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2:50 PM ET, May 5, 2019


 Top Items: 
Zachary Basu / Axios:
House Democrat walks back Mueller's “tentative” agreement to testify on May 15  —  After claiming on Fox News Sunday that the House Judiciary Committee and a representative for special counsel Robert Mueller have agreed to a “tentative date” of May 15 for Mueller to testify, Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) said that was not the case.
Discussion: Raw Story and NBC News
House Democrat clarifies comments on Mueller, Judiciary Committee reaching “tentative date” for special counsel to testify  —  (CNN)House Judiciary member David Cicilline said Sunday that the committee has reached a “tentative date” of May 15 for Mueller to testify, though he later clarified …
Discussion: The Hill and New York Post
Maureen Dowd / New York Times:
Fair Play Is No Match for Foul  —  After getting dissed by Barr, will Mueller man up?  —  Sorry, James Comey.  You're wrong again.  —  Donald Trump does not eat “your soul in small bites,” as you wrote in a Times Op-Ed. He devours the entire thing in one big gulp.
Discussion: Hullabaloo
Washington Post:   Mueller and House Judiciary Committee tentatively agree on May 15 for his testimony on Russia …
Michael Conway / NBC News:   If William Barr continues to defy subpoenas, Watergate offers House Democrats several options
Jack Goldsmith / Lawfare:
Thoughts on Barr and the Mueller Report
Discussion: Outside the Beltway
Zachary Warmbrodt / Politico:
Democrats eye Mueller testimony on May 15, lawmaker says
Discussion: Axios and Daily Wire
Felicia Sonmez / Washington Post:
House Democrat says date for Mueller testimony has been proposed but not yet agreed
Discussion: Daily Kos and NBC News
Aidan McLaughlin / Mediaite:
Wallace Confronts Pompeo on Trump's Russia Contradiction: Is Putin Propping Up a Dictator or Looking for Something Positive?  —  Fox News anchor Chris Wallace confronted Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday over President Donald Trump's defense of Russia's involvement in Venezuela.
Charles P. Pierce / Esquire:
Please Explain How This Entire Presidency* Isn't a National-Security Crisis
Discussion: Washington Post
Andrew O'Reilly / Fox News:
Pompeo warns Russia against ‘messing around with Venezuela’
New York Times:
Asked if a Woman Can Win, 2020 Candidates Offer an Easy Answer: ‘I Have’  —  CRESTON, Iowa — Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York had a request: Before anyone mocked her claim that she was the Democratic presidential candidate best positioned to take on President Trump, at least listen to the evidence.
Adam Kelsey / ABC News:
Sanders pushes back against Biden's claim he's the ‘most progressive’ candidate in the Democratic field  —  Sen. Bernie Sanders pushed back against former Vice President Joe Biden's claim that he has “the most progressive record” of any candidate in the Democratic presidential field …
Mark Murray / NBC News:
‘Hung jury’: Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll  —  Sixty percent of Americans say President Donald Trump has been dishonest in the Russia investigation, but it's a mixed bag on impeachment hearings.  —  WASHINGTON — Sixty percent of Americans say President Donald Trump …
Daily Mail:
It is clear that the voters delivered their judgment in large part based on what is happening - or not happening - at Westminster  —  The voters expect us to deliver on the result of the referendum and, so far, Parliament has rejected the deal which I have put forward.
Katie Jennings / Politico:
May to Corbyn: 'Let's do a deal' on Brexit
Discussion: The Guardian
Associated Press:
Let's make a Brexit deal, UK PM May tells Labour opposition
Rebecca Ballhaus / Wall Street Journal:
Trump Taps Mark Morgan as Head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement  —  Morgan served as Border Patrol chief in final months of Obama Administration  —  President Trump said Sunday that he was appointing Mark Morgan, a former Border Patrol chief under the Obama administration …
Zachary Basu / Axios:
Trump says tariffs on China will be increased to 25% as trade talks stall  —  President Trump tweeted on Sunday that tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods will be raised from 10% to 25% on Friday, as trade talks between the U.S. and China progress “too slowly.”
Maggie Severns / Politico:
Liberal megadonors plan $100 million swing-state blitz to beat Trump  —  The country's most powerful liberal donor club is reshaping its spending on the 2020 elections, playing down longtime relationships with groups in Washington and instead preparing to pour $100 million into key states to help defeat President Donald Trump.
Michael Daly / The Daily Beast:
The Hezbollah Sleeper Agent Busted for Black Ops in America  —  Ali Kourani allegedly helped a global terrorist network plot revenge against the U.S. from a home in the Bronx.  He was undone after running a stop sign with 190 pairs of Uggs.  —  Michael Daly
Will Bunch /
Trump's diabolical plan to blow up democracy, get reelected and avoid jail just might work  —  How did Donald Trump's most recent week go?  —  Let's see ... his recently handpicked attorney general William Barr was accused of committing a crime by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and seems on the brink of a contempt of Congress citation.
Anna Fifield / Washington Post:
Beijing's one-child policy is gone.  But many Chinese are still reluctant to have more.  —  NANCHUAN, China — When she started her job nine years ago, Liu Fang's work involved making sure the women from her village did not have unauthorized babies.  —  If they had a girl or a disabled child, they were allowed another chance.
Discussion: Althouse
Jamie Lovegrove / Post and Courier:
Joe Biden targets Trump, vows to 'restore America's soul' in first SC 2020 campaign stop … Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at the first South Carolina rally of his 2020 presidential campaign in Columbia on Saturday, May 4, 2019.  Daniel Hare/Special to The Post and Courier
Natasha Korecki / Politico:
Biden gives Trump a nickname: ‘Clown’
Discussion: Fox News, Bloomberg, Axios and Mediaite
Felicia Sonmez / Washington Post:
Trump blames Kentucky Derby result on ‘political correctness’  —  President Trump on Sunday blamed the result of the Kentucky Derby on “political correctness,” arguing that the horse that crossed the wire first should not have been disqualified.  —  “The Kentuky Derby decision was not a good one …
Ross Douthat / New York Times:
A Spy by Any Name  —  A few questions about the F.B.I.'s don't-call-it-spying on the Trump campaign.  —  Back in the golden age of presidential conduct, before Donald Trump wrecked every norm and smashed every guardrail, someone — either in Lyndon Johnson's White House or in Langley …
Discussion: New York Post and Washington Post
Exclusive: Images show North Korea missile launch as Pyongyang tests Trump  —  Washington (CNN)A new satellite image obtained by CNN shows the smoke trail of a Friday rocket launch by North Korea that is likely a short-range missile, according to the group that analyzed the picture.
Sung-Yoon Lee / New York Times:
Kim Jong-un Shot a Rocket? He Wants to Talk
Discussion: Gizmodo and Mother Jones
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 More Items: 
Michael Goodwin / New York Post:
Did the NY Times just admit — and defend — Obama's spying on Trump?
Ginia Bellafante / New York Times:
Are Women Taking the Cosmic Fall for Male Greed?
David Cohen / Politico:
Klobuchar: Trump not serious about election security
Sarah Rumpf / RedState:
Democrats Attempt Twitter Poll About SCOTUS Justices. It Goes...Poorly.
Claire Bond Potter / New York Times:
Men Invented ‘Likability.’ Guess Who Benefits.
Discussion: Althouse
Zachary Stieber /
Father of Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Says She Lied About Where She Lived to Get Elected
Discussion: and Townhall
 Earlier Items: 
Ian Millhiser / ThinkProgress:
The forgotten history of how Abraham Lincoln helped rig the Senate for Republicans
Scott Morefield / The Daily Caller:
CNN Wrote Over 20 Articles On Covington Catholic Students, Ignores Philly Muslim Children Chanting …
Timothy McLaughlin / Washington Post:
Security-tech companies once flocked to Myanmar.  One firm's tools were used against two journalists.
Jennifer Schuessler / New York Times:
Medieval Scholars Joust With White Nationalists. And One Another.
Discussion: Raw Story
Bob Brigham / Raw Story:
Omarosa claims White House destroyed 5 boxes of documents — that should have been turned over to Mueller
Discussion: Washington Press

From Techmeme:

Janko Roettgers / The Verge:
Redbox's owner, Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment, files for bankruptcy protection; Chicken Soup took on $325M in debt when it acquired Redbox in 2022

Paul Kiernan / Wall Street Journal:
The US finalizes rules requiring custodial crypto platforms to report user transaction info to the IRS; DeFi platforms are exempt amid fierce crypto lobbying

The Information:
Source: Amazon plans to use a controversial trade rule used by Temu and Shein, which exempts packages worth $800 or less from tariffs, for its discount section

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