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7:15 PM ET, October 12, 2020


 Top Items: 
USA Today:
Naked Republican hypocrisy is destroying trust in Supreme Court: Reagan, Bush lawyers  —  Republicans are using a deeply unfair process to confirm Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.  Build faith in democracy by letting the people decide.  —  When a vacancy on the Supreme Court arose nine months ahead …
Tyler Olson / Fox News:
Schumer says Democrats won't give GOP quorum to advance Barrett nomination  —  Schumer called the Barrett confirmation effort ‘illegitimate, dangerous and unpopular’  —  Barrett ‘completely capable’ to be on the high court: Keisha Russell  —  Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer …
Max Burns / The Daily Beast:
Will Amy Coney Barrett Finally Explain Her Ties to Anti-Gay Hate Group?  —  She told Franken in 2017 that she was “generally aware” that the Alliance Defending Freedom had been categorized as a far-right hate group.  What does she know about the group now?  —  BEAST INSIDE
Discussion: Fox News and Breitbart
WRAL-TV:   Poll: Supreme Court process more important in NC's Senate race than Cunningham's affair
Libby Cathey / ABC News:
Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court confirmation hearing live updates
Brooke Singman / Fox News:
Trump tests negative for coronavirus, ‘not infectious to others,’ White House physician says
Mollie Hemingway / The Federalist:
Media Freak Out Over Mike Lee Following CDC's Coronavirus Guidelines
The Daily Beast:
Dr. Fauci: The Trump Campaign Is ‘In Effect, Harassing Me’  —  The nation's top infectious disease expert says there is “not a chance” he quits the task force.  But he's openly angry with how he's being politicized. … The nation's top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci demanded …
Paul LeBlanc / CNN:
Fauci says Trump campaign should take down ad featuring him
New York Times:
2020 Election Live Updates: ‘Record’ Turnout for Early Voting in Georgia as Biden Campaigns in Ohio  —  Joe Biden will speak in Toledo and Cincinnati and President Trump, returning to the campaign trail, will travel to Florida.  Senate hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett have begun.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Heavy turnout creates lines as polls open in Georgia for early voting  —  By Mark Niesse - The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Kristal Dixon - The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Ben Brasch - The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Tyler Estep - The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
NBC News:
Early voting begins in Georgia with long lines, high turnout
Discussion: CNN
Amy Taxin / Associated Press:
California GOP says it owns unofficial ballot drop boxes  —  LOS ANGELES (AP) — California's Republican Party on Monday acknowledged owning unofficial ballot drop boxes that state election officials said are illegal.  —  California election officials received reports over the weekend …
Discussion: WSPA-TV, Axios and CBS Los Angeles
Alicia Robinson / Orange County Register:
Unofficial ballot drop boxes popping up throughout the state worry elections officials
Nate Cohn / New York Times:
Trump Defectors Help Biden Build Leads in Wisconsin and Michigan  —  NEW YORK TIMES/  —  SIENA COLLEGE POLL  —  Joe Biden leads Donald J. Trump in Michigan and Wisconsin.  Mr. Biden's polling leads in both states would currently withstand a 2016-size polling miss.  —  2016 Election Result NYT/Siena
Michael M. Grynbaum / New York Times:
As Trump Flouts Safety Protocols, News Outlets Balk at Close Coverage  —  Newspapers and networks are wary of exposing their staff members to the president and his aides, saying they do not have assurance that basic precautions will be taken to protect reporters' health.
Discussion: Political Wire and Breitbart
Anna Wilde Mathews / Wall Street Journal:
Covid-19 Reinfection Documented in Nevada Adds to Questions on Virus Immunity  —  Case of man reinfected with the coronavirus, reported in a Lancet medical journal, joins a number of Covid-19 second-cases world-wide  —  A Nevada man became the first published case of Covid-19 reinfection in the U.S. …
Emma Brown / Washington Post:
Roberta W. McCain, maverick mother of Sen. John McCain, dies  —  Roberta McCain, an independent-minded oil heiress who was married to one of the Navy's highest-ranking officers and who displayed characteristic pluck when she took to the presidential campaign trail at age 96 on behalf of her son …
ABC News:
Roberta McCain, John McCain's mother, dies at 108
Discussion: Reuters and NBC Los Angeles
Associated Press:
Trump's task: Resetting campaign that GOP fears is slipping  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is running out of time to recover from a series of self-inflicted setbacks that have rattled his base of support and triggered alarm among Republicans who fear the White House is on the verge of being lost to Democrat Joe Biden.
Natasha Dado / WDIV-TV:
Eric Trump cancels event at Michigan gun shop after former employee is linked to domestic terror plot against governor  —  Former employee was fired and would show up to work in tactical gear, gun shop says  —  DETROIT - Eric Trump has canceled a Michigan based campaign event scheduled …
Discussion: Political Wire
‘Green tsunami’: Inside Senate Republicans' financial freak-out  —  In mid-April, senior advisers to a dozen Republican senators gathered on the second floor of the National Republican Senatorial Committee's offices, where NRSC executive director Kevin McLaughlin detailed …
Bubba / WinRed:
WinRed: Zero to $1,000,000,000 in 15 Months  —  Today we're proud to report that Republicans raised over $1 Billion on WinRed in its first 15 months since launching.  What took ActBlue 12 years to accomplish, WinRed did in a little over a year.  —  WinRed Lifetime Raised: $1,205,933,469
Zach Montellaro / Politico:   GOP raises over $620M through WinRed in third quarter
Laura Bassett / ELLE:
Senator Gary Peters Shares His Abortion Story  —  He's the first sitting senator in history to do so.  —  United States Senator Gary Peters, a low-key, moderate Democrat from Michigan, is in a very tight re-election race that  —  could decide  —  whether his party wins the Senate.
Jake Offenhartz / Gothamist:
Police Arrest Heshy Tischler As His Backers Swarm Home Of The Jewish Journalist He Targeted  —  Four days after leading a violent mob against a journalist in clear view of NYPD officers, Heshy Tischler, the right-wing radio host and City Council candidate, was arrested by police outside his Borough Park home on Sunday night.
CBS News:
Black man led by rope by White cops on horseback suing for $1 million  —  Galveston, Texas — A Black man who was led by a rope by two white officers on horseback has sued a southeast Texas city and its police department for $1 million, saying he suffered humiliation and fear during his arrest.
David Wallace-Wells / New York Magazine:
The Third Wave of the Pandemic Is Here  —  When Donald Trump checked into Walter Reed medical center more than a week ago, it appears likely to have marked the beginning of the end stage of his presidency.  But it was also a milestone for the pandemic, and not just because COVID-19 had infected …
Shane Dixon Kavanaugh / Oregonian:
Portland protesters topple statues of Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln in ‘Day of Rage’; police declare riot  —  Protesters topple statues of former presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln  —  A group of protesters toppled statues of former presidents Theodore Roosevelt …
Monika Bickert / About Facebook:
Removing Holocaust Denial Content  —  Today we are updating our hate speech policy to prohibit any content that denies or distorts the Holocaust.  —  Organizations that study trends in hate speech are reporting increases in online attacks against many groups worldwide, and we continue our efforts to remove it.
Lara Seligman / Politico:
Top general did not give his consent to be used in Trump political ad  —  The photo featuring Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley was used without the officer's “knowledge or consent,” according to a defense official.  —  Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley walks toward the Senate after briefing members of Congress in January.
Discussion: New York Times, NPR and CNN
Washington Post:
Trump's children brought Secret Service money to the family business with their visits, records show  —  Eric Trump took his Secret Service agents to Trump golf courses in Scotland, as he led transatlantic tours for paying customers.  Donald Trump Jr. took his protectors to the Trump hotel in Vancouver …
Discussion: The Week, Raw Story and Daily Kos
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
Byron York's Daily Memo: Trump's chances  —  Welcome to Byron York's Daily Memo newsletter.  —  Was this email forwarded to you?  Sign up here to receive the newsletter.  —  TRUMP'S CHANCES.  Every day some new poll is published showing Democratic challenger Joe Biden with a big lead over President Trump.
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 More Items: 
Dylan Gwinn / Breitbart:
Viewership for NBA Finals Finale Crashes Nearly 70%, Beaten by Random Sunday Night Football Game
Alan Rappeport / New York Times:
Trump Funnels Record Subsidies to Farmers Ahead of Election Day
Discussion: Raw Story and Political Wire
Washington Post:
Trump's intel chief is undermining U.S. intelligence. He should resign.
Discussion: Raw Story and CNN
Jo-Ann Johnston / Saint Leo University:
Recent Saint Leo University Polling Results for Florida Give Biden an Edge over Trump
Tony Romm / Washington Post:
Landlords, lobbyists launch legal war against Trump's eviction moratorium, aiming to unwind renter protections
 Earlier Items: 
Nick Paumgarten / New Yorker:
Andrew Cuomo, the King of New York
Investor's Business Daily:
IBD/TIPP Presidential Election Tracking Poll 2020
Theodore Schleifer / Vox:
Mark Zuckerberg is spending millions like never before to overhaul a landmark law
Lesley Stahl / CBS News:
The Lincoln Project: Career Republicans call on Americans to vote out President Trump
Discussion: The Big Picture

From Mediagazer:

Tim Marchman / Wired:
Quora-owned AI chatbot platform Poe is providing users with downloadable HTML files of paywalled articles from outlets including NYT, Forbes, and The Atlantic

Michael Schneider / Variety:
Nielsen: the Biden-Trump debate drew an average audience of 51.3M viewers across 17 networks in the US, down from 2020's first debate, with nearly 73.1M

Hanaa' Tameez / Nieman Lab:
Spain's El País launched a digital edition to cover the US in Spanish in May with 11 bilingual correspondents; as of April, the outlet had ~366K subscribers

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