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10:30 AM ET, July 27, 2020


 Top Items: 
‘She had no remorse’: Why Kamala Harris isn't a lock for VP  —  When former Sen. Chris Dodd, a member of Joe Biden's vice presidential search committee, recently asked Kamala Harris about her ambush on Biden in the first Democratic debate, Dodd was stunned by her response.
Discussion: Real Clear Politics
Ryan Lizza / Politico:
Biden's VP shortlist comes up short  —  Joe Biden has a dilemma when it comes to choosing a running mate.  —  The Democratic presidential nominee wants to pick someone who is like him (or at least the way he saw himself as vice president): loyal, trusted, experienced, apolitical, someone with whom he will bond.
Discussion: Washington Post and Breitbart
Carrie Dann / NBC News:
Biden leads in North Carolina as voters give Trump poor marks on virus, race relations  —  Republican Sen. Thom Tillis trails his Democratic challenger, as well, in a new NBC News/Marist poll.  —  WASHINGTON — Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by 7 points in the key swing state of North Carolina …
Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart:   Joe Biden Thinks the Rioters Are Very Fine People
POLITICO Playbook: Sneak peek at the Dem convention
Discussion: New York Times
Trump National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien Has Coronavirus  —  President Donald Trump's National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien has tested positive for Covid-19, according to people familiar with his situation, Bloomberg News reports.  —  O'Brien has been out of the office since late last week, one of the people said.
Trump National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien Has Coronavirus  — O'Brien tested positive after family event: person familiar  — National security aide is closest person to Trump with virus  —  President Donald Trump's National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien has tested positive for Covid-19 …
Daniel Lippman / Politico:
National security adviser Robert O'Brien tests positive for Covid-19  —  Robert O'Brien, President Donald Trump's national security adviser, has tested positive for Covid-19, making him the highest profile Trump official to get the virus, an administration official confirmed.
Discussion: KRON4
Trump's national security adviser tests positive for Covid-19
Discussion: The Guardian and Scripting News
Washington Post:   Live updates: Trump's national security adviser tests positive for coronavirus
Associated Press:
On Portland's streets: Anger, fear, and a fence that divides  —  PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — The party at the Salmon Street Springs fountain, a riverfront landmark in the heart of Portland, was just getting started.  —  Dozens of drummers beat out entrancing rhythms and a crowd of hundreds danced joyfully …
Discussion: National Review and Breitbart
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
Byron York's Daily Memo: Spinning the riots with the Wall of Moms and Leaf-Blower Dads
Katie Rogers / New York Times:
Melania Trump to Announce Plan to Revamp White House Rose Garden  —  The first lady's renovation of one of the strongest symbols presidents have used to showcase the power of the office is taking place as her husband enters a crucial stretch of his re-election effort.
Discussion: Raw Story
Peter Nicholas / The Atlantic:
Don't Count Trump Out  —  Let's stipulate right away …
Discussion: Vox
Washington Post:
One question still dogs Trump: Why not try harder to solve the coronavirus crisis?  —  Both President Trump's advisers and operatives laboring to defeat him increasingly agree on one thing: The best way for him to regain his political footing is to wrest control of the coronavirus.
Discussion: ABC News, Raw Story and POLITICUSUSA
Frank E. Lockwood / Arkansas Online:
Bill by Sen. Tom Cotton targets curriculum on slavery  —  WASHINGTON — A New York Times-based school curriculum emphasizing American slavery instead of American independence has been targeted by U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton.  —  The Little Rock Republican introduced legislation Thursday …
Summer Concepcion / Talking Points Memo:   Cotton's Office Denies He Believes Slavery Was A ‘Necessary Evil’ After Backlash Over Remark
Rob Copeland / Wall Street Journal:
Google to Keep Employees Home Until Summer 2021 Amid Coronavirus Pandemic  —  Search engine giant pushes back return to normalcy  —  SAN FRANCISCO—Google will keep its employees home until at least next July, people familiar with the matter said, making the search-engine giant …
Lauran Neergaard / Associated Press:
Virus vaccine put to final test in thousands of volunteers  —  The world's biggest COVID-19 vaccine study got underway Monday with the first of 30,000 planned volunteers helping to test shots created by the U.S. government — one of several candidates in the final stretch of the global vaccine race.
Gabby Orr / Politico:
‘We will not be betrayed again’: Trump's SCOTUS list hits a new roadblock  —  To give disgruntled conservatives a dash of hope after crushing Supreme Court losses on abortion and LGBTQ protections this summer, President Donald Trump made a promise: He would unveil a new list …
Alayna Treene / Axios:
Senate Republicans grow weary with White House over stimulus bill  —  Frustration among many Senate Republicans, not to mention Democrats, toward the White House has hit a fever pitch, with many lawmakers — including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — admitting they could break for the August recess without a stimulus bill.
Alayna Treene / Axios:
Trump plans to aggressively promote vaccine and therapeutic news at coronavirus briefings
Timothy L. O'Brien / Bloomberg:
Sinclair Pulls the Plug on Fauci Propaganda — This Time  —  Will the broadcasting company now drop a program attacking the prominent public health expert, or just repackage it?  —  Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. is one of the largest television station operators in the country …
Discussion: Vox
Fox News:
Rep. John Lewis to lie in state at Capitol Rotunda  —  Lewis will be the first African American to lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda.  —  Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., will lie in state at the U.S. Capitol beginning Monday, as part of the third of six days of programs honoring the civil rights icon.
Discussion: The Hill and Axios
montgomeryadvertiser:   A nation John Lewis helped unite salutes him on his final journey across Selma bridge
Willem Marx / NBC News:
Jihadist plots used to be U.S. and Europe's biggest terrorist threat.  Now it's the far right.  —  LONDON — The threat of terrorism — particularly from the far right — should be a major concern for governments on both sides of the Atlantic as coronavirus restrictions continue to ease …
Devan Cole / CNN:
Giroir says coronavirus testing turnaround times still too long in US  —  Tapper hammers HHS assistant secretary on testing delays  —  Washington (CNN)The Trump administration official overseeing critical coronavirus testing on Sunday conceded that turnaround times are still too long in the United States …
Discussion: New York Post
New York Times:
Coronavirus Live Updates: Testing Results Take Too Long, U.S. Official Concedes
Discussion: Breitbart
Louie Gohmert Supporters Alleged to Have Beaten Up Opponent's Campaign Manager at Protest, Calls for Texas Rangers to Investigate  —  TYLER, Texas—Armed supporters of Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Tyler) brutally beat and assaulted Ryan Miller, the campaign manager for Gohmert's opponent …
Alana Rocha / The Texas Tribune:
With 1,000 new coronavirus fatalities in Texas in just 6 days, the state's death count is rising faster  —  More than 5,000 people in Texas have died from COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, according to state health data released Sunday.  —  Copy link
Miranda Devine / New York Post:
What's really vulgar is AOC's fake outrage  —  America is suffering through a pandemic, riots, a violent crime wave, a recession and record unemployment, but Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Queens-Bronx) wasted an hour of the nation's time on feigned outrage in Congress over an alleged insult she didn't even hear.
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 More Items: 
Sarah Zheng / South China Morning Post:
US confirms suspension of Fulbright programme for mainland China, Hong Kong
Lydia Saad / Gallup:
U.S. Conservatism Down Since Start of 2020
Discussion: The Hill
Peter Beinart / New York Times:
The Real Reason Biden Is Ahead of Trump? He's a Man
The Guardian:
The Guardian view on China and the Uighurs: everyone's business
Holly Otterbein / Politico:
Bernie Sanders delegates mount convention rebellion over Medicare for All
Joshua T. Katz / Wall Street Journal:
I Survived Cancellation at Princeton
Discussion: Instapundit
Associated Press:
AP-NORC poll: Anxiety props up Biden, Trump voters fervent
Discussion: The Hill
 Earlier Items: 
Michael Kruse / Politico:
Trump's Summer of Love Is a Distant Memory Now
Discussion: Raw Story
Jonathan Martin / New York Times:
Why Montana Is a Test Case for Democrats' Winning the Senate
Andrea Cambron / WTOP:
ShutDownDC rallies in Alexandria at the home of acting secretary of Homeland Security
Discussion: Raw Story
Michael Tracey:
Two months since the riots, and still no “National Conversation”
Ben Smith / New York Times:
Did Hearst's Culture Kill Hearst's Biggest Magazine Story?
Dan Balz / Washington Post:
America's global standing is at a low point. The pandemic made it worse.
Discussion: NBC News
Fred Hiatt / Washington Post:
In just one month, Trump commits a whole new set of potentially impeachable offenses
Discussion: Raw Story and The Inquisitr

From Mediagazer:

Andrew Chung / Reuters:
SCOTUS declines to impose limits on the way Biden administration may communicate with social media platforms in the First Amendment case of Murthy v. Missouri

Alex Weprin / The Hollywood Reporter:
Dish offers customers who sign up for a two-year contract a new bundle with Netflix's ad-supported tier for free, or its ad-free tiers at a $7/month discount

Financial Times:
Sources: YouTube is in talks with Sony, Warner, and Universal to license their songs for AI music generation tools coming in 2024 that mimic artists' music

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