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6:40 PM ET, February 1, 2020


 Top Items: 
Maureen Dowd / New York Times:
Trump, Unrepentant and Unleashed  —  The diabolical duo of Donald and Mitch, serving their own interests, not the national one.  —  WASHINGTON — During a meeting with Donald Trump at Trump Tower in June of 2016, with the opéra bouffe builder improbably heading toward the nomination despite …
Discussion: Raw Story
Max Boot / Washington Post:
The GOP doesn't deserve to survive this debacle  —  I was recently asked if I would ever rejoin the Republican Party after having registered as an independent the day after President Trump's election in 2016.  The answer is an emphatic no. Trump will leave office some day (I hope!) …
Ben Kamisar / NBC News:
Lamar Alexander says Senate should not ‘substitute its judgment’ for that of the voters  —  In an exclusive interview with “Meet the Press,” the Tennessee senator explains his key vote against witnesses in the impeachment trial.  —  DES MOINES, Iowa — Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn. …
Discussion: CNN, Politico and Breitbart
Trump not expected to apologize or admit any wrongdoing after anticipated acquittal
Paul Kane / Washington Post:   Senate to emerge from impeachment trial guilty of extreme partisanship
David R. Lurie / The Daily Beast:
Republicans Bless Trump's Crimes: He Did It, Get Over It
Discussion: Raw Story and Senator Rob Portman
Colby Itkowitz / Washington Post:
Justice Department acknowledges 24 emails reveal Trump's thinking on Ukraine  —  Hours after the Senate voted against seeking new evidence in the impeachment case against President Trump, the administration acknowledged in a midnight court filing Friday the existence of two dozen emails …
New York Times:
Bloomberg Proposes $5 Trillion in Taxes on the Rich and Corporations  —  Michael R. Bloomberg, the billionaire presidential hopeful, is including more new taxes in his plan than his moderate rival Joe Biden but less than Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren.  —  WASHINGTON — Former Mayor …
Discussion: Slate
Brian Faler / Politico:
Bloomberg targets the rich with his tax plan, but more gently than some rivals
Discussion: Axios and The Hill
Wall Street Journal:   Bloomberg Offers Trillions in Tax Increases to Pay for His Agenda
Josh Boak / Associated Press:   Billionaire Bloomberg proposes tax plan aimed at wealthy
BuzzFeed News:
“HELP!!!”  Internal #SharpieGate Emails Show Government Officials Freaked Out Over Trump's “Doctored” Hurricane Map  —  “HELP!!!” wrote one federal official.  “Yep, crazy,” said another.  —  President Trump's fake hurricane map triggered panic, outrage, and an internal revolt among top officials …
Washington Post:
New emails show how President Trump roiled NOAA during Hurricane Dorian
Discussion: New York Times and Law & Crime
Alexandra Jaffe / Associated Press:
‘Zombie’ campaigns could pick up support in Iowa caucuses  —  FORT MADISON, Iowa (AP) — The Iowa caucuses could feature an attack of the “zombie” candidates.  —  As some Democrats prepare for Monday's contest, they say they're planning to side with candidates who have been out of the race for weeks, even months.
Alexi McCammond / Axios:
Pete Buttigieg's campaign doesn't think he needs to win Iowa
Discussion: Associated Press and The Hill
Geoffrey Skelley / FiveThirtyEight:
Election Update: Is Klobuchar Having A Last-Minute Surge In Iowa?
Alexandra Jaffe / Associated Press:
Democrats return to leadoff Iowa for final pitch to voters
Discussion: New York Post, Redstate and The Hill
Marc Caputo / Politico:
Major union flips support from Sanders to Biden  —  Joe Biden scored the endorsement Saturday of a major transit union that officially backed Bernie Sanders in 2016.  —  “Joe has been very supportive of the labor movement for the last 40 years.  He stands for working families.
Ryan Lizza / Politico:
Bernie backers unleash their anger at a folk concert in Iowa  —  COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa — On Friday afternoon, Pete Buttigieg, the frontrunner in Iowa in November and December, made his closing pitch here to about 100 voters.  Buttigieg has sunk 6 points to third place over the course of January.
New York Times:
‘Angels’ in Hell: The Culture of Misogyny Inside Victoria's Secret  —  A Times investigation found widespread bullying and harassment of employees and models.  The company expresses “regret.”  —  Victoria's Secret defined femininity for millions of women.  Its catalog and fashion shows were popular touchstones.
Discussion: Law & Crime
Ian Schwartz / RealClearPolitics:
Rand Paul: Alleged Whistleblower, Friend Plotted For Over A Year To Bring Down Trump  —  Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) explains why he thinks Chief Justice John Roberts refused to read aloud a question he submitted to the entire body of Senators in an interview with One America's John Hines.
Brent Scher / Washington Free Beacon:
Bernie Leads 2020 Field in Private Jet Spending  —  The Bernie Sanders campaign spent just under $1.2 million on private jet travel last quarter, outpacing the entire 2020 Democratic presidential primary field.  —  The most recent filing from Sanders reveals $1,199,579 in spending during …
Discussion: Wall Street Journal and NBC News
Peter Baker / New York Times:
While Stained in History, Trump Will Emerge From Trial Triumphant and Unshackled  —  His acquittal in the Senate assured, the emboldened president will take his victory and grievance to the campaign trail, no longer worried about congressional constraint.  —  WASHINGTON — Ralph Waldo Emerson seemed …
Discussion: Raw Story
Douglas MacKinnon / The Hill:
Is Hillary Clinton angling to become vice president?  —  A number of people in politics, the media and elsewhere are openly speculating that if Democrats wind up with a “brokered convention,” with no strong or viable nominee evident, Hillary Clinton might enter the arena as the “savior” …
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit and NBC News
Jonathan Turley / The Hill:
How the House lost the witness battle along with impeachment  —  NBC host Chuck Todd recently asked guests if supporters of President Trump just want to be lied to.  It is a question that many in the media would never ask about Democrats, even in the face of overtly false claims.  This week is an example.
Kansas City Star:
Kansas Republicans fight over who will ‘stand with President Trump’ in U.S. Senate  —  President Donald Trump starred in the Kansas Republican Senate debate Saturday as the candidates fought aggressively over who could serve as his best and most effective ally in Washington.
Gerald F. Seib / Wall Street Journal:
Trump's Impeachment Is Virtually Over.  What Did it Change?  —  Lasting marks are set to include deeper polarization, an ever-more powerful executive and a Republican Party inextricably joined to the president  —  No experience as searing as a presidential impeachment trial—dramatic …
The Daily Beast:
U.S. Officials Warn of ‘Real Security Consequences’ if Trump's Acquitted  —  Crimes, conspiracies, and off-the-book ops—that's just a taste of what an impeachment acquittal could usher in, U.S. officials and Senate Democrats fear.  —  Late into Wednesday's session of the Senate impeachment trial …
Discussion: Raw Story
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 More Items: 
Clare Malone / New York Magazine:
Lis Left Standing Win or lose, Pete Buttigieg's senior adviser Lis Smith has turned an unknown mayor …
Laurie Garrett / Foreign Policy:
Trump Has Sabotaged America's Coronavirus Response
Discussion: New York Times
Olivia Nuzzi / New York Magazine:
Donald Trump's Campaign Against Reality in Iowa
Discussion: Washington Post and Mother Jones
Laura Miller / Slate:
What Have Book Publishers Learned From the American Dirt Controversy?
Discussion: Jezebel, Word Rot and Vanity Fair
Jack Khoury / Associated Press:
Abbas Says Will Cut Security Ties With U.S., Israel, as Arab League Rejects Trump Plan
Ian McEwan / The Guardian:
Brexit, the most pointless, masochistic ambition in our country's history, is done
Amanda Carpenter / The Bulwark:
The Quiet Significance of NeverTrump
Discussion: Twitchy
 Earlier Items: 
POLITICO Playbook: The two Senate trials
Washington Post:
FBI investigating border wall gun battle that left two wounded at California job site
Discussion: The Hill
Hannah Fingerhut / Associated Press:
Polling: Americans dissatisfied with the state of the union
CBS New York:
Arrests Made, No Injuries Amid Chaotic Protests In Grand Central, Subways
Discussion: Breitbart
Ruth Marcus / Washington Post:
When the impeachment trial ends, the Senate's reputation will be hopelessly in tatters
Discussion: Slate
Alexandra Petri / Washington Post:
Dare we overturn the will of the voters by holding another election?
James B. Comey / Washington Post:
Trump won't be removed. But we'll be fine.
Discussion: Althouse, The Hill and Raw Story

From Techmeme:

Chris Welch / The Verge:
Apple touts its device longevity in a white paper and says True Tone and battery health data will be available for third-party replacement parts later in 2024

Jessica Lyons / The Register:
Researchers:, which offers JavaScript polyfills, is being used to infect 100K+ websites with malware, after a Chinese CDN bought the domain in 2024

Andrew Chung / Reuters:
SCOTUS declines to impose limits on the way the Biden administration may communicate with social media platforms, overturning a lower court's 2023 decision

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