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2:10 PM ET, July 19, 2020


 Top Items: 
Gary Langer / ABC News:
Pandemic surge damages Trump, boosting Biden's White House bid: POLL  —  Public preference for Biden in trust to handle the pandemic has soared.  —  Public preference for Joe Biden over Donald Trump in trust to handle the coronavirus pandemic has soared since March in the latest ABC News …
Dana Blanton / Fox News:
Fox News Poll: Biden holds lead over Trump as coronavirus concerns grip nation  —  Coronavirus infected the election.  —  The virus is the top issue to voters, over half of them disapprove of how President Trump's handling it, and they increasingly trust Joe Biden to do a better job on it.
Harry Enten / CNN:
New polls show Joe Biden is winning suburbanites by a historic margin  —  Polls show Trump trails Biden by double digits  —  (CNN)The new ABC News/Washington Post poll is the latest to show former Vice President Joe Biden on a roll.  —  He leads President Donald Trump 55% to 40% among registered voters.
Discussion: The Week and Washington Post
Washington Post:
Biden leads by double digits as coronavirus takes a toll on the president, Post-ABC poll finds  —  President Trump faces a significant challenge in his bid to win reelection in November, with former vice president Joe Biden holding a double-digit lead nationally and the president's approval …
Discussion: Raw Story and The Week
Holly Otterbein / Politico:
Trump leans on 2016 tactic to crack Biden support  —  PHILADELPHIA — President Donald Trump's campaign is pouring millions of dollars into a plan to weaken Joe Biden among swing state voters of color — and it's creating a sense of déjà vu among Democratic operatives.
Steven Shepard / Politico:
Polls show Biden routing Trump.  Here's how to read them.  —  President Donald Trump's bad poll numbers are getting worse.  —  The latest data point: A new ABC News/Washington Post poll released Sunday shows Trump 15 points behind former Vice President Joe Biden among registered voters, 55 percent to 40 percent.
Discussion: Axios
Harry Enten / CNN:   Trump wants a ‘law and order’ election. He's losing that battle.
Night 51: Riot declared at police union, tear gas used at Justice Center  —  PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Protests on both sides of the river were met with police use of force Saturday on the 51st consecutive night of demonstrations against police brutality that were initially spurred by the death …
Discussion: Axios, The Guardian, NPR and Law & Crime
Tyler O'Neil /
Antifa Rioters Break Into Portland Police Union and Set It on Fire as Mayor Hamstrings Federal Troops
Eder Campuzano / Oregonian:   Feds, right-wing media paint Portland as ‘city under siege.’ A tour of town shows otherwise
Associated Press:
Police call Portland protest a riot
Discussion: Fox News, Raw Story and New York Post
New York Times:
Roger Stone Uses Racial Slur on Radio Show  —  Mr. Stone, while being questioned about the commutation of his sentence by President Trump, used a racial slur in referring to his interviewer, who is Black.  —  During a live radio show on Saturday, Roger Stone, the political operative …
Michael Goodwin / New York Post:
The family that owns The New York Times were slaveholders  —  It's far worse than I thought.  In addition to the many links between the family that owns The New York Times and the Civil War Confederacy, new evidence shows that members of the extended family were slaveholders.
Joel Anderson / Slate:
Do Not Call John Lewis a “Hero” if You Stood in His Way  —  On March 9, 1998, John Lewis returned to the site of his bloodiest, most brutal confrontation in the fight for civil rights.  Lewis had shown up in Selma, Alabama, that day to commemorate the 33rd anniversary of the “Bloody Sunday” …
Ken Coleman / Michigan Advance:
Michigan leaders reflect on late civil rights legend John Lewis, who fought for voting rights until the end
Jelani Cobb / New Yorker:   The Essential and Enduring Strength of John Lewis
USA Today:   Donna Brazile: Pass the Voting Rights Act and rename the Pettus Bridge to honor John Lewis
Washington Post:
Coronavirus updates: Trump dismisses rising cases as deaths mount  —  With coronavirus cases rising across the country and the U.S. death toll topping 137,000, President Trump on Sunday dismissed concerns about the spike in infections, telling Fox News that “many of those cases shouldn't even be cases.”
Wall Street Journal:
U.S. Companies Lose Hope for Quick Rebound From Covid-19  —  CEOs overhaul strategies and staffing in acknowledgment of coronavirus's permanent impact on demand; ‘We cannot defy gravity’  —  Big U.S. companies are deciding March and April moves won't cut it.
Fadel Allassan / Axios:
Trump says he's not offended by the Confederate flag  —  President Trump defended his opposition to removing Confederate symbols in an interview with “Fox News Sunday,” telling host Chris Wallace that the flag does not offend him and that for many people it “represents the South.”
Ross Douthat / New York Times:
The Real White Fragility  —  Does the white upper class feel exhausted and oppressed by meritocracy?  —  In 2001, when I was still attending college, David Brooks wrote an essay for The Atlantic called “The Organization Kid,” in which he spent a lot of time with young Ivy Leaguers …
Discussion: Althouse and The College Fix
Washington Post:
Trump demands payroll tax cut while GOP eyes benefit cuts for unemployed  —  One scenario would cut benefits back from $600 per week to between $200 and $400 each week.  —  President Trump sought to draw a hard line on the upcoming coronavirus relief bill on Sunday, saying it must include …
Apoorva Mandavilli / New York Times:
Older Children Spread the Coronavirus Just as Much as Adults, Large Study Finds  —  The study of nearly 65,000 people in South Korea suggests that school reopenings will trigger more outbreaks.  —  In the heated debate over reopening schools, one burning question has been whether …
Discussion: Lawyers, Guns & Money
David Rothkopf / Haaretz:
OpinionMike Pompeo, Enemy of American Values  —  As the Trump administration deploys unmarked police on the streets of Portland, its Secretary of State, eyeing a presidential run in 2024, gave a ‘pro-human rights’ speech that was actually a defense of the violation of human rights
Ritchie Torres / Washington Post:
I'm Afro-Latino, but I can't join both the black and Hispanic caucuses in Congress.  That must change.  —  Ritchie Torres is the Democratic candidate for New York's 15th Congressional District.  —  Whenever I'm about to enter a new setting — like the New York City Council in 2014 or Congress in 2021 …
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 More Items: 
Christina Carrega / abc7NY:
Homeowner says she got racist letter for showing support for Black Lives Matter
Maria Carrasco / Politico:
Rep. Donna Shalala calls for Florida to shut down again
New York Times:
Doing Schoolwork in the Parking Lot Is Not a Solution
What a Trump loss could look like
Discussion: Raw Story
Maria Sacchetti / Washington Post:
'I'm scared'  —  Black people — many of them immigrants …
Discussion: Mother Jones
Rebecca Martinson / New York Times:
Please Don't Make Me Risk Getting Covid-19 to Teach Your Child
New York Daily News:
SEE IT: NYPD commissioner bashes city leaders as ‘cowards’ …
Discussion: Louder With Crowder
 Earlier Items:
Operating Restrictions and Requirements
Viktor Orbán: I don't know why Mark Rutte hates me and Hungary
Wall Street Journal:
As $600-a-Week Jobless Aid Nears End, Congress Faces a Quandary
Impose sanctions on China over its treatment of Uyghur Muslims
Sarah Mucha / CNN:
Joe Biden is a man of faith. That could help him win over some White evangelicals.
Randy DeSoto / The Western Journal:
Look on MSNBC Host's Face Is Priceless as Experts Unanimously Agree US Should Reopen Schools
Discussion: Twitchy
Ariana Eunjung Cha / Washington Post:
‘Superspreading’ events, triggered by people who may not even know they are infected, propel coronavirus pandemic

From Techmeme:

Paul Kiernan / Wall Street Journal:
The US finalizes rules requiring custodial crypto platforms to report user transaction info to the IRS; DeFi platforms are exempt amid fierce crypto lobbying

Dallin Grimm / Tom's Hardware:
Hugging Face unveils Open LLM Leaderboard v2 that tests models across six benchmarks; Chinese models dominate the top 10 with Alibaba's Qwen taking the top spot

Jake Bleiberg / Bloomberg:
Source: Microsoft told over a dozen Texas agencies and public universities that their emails were exposed in the Russian hack of Microsoft, disclosed in January

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