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11:30 AM ET, October 13, 2020


 Top Items: 
Tom Hamburger / Washington Post:
Senate Democrats push Barrett to recuse herself from a potential presidential election case  —  As the confirmation hearings for Amy Coney Barrett proceed this week, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are pushing the Supreme Court nominee to answer whether she would recuse herself …
Dahlia Lithwick / Slate:
Don't Expect a “Gotcha” Moment in the Barrett Hearings
Mary McNamara / Los Angeles Times:
Column: Make way for Slayer Pete.  Buttigieg is the Biden campaign's ruthless secret weapon  —  Mayor Pete has found his format: the five-minute, remote-feed evisceration.  —  He always looks so nice, Pete Buttigieg — handsome in that white, Midwestern, college yearbook way …
Discussion: The Guardian, AIER, MSN and Breitbart
Kathleen Ronayne / Associated Press:
Trump intensifies focus on Harris in final weeks of campaign  —  SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Grasping for a comeback, President Donald Trump and his Republican allies are intensifying their focus not on Democratic nominee Joe Biden, but on his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris …
New York Times:
California Republican Party Admits It Placed Misleading Ballot Boxes Around State  —  Government officials say the receptacles are illegal and could lead to voter fraud, but the party says it will continue the practice.  —  The California Republican Party has admitted responsibility for placing …
Vicky Prodeline / Monmouth University Polling …:
Prez Race Stays Tight; Dem Senate Candidate Gains  —  Incumbent maintains lead in governor's race  —  West Long Branch, NJ - It continues to be a very tight race for president in North Carolina according to the Monmouth ("Mon-muth") University Poll.  The race for U.S. Senate has grown …
Jessica Taylor / The Cook Political Report:
What is The Cook Political Report?  —  The Cook Political Report is an independent, non-partisan newsletter that analyzes elections and campaigns for the US House of Representatives, US Senate, Governors and President as well as American political trends.
New York Times:
How Quickly Will Your Vote Be Counted?  A State-by-State Timeline  —  A lot of voters are asking these questions right now: How quickly will ballots be counted in the presidential election?  Which states will have results — and possibly a winner — on election night?
Wall Street Journal:   Mail Balloting Is Fueling Historic Early Voting in the 2020 Election
Always Trumpers: The president's unbreakable wall  —  More than 85% of elected Republicans who have been in Congress throughout President Trump's term have largely stood by him through seven crises that would have crushed most politicians, according to a comprehensive new study by “Axios on HBO.”
Ally Mutnick / Politico:
The outlook for House Republicans keeps getting worse  —  Here's how grim things look for House Republicans three weeks out from the election: They're struggling to win back seats even in conservative bastions like Oklahoma and South Carolina, where Democrats staged shocking upsets in 2018.
Discussion: Raw Story
Matthew Herper / STAT:
Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine study paused due to unexplained illness in participant  —  The study of Johnson & Johnson's Covid-19 vaccine has been paused due to an unexplained illness in a study participant.  —  A document sent to outside researchers running the 60,000-patient clinical trial states …
Content Lab U.S.:
Johnson & Johnson Temporarily Pauses All Dosing in Our Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate Clinical Trials
Local 12 speaks 1-on-1 with Joe Biden as he visits Cincinnati for campaign event  —  CINCINNATI (WKRC) - The battle for Ohio voters is heating up with polls showing the race essentially tied right now.  Democratic nominee Joe Biden made his way to Cincinnati Monday evening to speak directly to voters.
The Daily Beast:
Dr. Fauci: The Trump Campaign Is ‘In Effect, Harassing Me’  —  The nation's top infectious disease expert says there is “not a chance” he quits the task force.  But he's openly angry with how he's being politicized. … The nation's top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci demanded …
Michael M. Grynbaum / New York Times:
As Trump Flouts Safety Protocols, News Outlets Balk at Close Coverage  —  Newspapers and networks are wary of exposing their staff members to the president and his aides, saying they do not have assurance that basic precautions will be taken to protect reporters' health.
Devlin Barrett / Washington Post:
FBI: Whitmer plotters also discussed kidnapping Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam  —  Accused conspirators charged in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer also discussed “taking” Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, an FBI agent testified at a court hearing Tuesday.
Discussion: NBC Los Angeles
Bonchie / Redstate:
Dr. Fauci Isn't Stupid, He Just Thinks You Are  —  Think about much intellectually dishonesty it takes to go on CNN, a network that is working non-stop to discredit the President over everything, but especially the coronavirus, to spew such easily disprovable nonsense.
Elizabeth Neumann / USA Today:
Trump made it hard for me to protect America.  How could I vote for him again?  How could anyone?  —  My job was to keep Americans safe and Trump was my biggest obstacle.  He ignored white nationalist violence, ignored COVID-19, and nearly started a war.
Discussion: Hotair and Louder With Crowder
Bret Stephens / New York Times:
Imagining the Trump Presidency That Wasn't  —  A politically incorrect administration might have succeeded where this one failed.  —  Where would we be now if we had a truly politically incorrect president?  Donald Trump is supposed to be politically incorrect, but, for the most part, he isn't.
David Jackson / The Lancet Infectious Diseases:
Genomic evidence for reinfection with SARS-CoV-2: a case study  —  Nevada Institute of Personalized Medicine, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA  —  University of Nevada, Reno Center for Bioinformatics, Reno, NV, USA  —  Theiagen Consulting LLC, Highlands Ranch, CO, USA
Khalida Volou /
Virginia voter registration down on last day to register to vote before election  —  Officials say that a cut cable is to blame for the “temporary” system shutdown.  —  WASHINGTON — An accidentally cut cable has caused the entire Virginia voter registration system to go down on the last day to register to vote before election day.
Discussion: WTOP
The Philadelphia Inquirer:
Rudy Giuliani campaigns for Trump in a packed Philly office space, with fans in ‘Save Columbus’ masks  —  About 75 Donald Trump supporters — many of them wearing masks with an Italian flag and the words Save Columbus — squeezed shoulder-to-shoulder into the campaign's Northeast Philadelphia …
Discussion: Washington Post, WHYY and Mediaite
Michelle Theriault Boots / Anchorage Daily News:
Anchorage mayor admits to “inappropriate” relationship with news anchor  —  Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz apologized Monday for what he termed a “consensual, inappropriate messaging relationship” with Anchorage news anchor Maureen “Maria” Athens.  —  “I apologize to the people of Anchorage …
Tyler Olson / Fox News:
Texas' Abbott praises court ruling reinstating 1 ballot drop box per county  —  Counties can only have one location for people to drop off their mail-in ballots ahead of the election  —  Battle over mail-in-ballots heads for the Supreme Court  —  Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Tuesday morning touted …
Michael Scherer / Washington Post:
Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan donate $100 million more to election administrators, despite conservative pushback  —  Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, announced Tuesday an additional $100 million in donations to local governments to pay for polling place rentals …
Discussion: Reuters and Political Wire
New York Times:
Votes and Vitality in Mind, Trump Addresses Rally in Florida  —  “I feel so powerful,” the president said in a 65-minute speech.  His voice sounded hoarse, but he claimed he was fully recovered and therefore immune to the coronavirus.  —  WASHINGTON — President Trump …
Discussion: The Guardian, Fox News and The Hill
The Daily Beast:
Fox News Pushing ‘Brain Room’ to Lend Credibility to Trump's Voter Fraud Paranoia, Insiders Say  —  ‘PROMOTING DOUBT’ … A seemingly innocuous project to chronicle “election irregularities” feels like “an attempt to push more baseless conspiracy theories” for Trump, insiders told The Daily Beast.
Discussion: Raw Story
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Mitch McConnell's Mission of Misery  —  Why Senate Republicans won't help Americans in need.  —  I keep seeing news reports saying that the Trump administration is “pivoting” on economic stimulus.  But Donald Trump has been reversing positions so frequently that it looks less like a series of pivots than like a tailspin.
Maj. Adam DeMarco / Task & Purpose:
Why I blew the whistle on the forceful clearing of Lafayette Square  —  Editor's Note: This is an opinion column.  The thoughts expressed are those of the author.  —  At West Point, cadets are inculcated in the ethics, values, and virtues of our time-honored profession of arms.
Lydia DePillis / ProPublica:
Robert Lighthizer Blew Up 60 Years of Trade Policy.  Nobody Knows What Happens Next.  —  Trump's trade representative joined the administration with one mission: Bring factory jobs back from overseas.  The results so far?  Endless trade wars, alienated allies, and a manufacturing recession.
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 More Items: 
Public Health On Call:
178 - How COVID-19's Misinformation Storm May Impact the Election
Chuck Ross / The Daily Caller:
Declassified FBI Spreadsheet Shows How Investigators Tried To Verify The Steele Dossier
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit
Associated Press:
Michelle Obama, LeBron James team up to boost early voting
Discussion: Political Wire
Ira Stoll / New York Sun:
Biden Plagiarism Involved More Than the Words
Business Insider:
Washington lobbyists are quietly getting ready for life after President Trump
Kate Bolduan / CNN:
The Pennsylvania women Trump has lost
Discussion: Raw Story
 Earlier Items: 
Donald G. McNeil Jr / New York Times:
A Dose of Optimism, as the Pandemic Rages On
Discussion: Redstate and Fox News
Jeremy Wallace / Houston Chronicle:
Texas adds nearly 300,000 more voters in two-week period
Jesse McKinley / New York Times:
How a Feud Between Cuomo and de Blasio Led to a Chaotic Virus Crackdown
Discussion: The Daily Caller
David Wallace-Wells / New York Magazine:
The Third Wave of the Pandemic Is Here
Natasha Dado / WDIV-TV:
Eric Trump cancels event at Michigan gun shop after former employee is linked to domestic terror plot against governor
Discussion: Political Wire