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5:20 PM ET, April 24, 2020


 Top Items: 
NBC News:
Trump's remarks on disinfectants left even close aides shocked  —  West Wing aides and members of the coronavirus task force were taken aback by the president's “off-the-cuff” remarks.  —  WASHINGTON — Members of President Donald Trump's coronavirus task force and aides in the West Wing …
Jordan Valinsky / CNN:
Lysol maker: Please don't drink our cleaning products  —  New York (CNN Business)The company that makes Lysol is urging customers not to consume its cleaning products after President Donald Trump suggested the possibility of injecting disinfectants to protect people from coronavirus.
Washington Post:
Trump asked if disinfectants could be injected to kill the coronavirus inside the body.  Doctors answered: ‘People will die.’  —  After a presentation Thursday that touched on the disinfectants that can kill the novel coronavirus on surfaces and in the air, President Trump pondered whether …
Lauren Egan / NBC News:
Lysol manufacturer warns against internal use after Trump comments  —  A spokesperson for the cleaning product company said it had a responsibility to give accurate info to the public.  —  WASHINGTON — The manufacturer for Lysol, a disinfectant spray and cleaning product …
Emily Ashton / BuzzFeed:
Please Don't Drink Disinfectant, Lysol And Dettol Maker Says After Trump Suggested People …
New York Times:
Navy Leaders Recommend Reinstating Roosevelt Captain Fired Over Virus Warning  —  Capt. Brett E. Crozier, who was removed from command after sending a letter pleading for help to fight the coronavirus on his aircraft carrier, was largely cleared after Navy review.
Lara Seligman / Politico:
Navy recommends reinstating fired captain who sounded alarm on coronavirus outbreak
Discussion: Associated Press
Ed Pilkington / The Guardian:
Revealed: leader of group peddling bleach as coronavirus ‘cure’ wrote to Trump this week  —  Mark Grenon wrote to Trump saying chlorine dioxide ‘can rid the body of Covid-19’ days before the president promoted disinfectant as treatment  —  The leader of the most prominent group …
Edward-Isaac Dovere / The Atlantic:
Stacey Abrams's Remarkable Campaign for Vice President  —  Stacey Abrams has a theory about how Joe Biden can beat Donald Trump: Pick her as his running mate.  —  “We have to win the election.  And I would point out that I ran the most successful campaign to engage the communities we need …
Discussion: ABC News and The Federalist
Astead W. Herndon / New York Times:
If Joe Biden Needs a Black Woman for Vice President, Who Should It Be?  —  Among black leaders close to Joe Biden, a commitment to selecting a woman is not enough.  They have publicly and privately pushed him to select a black woman to fuel black voter enthusiasm.
Poll Finds Elizabeth Warren VP Pick Most Likely To Pull In Bernie Sanders Voters
Discussion: The Daily Beast
Joseph Biden / Action Network:
Discussion: CNN and Washington Post
Trump owes tens of millions to the Bank of China — and the loan is due soon  —  Donald Trump is warning “China will own the United States” if Joe Biden is elected president.  —  But Trump himself is tens of millions of dollars in debt to China: In 2012, his real estate partner refinanced …
The Daily Beast:   Team Trump Fears Suburban Women Will Destroy Him in 2020—and That Coronavirus Is Making It Worse
Washington Post:
Trump says he will block coronavirus aid for U.S. Postal Service if it doesn't hike prices immediately  —  The president said the postal agency should quadruple its package delivery prices and said he will stop congressionally approved funding  —  President Trump on Friday said he would not be approving …
Myah Ward / Politico:
Trump: Postal service is a ‘joke’ that must raise prices to get bailout money
Discussion: The Hill
Yahoo Finance:   Here's Where $881 Billion in U.S. Aid Went in Month of Spending
New York Times:
Durham Inquiry Includes Scrutiny of a Media Leak  —  The attorney general has suggested that the Justice Department review of the Russia investigation has uncovered “troubling” findings without going into details.  —  WASHINGTON — For years, President Trump has complained bitterly about F.B …
Josh Gerstein / Politico:   Prosecutors mull statements from Flynn's ex-lawyers
Joshua Green / Bloomberg:
New Poll Shows a Hidden Danger for Trump: Double Haters  —  During the last weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump's data team was obsessed with a particular subset of voters: those who disliked both Trump and Hillary Clinton.  As I reported in my book about the race …
Discussion: National Review and Vox
Alana Goodman / Washington Free Beacon:
Man Who Died Ingesting Fish Tank Cleaner Remembered as Intelligent, Levelheaded Engineer  —  In death, he has become famous as a cautionary tale about the risks of mindlessly following the armchair medical advice President Donald Trump has dispensed from the White House podium.
Discussion: Twitchy
Matt Apuzzo / New York Times:
Pressured by China, E.U. Softens Report on Covid-19 Disinformation  —  A revised report shows how Beijing reacts swiftly and effectively to tamp down Western criticism of its pandemic response.  —  BRUSSELS — Bowing to heavy pressure from Beijing, European Union officials softened …
Discussion: Breitbart
Ryan Grim / The Intercept:
New Evidence Supporting Credibility of Tara Reade's Allegation Against Joe Biden Emerges  —  A new piece of evidence has emerged buttressing the credibility of Tara Reade's claim that she told her mother about allegations of sexual harassment and assault related to her former boss, then-Sen. Joe Biden.
Mike Stunson / Sacramento Bee:
Six new coronavirus symptoms just officially added to CDC list.  What are they?  —  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has tripled the number of coronavirus symptoms it lists on its website.  —  The federal organization previously listed fever, cough and shortness of breath as symptoms of COVID-19.
Discussion: New York Post and Mercury News
McConnell's Hometown Will Be Hit Hard Without Federal Bailout  — Congress's fourth rescue doesn't offer city budget relief  — Louisville, Kentucky, facing $115 million deficit, mayor says  —  When Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell panned the idea of providing federal aid …
Resentment grows on Main Street over bailout winners and losers … Robyn Shultz was waiting for approval of her US$40,000 small-business loan last week when the government's first-come-first-served lending program ran out of cash.  —  Shultz, 60, owns Quality Electric Co. in Birmingham, Alabama, with her husband, Steve Bearden.
Windsor Mann / The Week:
The president is unwell  —  The only thing worse than a pandemic is having Donald Trump as your president during a pandemic.  Tens of thousands of Americans have died.  Tens of millions have lost their jobs.  President Trump, meanwhile, has indulged in self-pity, touted an unproven drug …
Discussion: Raw Story
Miami Herald:
Miami-Dade has tens of thousands of missed coronavirus infections, UM survey finds  —  About 6 percent of Miami-Dade's population — about 165,000 residents — have antibodies indicating a past infection by the novel coronavirus, dwarfing the state health department's tally of about 10,600 cases …
Discussion: Talking Points Memo and Vox
Christopher Mathias / HuffPost:
Amid The Pandemic, U.S. Militia Groups Plot ‘The Boogaloo,’ AKA Civil War, On Facebook  —  Extremists are promoting anti-government violence on Facebook during the coronavirus pandemic.  The social media giant appears to be doing little about it.  —  Thousands of armed right-wing militants …
Discussion: BuzzFeed News
New York Times:
Turmoil in Brazil: Bolsonaro Fires Police Chief and Justice Minister Quits  —  Sergio Moro, the justice minister who became the face of a powerful anti-corruption crackdown in Brazil, resigned in protest after President Jair Bolsonaro fired the head of the national police.
David Rutz / Washington Free Beacon:
Taylor Swift Hits Soros Family for ‘Shameless Greed’  —  Pop singer Taylor Swift took another swing at billionaire investor George Soros on Thursday, condemning the “shameless greed” of the financier for partnering with her ex-manager Scooter Braun to release a new album of her songs.
Jonathan Tamari / The Philadelphia Inquirer:
Pat Toomey for governor?  As he weighs in on Pa. coronavirus plans, insiders see a marker for the future  —  One of the worst-kept secrets in Pennsylvania politics is that Sen. Pat Toomey is considering a run for governor in 2022.  —  So when the Republican rolled out a plan Thursday …
Liz Szabo / Yahoo News:
The anti-vaccine and anti-lockdown movements are converging, refusing to be ‘enslaved’  —  While most of the world hungers for a vaccine to put an end to the death and economic destruction wrought by COVID-19, some anti-vaccine groups are joining with anti-lockdown demonstrators …
US Food and Drug Administration:
FDA cautions against use of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for COVID-19 outside of the hospital setting or a clinical trial due to risk of heart rhythm problems  —  Close supervision is strongly recommended
New York Times:
Trump Commencement Address Summons West Point Cadets Back to Campus  —  The president's off-again, on-again speech in June will bring back 1,000 cadets who had scattered across the country to help counter the coronavirus.  —  WASHINGTON — For President Trump, who adores the pomp and precision …
Discussion: Political Wire
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 More Items: 
Tyler Olson / Fox News:
Roger Stone ‘praying’ for Trump pardon, says prison ‘de facto death sentence’ because of coronavirus
Discussion: NBC News
Associated Press:
Two states ease lockdowns; US COVID-19 toll passes 50,000
Peter Sullivan / The Hill:
Controversial idea to speed coronavirus vaccine gains ground
Discussion: Big Think and Al Jazeera
Yahoo News:
California stay-at-home faces its biggest test: A heat wave driving people to the beach
Discussion: Los Angeles Times
Gabby Deutch / Jewish Insider:
For the State Dept's top spokeswoman, her journey to Judaism began in Baghdad
Neera Tanden / USA Today:
A lesson about Lyndon Johnson and Joe Biden for progressives in doubt
 Earlier Items: 
Nathaniel Flakin / Left Voice:
Noam Chomsky Is a Liberal
Greg Bluestein / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
ANALYSIS: Inside a week that could define Kemp's political career
Emerging Infectious Diseases journal:
Coronavirus Disease Outbreak in Call Center, South Korea
Simon Romero / New York Times:
How New Mexico, One of the Poorest States, Averted a Steep Death Toll
Discussion: Balloon Juice
Coronavirus came to New York from Europe, not China: governor
Dan Diamond / Politico:
Trump team moves to scrap protections for LGBTQ patients
Discussion: Vox, Slate and Raw Story
Jim Geraghty / National Review:
Eat More Potatoes, America
David Eggert / Associated Press:
Whitmer extends stay-home order through May 15, eases rules