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8:10 AM ET, April 24, 2020


 Top Items: 
Dartunorro Clark / NBC News:
Trump suggests ‘injection’ of disinfectant to beat coronavirus and ‘clean’ the lungs  —  A Homeland Security official, under questioning from reporters, later said federal laboratories are not considering such a treatment option.  —  Trump suggests injecting disinfectant into the body to treat coronavirus
Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart:
Fact Check: No, Trump Didn't Propose Injecting People with Disinfectant  —  CLAIM: President Donald Trump suggested injecting people with disinfectant to cure coronavirus.  —  VERDICT: False.  Trump was speaking generally about new information about sunlight, heat, and disinfectant killing the virus.
Lauren Egan / NBC News:
Lysol manufacturer warns against internal use after Trump comments  —  A spokesperson for the cleaning product company said it had a responsibility to give accurate info to the public.  —  WASHINGTON — The manufacturer for Lysol, a disinfectant spray and cleaning product …
Discussion: MSNBC, VICE and The Week
Trump owes tens of millions to the Bank of China — and the loan is due soon  —  Donald Trump is warning “China will own the United States” if Joe Biden is elected president.  —  But Trump himself is tens of millions of dollars in debt to China: In 2012, his real estate partner refinanced …
Discussion: Raw Story
Alex Isenstadt / Politico:
Trump's poor poll numbers trigger GOP alarms over November  —  Senior Republicans and President Donald Trump's campaign are wrestling with how to best position him for November as the coronavirus poses a grave threat to his reelection.  —  With Trump's poll figures sagging …
Discussion: The Hill and NBC News
Christopher Cadelago / Politico:
Study: Elderly Trump voters dying of coronavirus could cost him in November
Discussion: Townhall and Raw Story
New HHS spokesman made racist comments about Chinese people in now-deleted tweets  —  WARNING: This story contains graphic language.  —  (CNN)The new spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services in a series of now-deleted tweets made racist and derogatory comments about Chinese people …
Ron Kampeas / Jewish Telegraphic Agency:
Trump administration health spokesman tweets about Soros and Rothschild family ‘control’  —  WASHINGTON (JTA) — The man President Donald Trump just named to speak for the Health Department accused George Soros and the Rothschild family of seeking to exploit the pandemic for control and to advance their agendas.
New York Times:
Trump and the Coronavirus: A Sour President, Home Alone at the White House  —  As his administration grapples with reopening the economy, President Trump is worried about his re-election and how the news media is portraying him.  —  Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Kill Viruses.  ‘Not as a Treatment,’ Birx Says.
Discussion: Gizmodo, The Week and Raw Story
Associated Press:
Trump approved of Georgia's reopen plan before bashing it  —  President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence repeatedly told Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp that they approved of his aggressive plan to allow businesses to reopen, just a day before Trump pulled an about-face and publicly bashed the plan …
Discussion: Mediaite and Talking Points Memo
Associated Press:
AP-NORC poll: Few Americans trust Trump's info on pandemic  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has made himself the daily spokesman for the nation's coronavirus response.  Yet few Americans regularly look to or trust Trump as a source of information on the pandemic …
Fact check: Trump wrongly suggests sunlight could help cure coronavirus  —  Washington (CNN)On Thursday, President Donald Trump added to his list of dubious or inaccurate coronavirus-related medical claims, wrongly suggesting at a White House briefing that sunlight could possibly be used to treat people who have the virus.
Discussion: The Intercept and Vox
Washington Post:   White House promotes new lab results suggesting heat and sunlight slow coronavirus
Brett Samuels / The Hill:
Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Associated Press:   Doctors struggle to stay true to science but not cross Trump
Katherine Eban / Vanity Fair:
“Really Want to Flood NY and NJ”: Internal Documents Reveal Team Trump's Chloroquine Master Plan  —  Forget testing, ventilators, and PPE.  Donald Trump's big plan to beat COVID-19 involved distributing millions of doses of an unproven drug.  Behind the scenes, senior administration officials pushed hard …
Todd J. Gillman / Dallas Morning News:
No, Trump did not put a Labradoodle breeder in charge of COVID-19 response  —  Yes, the family of the HHS chief of staff sold fancy puppies, but that's not how he got the job, and in any case he wasn't in charge of the coronavirus task force, no matter what you've read online.
Susan Glasser / New Yorker:
Fifty Thousand Americans Dead from the Coronavirus, and a President Who Refuses to Mourn Them  —  In just the past few days, President Trump has blamed immigrants, China, the “fake news” and, of course, “the invisible enemy” of the coronavirus for America's present troubles.
Washington Post:
Live updates: Trump's comments prompt doctors to warn against injecting disinfectants; coronavirus death toll nears 50,000 in U.S.  —  The Washington Post is providing this important information about the coronavirus for free.  For more free coverage of the coronavirus pandemic …
Discussion: Axios
Chuck Ross / The Daily Caller:
EXCLUSIVE: Dossier Author Testified His Emails Were ‘Wiped,’ He No Longer Has Documents Related To Primary Source  — Christopher Steele told a British court last month that he no longer has key documents related to his infamous dossier.  — The ex-spy said in a deposition that his email accounts …
Gabrielle Hamilton / New York Times:
My Restaurant Was My Life for 20 Years.  Does the World Need It Anymore?  —  Forced to shutter Prune, I've been revisiting my original dreams for it — and wondering if there will still be a place for it in the New York of the future.  —  On the night before I laid off all 30 of my employees …
Discussion: Family Meal
Liz Crampton / Politico:
Save your bacon: A real meat shortage looms with virus shutdowns  —  Americans could start to see shortages of pork, chicken and beef on grocery shelves as soon as May as major packing plants swept by the coronavirus remain shuttered and the nation's massive stockpiles of frozen meat begin to dwindle.
Washington Post:
Trump administration considers leveraging emergency coronavirus loan to force Postal Service changes  —  President Trump has railed for years against what he sees as mismanagement of the agency, which he argues has been exploited by sites such as Amazon  —  The Treasury Department …
Discussion: CNN, KTLA, Raw Story, The Week and The Hill
Kendall Karson / ABC News:
Large majorities of Americans back coronavirus restrictions, slower return to normal: POLL  —  Anxiety over the coronavirus is still steep, the ABC News/Ipsos survey shows.  —  Overwhelming majorities of Americans favor restrictions related to containing the coronavirus and fear moving …
Discussion: Ipsos
Jim Geraghty / National Review:
Moving Out and Not Coming Back  —  On the menu today: The possibility of another wave of Americans moving out of the big cities, the likelihood of some future pandemic further down the road, and how the Red America-Blue America divide is likely to be altered when we emerge from this crisis.
Paul Steinhauser / Fox News:
Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto: 5 things to know about Biden's potential vice presidential nominee  —  Catherine Cortez Masto made history four years ago as the first Latina elected to the U.S. Senate.  —  She'll earn another chapter in the history books if former Vice President Joe Biden names …
Reid J. Epstein / New York Times:
In Wisconsin, Virus Creates New Front in Long-Simmering Partisan Wars  —  Protests planned for Friday continue a decade-long partisan cleaving in the state and serve as a stand-in for the general election battle to come.  —  Wisconsin had barely finished its fight over whether to hold …
New York Times:
Ecuador's Death Toll During Outbreak Is Among the Worst in the World  —  Ecuador took early aggressive measures to stop the coronavirus, but ended up becoming an epicenter of the pandemic in Latin America.  How?  We revisit the first confirmed case and what led to the disease's spread.
Discussion: Outside the Beltway
CBS News:
Phunware, a data firm for Trump campaign, got millions in coronavirus small business help  —  A digital technology company that specializes in the mass collection of smartphone location data and is working for President Donald Trump's re-election campaign received millions from the federal coronavirus relief fund for small businesses.
Michael Gerson / Washington Post:
The GOP has reached its sad, inevitable destination  —  When I think I have reached the bottom of my dejection about the state of public health and of the economy, I can always turn to the state of the Republican Party and go lower still.  —  The Trump captivity of the GOP has reached its sad …
Timothy Egan / New York Times:
Facing the Coronavirus, Republicans Aren't So Pro-Life After All  —  People are disposable.  So is income.  For the ‘pro-life’ party, one is more important.  —  I look at the numbers every day, sometimes every hour, sometimes before dawn.  China is not to be trusted.  Nor is Russia.
Discussion: Slate
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast:
‘Fox & Friends First’ Host Heather Childers Complains About Fox News Benching Her During Coronavirus  —  The Fox morning host has spent weeks repeatedly lamenting that her own show and bosses have ghosted her since the pandemic began.  —  A longtime Fox News host who hasn't appeared …
New York Times:
‘Florida Is a Terrible State to Be an Unemployed Person’  —  Florida has emerged as one of the slowest states in the nation to process an avalanche of unemployment claims since the coronavirus hit.  —  MIAMI — After Ernst Virgile lost his job at the Fort Lauderdale airport …
Discussion: Florida Politics
Dana Blanton / Fox News:
Fox News Poll: Biden and Trump in tight race in Florida  —  Florida voters narrowly prefer presumed Democratic nominee Joe Biden over Donald Trump in the presidential race, as a majority says the White House was too slow in responding to the coronavirus outbreak.
Discussion: The Hill and POLITICUSUSA
Dr. Scott W. Atlas / The Hill:
The data is in — stop the panic and end the total isolation  —  The tragedy of the COVID-19 pandemic appears to be entering the containment phase.  Tens of thousands of Americans have died, and Americans are now desperate for sensible policymakers who have the courage to ignore the panic and rely on facts.
Discussion: Big League Politics and Twitchy
NBC News:
Political influence skews Trump's coronavirus response  —  The president and his aides have consolidated power amid the coronavirus crisis, picking winners and losers based in part on personal relationships and partisan loyalty.  —  WASHINGTON — In early March, Mike Bowen …
Discussion: Daily Kos
Calvin Woodward / Associated Press:
Coronavirus shakes the conceit of ‘American exceptionalism’  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — What if the real “invisible enemy” is the enemy from within — America's very institutions?  —  When the coronavirus pandemic came from distant lands to the United States, it was met with cascading failures …
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 More Items: 
Richard Rubin / Wall Street Journal:
Frustrations Build for Those Still Awaiting IRS Stimulus Checks
A 100-year-old WWII veteran died of Covid-19.  His twin brother died 100 years earlier in the flu pandemic
Joumana Khatib / New York Times:
11 Books to Watch For in May  —  A prequel to “The Hunger Games …
Does the Vice President's Chief of Staff Have a Coronavirus Conflict of Interest?
Discussion: Raw Story
Marc Levy / Associated Press:
Swing-state Republicans pin virus fallout on Democrats
 Earlier Items: 
Raisa Habersham / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
‘Wuhan Plague’ plaques found on Atlanta businesses, streets
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit
Officials probe the threat of a coronavirus bioweapon
Beth LeBlanc / Detroit News:
Democrats plan to censure lawmaker who credited Trump for COVID-19 recovery
Bryan Lowry / Kansas City Star:
Kansas GOP chair asks Wagle and Lindstrom to drop out of Senate race for good of party
Discussion: Political Wire
Mary Kekatos Senior / Daily Mail:
Was Hockney RIGHT?  French researchers to give nicotine patches to coronavirus patients …
Discussion: Big League Politics, RFI, spiked and The Sun
Douglas Hanks / Miami Herald:
Miami-Dade County misses out on 1 million N95 masks when feds scoop up shipment
Discussion: Daily Kos
Perry Bacon Jr / FiveThirtyEight:
Do Most Republicans Agree With People Protesting Stay-At-Home Orders?
Discussion: The Week and National Review
Associated Press:
Governor: Antibody survey shows wide exposure to virus in NY

From Techmeme:

Chris Welch / The Verge:
Apple touts its device longevity in a white paper and says True Tone and battery health data will be available for third-party replacement parts later in 2024

Andrew Chung / Reuters:
SCOTUS declines to impose limits on the way the Biden administration may communicate with social media platforms, overturning a lower court's 2023 decision

Jessica Lyons / The Register:
Researchers:, which offers JavaScript polyfills, is being used to infect 100K+ websites with malware, after a Chinese CDN bought the domain in 2024

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