Top Items:

A book on Kavanaugh has real news. But it's lost in the furor over a botched New York Times excerpt. — If you happened to see the excerpt of a new book on Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh in print, you might have flipped right past it. — It was on an inside page …

New reporting details how FBI limited investigation of Kavanaugh allegations — As Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh prepares for his second year on the Supreme Court, new reporting has detailed how the limits ordered by the White House and Senate Republicans last year constrained the FBI investigation …
Rewire.News, Raw Story, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Occupy Democrats, CANNONFIRE and POLITICUSUSA

Brett Kavanaugh Faces a New Accusation in The New York Times, but the Alleged Victim Didn't Confirm It — Associate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh faces another accusation of sexual misconduct. Details of the previously unreported incident appeared in The New York Times on Sunday.

No, Brett Kavanaugh Has Not Been ‘Credibly Accused’ — The accusations fail several basic tests of plausibility — Yesterday the Kavanaugh Wars erupted again, thanks to a since-revised essay in the New York Times that purported to bring forward a new allegation against Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
WBUR, Vox, The Nation, The Federalist, New York Times, Washington Post, Breitbart, Power Line and RedState

How to remove Brett Kavanaugh without impeaching him — Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on September 27, 2018, in Washington, DC. Melina Mara/Pool via Getty Images — The bar for removing Justice Brett Kavanaugh by impeachment is so high as to be insurmountable.
New York Post, Breitbart, Washington Post and Vanity Fair

The controversy surrounding the Times's handling of the latest Kavanaugh allegation, explained
Washington Post, U.S. Political News …, Salon, Splinter and Breitbart
Kyle Cheney / Politico:
Judiciary chairman throws cold water on Kavanaugh impeachment
Judiciary chairman throws cold water on Kavanaugh impeachment
Discussion:, Townhall, New York Post, Washington Post and Breitbart
Amanda Marcotte / Salon:
Republicans know Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath: They just don't care
Republicans know Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath: They just don't care
National Review, NPR and Popular Information
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Not just Kavanaugh: Another alarming reason to fear the Supreme Court
Not just Kavanaugh: Another alarming reason to fear the Supreme Court
NPR, The Daily Caller, New York Times, Breitbart and The Independent
Mary Chastain / Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion:
Christine Blasey Ford's Close Friend Leland Keyser Didn't Believe Her: “I don't have any confidence in the story”
Christine Blasey Ford's Close Friend Leland Keyser Didn't Believe Her: “I don't have any confidence in the story”
Fox News, Washington Examiner, Hot Air, Townhall and Daily Wire
Jennifer Rubin / Washington Post:
This is the Kavanaugh mess we feared
This is the Kavanaugh mess we feared
Politico, Vox and RedState, more at Mediagazer »

8 Years of Trump Tax Returns Are Subpoenaed by Manhattan D.A. — Investigators demanded the president's personal and corporate tax returns as they examine hush money paid to Stormy Daniels. — State prosecutors in Manhattan have subpoenaed President Trump's accounting firm to demand eight years …

Working Families Party Endorses Elizabeth Warren — The progressive group, whose electoral influence has grown since it backed Bernie Sanders in 2016, is now supporting Ms. Warren for the Democratic presidential nomination. — The Working Families Party, the labor-aligned progressive group …
Vox, Politico, Fox News, Talking Points Memo, The Week, Washington Times, Axios, Daily Kos, Raw Story and The Daily Beast, more at Techmeme »

End Washington Corruption … In 1958, the National Election Survey first asked Americans a simple question: Do you trust the government to do the right thing most of the time? That year, 73% of Americans said yes. — In 2019, that number is just 17%. Five out of every six Americans …
U.S. Political News …, Vox, National Review, Breitbart, Politico, Law & Crime, CBS Boston, The Week, Fox News, Hullabaloo, Daily Kos and Axios

Warren Goes After Trump's Sister in Anti-Corruption Push
Raw Story, Hullabaloo, Townhall, Common Dreams, PJ Media Home, BizPac Review, Sara A. Carter, ABC News and
Alex Thompson / Politico:
Working Families Party endorses Warren in blow to Sanders
Working Families Party endorses Warren in blow to Sanders
Fox News and Washington Times

Elaine Chao Investigated by House Panel for Possible Conflicts — WASHINGTON — The House Oversight and Reform Committee asked Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao on Monday to turn over documents related to communication with her family's shipping company as the panel stepped up an investigation …
Raw Story, POLITICUSUSA and Political Wire

House committee launches investigation into Transportation Secretary Chao
Common Dreams
House Committee on Oversight and Reform:
Oversight Launches Investigation of Ethics Allegations Against Chao
Tanya Snyder / Politico:
House Oversight probing whether Chao improperly helped her family's company
House Oversight probing whether Chao improperly helped her family's company

Exclusive: Russia carried out a ‘stunning’ breach of FBI communications system, escalating the spy game on U.S. soil — On Dec. 29, 2016, the Obama administration announced that it was giving nearly three dozen Russian diplomats just 72 hours to leave the United States and was seizing …
RedState, Daily Kos, Raw Story, New Republic, emptywheel, The Crime Report and Washington Post

Women's March cutting ties with three original board members accused of anti-Semitism — Calls for the co-chairs to resign arose before the 2019 Women's March on Washington. — The Women's March is cutting ties with three inaugural board members who have been dogged by accusations of anti-Semitism …
Axios, CNN, VICE, RedState, Fox News, Breitbart, Daily Wire, The Daily Caller, Jihad Watch,, The Gateway Pundit, Washington Free Beacon, Mediaite and Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Trump Is Cornered by the Saudi Drone Attacks — The president's inconsistency on Iran and his ties to the Saudis don't bode well for how he will handle a monumental foreign policy challenge. — A small squadron of drones — and possibly cruise missiles — penetrated Saudi Arabia's air defenses …
The National Interest, ABC News, Washington Post, Foreign Policy, Politico and New Republic

Saudi Arabia says drones used to attack its oil facilities were Iranian — ISTANBUL — Yemen's Houthi rebels have threatened additional attacks on Saudi oil installations just days after claiming a crippling assault on facilities in the desert kingdom, the group's al-Masirah TV reported Monday.
Arms Control Wonk, Mother Jones, ABC News, BBC, The Drive, The Guardian, NBC News, Reuters, Vanity Fair, Breitbart and The Daily Caller

Donald Trump Keeps Telling World Leaders The Same Bizarre Story About Kim Jong Un — It has become Donald Trump's anecdote of choice for world leaders. At the last two G7 summit meetings — which bring together the heads of government of Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada, the UK and the US …

Hillary Clinton's Zombie Impeachment Memo That Could Help Fell Trump — A document Hillary Clinton helped write nearly a half century ago has returned from the dead to threaten the man she couldn't vanquish in 2016. — The bizarre, only-in-D.C. twist centers on a congressional report penned …

John Bolton Already Talking With Book Agents: ‘He Has a Lot to Dish’ — He penned one after leaving the Bush administration. Now, the president's former top national-security aide is exploring another book. — Following his acrimonious departure from the White House …
Raw Story

McCabe's legal team says Trump's attacks have made fair prosecution an ‘impossibility’ — Former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe and his legal team have waged a vigorous public campaign to dispute allegations that he lied to investigators about a media leak. — Behind the scenes, they have been just as aggressive.
Josh Gerstein / Politico:
Obama's team lines up to defend Andrew McCabe in court

Donald Trump claimed the primaries were rigged in 2016. Now he's the one rigging them. — By canceling primaries, the Republican Party leadership is essentially sticking its fingers in its ears and shouting “la la la” to avoid reality. — In 2016, then-candidate Donald Trump complained …
Chandelis Duster / CNN:
Joe Walsh says Republican Party is a ‘cult’ and will go straight to the voters after canceled primaries
Joe Walsh says Republican Party is a ‘cult’ and will go straight to the voters after canceled primaries
The Federalist and IJR

Shane Gillis Dropped From ‘S.N.L.’ Cast Amid Criticism of Racist Slurs — A few days after Gillis was named to the cast, the show said that he would not stay on, and that it had been unaware of his offensive remarks. — Shane Gillis, a comedian named last week to the “Saturday Night Live” …
Washington Post, Quartz and Rolling Stone, more at Mediagazer »

U.S. officials knew bomb-sniffing dogs were dying from neglect in Jordan. They sent more. — Mencey, a pointy-eared, caramel-colored Belgian Malinois, was ready to sniff out bombs when he arrived in Jordan in July 2017. — The 3-year-old did not get much of a chance.

Why Are Progressives Wary of Technologies That Pull Carbon From the Air? — Bernie Sanders calls carbon capture a “false solution” but many experts say developing the technology is essential to fighting the climate crisis … The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change …