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9:00 PM ET, July 27, 2020


 Top Items: 
Washington Post:
National Guard commander says police suddenly moved on Lafayette Square protesters, used ‘excessive force’ before Trump visit  —  Guard major to testify before Congress that warnings couldn't be heard, tear gas was used  —  An Army National Guard commander who witnessed protesters forcibly removed …
Washington Post:
Trump administration sending more federal agents to reinforce Portland courthouse  —  The Trump administration is sending more federal agents to Portland, Ore., as officials consider pushing back harder and farther against the growing crowds and nightly clashes with protesters, vandals, and rioters, The Washington Post has learned.
Marissa Lang / Washington Post:   Wall of Moms, Black Lives Matter protesters sue Trump administration for use of tear gas, force in Portland
Ellen Knickmeyer / Associated Press:
Officer challenges account of violent clearing of protesters
Discussion: Axios
New York Times:
Trump Announced, Then Canceled, a Yankees Pitch.  Both Came as a Surprise.  —  The president's announcement that he would pitch at Yankee Stadium on Aug. 15 startled the team's officials, who had not scheduled such an event.  —  WASHINGTON — An hour before Dr. Anthony S. Fauci threw …
Karen Tumulty / Washington Post:
Kamala Harris's lack of ‘remorse’ should make her an even stronger candidate for VP
Discussion: Mother Jones and Politico
Alexander Burns / New York Times:   Susan Rice Wants to Run for Office. Will Her First Campaign Be for V.P.?
Dennis Brown / Notre Dame News:
Notre Dame withdraws as presidential debate host site  —  University of Notre Dame President Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., announced today the University has withdrawn as the host site for the first of the 2020 presidential debates, scheduled for Sept. 29.  —  After consultation with Dr. Mark Fox …
Zeke Miller / Associated Press:
2nd presidential debate host withdraws amid virus outbreak  —  FILE - In this combination of file photos, former Vice President Joe Biden speaks in Wilmington, Del., on March 12, 2020, left, and President Donald Trump speaks at the White House in Washington on April 5, 2020.
Aiden Pink / The Forward:
Republican senator deletes ad that made Jewish opponent's nose bigger  —  Sen. David Perdue of Georgia deleted a Facebook ad targeting his Jewish election opponent, Jon Ossoff, that appeared to have been altered to make Ossoff's nose bigger.  —  The ad called for donations to Perdue …
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
How Fox News may be destroying Trump's reelection hopes  —  It would be a peculiarly apt form of poetic justice if the entity that has done so much to help President Trump run this country into the ground — Fox News — ends up playing an outsize role in helping destroy his chances at reelection.
Police: Richmond riots instigated by white supremacists disguised as Black Lives Matter  —  RICHMOND, Va. - Riots in downtown Richmond over the weekend were instigated by white supremacists under the guise of Black Lives Matter, according to law enforcement officials.
Alexi McCammond / Axios:
Black Lives Matter founder says DNC platform needs to be bolder
Ebony Bowden / New York Post:
Lincoln Project co-founder met with Trump for campaign role in 2016  —  Well, this is a little awkward.  —  Steve Schmidt, one of the co-founders of anti-Trump political action group the Lincoln Project, met with then-candidate Donald Trump and tried to join his campaign during a 2016 Manhattan meeting …
Discussion: Sara A. Carter
Karen Freifeld / Reuters:
Trump files new challenge to subpoena for his tax returns  —  (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Monday filed a new challenge to the Manhattan District Attorney's subpoena for his tax returns, weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court said the president was not immune from state criminal probes.
Discussion: NBC News and The Hill
Dan Mangan / CNBC:   Trump files new effort to block Manhattan DA Vance's subpoena for tax records
Peter Nicholas / The Atlantic:
Don't Count Trump Out  —  Let's stipulate right away that President Donald Trump is losing this race.  Set aside the particulars—how suburban voters are migrating toward Joe Biden, and how seniors are rethinking their support too.  Consider the basics.  —  Presidents are supposed to keep Americans employed.
Janelle Griffith / NBC News:
14 in Texas family test positive for coronavirus after small gathering, 1 dies  —  Fourteen members of the same family in Texas tested positive for the coronavirus following a small gathering in June, the family says.  One of them has died and another is on life support.
Discussion: The Hill
Child hospitalizations from Covid-19 surge 23% in Florida as schools statewide must reopen  —  (CNN)Just weeks before schools must open across Florida, the numbers of new cases and hospitalizations due to Covid-19 have surged.  —  On July 16, the state had a total of 23,170 children ages 17 …
Discussion: The Hill and Daily Kos
A Front-Row Seat for the Arctic's Final Summers With Ice  —  Freaked out scientists and gleeful captains of fossil-fuel tankers are now sailing through climate history in the melting polar region.  —  On a sparkling day on May 18, the nearly 300-meter-long tanker Christophe de Margerie set sail …
Associated Press:
Trump seeks political shot in the arm in vaccine push
Discussion: The Hill and Reuters
Sarah Owermohle / Politico:
Drugmakers refuse to attend White House meeting after Trump issues executive orders on costs  —  A White House meeting with top pharmaceutical executives that President Donald Trump promised for Tuesday is off, five industry sources familiar with discussions told POLITICO.
Derek Thompson / The Atlantic:
You Can Stop Cleaning Your Mail Now  —  As a COVID-19 summer surge sweeps the country, deep cleans are all the rage.  —  National restaurants such as Applebee's are deputizing sanitation czars to oversee the constant scrubbing of window ledges, menus, and high chairs.
Discussion: Balloon Juice
Marisa Fernandez / Axios:
Herman Cain still hospitalized more than 3 weeks after COVID-19 diagnosis  —  Former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain is still in the hospital undergoing oxygen treatment more than three weeks after first being hospitalized with the coronavirus on July 2, according to an update from his Twitter account on Monday.
EXCLUSIVE: Inside John Roberts' surprising streak of liberal wins  —  (CNN)Chief Justice John Roberts did not flinch.  —  When Roberts joined liberals on the Supreme Court to preserve an Obama-era program shielding young undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children …
Trump taps renegade retired colonel for Germany ambassador post  —  President Donald Trump intends to nominate a brash former military officer to serve as the next U.S. ambassador to Germany, the White House announced Monday.  —  Retired Army Col. Douglas Macgregor, a decorated combat veteran …
Christopher Rugaber / Associated Press:
As Congress fights, analysts warn economy needs help now  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — As Congress and the White House resume their efforts to agree on a new economic aid package, evidence is growing that the U.S. economy is faltering.  And so is concern that the government may not take the steps needed to support hiring and growth.
Discussion: CNN and 6abc
Libby Cathey / ABC News:
Procession begins for the late Rep. John Lewis before he lies in state at the US Capitol  —  Lewis is only the second Black lawmaker to lie in state at the U.S. Capitol.  —  LIVE NOW  —  The physical presence of the late Rep. John Lewis — known as the “conscience of the U.S. Congress” …
Timothy L. O'Brien / Bloomberg:
Sinclair Pulls the Plug on Fauci Propaganda — This Time  —  Will the broadcasting company now drop a program attacking the prominent public health expert, or just repackage it?  —  Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. is one of the largest television station operators in the country …
The Tennessean:
White House is recommending Tennessee close all bars.  Gov. Bill Lee says no.  —  Dr. Deborah Birx, a White House adviser who is among the top coronavirus officials in the nation, said Monday that Tennessee should close bars and limit indoor restaurant dining to prevent a looming escalation of the coronavirus outbreak.
Discussion: The Hill
Dakin Andone / CNN:
Peaceful protests and violent clashes erupted this weekend.  Here's what happened in 6 cities  —  (CNN)Protests flared up across the country this weekend, two months after the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis catalyzed a nationwide reckoning over race and policing.
The Atlantic:
Listening Hard  —  THE fanciest alien-snooping apparatus in the world today is located on a ridgeline above a picturesque little New England town about an hour west of Boston.  —  There the physicist Paul Horowitz, of Harvard University, has wired up a radio telescope with a signal analyzer comparable …
Brian Klaas / Washington Post:
Here's how to prepare for Trump rejecting the election results in November  —  President Trump is laying the groundwork to do something that no previous president has ever done: falsely claim that an election was fixed against him in order to discredit the vote.
Tyler Pager / Bloomberg:
Biden Campaign Bans Staff From Trading Stocks Without Approval  —  The Biden campaign is forbidding staff from trading individual stocks without approval from the campaign's general counsel, according to an email sent by the Democratic nominee's top lawyer to staff on Monday afternoon.
Discussion: Axios
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 More Items: 
Washington Post:
New Senate GOP coronavirus bill includes unrelated White House demand for FBI headquarters money
John Hendel / Politico:
Administration asks FCC to carry out Trump's tech crackdown
Louis Casiano / Fox News:
Mayors of Chicago, Portland, other cities blast deployment of federal ‘riot-gear clad forces’
Discussion: Washington Post and Reuters
KFF Health Tracking Poll - July 2020
Erik Maulbetsch / Colorado Times Recorder:
Boebert's Campaign Embraces Far-Right Militia Movement
Annie Nova / CNBC:
How the eviction crisis across the U.S. will look
 Earlier Items: 
Leia Idliby / Mediaite:
Megan Rapinoe to Host Conversation on Current US Social and Political Climate with AOC …
Paul Rosenzweig / The Atlantic:
There Is Nothing Conservative About What Trump Is Doing in Portland
Discussion: Just Security
Sydney Trent / Washington Post:
At 88, he is a historical rarity — the living son of a slave
Theodore Schleifer / Vox:
Tech billionaire Peter Thiel is searching for new political allies. He's found one in Kansas.
Nick Timiraos / Wall Street Journal:
Two Republican Senators Will Oppose Shelton's Fed Candidacy
Discussion: Bangor Daily News
Rob Copeland / Wall Street Journal:
Google to Keep Employees Home Until Summer 2021 Amid Coronavirus Pandemic