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8:20 PM ET, May 5, 2019


 Top Items: 
Zachary Basu / Axios:
House Democrat walks back Mueller's “tentative” agreement to testify on May 15  —  After claiming on Fox News Sunday that the House Judiciary Committee and a representative for special counsel Robert Mueller have agreed to a “tentative date” of May 15 for Mueller to testify, Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) said that was not the case.
Discussion: Raw Story and NBC News
Michael Tackett / New York Times:
Trump Objects to Mueller Testifying Before Congress  —  WASHINGTON — President Trump said on Sunday that the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, should not testify before Congress, setting up another confrontation with Democrats over presidential authority and the separation of powers.
Trump reverses course, says Mueller ‘should not testify’ before Congress  —  (CNN)President Donald Trump on Sunday reversed course, saying special counsel Robert Mueller should not testify before Congress just two days after telling reporters the attorney general should make that decision.
Quint Forgey / Politico:
Trump: ‘Mueller should not testify’  —  President Donald Trump said on Sunday that Robert Mueller “should not testify” before Congress, hours after a Democratic lawmaker confirmed that the House Judiciary Committee was still seeking to schedule a hearing with the special counsel for later this month.
Hugh Hewitt / Washington Post:
Democrats have done Republicans a huge favor  —  After the release of the report written by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, Democrats had two options: They could either attempt to inflate the narrative of obstruction of justice that the special counsel hinted at but did not act upon …
Felicia Sonmez / Washington Post:
In reversal, Trump says Mueller ‘should not testify’ before Congress
Discussion: Slate and Daily Kos
Michael Conway / NBC News:
If William Barr continues to defy subpoenas, Watergate offers House Democrats several options
Discussion: Hullabaloo
CBS News:
Sunday: Pompeo, Durbin, Collins, Swalwell
Discussion: Talking Points Memo
Washington Post:   Mueller and House Judiciary Committee tentatively agree on May 15 for his testimony on Russia …
New York Times:
Asked if a Woman Can Win, 2020 Candidates Offer an Easy Answer: ‘I Have’  —  CRESTON, Iowa — Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York had a request: Before anyone mocked her claim that she was the Democratic presidential candidate best positioned to take on President Trump, at least listen to the evidence.
Discussion: CNN
Marisa Fernandez / Axios:
Bernie Sanders rolls out “Roosevelt style trust-busting” agriculture plan  —  2020 Democrat Bernie Sanders unveiled a multi-faceted, comprehensive plan to help revitalize rural farming communities and break up big agriculture corporations like Bayer-Monsanto and John Deere by enacting “Roosevelt style trust-busting laws.”
Discussion: Politico
David Weigel / Washington Post:
The Trailer: Why the world is missing from the Democratic primary  —  In this edition: The missing foreign policy fight, an Ohio gerrymander overturned, and the Democrats worry about how much to worry.  —  I remember when political “gaffes” could take over a news cycle for more than 90 minutes, and this is The Trailer.
Discussion: CNN, Informed Comment and Politico
Adam Kelsey / ABC News:
Sanders pushes back against Biden's claim he's the ‘most progressive’ candidate in the Democratic field
Scoop: Inside a top Trump adviser's fundraising mirage  —  A political organization run by David Bossie, President Trump's former deputy campaign manager, has raised millions of dollars by saying it's supporting Trump-aligned conservative candidates — but has spent only a tiny fraction of that money supporting candidates.
Elderly Bossie donors say they thought they were helping Trump
Discussion: Raw Story
New York Times:
Trump Names Mark Morgan, Former Head of Border Patrol, to Lead ICE  —  WASHINGTON — President Trump on Sunday named Mark Morgan, a former Obama administration official who has aligned himself with some of Mr. Trump's hard-line positions on border security, as the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Discussion: Lawyers, Guns & Money
Zachary Basu / Axios:
Trump names ex-Obama Border Patrol chief new head of ICE
Discussion: NPR, Breitbart, ABC News, Bloomberg and Politico
Molly O'Toole / Los Angeles Times:
Trump taps Mark Morgan, former Obama Border Patrol chief, to head ICE
Washington Post:
Trump taps Mark Morgan, former Obama official who supports border wall, to head ICE
Will Bunch /
Trump's diabolical plan to blow up democracy, get reelected and avoid jail just might work  —  How did Donald Trump's most recent week go?  —  Let's see ... his recently handpicked attorney general William Barr was accused of committing a crime by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and seems on the brink of a contempt of Congress citation.
Aidan McLaughlin / Mediaite:
Wallace Confronts Pompeo on Trump's Russia Contradiction: Is Putin Propping Up a Dictator or Looking for Something Positive?  —  Fox News anchor Chris Wallace confronted Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday over President Donald Trump's defense of Russia's involvement in Venezuela.
Andrew Carey / CNN:
600 rockets fired from Gaza, Israel responds with airstrikes  —  Israel defense forces strike dozens of targets in Gaza  —  Jerusalem (CNN)Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said “massive attacks against terrorist elements” in Gaza will continue after militants in the coastal enclave …
Discussion: Jerusalem Post and Daily Wire
Shonda Rhimes / TIME:
Most Influential People  —  Loving Michelle Obama wasn't much of a choice.  It was something that came naturally, because of how she carried herself.  Because she resembled us and was moving in spaces where, as black Americans, we weren't exactly meant to be, she seemed so powerful.
Mark Murray / NBC News:
‘Hung jury’: Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll  —  Sixty percent of Americans say President Donald Trump has been dishonest in the Russia investigation, but it's a mixed bag on impeachment hearings.  —  WASHINGTON — Sixty percent of Americans say President Donald Trump …
Human Events:
WATCH: Actor Tom Arnold in Bizarre ‘Pro-Nazi’ Tirade.  —  Watch as the Hollywood wash up declares fealty to murderous anti-Semites over President Trump  —  Leftist actor Tom Arnold told a group of young conservatives outside Craig's restaurant in Los Angeles that he would prefer to vote …
Ross Douthat / New York Times:
A Spy by Any Name  —  A few questions about the F.B.I.'s don't-call-it-spying on the Trump campaign.  —  Back in the golden age of presidential conduct, before Donald Trump wrecked every norm and smashed every guardrail, someone — either in Lyndon Johnson's White House or in Langley …
Discussion: New York Post
Zachary Basu / Axios:
Trump says tariffs on China will be increased to 25% as trade talks stall  —  President Trump tweeted on Sunday that tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods will be raised from 10% to 25% on Friday, as trade talks between the U.S. and China progress “too slowly.”
Anna Fifield / Washington Post:
Beijing's one-child policy is gone.  But many Chinese are still reluctant to have more.  —  NANCHUAN, China — When she started her job nine years ago, Liu Fang's work involved making sure the women from her village did not have unauthorized babies.  —  If they had a girl or a disabled child, they were allowed another chance.
Discussion: Althouse
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 More Items: 
Zack Budryk / The Hill:
Red Sox manager to skip White House visit
Discussion: Rolling Stone, Breitbart and Mediaite
Adam Kushner / Washington Post:
Richard Holbrooke was a jerk — and a talented diplomat. Which matters more?
Daniel Lippman / Politico:
DNC finance chairman Muñoz steps down, replaced by Korge
Michael Goodwin / New York Post:
Did the NY Times just admit — and defend — Obama's spying on Trump?
Ginia Bellafante / New York Times:
Are Women Taking the Cosmic Fall for Male Greed?
Michael Daly / The Daily Beast:
The Hezbollah Sleeper Agent Busted for Black Ops in America
Claire Bond Potter / New York Times:
Men Invented ‘Likability.’ Guess Who Benefits.
Discussion: Althouse
 Earlier Items: 
Zachary Stieber /
Father of Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Says She Lied About Where She Lived to Get Elected
Discussion: and Townhall
Ian Millhiser / ThinkProgress:
The forgotten history of how Abraham Lincoln helped rig the Senate for Republicans
Maggie Severns / Politico:
Liberal megadonors plan $100 million swing-state blitz to beat Trump
Jennifer Schuessler / New York Times:
Medieval Scholars Joust With White Nationalists. And One Another.
Discussion: Raw Story

From Mediagazer:

Janko Roettgers / The Verge:
Redbox's owner, Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment, files for bankruptcy protection; Chicken Soup took on $325M in debt when it acquired Redbox in 2022

Michael Schneider / Variety:
Nielsen: the Biden-Trump debate drew an average audience of 51.3M viewers across 17 networks in the US, down from 2020's first debate, with nearly 73.1M

Elsa Keslassy / Variety:
Arnaud Lagardère returns as French publishing group Lagardère SA chair and CEO, after appealing an April 29 management ban by a court over embezzlement charges

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