Top Items:

Antimalarial drug touted by President Trump is linked to increased risk of death in coronavirus patients, study says — An analysis of 96,000 patients shows those treated with hydroxychloroquine were also more likely to suffer irregular heart rhythms — A study of 96,000 hospitalized …
CNN, Mother Jones, Common Dreams, VICE, The Hill, Daily Kos, Raw Story, Contemptor, The American Independent, NPR and Eschaton
The Lancet:
Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis — Mandeep R Mehra — Correspondence to: Prof Mandeep R Mehra, Brigham and Women's Hospital Heart and Vascular Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA
Politico, Axios, Fox News, Sputnik News, The Guardian, The Verge, UPI, Financial Times, Raw Story and

Trump lashes out at scientists whose findings contradict him — WASHINGTON (AP) — “A Trump enemy statement,” he said of one study. — “A political hit job,” he said of another. — As President Donald Trump pushes to reopen the country despite warnings from doctors about the consequences …

Biden: 'If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black' — Former Vice President Joe Biden told a popular black radio personality Thursday that he “ain't black” if he was still weighing whether to support President Donald Trump in November's general election …
New York Times, Power Line, Breitbart, Talking Points Memo, Bloomberg, NBC News, Townhall, Fox News, Conservative News Today, Mediaite, The Root, Axios, The Daily Caller, The Hill and New York Post

Biden Says Black Voters 'Ain't Black' if They're Considering Trump — The former vice president ignited controversy in a testy exchange in a radio interview with Charlamagne Tha God on The Breakfast Club. — Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., the apparent Democratic presidential nominee …
National Review, Mediaite, The Daily Beast, Breitbart, The Hill, The Guardian, POLITICUSUSA, Washington Post and NBC News

Come on. Biden's 'you ain't black' comment was clearly a joke.
Breitbart, BuzzFeed News and Mediaite
New York Times:
Two Very Different Democrats: What a Biden-Warren Ticket Might Be Like
Two Very Different Democrats: What a Biden-Warren Ticket Might Be Like
Vanity Fair, Common Dreams, The Hill, CBS News and Fox News
Joshua Jamerson / Wall Street Journal:
Joe Biden to Black Radio Host: If You're Deciding Between 'Me or Trump, Then You Ain't Black'
Bill Barrow / Associated Press:
Biden: If you can't choose me over Trump, 'you ain't black'
Biden: If you can't choose me over Trump, 'you ain't black'
Daily Kos
Zachary Evans / National Review:
Biden: 'You Ain't Black' If You Can't Decide Between Me and Trump
Biden: 'You Ain't Black' If You Can't Decide Between Me and Trump
ABC News, CNN, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times
Jonathan Easley / The Hill:
Fox News poll: Biden opens up 8-point lead over Trump
Fox News poll: Biden opens up 8-point lead over Trump
Vox, Fox News, The Daily Caller, The Week and Breitbart, more at Mediagazer »

Tara Reade Is Dropped as Client by a Leading #MeToo Lawyer — The lawyer for Tara Reade, the former Senate aide who has accused Joseph R. Biden Jr. of sexual assault, said Friday that he was no longer representing her, just two weeks after taking her on as a client.
National Review, Axios, Bloomberg, ABC News, Twitchy, Spectator USA, The Daily Caller, The US Sun, Law & Crime and BuzzFeed News

Tara Reade's lawyer drops her as a client — Tara Reade's attorney announced Friday that he will no longer represent her as a client. — In a statement, Douglas Wigdor, who has represented victims of sexual assault in the past, said the decision did not have to do with the question …
Raw Story
Natasha Korecki / Politico:
Defense lawyers look to reopen cases where Tara Reade testified as an expert
Defense lawyers look to reopen cases where Tara Reade testified as an expert
Monterey County Weekly, The Daily Caller and

The coronavirus invades Trump country … Go deeper — Axios — World coronavirus updates — U.K. Health Secretary Matt Hancock said that OptiGene began trials for a 20-minute coronavirus test on Thursday, as the country wants to find out whether the test is effective on a large scale.

Trump calls for churches to reopen “right now” — President Trump announced Friday that he was declaring churches and places of worship as “essential places that provide essential services,” and said that he would override governors to allow them to open “right now.”
NBC News, Politico, MSNBC, Breitbart and Political Wire

A new ad makes the case against Lindsey Graham with Graham doing all the talking — When I interviewed Jaime Harrison, the former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party now running against Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), he told me about a campaign event he did in a county …
The Moderate Voice

Over 4,300 virus patients sent to NY nursing homes, AP counts — More than 4,300 recovering coronavirus patients were sent to New York's already vulnerable nursing homes under a controversial state directive that was ultimately scrapped amid criticisms it was accelerating the nation's deadliest outbreaks …
Redstate, Fox News, Louder With Crowder, Just The News, WND and USA Today

New Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows coronavirus conspiracy theories spreading on the right may hamper vaccine efforts — According to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll, 44 percent of Republicans believe that Bill Gates is plotting to use a mass COVID-19 vaccination campaign as a pretext to implant microchips …

Plagued by stock trades, Loeffler vows she won't drop out — Kelly Loeffler is behind in the polls and best known for her fortuitously timed stock trades. — But the Georgia Republican insisted during a 25-minute interview that she's not going anywhere. — “Not only am I not dropping out …
Talking Points Memo, The Hill and Raw Story

The Story in Six Swing States — This page provides only the summary analysis of our latest research across six US Swing States. — To see the full headline results, please click here. — As part of its research into the 2020 Presidential Election, Redfield & Wilton Strategies conducted polls …
Michael Tomasky / The Daily Beast:
A Surprising Sign of a Democratic Revival in Ohio
A Surprising Sign of a Democratic Revival in Ohio
Raw Story

Virus ‘does not spread easily’ from contaminated surfaces or animals, revised CDC website states — The coronavirus primarily spreads from person to person and not easily from a contaminated surface. That is the takeaway from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which this month updated its “How COVID-19 Spreads” website.
Politico, LiveScience, The Week, Just The News, Althouse, Redstate and WAVY-TV

Life at the Trump Tailgate: Spiked Slurpees, Culture Wars and the Coronavirus Hoax — YPSILANTI, Mich. — At the intersection of Rawsonville and Textile Roads, on a slender stretch of turf that runs the length of a half-deserted strip mall, Kathryn Prater and Kelra Rise are dancing.
Raw Story, Washington Post, POLITICUSUSA, NBC News, Fox News and Breitbart

Why Our Economy May Be Headed for a Decade of Depression — In September 2006, Nouriel Roubini told the International Monetary Fund what it didn't want to hear. Standing before an audience of economists at the organization's headquarters, the New York University professor warned …
Raw Story

Eric Swalwell: Trump's Top Spies Aren't Telling ‘the Truth About Russia’ — In Ep. 10 of The New Abnormal, Rep. Eric Swalwell tells Rick Wilson and Molly Jong-Fast about the pandemic, the Mueller probe, Trump's impeachment, and more. — Rep. Eric Swalwell doesn't want to talk (too much) …
Twitchy and The Gateway Pundit

1 in 3 Russian Medics Told to Doctor Coronavirus Data - Poll — One in three Russian doctors who treat coronavirus patients have been told to change how they report cases, according to a survey cited by the Meduza news website Thursday amid questions over Russia's low Covid-19 death toll.

Roughly half of the Twitter accounts pushing to ‘reopen America’ are bots, researchers found — There's been a surge in bot activity around online discussions of reopening America after COVID-19 shutdowns in the past month, according to a new report. — Carnegie Mellon researchers analyzed …
MIT Technology Review

Church That Defied Coronavirus Restrictions Is Burned to Ground — A message at the scene that said, in part, “Bet you stay home now,” has led the police in Mississippi to suspect arson. — The burning of a church in northern Mississippi this week is being investigated as arson …

Dr. Anthony Fauci says staying closed for too long could cause ‘irreparable damage’ — Stay-at-home orders intended to curb the spread of the coronavirus could end up causing “irreparable damage” if imposed for too long, White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said.
The Gateway Pundit and Twitchy

Will Bars Exist in NYC After the Coronavirus? — Even when businesses like mine can open up for real, it will be very hard to keep them going in a socially distanced world. — Mr. Cecchini is a co-owner of two bars in Brooklyn and the author of “Cosmopolitan: a Bartender's Life.”

Former Philadelphia Judge of Elections Convicted of Conspiring to Violate Civil Rights and Bribery — A former Judge of Elections has been convicted for his role in accepting bribes to cast fraudulent ballots and certifying false voting results during the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections in Philadelphia.
The Daily Caller, Sputnik News and Fox News
Marc Caputo / Politico:
A Trump election conspiracy collapses
A Trump election conspiracy collapses
Raw Story, Press Watch and Daily Kos

Republicans wrestle with conspiracy-theory advocate winning Senate primary — After denying it in a statement, the candidate is now refuting her own campaign. — Republicans in Oregon this week nominated a Senate candidate with a deep history of promoting and vowing support …

Hong Kong lawmaker mourns ‘end of homeland’ as China mulls anti-protest law — Pro-democracy legislators in Hong Kong on Friday hit back after Beijing introduced a new national security law that could limit protests and dramatically reduce the territory's autonomy.
United States Department …, One America News Network, Associated Press, TheBlaze and The Daily Caller

Trump wears mask with presidential seal during part of Ford plant tour — President Donald Trump has a face covering with the presidential seal on it, but he refused to wear it Thursday on the public part of his tour of a Ford plant in Michigan despite factory policy. — The president was given a mask by Ford.
The Week, Breitbart, Conservative News Today,, Washington Post, Slate, Common Dreams and The Hill

When the Kids are the Henchmen — On the weirdness of Trump using his kids to do his political dirty work. — Political hatchet men are a staple of American campaigns. Richard Nixon had Chuck Colson. George H.W. Bush had Lee Atwater and Roger Ailes. — Donald Trump has, well, his adult children.
Raw Story