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White House Wanted USS John McCain ‘Out of Sight’ During Trump Japan Visit — The White House wanted the Navy to move a warship named for the late Sen. John McCain, a war hero who became a frequent target of President Trump's ire, ahead of the president's visit to Japan last week.
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White House Asked Navy to Hide John McCain Warship During Trump's Visit — The White House asked the Navy to hide a destroyer named after Senator John McCain in order to avoid having the ship appear in photographs taken while President Trump was visiting Japan this week, White House and military officials said Wednesday.
The Moderate Voice, Washington Post, Daily Kos, Associated Press, The Week,, Outside the Beltway, Mediaite, Fox News, Raw Story, New York Post and The Guardian

A Stain on the Honor of the Navy — One prays to the “Eternal Father, strong to save / Whose arm hath bound the restless wave” that The Wall Street Journal has got it horribly wrong. The newspaper reports that the United States Navy, under orders from the White House and with the approval …
New York Times, Deadline, Washington Post, Raw Story and Mediaite

White House wanted USS John S. McCain obscured during Trump's Japan visit
Talking Points Memo, Townhall, Mediaite, Fox News, Voice of America, Conservative News Today, Raw Story, Daily Wire, The Guardian, The Gateway Pundit, The Week and Politico

Trump: Whoever Ordered USS John S. McCain Hidden Was ‘Well-Meaning’
The Daily Beast

Deceased G.O.P. Strategist's Hard Drives Reveal New Details on the Census Citizenship Question — WASHINGTON — Thomas B. Hofeller achieved near-mythic status in the Republican Party as the Michelangelo of gerrymandering, the architect of partisan political maps that cemented the party's dominance across the country.
Slate, Talking Points Memo, Mother Jones, ThinkProgress, Axios, VICE News, Balloon Juice, Daily Kos, Splinter, The Week, Shareblue Media, Raw Story, Law & Crime and Lawyers, Guns & Money

Trump Admits to Russia ‘Helping Me to Get Elected’ — WASHINGTON — President Trump on Thursday acknowledged for the first time that Russia helped “me to get elected,” and then quickly retracted the idea. — “No, Russia did not help me get elected,” Mr. Trump told reporters as he departed the White House for Colorado Springs.
Washington Post, CBS News, ThinkProgress, National Review, CNN, Shareblue Media, Talking Points Memo, Politico, The Hill, Axios, Daily Wire, POLITICUSUSA, Hollywood Elsewhere and

Bill O'Reilly: Trump Called Me Last Night and Said Mueller Hates Him Because He Refused to Refund Mueller's $15k Country Club Deposit — Bill O'Reilly said President Donald Trump called him the night of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's statement on his report to complain that Mueller …
Raw Story

The Wisest Remedy Is Not Impeachment — Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller yesterday turned up the pressure on House Democrats. — Mueller emphasized and underlined that there is strong evidence that Trump obstructed justice, and that only Congress can constitutionally decide what to do about that evidence.

Trump Admits Russia Helped Elect Him—Then Does a U-Turn — In a series of ill-tempered morning tweets, the president seemed to accept that Russia was on his side in 2016—before scrambling to walk it all back. — Donald Trump finally admitted that Russia helped elected him president—before immediately retracting it.

Trump responds to Mueller, calls him ‘a true never Trumper’
CANNONFIRE and The Federalist

Trump fixates on IQ as a measure of self-worth
The Week, Vanity Fair, Associated Press and VICE News

Another Mueller-Comey One-Two Punch
The Daily Beast, The Hill and PBS NewsHour

Sean Hannity: Mueller 'Doesn't Know the Law' and 'He's Full of Crap'
Law & Crime and Contemptor

BREAKING: Trump Deletes Tweet Admitting Russia Helped Him Get Elected (Updated)
CNN, Townhall, The Gateway Pundit and Washington Post

Nancy Pelosi defies growing calls for impeachment after Mueller's statement
Patterico's Pontifications, The Guardian, Associated Press, Mercury News, Washington Post and

Mueller Counted on Institutions to Grapple With His Report. They Didn't.
Fortune, NPR, Washington Post, Observer and The Hill

Mueller Delivered a Message. Washington Couldn't Agree on What It Was. — WASHINGTON — At long last, the sphinx of Washington spoke on Wednesday, and here is what President Trump heard: “Case closed.” Here is what the president's adversaries heard: “Time to impeach.”

When will the Republican silence on Trump end?
Politico, Raw Story and POLITICUSUSA

Justin Amash's call for impeachment is way overblown
Raw Story and Common Dreams

Mueller Bows Out: What Does Congress Do Now?
NBC News, Mad Dog PAC, New York Times, American Greatness, Townhall and Vox

If Americans won't read Mueller's report, spoon-feed it to them
USA Today, Law & Crime and National Review

Conservatives Stunned by Mueller Suggesting Trump Is Not Innocent — Robert Mueller's brief, eight-minute remarks on Wednesday about his investigation left the non-conservatives who closely follow his work fairly nonplussed. Mueller was simply reiterating things he had already written in his report.
New York Post, National Review and The Week

Federal subpoena demands records on Andrew Gillum and his campaign for governor — A recent federal probe sought information related to the Florida Democrat and people in his orbit, signaling a shift in the Tallahassee FBI investigation — Andrew Gillum is a focal point …
Big League Politics and

Federal prosecutors demand Cindy Yang records from Mar-a-Lago, Trump campaign — Federal prosecutors in Washington D.C. this week sent subpoenas to Mar-a-Lago, President Donald Trump's private club in Palm Beach, and Trump Victory, a political fundraising committee, demanding they turn …
Talking Points Memo, Axios, Politico, Reason, Shareblue Media, Vanity Fair, Splinter and New York Post

U.S. top security adviser says threat from Iran is not over — LONDON (Reuters) - The threat from Iran is not over but quick action from the United States has helped deter it, White House National Security Adviser John Bolton said on Thursday. — The U.S. military has sent forces …
The American Conservative

Democratic 2020 hopefuls AWOL on national security
The Nation and Washington Post

Blasted Are The Meek — On First Things and Sohrab Ahmari. — “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land,” Jesus explained in his Sermon on the Mount; “[b]lessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” — If only Sohrab Ahmari and First Things had been on the scene …
National Review

Okay, Sohrab Ahmari, but Why Did You ‘Snap’?
The Federalist and Web Exclusives

Buttigieg brother-in-law accuses 2020 candidate of lying about his family for political gain — CLIO, Michigan — Pete Buttigieg's brother-in-law is accusing the gay Democratic presidential hopeful of hijacking his family's history for political advantage by crafting a bogus backstory of poverty, homelessness, and homophobia.
Fox News and Daily Wire

Twitter Still Has A White Nationalist Problem — Almost 18 months after Twitter promised to crack down on hate, the platform teems with racist extremists. — Last month, Twitter put up another blog post declaring that it had made “strides” to build a “healthier” service.

Americans have turned against Trump on trade — Farmer who voted for Trump: I'm not going to be quiet — (CNN)President Donald Trump's trade wars may be something he believes in, but it doesn't seem to be a political winner. Unlike many issues on which Trump has seesawed on over the years …
Raw Story

Former Republican Federal Prosecutors Speak Out Against President Trump's Obstruction of Justice — This testimonial video was published by Republicans for the Rule of Law and Protect Democracy. — Former Republican federal prosecutors discuss how if President Trump were anyone else …
Political Wire

Longtime Mississippi Republican Sen. Thad Cochran dead at 81 — Former Mississippi Republican Sen. Thad Cochran, who served in Congress for more than 45 years and chaired the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, died Thursday. He was 81. — Cochran resigned from the Senate in April 2018, citing health reasons.

New Hampshire abolishes death penalty after lawmakers override governor — Lawmakers in New Hampshire voted Thursday to abolish the death penalty, overriding a veto from the state's Republican governor and making it the 21st state to abandon capital punishment.
Daily Kos

No CNN, Net 90 is not a reasonable payment term — According to Twitter user Marcus DiPaola, CNN sent a letter to freelancers this week stating that as of June 17 of this year, it would extend payment terms to “Net 90” (payment 90 days after invoice). The letter also said that Turner …

Presidential outrage over a false tweet? Trump's race-baiting did far more harm to the Central Park Five. — There are inconsequential social media screw-ups. — And there are malicious lies. — President Trump seems to have them confused. — The other day, an errant tweet …
Rolling Stone

Why Millennials' Political Awakening Could Bury Trump in 2020 — Republicans have long known that millennials were going to be a problem for their party. The only questions were “How big?” and “How soon?” — The bulk of Americans born between 1981 and 1996 saw Bill Clinton preside over an age of …
Washington Post, Raw Story, Vox and Pew Research Center

US energy department rebrands fossil fuels as ‘molecules of freedom’ — Press release from department said increasing export capacity is ‘critical to spreading freedom gas throughout the world’ — America is the land of freedom, as any politician will be happy to tell you.
Progress Pond, Common Dreams and Power Line

Corbyn backs soft Brexit and says second referendum ‘some way off’ — Labour leader also does not say whether remain would be on ballot paper in any public vote — Play Video — Jeremy Corbyn has said a second referendum is “some way off” and that Labour still wants to negotiate a better Brexit deal …