Top Items:

Biden, Recalling Civility in Senate, Invokes Two Segregationist Senators — Joseph R. Biden Jr., defending himself on Tuesday night against suggestions that he is too “old fashioned” for today's Democratic Party, invoked two Southern segregationist senators by name as he fondly recalled the …
Jezebel, Daily Wire, Splinter, NBC News, Washington Free Beacon and Slate

Biden cites his relationships with segregationist senators as examples of ‘civility’ — Joe Biden wistfully recalled on Tuesday an era in which he was able to get along with segregationist senators even though they “didn't agree on much of anything.” — Dismissing criticism …
Talking Points Memo and

Biden touts work with segregationist lawmakers in bygone era of Senate ‘civility’
Townhall, VICE and Political Wire

Facebook moderators break their NDAs to expose desperate working conditions — At Facebook's worst-performing content moderation site in North America, one contractor has died, and others say they fear for their lives — Content warning: This story contains descriptions of violent acts …
Boing Boing, more at Mediagazer »

Sarah Sanders is ‘extremely serious’ about a run for Arkansas governor — Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the outgoing White House press secretary, is seriously considering running for governor of Arkansas, according to three people who have spoken to her in recent days.
Talking Points Memo, Washington Times, Mediaite, New York Post, Splinter, IJR and Political Wire

She stopped returning some of Trump's calls. Now Hope Hicks is testifying behind closed doors — (CNN)For Hope Hicks, President Donald Trump is “boss man” no more. — Once the President's closest West Wing confidante — the recipient of his repeated phone calls, the witness to his angriest moments …

What We Learned From Trump's Orlando Rally — ORLANDO, Fla. — President Trump kicked off his 2020 re-election campaign on Tuesday night in Orlando. Here are eight takeaways. — 1. It was just a rally. — Despite weeks of hype from the president and his campaign …
Talking Points Memo, Wonkette, Althouse and Breitbart

Fact-check: Trump's Orlando rally featured more than 15 false claims over 76 minutes — Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump kicked off his formal reelection campaign Tuesday night with a rally in Orlando. His 76-minute speech featured more than 15 false statements, many of them ones that he's repeated frequently in the past.
Political Wire

Meet the New York couple donating millions to the anti-vax movement — A wealthy Manhattan couple has emerged as significant financiers of the anti-vaccine movement, contributing more than $3 million in recent years to groups that stoke fears about immunizations online and at live events …
No More Mister Nice Blog

Photos From My Son At Trump 2020 Kickoff Campaign Rally In Orlando — My son is in Orlando on business and went to the capacity filled (20,000+, with attendees waiting in rain before)) stadium for President Trump's 2020 campaign kickoff rally. — Pregame at Powerline. For live coverage from sarcastic local reporter.
Power Line, Breitbart, Orlando Sentinel and RealClearPolitics

President Trump unveils 2020 slogan to replace 2016 rallying cry during campaign rally
Breitbart, Daily Wire, Politico, Washington Post and Power Line

Four to Face Murder Charges in Downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 — MOSCOW — International prosecutors on Wednesday said that four men, including three with close ties to the Russian military and intelligence, would face murder charges in the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine five years ago, killing 298 people.

Trump Re-Election Efforts Raise $24.8 Million Tied to Launch Rally — RNC says funds were split among campaign and joint committees — President Trump's re-election effort raised $24.8 million in under 24 hours, the Republican National Committee said Wednesday morning …
The Gateway Pundit

Trump raises record $24.8 million in one day as he launches reelection bid
PJ Media Home

Biden Tells Elite Donors He Doesn't Want to ‘Demonize’ the Rich
Shakesville and Breitbart

Khashoggi murder: Independent investigation blames Saudi Arabia for ‘extrajudicial killing’ of journalist — (CNN)Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi was the victim of a “deliberate, premeditated execution,” a United Nations special rapporteur has concluded in the first independent investigation into his death.
Al Jazeera

‘Credible evidence’ Saudi crown prince liable for Khashoggi murder: UN expert

Pompeo warns Iran about trigger for U.S. military action as some in administration question aggressive policy — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has privately delivered warnings intended for Iranian leaders that any attack by Tehran or its proxies resulting in the death of even one American service member …
Wonkette, Hullabaloo, The American Conservative, Vox, Slate, NPR and Task & Purpose

Trump EPA finalizes rollback of key Obama climate rule that targeted coal plants — The Trump administration finalized its biggest climate policy rollback Wednesday, requiring the U.S. power sector to cut its 2030 carbon emissions 35 percent over 2005 levels — less than half of what experts calculate …

People Are Taking Emotional Support Animals Everywhere. States Are Cracking Down. — More Americans are saying they need a variety of animals — dogs, ducks, even insects — for their mental health. But critics say many are really just pets that do not merit special status.

Here are the tough debate questions 2020 Democratic candidates should have to answer — Presidential debate moderators should be as tough on Democrats as they've been on Republicans. Put them on the spot about culture and economics. — CONNECT — The upcoming Democratic presidential debates …

Leftists Have Turned Obama Into Mitt Romney
Daily Kos

Long-Awaited Trump Inauguration Audit Skimps on Details, References Mystery Lawsuit — In the face of mounting investigations and reports of malfeasance on the part of President Trump's inaugural committee, officials tied to the organization have long relied on claims that a full “clean” audit was conducted on its finances.

FBI, warned early and often that Manafort file might be fake, used it anyway — When the final chapter of the Russia collusion caper is written, it is likely two seminal documents the FBI used to justify investigating Donald Trump's 2016 campaign will turn out to be bunk.

GOP Sen. Josh Hawley takes aim at Big Tech's legal protection with new bill — Sen. Josh Hawley has announced legislation that would remove tech titans' protection from liability for third-party content on their platforms. — The Missouri senator's bill specifically targets Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.
Washington Free Beacon

Five NY1 Anchorwomen Sue Cable Channel for Age and Gender Discrimination — Five anchorwomen at NY1, one of the country's most prominent local news channels, sued the network on Wednesday over age and gender discrimination, alleging a systematic effort by managers to force them off the air in favor of younger, less experienced hosts.

Fight over flight to Cochran funeral breaks out in Senate Appropriations Committee — What started as a routine request — arranging for a government flight to take senators to the funeral of the late Sen. Thad Cochran — has become a controversy over Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman …
Talking Points Memo

Warren emerges as potential compromise nominee — CHARLESTON, S.C. — There was a time not so long ago when leading Democrats warned that Elizabeth Warren's “fantasy-based blue-state populism” risked leading the party to ruin. — But in a revealing tell of how far her campaign has come since …

Here's What They Said. — We tracked down the 2020 Democrats and asked them the same set of questions. Here's one: — CLOSED CAPTIONS — THE QUESTIONS — In an ideal world, would anyone own handguns? — Would your focus be improving the Affordable Care Act or replacing it with single payer?

Exclusive: Overruling his experts, Pompeo keeps Saudis off U.S. child soldiers list — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has blocked the inclusion of Saudi Arabia on a U.S. list of countries that recruit child soldiers, dismissing his experts' findings that a Saudi-led coalition …
New York Post, The American Conservative and

Tom Cotton wants to bomb Iran, and he has Trump's ear — Tom Cotton is the most outspoken champion for bombing Iran in a Senate filled with Republican hawks. And he's got President Donald Trump's ear on it, too. — The Arkansas Republican has spoken to several high-ranking U.S. officials …

The Evangelical, the ‘Pool Boy,’ the Comedian and Michael Cohen — Jerry Falwell Jr. defied expectations when he supported Donald J. Trump in 2016. Now details are emerging about behind-the-scenes maneuvering before the endorsement. — MIAMI BEACH — Senator Ted Cruz was running neck …
Talking Points Memo