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10:40 AM ET, June 22, 2020


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
The President's Shock at the Rows of Empty Seats in Tulsa  —  Inside the campaign, advisers believe disappointing attendance at the rally shows genuine fear of the coronavirus and the reality of Mr. Trump's sliding poll numbers.  —  President Trump and several staff members stood backstage …
Discussion: Talking Points Memo, CNN and The Week
Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump ‘pissed’ at Trump campaign manager over his rally crowd size predictions, source says  —  Washington (CNN)Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are “pissed” at campaign manager Brad Parscale over his predictions of a much larger crowd than the one that turned …
Ken Meyer / Mediaite:
Fox & Friends Host Questions Wisdom of Trump Rally: 'I Don't Know Who Thought It Was a Good Idea'  —  Fox & Friends acknowledged that it might not have been wise for President Donald Trump to hold an indoor campaign rally in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
Associated Press:   Trump rally highlights vulnerabilities heading into election
Conor Finnegan / ABC News:
Bolton says he hopes Trump is 1-term president, warns country imperiled by his reelection  —  Here are the many headlines from ABC's interview with Trump's former top aide.  —  President Donald Trump's longest-serving national security adviser John Bolton condemned his presidency …
Mike Allen / Axios:
Sarah Sanders says John Bolton was “drunk on power”  —  One former top West Wing official tells Axios that national security adviser John Bolton was unpopular even before the leaks from his tell-all, “The Room Where It Happened,” which is out Tuesday.  —  Axios has a first look …
Hans Nichols / Axios:
Kevin Hassett to leave White House this summer  —  White House adviser Kevin Hassett will leave the administration this summer, after returning in March to help the president respond to the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, according to two administration officials.
Discussion: The Hill
ABC News:
TRANSCRIPT: John Bolton interview with ABC News' Martha Raddatz  —  The president's former national security adviser discussed his new book.  —  MARTHA RADDATZ: Ambassador, I want talk to you about specific foreign policies, and go country by country.  But what I want ask you first is a very simple question.
Discussion: NPR, CNBC, IJR, Mediaite, Politico and Axios
USA Today:
Exclusive: John Bolton says Trump's White House was ‘like living inside a pinball machine’
Discussion: WHDH-TV and The Week
What Donald Trump really thinks of European leaders
Franco Ordoñez / NPR:
Bolton: Trump And China's Xi Talked ‘Frequently’ About Trump's Reelection
Discussion: The Hill
Rebecca Falconer / Axios:
NASCAR probes noose found in Bubba Wallace's garage in Talladega
Discussion: NPR, ESPN and One America News Network
New York Times:
For Barr, Standoff With Prosecutor Adds to String of Miscues  —  The attorney general has found himself at odds with the White House on high-profile issues in recent weeks.  —  WASHINGTON — From the onset of his tenure, William P. Barr has been billed as the attorney general that President Trump was looking for.
Discussion: The Dispatch, The Week and Fox News
Asha Rangappa / The Daily Beast:
Bill Barr's Above the Law.  The Only Answer Is to Impeach Him.  —  The special counsel regulations don't contemplate investigating a potentially corrupt AG—because a corrupt AG would never invoke the regulations to investigate himself.  —  BEAST INSIDE  —  The latest casualty …
Will Bunch / The Philadelphia Inquirer:
Not worth impeaching AG William Barr? America's shattered democracy can't afford not to.
Judd Legum / Popular Information:
A Schlapp in the face  —  Since the murder of George Floyd, Verizon has been an outspoken advocate of the Black Lives Matter movement.  In dozens of tweets and statements, Verizon has said that, as a company, it is not enough to express support for racial justice.
NBER:   Black Lives Matter Protests, Social Distancing, and COVID-19
Alexi McCammond / Axios:
Pennsylvania swing voters tire of Trump's inability to heal the country  —  Some swing voters in Erie, Pa., tell us they're gravitating to Joe Biden — less as a change agent than as a path back to stability, and to restoring the national respect they feel has been lost under President Trump.
Discussion: Raw Story
David Siders / Politico:
Trump's ‘trench warfare’ reelection campaign begins
Discussion: NBC News
NBC News:
Trump ‘furious’ about ‘underwhelming’ crowd at Tulsa rally
Ruth Marcus / Washington Post:
Trump's problem in Tulsa wasn't just empty seats. It was empty rhetoric.
Discussion: Informed Comment and Rev
Robin Pogrebin / New York Times:
Roosevelt Statue to Be Removed From Museum of Natural History  —  The equestrian memorial to Theodore Roosevelt has long prompted objections as a symbol of colonialism and racism.  —  The bronze statue of Theodore Roosevelt, on horseback and flanked by a Native American man and an African man …
Adam Entous / New Yorker:
What Fiona Hill Learned in the White House  —  The senior fellow at Brookings and expert on modern Russia had hoped to guide the U.S.-Russia relationship.  President Trump had other ideas.  —  The Brookings Institution is one of many think tanks in Washington, D.C., where scholars …
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
Exclusive: Trump cold on Guaidó, would consider meeting Maduro  —  In an Oval Office interview with Axios on Friday, President Trump suggested he's had second thoughts about his decision to recognize Juan Guaidó as the legitimate leader of Venezuela and said he is open to meeting with dictator Nicolás Maduro.
Will Sommer / The Daily Beast:
TikTok Teens Are Obsessed With Pizzagate  —  The Comet Ping Pong conspiracy theory has been widely discredited, but it lives on with Gen Z.  —  BEAST INSIDE  —  NEWSLETTERS  —  Right Richter  —  See what's happening with the extreme right wing from the safety of your inbox.
Ben Smith / New York Times:
What's Facebook's Deal With Donald Trump?  —  Mark Zuckerberg has forged an uneasy alliance with the Trump administration.  He may have gotten too close.  —  Last Nov. 20, NBC News broke the news that Mark Zuckerberg, Donald Trump and a Facebook board member, Peter Thiel, had dined together at the White House the previous month.
Chris Riotta / The Independent:
'It's going to be an angry mob': Kentucky cuts number of polling stations by 95 percent ahead of primary voting  —  Lawmakers and voting rights experts say Election Day this week will likely mirror what happening during Georgia's primaries  —  Kentucky lawmakers have warned the state …
Veronica Stracqualursi / CNN:
White House adviser: Trump administration preparing for possible second wave of coronavirus in the fall  —  (CNN)White House trade adviser Peter Navarro said Sunday that the Trump administration is preparing for the possibility that a second wave of Covid-19 could hit the United States in the fall.
Discussion: Axios, The Hill and YouGov
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 More Items: 
Katya Sedgwick / The Federalist:
My Kids' Public School Held A Workshop Teaching The Police Are Racists
Scott Detrow / NPR:
Kamala Harris Is Seen As The Clear Front-Runner To Be Joe Biden's Running Mate
Anita Kumar / Politico:
Trump expected to extend limits on foreign workers
Discussion: National Review
Karol Markowicz / New York Post:
The ‘cancel’ crew will come for you someday soon
Pam Key / Breitbart:
Barr: Mail-in Ballots ‘Absolutely Opens the Floodgates to Fraud’
Discussion: Raw Story and Mediaite
Associated Press:
Protesters daub French colonial-era statues in red paint
New York Times:
Gaps in Vetting Visas Allowed Saudi Gunman Into U.S. Pilot Training
Despite dreamy polls, Dems can't shake their 2016 nightmare
 Earlier Items: 
Michelle Herman / Slate:
I Think I've Screwed Up the Way My Kids Think About Race
Los Angeles Times:
Mysterious deaths of infants, children raise questions about how early coronavirus hit California
Christina Maxouris / CNN:
More young people across the South are testing positive for coronavirus, officials warn
Discussion: New York Post and Gothamist
Jason DeParle / New York Times:
Vast Federal Aid Has Capped Rise in Poverty, Studies Find
Discussion: The Week and Mother Jones
Jose A. Del Real / Washington Post:
With ‘kung flu,’ ‘thugs,’ and ‘our heritage,’ Trump leans on racial grievance as he reaches for a campaign reset
Jacob Gursky / MIT Technology Review:
Trump's data-hungry, invasive app is a voter surveillance tool of extraordinary power
Discussion: New Republic and Axios

From Mediagazer:

Tim Marchman / Wired:
Quora-owned AI chatbot platform Poe is providing users with downloadable HTML files of paywalled articles from outlets including NYT, Forbes, and The Atlantic

Michael Schneider / Variety:
Nielsen: the Biden-Trump debate drew an average audience of 51.3M viewers across 17 networks in the US, down from 2020's first debate, with nearly 73.1M

Hanaa' Tameez / Nieman Lab:
Spain's El País launched a digital edition to cover the US in Spanish in May with 11 bilingual correspondents; as of April, the outlet had ~366K subscribers

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