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1:40 PM ET, July 27, 2020


 Top Items: 
‘She had no remorse’: Why Kamala Harris isn't a lock for VP  —  When former Sen. Chris Dodd, a member of Joe Biden's vice presidential search committee, recently asked Kamala Harris about her ambush on Biden in the first Democratic debate, Dodd was stunned by her response.
Ryan Lizza / Politico:
Biden's VP shortlist comes up short  —  Joe Biden has a dilemma when it comes to choosing a running mate.  —  The Democratic presidential nominee wants to pick someone who is like him (or at least the way he saw himself as vice president): loyal, trusted, experienced, apolitical, someone with whom he will bond.
Carrie Dann / NBC News:
Biden leads in North Carolina as voters give Trump poor marks on virus, race relations  —  Republican Sen. Thom Tillis trails his Democratic challenger, as well, in a new NBC News/Marist poll.  —  WASHINGTON — Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by 7 points in the key swing state of North Carolina …
Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart:
Joe Biden Thinks the Rioters Are Very Fine People
Discussion: The Federalist
POLITICO Playbook: Sneak peek at the Dem convention
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
How Fox News may be destroying Trump's reelection hopes  —  It would be a peculiarly apt form of poetic justice if the entity that has done so much to help President Trump run this country into the ground — Fox News — ends up playing an outsize role in helping destroy his chances at reelection.
Washington Post:
National Guard commander says police suddenly moved on Lafayette Square protesters, used ‘excessive force’ before Trump visit  —  Guard major to testify before Congress that warnings couldn't be heard, tear gas was used  —  An Army National Guard commander who witnessed protesters forcibly removed …
Discussion: Political Wire and Raw Story
Ellen Knickmeyer / Associated Press:
Officer challenges account of violent clearing of protesters
Discussion: Axios
Trump National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien Has Coronavirus  —  President Donald Trump's National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien has tested positive for Covid-19, according to people familiar with his situation, Bloomberg News reports.  —  O'Brien has been out of the office since late last week, one of the people said.
Washington Post:   Live updates: Trump's national security adviser tests positive for coronavirus
Trump National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien Has Coronavirus
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
Byron York's Daily Memo: Spinning the riots with the Wall of Moms and Leaf-Blower Dads
Discussion: New York Times, NPR and KRON4
Katie Rogers / New York Times:
Melania Trump Will Revamp White House Rose Garden  —  The first lady's renovation of the garden, a signature showcase of power used by presidents for decades, is taking place as her husband enters a crucial stretch of his re-election effort.  —  WASHINGTON — Melania Trump, the first lady …
Discussion: Mediaite, New York Post and Raw Story
Peter Nicholas / The Atlantic:
Don't Count Trump Out  —  Let's stipulate right away …
Discussion: Vox
Derek Thompson / The Atlantic:
You Can Stop Cleaning Your Mail Now  —  As a COVID-19 summer surge sweeps the country, deep cleans are all the rage.  —  National restaurants such as Applebee's are deputizing sanitation czars to oversee the constant scrubbing of window ledges, menus, and high chairs.
Discussion: Balloon Juice
Washington Post:
GOP, White House aim to temporarily reduce weekly unemployment benefit from $600 to $200  —  House Democrats have proposed keeping $600 benefit in place through January but the program is set to expire later this week; $200 would be bridge as states move to new system
Erik Wasson / Bloomberg:
Republicans Would Cut Unemployment Payments in Virus Relief Plan
Discussion: The Hill
Rob Copeland / Wall Street Journal:
Google to Keep Employees Home Until Summer 2021 Amid Coronavirus Pandemic  —  Search engine giant pushes back return to normalcy  —  SAN FRANCISCO—Google will keep its employees home until at least next July, people familiar with the matter said, making the search-engine giant …
Lois Beckett / The Guardian:
Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years  —  As Trump rails against ‘far-left’ fascism, new database shows leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing extremists  —  Donald Trump has made warnings about the threat of antifa and “far-left fascism” …
Willem Marx / NBC News:
Jihadist plots used to be U.S. and Europe's biggest terrorist threat. Now it's the far right.
Discussion: Redstate
EXCLUSIVE: Inside John Roberts' surprising streak of liberal wins  —  (CNN)Chief Justice John Roberts did not flinch.  —  When Roberts joined liberals on the Supreme Court to preserve an Obama-era program shielding young undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children …
Discussion: Political Wire
Louie Gohmert Supporters Alleged to Have Beaten Up Opponent's Campaign Manager at Protest, Calls for Texas Rangers to Investigate  —  TYLER, Texas—Armed supporters of Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Tyler) brutally beat and assaulted Ryan Miller, the campaign manager for Gohmert's opponent …
Timothy L. O'Brien / Bloomberg:
Sinclair Pulls the Plug on Fauci Propaganda — This Time  —  Will the broadcasting company now drop a program attacking the prominent public health expert, or just repackage it?  —  Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. is one of the largest television station operators in the country …
Discussion: Poynter and Vox, more at Mediagazer »
Quint Forgey / Politico:
Navarro mocks Fauci's first pitch  —  White House trade adviser Peter Navarro on Monday refused to extinguish his bitter feud with Dr. Anthony Fauci, mocking the nation's top infectious disease expert for missing home plate with his ceremonial first pitch on Major League Baseball's Opening Day.
Discussion: The Hill, IJR, The Daily Beast and Fox News
Lauran Neergaard / Associated Press:
Virus vaccine put to final test in thousands of volunteers  —  The world's biggest COVID-19 vaccine study got underway Monday with the first of 30,000 planned volunteers helping to test shots created by the U.S. government — one of several candidates in the final stretch of the global vaccine race.
Discussion: The Inquisitr and The Guardian
Joe Biden:
The Biden Agenda for Women  —  Joe Biden is going to build our country back better after this economic crisis and that includes ensuring we get closer to full inclusion of and equality for women.  Women — particularly women of color — have never had a fair shot to get ahead in this country.
Luke Broadwater / New York Times:
John Lewis Is the First Black Lawmaker to Lie in State in the Capitol Rotunda  —  The pandemic has dictated an unusual public mourning process for the civil rights icon.  He will lie in state briefly under the Capitol dome and then move outside so the public can pay respects safely.
montgomeryadvertiser:   A nation John Lewis helped unite salutes him on his final journey across Selma bridge
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 More Items: 
David Lapan / Just Security:
Former DHS and Defense Dept Spokesperson: Trump's Response to Civil Unrest in Portland is Damaging …
Discussion: The Atlantic and Raw Story
Nicole Hong / New York Times:
Inside the Violent and Misogynistic World of Roy Den Hollander
MJ Lee / CNN:
DNC launches TV ad hitting Trump on coronavirus and reopening of schools ahead of new school year
Discussion: The Hill and Political Wire
Lydia Saad / Gallup:
U.S. Conservatism Down Since Start of 2020
Discussion: Washington Post and The Hill
Peter Beinart / New York Times:
The Real Reason Biden Is Ahead of Trump? He's a Man
Alana Rocha / The Texas Tribune:
With 1,000 new coronavirus fatalities in Texas in just 6 days, the state's death count is rising faster
Miranda Devine / New York Post:
What's really vulgar is AOC's fake outrage
 Earlier Items: 
Holly Otterbein / Politico:
Bernie Sanders delegates mount convention rebellion over ‘Medicare for All’
Discussion: IJR
Joshua T. Katz / Wall Street Journal:
I Survived Cancellation at Princeton
Discussion: Instapundit
Associated Press:
AP-NORC poll: Anxiety props up Biden, Trump voters fervent
Discussion: The Hill
Michael Kruse / Politico:
Trump's Summer of Love Is a Distant Memory Now
Discussion: Raw Story
Jonathan Martin / New York Times:
Why Montana Is a Test Case for Democrats' Winning the Senate
Bryan Armen Graham / The Guardian:
Tom Cotton calls slavery ‘necessary evil’ in attack on New York Times' 1619 Project