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11:05 AM ET, November 24, 2019


 Top Items: 
Alexander Burns / New York Times:
Michael Bloomberg Joins Democratic Field for President  —  Mr. Bloomberg brings a huge personal fortune and moderate views to an increasingly fluid race, but issues like criminal justice and his late start loom as vulnerabilities.  —  Michael R. Bloomberg announced on Sunday that he would run …
NBC News:
Michael Bloomberg launches 2020 presidential bid  —  The ad promotes Bloomberg's record as mayor and then promises “to rebuild the country and restore faith in the dream that defines us.”  —  MANCHESTER, N.H. — Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg officially entered the 2020 race Sunday …
Sally Goldenberg / Politico:
Michael Bloomberg launches campaign for president  —  Michael Bloomberg announced Sunday he is running for president, bringing a narrow following but boundless bank account to the crowded Democratic primary.  —  The 77-year-old former New York City mayor, positioning himself as a centrist alternative …
Associated Press:
Bloomberg vows to refuse donations, presidential salary  —  Bloomberg's team has reserved more than $30 million in television ads set to begin running Sunday in several primary states.  —  NEW YORK — Michael Bloomberg will not accept political donations if he runs for president …
Discussion: Vox, Axios and Breitbart
Bernie Sanders / ABC News:
New Hampshire may test durability of Sanders' popularity
Nancy Cook / Politico:
Forget the Oval.  The real Trump action is in the residence.  —  The Oval Office is the traditional epicenter of power for American presidents, but a new one is emerging that's more exclusive, more secluded and more convenient.  —  President Donald Trump is increasingly morphing the White House residence into a second Oval.
Discussion: The White House
Rob Gillies / Associated Press:
Secretary of Navy says Trump's tweet is not a formal order  —  1 of 2  —  HALIFAX, Nova Scotia (AP) — The secretary of the U.S. Navy said Saturday he doesn't consider a tweet by President Donald Trump an order and would need a formal order to stop a review of a sailor who could lose his status as a Navy Seal.
Discussion: The Hill
New York Times:
Navy Is Said to Proceed With Disciplinary Plans Against Edward Gallagher
CNN:   Official says Defense chief and Joint Chiefs Chairman raised concerns with White House on Gallagher case
Washington Post:
Top House Democrat says ethics probe of Nunes is likely over alleged meeting with Ukrainian about Bidens  —  A high-ranking House Democrat said Saturday it's “quite likely” Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) will face an ethics investigation over allegations that he met with an ex-Ukrainian official …
Discussion: Political Wire and Axios
Philip Rucker / Washington Post:
Trump's GOP support hardens despite damning impeachment testimony
Evan Semones / Politico:
Top Dem says ethics investigation into Devin Nunes likely
Jennifer Rubin / Washington Post:
Time to call out and remove Putin's propagandists  —  Republicans are not “merely” violating their oaths of office for failing to support impeachment of a president who arguably has committed more serious “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” and acts of bribery than all his predecessors combined.
Discussion: New York Times, Raw Story and Redstate
NBC News:
Schiff on more public hearings: 'Don't foreclose the possibility'  —  House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) joins Chuck Todd to discuss the impeachment inquiry.
Shannon Freshour / DemCast:
Jim Jordan has to go … Look, I know the odds, the obstacles, and the expected outcome when I decided to run for Congress to take on Jim Jordan.  —  But here's the thing: in America, the odds are increasingly stacked against working people and we all have a responsibility to do what we can to protect …
Harvard-Yale game ends in near-darkness after climate change protest  —  Spectators rushed the field to stage a climate change protest at halftime of Saturday's Harvard-Yale game, delaying the start of the second half by nearly an hour and causing the game to finish in near-darkness.
Discussion: The Federalist, CNN and YaleNews
Nick Enoch / Daily Mail:
Queen cancels Prince Andrew's 60th birthday party in wake of disastrous Newsnight interview amid claims Royal household is ‘aggrieved’ at suggestions she sanctioned it  —  The Queen has scrapped plans to host a party for Prince Andrew to mark his 60th birthday in February.
Andrew Sullivan / New York Magazine:
Fiona Hill: The Antidote to Trump
Discussion: Hullabaloo
Daniel Strauss / Politico:
Louisiana election shows limits of ‘old tough-on-crime stuff’  —  Republicans spent the fall hammering Louisiana's Democratic governor, John Bel Edwards, as “dangerously soft on crime” and said his policies “put everyone in danger.”  —  But then, Edwards won reelection in his conservative …
Discussion: NBC News
Roger Kimball / American Greatness:
Trump's Disruptive Energy vs. the Deep State  —  For the last 56 years, this time in November has been an occasion—at first pious and lachrymose, latterly perfunctory—to commemorate the assassination of John F. Kennedy.  That event was certainly a cultural cataclysm.  America was a changed place after November 22, 1963.
Ken Thomas / Wall Street Journal:
Joe Biden Tells Democrats, 'We've Got to Stop This Circular Firing Squad'  —  Former vice president campaigns in Iowa as recent polls in the state have shown him losing ground to South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg  —  DES MOINES, Iowa—Former Vice President Joe Biden is warning Democrats to halt a …
Maura Barrett / NBC News:
Kamala Harris tells Iowa voters she's ‘not a socialist’
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 More Items: 
Peter Baker / New York Times:
A Split Decision From Congress Will Leave Voters With Final Say on Trump
Discussion: Yahoo News
Karen Townsend / HotAir:
D.C. Attorney General Declines To Charge Jane Fonda For Friday Protests
Discussion: Breitbart
Janan Ganesh / Financial Times:
How boredom ignited the age of anger
Michael R. Sisak / Associated Press:
Feds fight back as Epstein death conspiracy theories swirl
Frederick Kempe / CNBC:
Iran faces its most critical moment since the 1979 Revolution
Discussion: Politico
Associated Press:
Brazil ex-president, out of jail, vows to make ‘lives hell’
Discussion: New York Post
 Earlier Items: 
Ros Krasny / Bloomberg:
Giuliani Says Biden Documents to Be Released ‘If I Disappear’
Caitlin Emma / Politico:
Agreement reached on spending bill allocations
Discussion: Associated Press
Tara Law / TIME:
It's Not Just Flooding in Venice.  Here's How Climate Change Threatens World Heritage Sites Everywhere
Todd Frankel / Washington Post:
Dozens of infant deaths have been tied to a popular baby product.  But regulators are too paralyzed to act.
Discussion: New York Post
Trevor Nace / Forbes:
Koalas ‘Functionally Extinct’ After Australia Bushfires Destroy 80% Of Their Habitat
Steven Erlanger / New York Times:
Merkel and Macron Publicly Clash Over NATO
Laura Vozzella / Washington Post:
McAuliffe hire suggests he is interested in a second bid for Virginia governor