee politician and a city official that involved six companies, five other players and a bank in a wide-ranging bribery …
Splinter, Tallahassee Democrat, Washington Post, Washington Free Beacon and Florida Politics

Since there seems to be some interest in my position on a New York magazine union, I'll explain my current thinking. — My overall view of unions is that they're beneficial for most, but not all, workers. I understand that many union supporters believe every workplace should be unionized …

The Russians Meddled In Our Democracy, But They Had All-American Help — The guilty pleas continue to pile up around the man who sits in the Oval Office. There's obstruction of justice, campaign finance violations, lying to the FBI, setting up a meeting between Putin and Trump, money laundering …