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10:00 AM ET, October 4, 2019


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
Trump Envoys Pushed Ukraine to Commit to Investigating Biden  —  WASHINGTON — Two of President Trump's top envoys to Ukraine worked on a statement for the country's new president in August that would have committed Ukraine to pursuing investigations sought by Mr. Trump into his political rivals …
Wall Street Journal:
Trump Ordered Ukraine Ambassador Removed After Complaints From Giuliani, Others  —  Marie Yovanovitch dismissed after Trump allies said she was blocking Biden probe and bad-mouthing president, people familiar with the matter say  —  WASHINGTON—President Trump ordered the removal of the ambassador …
Washington Post:
IRS whistleblower said to report Treasury political appointee might have tried to interfere in audit of Trump or Pence  —  An Internal Revenue Service official has filed a whistleblower complaint reporting that he was told at least one Treasury Department political appointee attempted …
Trump raised Biden with Xi in June call housed in highly secure server  —  Washington (CNN)When President Donald Trump suggested — without prompting — that China should investigate Joe Biden and his son, he thrust another political grudge into what was already the world's most complicated and consequential relationship.
Molly Beck / Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Ron Johnson OK with President Trump asking China to investigate 2020 political rival  —  U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., speaks with members of the media after meeting with the Middleton Chamber of Commerce at Serendipity Labs in Madison on Thursday.  Johnson Thursday said that there was nothing wrong …
Andrew E. Kramer / New York Times:
Ukraine to Review Criminal Case on Owner of Firm Linked to Biden's Son  —  KIEV, Ukraine — Ukraine's top prosecutor said on Friday that he would review several important cases previously handled by his predecessors, including a criminal case involving the owner of a natural gas company …
Discussion: Lawfare and Slate
Theodoric Meyer / Politico:
Energy Secretary Rick Perry eyeing exit in November  —  Energy Secretary Rick Perry is expected to announce his resignation from the administration by the end of November, according to three people familiar with his plans.  —  Perry, who had been Texas' longest-serving governor …
Zack Budryk / The Hill:
GOP senator says he doesn't remember signing 2016 letter urging ‘reform’ of Ukraine prosecutor's office  —  Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) told reporters Thursday he did not recall signing a letter urging reforms in the office of the Ukrainian prosecutor President Trump has alleged former Vice …
Jake Sherman / Politico:
POLITICO Playbook: The smoking texts
Katherine Faulders / ABC News:
‘Crazy to withhold security assistance’ to Ukraine for political purposes: Top US diplomat
Will Englund / Washington Post:
Ukraine's new chief prosecutor to ‘audit’ Biden case
Linnaea Honl-Stuenkel / CREW:
Rick Perry Created AI Office Within Energy Dept. Despite Wife's Investments
Discussion: The Week
Wall Street Journal:   Ukraine to Review Investigations Into Firm Linked to Biden's Son
NBC News:
Giuliani says State Dept vowed to investigate after he gave Ukraine docs to Pompeo
Discussion: The Bulwark
Karoun Demirjian / Washington Post:
Trump wanted Ukraine's president to launch investigations before face-to-face meeting, State Dept. texts show
Washington Post:
Rick Perry planning to step down as energy secretary by year end
Discussion: CNN, New York Times, KTLA and The Week
Harry Enten / CNN:
Trump's impeachment polling is historically unprecedented  —  Lemon and Cuomo debate if there's enough to impeach Trump  —  (CNN)The poll numbers are in on impeachment, and it's not good news for President Donald Trump.  A clear plurality of Americans approve of the House's impeachment inquiry into Trump …
Discussion: Political Wire
USA Today:
How Democrats should impeach Trump: A searing constitutional duty, a plan from 2 realists  —  We're different but we agree: No president has placed America in more peril for less reason than Trump.  Refusing to confront him only emboldens him.  —  CONNECT
Discussion: New Republic and Raw Story
Susan B. Glasser / New Yorker:
Did Donald Trump Just Self-Impeach?  —  In the ten days since the House of Representatives launched its impeachment inquiry, President Trump has spoken and tweeted thousands of words in public.  He has called the investigation a “coup” and the press “deranged.”
Issues & Insights:
Impeachment Comments Democrats Would Rather You Forget
Discussion: Instapundit
Joseph Morton / Associated Press:
'Americans don't look to Chinese commies for the truth': Sasse decries Trump's call for probe  —  “If the Biden kid broke laws by selling his name to Beijing, that's a matter for American courts, not communist tyrants running torture camps,” Sen. Ben Sasse told The World-Herald on Thursday.
NBC News:
Another GOP senator breaks from Trump to defend Ukraine whistleblower  —  “I stand with Chuck Grassley on this,” Ernst said, referring to Iowa's other Republican senator who defended the unnamed whistleblower.  —  Another Republican senator is speaking out in defense of the intelligence …
Discussion: Axios
Jordain Carney / The Hill:   Sasse breaks with Trump's call for probe: 'Americans don't look to Chinese commies for the truth'
Washington Post:
Trump publicly calls on China to investigate Bidens
Marc Caputo / Politico:
Pelosi: 'I'm very worried' about whistleblower's safety
Trump promised Xi US silence on Hong Kong democracy protests as trade talks stalled  —  (CNN)During a private phone call in June, President Donald Trump promised Chinese President Xi Jinping that the US would remain quiet on pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong while trade talks continued, two sources familiar with the call tell CNN.
Financial Times:   Donald Trump encourages China to investigate Bidens
Scoop: Trump letter dares Pelosi to hold vote on impeachment inquiry  —  The White House is planning to send Speaker Nancy Pelosi a letter as soon as Friday arguing that President Trump and his team can ignore lawmakers' demands until she holds a full House vote formally approving an impeachment inquiry …
Trump's impeach-me strategy
Kimberley A. Strassel / Wall Street Journal:
Schiff's Shifty Timeline  —  What did the House Intel Committee chairman know and when did he know it?  —  If the latest impeachment push continues to backfire, Democrats can thank their duplicitous House Intelligence chairman, Adam Schiff.  —  The New York Times reported this week that the …
Philip Bump / Washington Post:
Three deeply problematic aspects of newly released text messages centered on the Ukraine scandal  —  It's generally not a good sign when a government official sends a written message questioning the propriety of an action and another official replies by suggesting they talk on the phone.
The Daily Beast:
Damning Trump Team Texts Detail Pressure Campaign on Ukraine
Discussion: Washington Post
Marc Caputo / Politico:
'You're making him a further victim': Dems fume over DNC treatment of Biden  —  The Republican National Committee and its chair, Ronna McDaniel, have been blasting out dozens of tweets ripping Joe Biden — and Democratic impeachment efforts — for days on end.  Donald Trump has been busy doing the same.
David M. Drucker / Washington Examiner:
Maybe not Trump?  Never Trumpers insist they won't back Warren  —  Prominent “Never Trump” Republicans insist they would never back rising Democratic contender Elizabeth Warren, describing an election that pits the liberal Massachusetts senator against a president they despise as a choice between two unacceptable options.
Trump's Senate red wall  —  Every time President Trump seems to tempt fate — like inviting China on camera yesterday to investigate the Bidens — just remember that he's counting on his red wall in the Senate will save him even if he's impeached.  —  The big picture: Here's a visual look …
Discussion: Political Wire
Graham Piro / Washington Free Beacon:
Tlaib: Democrats Looking Into How to Arrest Trump Officials  —  Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) said Democratic lawmakers are exploring how to arrest White House officials who do not comply with congressional subpoenas.  —  Tlaib told Detroit constituents at her “Congress, Coffee …
Discussion: Washington Post
David Brooks / New York Times:
Why Trump Voters Stick With Him  —  An imagined conversation with Flyover Man.  —  Urban Guy: I hope you read the rough transcript of that Trump phone call with the Ukrainian president.  Trump clearly used public power to ask a foreign leader to dig up dirt on his political opponent.
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 More Items: 
Josh Blackman / Reason:
Ben Penn's False and Misleading Email to the Department of Labor
Discussion: Instapundit
Emilio Casalicchio / Politico:
Court papers show Johnson will ask for Brexit extension to avoid no deal
Jennifer Haberkorn / Los Angeles Times:
Democrats in districts Trump won in 2016 face little impeachment backlash so far
Discussion: HuffPost
Patricia Cohen / New York Times:
U.S. Added 136,000 Jobs in September; Unemployment Rate at 3.5%
Tim Miller / The Bulwark:
Being Donald Trump: Inside the World Where Conspiracies Are Reality
 Earlier Items: 
Nick Reidy / Campus Reform:
Georgia prof: Media must pressure Trump to resign before more people die
Discussion: National Review
Dave Itzkoff / New York Times:
2 Women Say James Franco's Acting School Sexually Exploited Them
The Daily Caller:
Tucker And Patel: The Truth About Impeachment
Discussion: The Atlantic
U.S. House of Representatives Permanent …:
Three Chairs Provide Update on Investigative Work, Volker Testimony & Text Messages
Discussion: Common Dreams
Ryan Broderick / BuzzFeed News:
Donald Trump Is Stuck In A Human Centipede Of Boomer Memes
Discussion: Louder With Crowder