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8:20 AM ET, July 22, 2020


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
Trump's Request of an Ambassador: Get the British Open for Me  —  Woody Johnson, the N.F.L. owner, Trump donor and ambassador to Britain, was warned not to get involved in trying to move the tournament to a Trump resort in Scotland, but he raised the idea anyway — and he failed.
Tulsi Kamath /
Houston fire and police respond to reports of documents being burned at Consulate General of China  —  HOUSTON - Houston police and fire officials responded to reports that documents were being burned in the courtyard of the Consulate General of China in Houston Tuesday night, according to the Houston Police Department.
Anna Fifield / Washington Post:
China vows to retaliate after U.S. orders closure of its consulate in Houston  —  CHANGSHA, China — The United States has ordered China to close its consulate in Houston within 72 hours, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Wednesday after local news footage showed diplomatic staff burning documents …
US orders China to close Houston consulate  —  The US has ordered China to close its consulate in Houston, Texas, by Friday - a move described as “political provocation” by Beijing.  —  The US State Department said the decision was taken “in order to protect American intellectual property”.
Discussion: Bloomberg and ABC7
Chun Han Wong / Wall Street Journal:
U.S. Orders China to Close Houston Consulate  —  Washington's demand marks ‘a political provocation unilaterally launched by the U.S.,’ Foreign Ministry says  —  HONG KONG—The U.S. ordered the abrupt closure of China's consulate in Houston, a dramatic escalation in bilateral tensions …
Discussion: The Week
Steven Lee Myers / New York Times:
U.S. Orders China to Close Its Houston Consulate in 72 Hours
Discussion: Washington Post
NBC News:
Twitter bans 7,000 QAnon accounts, limits 150,000 others as part of broad crackdown  —  Twitter announced Tuesday that it has begun taking sweeping actions to limit the reach of QAnon content, banning many of the conspiracy theory's followers because of problems with harassment and misinformation.
Trump administration weighs a show of force in more cities  —  Portland may just be the beginning.  —  Federal law enforcement agencies are gearing up to expand their footprint nationwide in the coming weeks, despite concerns about the recent scenes of violence and chaos in Oregon.
Discussion: Reuters, Breitbart and Raw Story
John L. Micek / Pennsylvania Capital-Star:
Former Gov./DHS boss Ridge: 'It'd be a cold day in hell' before he'd let ‘uninvited’ federal agents into Pa.  —  The nation's first secretary of the Department of Homeland Security had sharp words for his former agency Tuesday, condemning the Trump administration's decision to send federal officers …
New York Times:
As Trump Pushes Into Portland, His Campaign Ads Turn Darker
Discussion: Raw Story and Washington Post
Hamed Aleaziz / BuzzFeed News:
“Disturbing And Demoralizing”: DHS Employees Are Worried The Portland Protest Response Is Destroying Their Agency's Reputation  —  The Department of Homeland Security's response to anti-police brutality protests in Portland, Oregon, has disturbed and angered many employees …
Mark Hosenball / Reuters:
U.S. Homeland Security confirms three units sent paramilitary officers to Portland  —  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Customs and Border Protection arm confirmed on Tuesday it has deployed officers from three paramilitary-style units to join a federal crackdown …
Hayley Miller / HuffPost:
Susan Collins Is Desperate To Avoid Saying Whether She Backs Trump's Reelection  —  It's possible the Maine Republican has decided endorsing the president would be a poison pill for her own reelection bid.  —  Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) seems awfully desperate to avoid saying whether she'll vote …
Elie Mystal / The Nation:
Seriously? John Kasich? What Is the Biden Camp Thinking?
Discussion: The Atlantic
CNN:   Susan Collins withholds support from Trump despite endorsing previous GOP presidential nominees
Marissa Lang / Washington Post:
‘MomBloc’ and protest first-timers march into Portland streets, moved by the aggressive tactics of federal agents  —  PORTLAND, Ore. — Kim Brolutti was on his knees, he said, when federal agents in Portland sprayed him in the face with chemicals at point-blank range.
Jennifer Senior / New York Times:
I Spoke to Anthony Fauci.  He Says His Inbox Isn't Pretty.  —  An interview with the man who has an important message for you, if he can get it out.  —  Americans may have lost faith in their most cherished institutions — the presidency, Congress, the media, perhaps even democracy itself …
Discussion: Raw Story
Matt Gaetz appears to run afoul of House ethics rules  —  Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz has privately engaged in several spending practices in his nearly four years in office that appear to be in conflict with the House's ethics rules, a POLITICO investigation has found.
Discussion: Raw Story
James Arkin / Politico:
Cory Gardner: NRSC should pull anti-Hickenlooper ad in Colorado  —  Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) — in a rare break with his own party's campaign arm — is calling on the National Republican Senatorial Committee to pull a controversial television ad that attacks his Democratic opponent, former Gov. John Hickenlooper.
Washington Post:
White House, GOP in disarray over coronavirus spending plan as deadline nears on expiring emergency aid  —  ‘What in the hell are we doing?’  Sen. Cruz asked White House officials and GOP colleagues at a planning lunch  —  A major intraparty rift widened between the White House …
Discussion: Slate, Daily Kos and The Week
NBC News:
‘What in the hell are we doing?’ Senate Republicans clash over coronavirus relief
Discussion: Political Wire
Matthew Choi / Politico:
Trump on Ghislaine Maxwell: ‘I wish her well’  —  Ghislaine Maxwell has been accused of child sex trafficking in connection with her late friend Jeffrey Epstein, a financier and convicted sex offender.  The charges against her include recruiting and grooming girls as young as 14 into a circle …
Discussion: The Unz Review, CNN and UPI
Emily Yoffe / Persuasion:
A Taxonomy of Fear  —  There is a pattern in the way speech is silenced.  Understanding it can help us stand up to the illiberalism of this moment.  —  4 hr  —  We live in a time of personal timorousness and collective mercilessness.  —  There might seem to be a contradiction between …
Annie Karni / New York Times:
Trump's Remedy for Low Poll Numbers: Remind People Polls Can Be Wrong  —  And if surveys of likely voters don't look promising, turn to other measures.  Like boat parades.  —  WASHINGTON — “I'm not losing,” President Trump insisted in an interview on Sunday with the Fox News anchor Chris Wallace …
NBC Los Angeles:
At Least 14 Hospitalized After Shootout During Funeral in Chicago: Police  —  One person of interest was in custody shortly after the incident, police said  —  At least 14 people were wounded following a shootout during a funeral in Chicago's Gresham neighborhood Tuesday evening, police said.
Valerie Insinna / Defense News:
It's official: US Air Force to buy Turkish F-35s  —  Updated 7/21/20 at 1:25 p.m. EST to add more information about the status of the eight Turkish F-35s.  —  WASHINGTON — After a year of speculation about what would happen to Turkey's F-35s after the country was ousted …
Discussion: Politico, UPI and Bloomberg
Mike Allen / Axios:
Trump raises $20 million at virtual fundraiser  —  President Trump answered onscreen questions at the White House on Tuesday night during his campaign's first virtual fundraiser, which raised more than $20 million from 300,000 donors, the campaign said.  —  The state of play …
Heidi Przybyla / NBC News:
Biden campaign goes on offensive against Sen. Ron Johnson's Burisma probe  —  Joe Biden's presidential campaign on Tuesday launched a highly personal broadside at Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, for pushing forward …
Discussion: CNN
Andrew Roth / The Guardian:
Hostage siege ends after Ukrainian president endorses Joaquin Phoenix film  —  Gunman surrenders after video recommending 2005's Earthlings posted on Facebook  —  A gunman in Ukraine armed with an automatic rifle and grenades has surrendered to police and released 13 hostages …
Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg / Wall Street Journal:
WSJ Journalists Ask Publisher for Clearer Distinction Between News and Opinion Content  —  Letter to publisher Almar Latour cites concerns about Opinion section's accuracy and transparency  —  A group of journalists at The Wall Street Journal and other Dow Jones NWS .71% staffers sent …
Associated Press:
Silent spread of virus keeps scientists grasping for clues  —  One of the great mysteries of the coronavirus is how quickly it rocketed around the world.  —  It first flared in central China and, within three months, was on every continent but Antarctica, shutting down daily life for millions.
USA Today:
Trump, Ginsburg and the democracy emergency: It's here and minority rule is the culprit  —  How did we end up with the rights of millions of Americans and the fate of American democracy dangling on one cancer prone, 87-year-old Supreme Court justice?  —  The same way we ended up with a president …
Rashaan Ayesh / Axios:
U.S. reports over 1,000 daily coronavirus deaths for first time since May  —  The U.S. reported more than 1,000 coronavirus-related deaths on Tuesday for the first time since May 29, according to the COVID-19 Tracking Project.  —  Why it matters: Deaths from COVID-19 had slowed after months of lockdowns …
Alexi McCammond / Axios:
Biden and Obama to talk Trump in new campaign video  —  Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama sat down in-person to discuss systemic racism, the coronavirus pandemic and President Trump's handling of those issues for a new campaign video that will be released Thursday.
Discussion: The Hill, Bloomberg and Political Wire
Major Trump Donors Received At Least $41 Million In PPP Loans For Their Companies  —  The 15 donors gave Trump and the GOP $1.4 million this spring, in a process that critics say lacked basic transparency.  —  WASHINGTON ― As the coronavirus ravaged America this spring …
Will Weissert / Associated Press:
Elizabeth Warren's new role: Key Joe Biden policy adviser  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — Joe Biden accused Elizabeth Warren last year of holding an “angry, unyielding viewpoint.”  She embraced that label and slammed Biden as “naive” for thinking he could work with Republicans as president.
Rebecca Klein / HuffPost:
Where Lynching Terrorized Black Americans, Corporal Punishment In Schools Lives On  —  These counties had high rates of lynchings.  Now their schools are more likely to paddle Black children, a new study reveals.  —  DURANT, MISSISSIPPI ― Justice Grisby, like every other student …
Discussion: The Root
Denise Chow / NBC News:
How Biden's climate plan makes clean energy by 2035 ‘very doable’ … When Hillary Clinton proposed a climate plan in the run-up to the 2016 election that included $60 billion for clean energy infrastructure and $30 billion more to redevelop coal-mining communities, it was met with mixed reviews …
Discussion: New York Times
ABC News:
Some guests, employees at Trump properties flout face-covering mandates  —  Guests and employees have ignored local rules, even internal guidelines.  —  As the coronavirus surges across the country, several properties owned by President Donald Trump have continued to host gatherings with guests …
House Republicans air grievances against Liz Cheney over support for Dr. Fauci and splitting with Trump  —  (CNN)Several House Republicans attacked House GOP Conference Chairwoman Liz Cheney of Wyoming during a conference meeting Tuesday morning for supporting Dr. Anthony Fauci and splitting …
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 More Items: 
Chris Kahn / Reuters:
Biden, leading Trump by eight points, also has a big advantage with undecided voters: Reuters/Ipsos poll
Discussion: The Hill
Max Cohen / Politico:
Bipartisan majority supports statewide mask mandates, poll finds
Three brothers are behind a series of viral videos trolling Trump
Akela Lacy / The Intercept:
ALEC Is Close to Passing Model Bill That Would Protect Companies From Coronavirus-Related Lawsuits
Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg / The Appeal:
San Francisco Voters Will Decide On Abolishing Mandatory Staffing Levels For Police
Ryan Glasspiegel / OutKick:
Sage Steele Believes Elle Duncan and Michael Eaves Froze Her Out of Undefeated Special
John Eligon / New York Times:
Minneapolis Police Experience Surge of Departures in Aftermath of George Floyd Protests
 Earlier Items: 
Russell Brandom / The Verge:
Peter Thiel is spending $850,000 to bring ‘Muslim registry’ architect to the Senate
Ben Casselman / New York Times:
End of $600 Unemployment Bonus Could Push Millions Past the Brink
Discussion: Raw Story and NBER
Andrew Perez / Too Much Information:
Ilhan Omar's Challenger Is Routing Cash Through Mystery Firms
Discussion: The Sun
Martin Matishak / Politico:
Senate Republicans: No reason for Biden to ‘sound the alarm’ on Russia
Discussion: Washington Post
Peter Wehner / The Atlantic:
Donald Trump Is a Broken Man
Discussion: Washington Post

From Mediagazer:

Tim Marchman / Wired:
Quora-owned AI chatbot platform Poe is providing users with downloadable HTML files of paywalled articles from outlets including NYT, Forbes, and The Atlantic

Michael Schneider / Variety:
Nielsen: the Biden-Trump debate drew an average audience of 51.3M viewers across 17 networks in the US, down from 2020's first debate, with nearly 73.1M

Hanaa' Tameez / Nieman Lab:
Spain's El País launched a digital edition to cover the US in Spanish in May with 11 bilingual correspondents; as of April, the outlet had ~366K subscribers

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