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11:55 AM ET, October 4, 2019


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
Trump Envoys Pushed Ukraine to Commit to Investigating Biden  —  WASHINGTON — Two of President Trump's top envoys to Ukraine worked on a statement for the country's new president in August that would have committed Ukraine to pursuing investigations sought by Mr. Trump into his political rivals …
Wall Street Journal:
Trump Ordered Ukraine Ambassador Removed After Complaints From Giuliani, Others  —  Marie Yovanovitch dismissed after Trump allies said she was blocking Biden probe and bad-mouthing president, people familiar with the matter say  —  WASHINGTON—President Trump ordered the removal of the ambassador …
Trump promised Xi US silence on Hong Kong democracy protests as trade talks stalled  —  (CNN)During a private phone call in June, President Donald Trump promised Chinese President Xi Jinping that the US would remain quiet on pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong while trade talks continued, two sources familiar with the call tell CNN.
Washington Post:
IRS whistleblower said to report Treasury political appointee might have tried to interfere in audit of Trump or Pence  —  An Internal Revenue Service official has filed a whistleblower complaint reporting that he was told at least one Treasury Department political appointee attempted …
Trump raised Biden with Xi in June call housed in highly secure server  —  Washington (CNN)When President Donald Trump suggested — without prompting — that China should investigate Joe Biden and his son, he thrust another political grudge into what was already the world's most complicated and consequential relationship.
Molly Beck / Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Ron Johnson OK with President Trump asking China to investigate 2020 political rival  —  U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., speaks with members of the media after meeting with the Middleton Chamber of Commerce at Serendipity Labs in Madison on Thursday.  Johnson Thursday said that there was nothing wrong …
Andrew E. Kramer / New York Times:
Ukraine to Review Criminal Case on Owner of Firm Linked to Biden's Son  —  KIEV, Ukraine — Ukraine's top prosecutor said on Friday that he would review several important cases previously handled by his predecessors, including a criminal case involving the owner of a natural gas company …
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
The Only Issue Left Is Trump's ‘Absolute Right’ to Solicit Collusion  —  We can now make an educated guess that President Trump probably knew the jig was up when he appeared on the White House lawn Thursday morning and announced that he wants Ukraine and China to investigate his leading political rival.
Discussion: CNN, Raw Story and Progress Pond
Jonathan Bernstein / Bloomberg:
Trump's Allies Are Running Out of Excuses
Zack Budryk / The Hill:
GOP senator says he doesn't remember signing 2016 letter urging ‘reform’ of Ukraine prosecutor's office
Discussion: Talking Points Memo and HuffPost
The Daily Beast:   Damning Trump Team Texts Detail Pressure Campaign on Ukraine
New York Times:
Pence Makes Clear There Is No Daylight Between Him and Trump
Discussion: The Mahablog
Jake Sherman / Politico:
POLITICO Playbook: The smoking texts
Philip Bump / Washington Post:   Three deeply problematic aspects of newly released text messages centered on the Ukraine scandal
USA Today:
Ukraine: Text messages show U.S. diplomats believed U.S. aid was linked to Trump's demand for Biden probe
Discussion: Raw Story
Financial Times:
Donald Trump encourages China to investigate Bidens
Discussion: Shareblue Media
U.S. House of Representatives Permanent …:
Three Chairs Provide Update on Investigative Work, Volker Testimony & Text Messages
Discussion: Common Dreams
Harry Enten / CNN:
Trump's impeachment polling is historically unprecedented  —  Lemon and Cuomo debate if there's enough to impeach Trump  —  (CNN)The poll numbers are in on impeachment, and it's not good news for President Donald Trump.  A clear plurality of Americans approve of the House's impeachment inquiry into Trump …
Discussion: JustOneMinute and Political Wire
USA Today:
How Democrats should impeach Trump: A searing constitutional duty, a plan from 2 realists  —  We're different but we agree: No president has placed America in more peril for less reason than Trump.  Refusing to confront him only emboldens him.  —  CONNECT
Discussion: New Republic
Susan B. Glasser / New Yorker:   Did Donald Trump Just Self-Impeach?
Issues & Insights:
Impeachment Comments Democrats Would Rather You Forget
Discussion: Instapundit
Elizabeth Warren raises $24.6 million in third quarter, reinforcing status among 2020 front-runners  —  (CNN)Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren raised $24.6 million over the past three months, her campaign said Friday morning, falling just short of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' massive haul.
David M. Drucker / Washington Examiner:
Maybe not Trump?  Never Trumpers insist they won't back Warren  —  Prominent “Never Trump” Republicans insist they would never back rising Democratic contender Elizabeth Warren, describing an election that pits the liberal Massachusetts senator against a president they despise as a choice between two unacceptable options.
Alex Thompson / Politico:
Elizabeth Warren raises $24.6 million in third quarter  —  Sen. Elizabeth Warren's presidential campaign said Friday that it raised $24.6 million in the third quarter and has $25.7 million cash on hand, further solidifying her rise to the top tier in the Democratic primary.
Discussion: Washington Post and Political Wire
Evan Halper / Los Angeles Times:
Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders blow past Joe Biden in fundraising race  —  Presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders greatly eclipsed former Vice President Joe Biden in fundraising over the past three months, placing progressive Democrats on strong footing in the crucial final stretch before primary voting begins.
Robert Barnes / Washington Post:
Supreme Court to review ruling on Louisiana abortion law  —  The Supreme Court will review a restrictive Louisiana law that gives the justices the chance to reconsider a recent ruling protecting abortion rights.  —  The court said Friday it would consider whether the 2014 law requiring doctors …
Discussion: NPR, Associated Press, Politico and The Week
Mark Joseph Stern / Slate:   This Supreme Court Term Will Launch a Conservative Revolution
Devin Dwyer / ABC News:   Supreme Court to hear Louisiana abortion case in first test for conservative majority
The Supreme Court just announced it will hear the first big abortion case of the Kavanaugh era
Discussion: Axios, Townhall and Raw Story
Joseph Morton / Associated Press:
'Americans don't look to Chinese commies for the truth': Sasse decries Trump's call for probe  —  “If the Biden kid broke laws by selling his name to Beijing, that's a matter for American courts, not communist tyrants running torture camps,” Sen. Ben Sasse told The World-Herald on Thursday.
Jordain Carney / The Hill:   Sasse breaks with Trump's call for probe: 'Americans don't look to Chinese commies for the truth'
Quint Forgey / Politico:
Trump claims he has an ‘obligation’ to seek foreign help
Discussion: ABC News, Vox and Talking Points Memo
Tucker Higgins / CNBC:
FEC chair tweets reminder that accepting foreign help in an election is illegal after Trump urges China …
Glenn Kessler / Washington Post:
Schiff's false claim his committee had not spoken to the whistleblower  —  “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower, we would like to.”  —  We recently took Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to task for misleading reporters about the fact that he was a participant …
Kimberley A. Strassel / Wall Street Journal:   Schiff's Shifty Timeline
Nico Hines / The Daily Beast:
Email Leak Exposes Trump Tower Russian's Dirty Lobbying Operations  —  According to leaked emails from Natalia Veselniskaya, Russia's disinformation campaign may have broken U.S. law and exposed details of a witness who later fell from a window.  —  LONDON—The identity of the U.S. government's star witness …
Discussion: Raw Story
Theodoric Meyer / Politico:
Energy Secretary Rick Perry eyeing exit in November  —  Energy Secretary Rick Perry is expected to announce his resignation from the administration by the end of November, according to three people familiar with his plans.  —  Perry, who had been Texas' longest-serving governor …
Scoop: Trump letter dares Pelosi to hold vote on impeachment inquiry  —  The White House is planning to send Speaker Nancy Pelosi a letter as soon as Friday arguing that President Trump and his team can ignore lawmakers' demands until she holds a full House vote formally approving an impeachment inquiry …
Trump's impeach-me strategy
Discussion: Mother Jones and The White House
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 More Items: 
Walter Shapiro / New Republic:
Pete Buttigieg's Undeniable Allure
Washington Post:
Poll finds Virginia voters focused on gun policy ahead of pivotal election
Discussion: Blue Virginia
Trump EPA Pledges Biofuel Boost to Calm Corn-State Criticism
Discussion: Des Moines Register and Axios
Scott Johnson / Power Line:
Stand by your sham: Conspiracy theory
Andrew Marantz / New York Times:
Free Speech Is Killing Us
Karen Tumulty / Washington Post:
This might be the worst impeachment news of all for Trump
Discussion: Althouse and Political Wire
Josh Blackman / Reason:
Ben Penn's False and Misleading Email to the Department of Labor
Discussion: Instapundit
 Earlier Items: 
Emilio Casalicchio / Politico:
Court papers show Johnson will ask for Brexit extension to avoid no deal
Jennifer Haberkorn / Los Angeles Times:
Democrats in districts Trump won in 2016 face little impeachment backlash so far
Discussion: HuffPost
Trump's Senate red wall
Discussion: Political Wire and Raw Story
Marc Caputo / Politico:
'You're making him a further victim': Dems fume over DNC treatment of Biden
Discussion: Associated Press
Tim Miller / The Bulwark:
Being Donald Trump: Inside the World Where Conspiracies Are Reality
The Daily Caller:
Tucker And Patel: The Truth About Impeachment
Discussion: Townhall and Mediaite
David Brooks / New York Times:
Why Trump Voters Stick With Him
NBC News:
Another GOP senator breaks from Trump to defend Ukraine whistleblower
Discussion: Politico and Axios