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10:45 PM ET, November 24, 2019


 Top Items: 
Washington Post:
Pentagon chief asks for Navy secretary's resignation over private proposal in Navy SEAL's case  —  Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper asked for the resignation of Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer on Sunday after losing confidence in him over his handling of the case of a Navy SEAL accused of war crimes in Iraq, the Pentagon said.
New York Times:
Esper Demands Resignation of Navy Secretary Over SEAL Case  —  Richard Spencer, the Navy secretary, differed in his private and public statements, the defense secretary said.  Other officials said he angered President Trump by publicly disagreeing with him and threatening to resign.
Wall Street Journal:
Navy Secretary Richard Spencer Resigns Amid Controversy Over Navy SEAL  —  Navy Secretary Richard Spencer has resigned at Defense Secretary Mark Esper's request amid a controversy with the White House over a case against a Navy SEAL.
Alex Johnson / NBC News:
Navy Secretary Richard Spencer fired in dispute over discipline of SEAL  —  Spencer opposed President Donald Trump's order that Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher remain in the elite SEALs.  —  Navy Secretary Richard Spencer was fired Sunday by Defense Secretary Mike Esper …
Robert Burns / Associated Press:
Pentagon chief fires Navy secretary over SEAL controversy
Discussion: The Week and Fox News
Navy secretary fired over handling of Eddie Gallagher case
Discussion:, ABC News and NBC News
Andrew O'Reilly / Fox News:
Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher's review moving forward without WH interference, officials say
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit and NBC News
ABC News:
House Intelligence Committee in possession of video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate Lev Parnas  —  The House Intelligence Committee is in possession of audio and video recordings and photographs provided to the committee by Lev Parnas, an associate of President Donald Trump's personal attorney …
Christina Wilkie / CNBC:
Giuliani associate wants to testify that Nunes aides hid Ukraine meetings on Biden dirt from Schiff  — Lev Parnas, a business associate of Rudy Giuliani, wants to testify to Congress that aides to Rep. Devin Nunes called off a trip to Ukraine this year when they realized they would be required …
Tareq Haddad / Newsweek:
Devin Nunes spent $57,000 on flights to Europe to allegedly investigate Bidens as ethics complaint filed over ‘abuse’ of office  —  Rep. Devin Nunes, the ranking Republican member on the House Intelligence Committee, spent nearly $57,000 on a trip to Europe for him and his staff …
Discussion: Daily Kos, Slate, The Hill and Breitbart
Washington Post:
Nunes denies allegation he met with top Ukrainian prosecutor about Bidens
Discussion: Breitbart, The Hill and Bloomberg
Washington Post:
White House review turns up emails showing extensive effort to justify Trump's decision to block Ukraine military aid  —  A confidential White House review of the President Trump's decision to place a hold on military aid to Ukraine has turned up hundreds of documents that reveal extensive efforts …
South China Morning Post:
Hong Kong elections: pro-Beijing camp left reeling from landslide defeat  —  By 9am, pro-democracy camp has won 17 out of 18 district councils, all of which were previously under pro-establishment control Result set to give pan-democrat bloc significant increase in seats on election committee …
Discussion: NPR and Politico
Pro-democracy candidates prevail in key Hong Kong elections
New York Times:   Hong Kong Election Results Give Democracy Backers Big Win
Washington Post:
Hong Kong's pro-democracy parties sweeping pro-Beijing establishment aside in local elections, early results show
South China Morning Post:
How Hong Kong's district council elections have captured global attention
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
Scoop: White House directed block of Armenian genocide resolution  —  Many were perplexed and outraged when, right after clashing with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in a heated Oval Office meeting on Nov. 13, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham hurried back to the Senate floor …
Discussion: Hullabaloo, The Hill and Raw Story
Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian / ICIJ:
Exposed: China's Operating Manuals For Mass Internment And Arrest By Algorithm  —  A new leak of highly classified Chinese government documents has uncovered the operations manual for running the mass detention camps in Xinjiang and exposed the mechanics of the region's Orwellian system of mass surveillance and “predictive policing.”
Associated Press:
Secret documents reveal how China mass detention camps work
Discussion: The Guardian
Data leak reveals how China ‘brainwashes’ Uighurs in prison camps
Discussion: The Guardian
Associated Press:   The man behind China's detention of 1 million Muslims
Annie Karni / New York Times:
Her Battles With the Press Corps Behind Her, Sanders Plans a Political Future  —  President Trump's former press secretary has returned to Arkansas a bona fide star eager to play a new role in a post-Trump Republican Party.  —  LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — It has been less than six months since …
Wall Street Journal:
Ukraine Energy Official Says Giuliani Associates Tried to Recruit Him  —  Naftogaz executive Andrew Favorov told federal prosecutors that Lev Parnas, Igor Fruman tried to recruit him to help take over Ukraine's gas company  —  Two associates of Rudy Giuliani tried to recruit …
Bill Whitaker / CBS News:
How Russian intelligence officers interfered in the 2016 election  —  Twelve Russian military officers have been indicted for breaking into the Democratic Party's computers, stealing compromising information and selectively releasing it to undermine candidates.  Bill Whitaker reports on the case against them
Discussion: Raw Story
Associated Press:
Bloomberg entry into presidential race raises ethics issues  —  1 of 3  —  NEW YORK (AP) — With Michael Bloomberg now running for president, the news service that bears his name said Sunday it will not “investigate” him or any of his Democratic rivals, and Bloomberg Opinion will no longer run unsigned editorials.
NBC News:
Michael Bloomberg launches 2020 presidential bid
Steve Peoples / Associated Press:
Michael Bloomberg launches Democratic presidential bid
Discussion: Althouse and The Week
Sarah Kliff / New York Times:
University to Students on Medicaid: Buy Private Coverage, or Drop Out  —  Emily and Kullen Langston were enrolling in classes for the winter semester at Brigham Young University-Idaho when they hit an unexpected roadblock.  —  The school, like many others, requires all students to have health coverage.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta / CNN:
The mystery of President Trump's unannounced hospital visit  —  (CNN)President Donald Trump's unannounced visit to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center last weekend spurred speculation about his health from the public, and from doctors.  In a statement late Monday night …
Discussion: HuffPost
Allison Kaplan Sommer / Haaretz:
WeWork Founder Adam Neumann ‘Helped Kushner Craft Mideast Peace Plan’  —  The now disgraced ex-CEO reportedly claimed that three people would save the world: Mohammed bin Salman, Jared Kushner and Neumann himself  —  The rise and catastrophic downfall of WeWork founder and former CEO Adam Neumann …
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 More Items: 
Nathan Robinson / The Guardian:
Progressives, trust your gut: Elizabeth Warren is not one of us
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
Inside Gordon Sondland's pay-to-play power grab
Discussion: Breitbart
Jackson Ryan / CNET:
Koalas aren't functionally extinct, but they need our help
Discussion: Forbes
Rishika Dugyala / Politico:
Ruth Bader Ginsburg released from hospital
Josh Greenman / New York Daily News:
The thing about Rudy: Giuliani, a proto-Trump, has long been obsessed with demolishing elites' echo chambers
Discussion: NBC News and MSNBC
Josh Kovensky / Talking Points Memo:
EXCLUSIVE: Bud Cummins Tried To Interest US Law Enforcement In Ukraine Dirt On Bidens In 2018
Discussion: ABC News and Hullabaloo
Connor Mannion / Mediaite:
Jeanine Pirro Calls Trump-Appointed Gordon Sondland a ‘Deep State Bureaucrat’: ‘Not a Fan of the President’
Discussion: Law & Crime and Vox
Gregory S. Schneider / Washington Post:
In Virginia, and elsewhere, gun supporters prepare to defy new laws
 Earlier Items: 
Sergii Leshchenko / KyivPost:
The true story of Yanukovych's black ledger
Discussion: emptywheel
Jacob Knutson / Axios:
Sen. John Kennedy repeats Ukraine conspiracy theory about DNC server
Zachary Basu / Axios:
Schiff: I would be leading calls for impeachment if Trump were a Democrat
Discussion: The Hill, Breitbart and Viking Pundit
Jennifer Rubin / Washington Post:
Time to call out and remove Putin's propagandists
Discussion: NBC News and Raw Story
Shannon Freshour / DemCast:
Jim Jordan has to go  —  Look, I know the odds, the obstacles …
Nick Enoch / Daily Mail:
Queen cancels Prince Andrew's 60th birthday party in wake of disastrous Newsnight interview …

From Mediagazer:

Andrew Chung / Reuters:
SCOTUS declines to impose limits on the way Biden administration may communicate with social media platforms in the First Amendment case of Murthy v. Missouri

Alex Weprin / The Hollywood Reporter:
Dish offers customers who sign up for a two-year contract a new bundle with Netflix's ad-supported tier for free, or its ad-free tiers at a $7/month discount

Financial Times:
Sources: YouTube is in talks with Sony, Warner, and Universal to license their songs for AI music generation tools coming in 2024 that mimic artists' music

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