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8:25 PM ET, October 13, 2020


 Top Items: 
Washington Post:
‘Unmasking’ probe commissioned by Barr quietly concludes without charges or any public report  —  The federal prosecutor appointed by Attorney General William P. Barr to review whether Obama-era officials improperly requested the identities of individuals whose names were redacted …
Discussion: CNN and Mediaite
John Duffy / Teacher-Scholar-Activist:
An Open Letter to Judge Amy Coney Barrett From Your Notre Dame Colleagues  —  We write to you as fellow faculty members at the University of Notre Dame.  —  We congratulate you on your nomination to the United States Supreme Court.  An appointment to the Court is the crowning achievement …
Sahil Kapur / NBC News:
Trump's words haunt Amy Coney Barrett as she vows not to be a ‘pawn’ on Supreme Court  —  WASHINGTON — Again and again, Amy Coney Barrett insisted to senators on Tuesday that she has no “agenda” on issues like the Affordable Care Act, the future of abortion rights or same-sex marriage …
Ginger Gibson / NBC News:
Group of 88 Notre Dame faculty pens letter asking Barrett to refuse nomination
Discussion: Mother Jones, POLITICUSUSA and Townhall
Matthew Choi / Politico:
Barrett apologizes for calling sexual orientation a ‘preference’
Eli Yokley / Morning Consult:
Graham Takes Lead Over Harrison in South Carolina Amid Supreme Court Confirmation Fight
Discussion: The Daily Caller and The Hill
CBS News:
Live updates: Amy Coney Barrett faces questions on Day 2 of Senate hearings
Kyle Cheney / Politico:
DOJ sues Melania Trump's former adviser for disclosures in her tell-all book  —  The Justice Department on Tuesday sued Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, a former adviser and confidant of first lady Melania Trump, alleging she breached a nondisclosure agreement when she published a scathing tell …
Darlene Superville / Associated Press:
First lady unseen as Trump restarts campaign after COVID-19
Greg Stohr / Bloomberg:
Supreme Court Lets Trump Officials End Census Count Early  —  The U.S. Supreme Court let President Donald Trump's administration end the census count more than two weeks early, dealing a blow to civil rights groups that said minorities will be undercounted as a result.
Discussion: Raw Story and The Week
Sam Baker / Axios:
Trump asks Supreme Court to block subpoena for tax returns  —  President Trump's attorneys filed an emergency request on Tuesday asking the Supreme Court to block a lower court's ruling that would allow the Manhattan district attorney to enforce a subpoena for his personal and corporate tax returns.
Tom LoBianco / Business Insider:
Trump's campaign nearly went broke for the 2020 home stretch amid Brad Parscale's $200 million budgeting misfire, Republicans tell Insider … - Before his ouster earlier this summer as President Donald Trump's campaign manager, Brad Parscale had been banking on a $200 million cash surge for October, Republicans told Insider.
Poll: Trump losing ground in NC  —  RALEIGH, N.C. — Three weeks out from Election Day, President Donald Trump is losing ground to Democratic challenger Joe Biden in the battleground state of North Carolina, according to the results of a WRAL News poll released Tuesday.
Vicky Prodeline / Monmouth University Polling …:
Prez Race Stays Tight; Dem Senate Candidate Gains  —  Incumbent maintains lead in governor's race  —  West Long Branch, NJ - It continues to be a very tight race for president in North Carolina according to the Monmouth ("Mon-muth") University Poll.  The race for U.S. Senate has grown …
New York Times:
‘Straight to Gunshots’: How a U.S. Task Force Killed an Antifa Activist  —  New accounts from the scene raise questions about whether Michael Reinoehl, suspected of killing a far-right Trump supporter, pulled out a gun before officers fatally shot him.  —  Michael Reinoehl was on the run.
Discussion: ProPublica
Olivia Nuzzi / New York Magazine:
Mamma Mia!  Rudy Giuliani Threw a Potential Superspreader Event for Trump on Columbus Day  —  It was Columbus Day in Pennsylvania, and in 2020 that could only mean one thing: Rudy Giuliani was in Philadelphia sounding like Livia Soprano.  —  As Donald Trump traveled to Florida …
Mary McNamara / Los Angeles Times:
Column: Make way for Slayer Pete.  Buttigieg is the Biden campaign's ruthless secret weapon  —  Mayor Pete has found his format: the five-minute, remote-feed evisceration.  —  He always looks so nice, Pete Buttigieg — handsome in that white, Midwestern, college yearbook way …
Devlin Barrett / Washington Post:
FBI: Whitmer plotters also discussed kidnapping Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam  —  Accused conspirators charged in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer also discussed “taking” Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, an FBI agent testified at a court hearing Tuesday.
Detroit Free Press:
Defense says Gov. Whitmer kidnap plot was just ‘big talk between crackpots’
Discussion: The Federalist and NPR
Mike Baker / New York Times:
Anchorage Mayor Admits to ‘Inappropriate’ Relationship With TV Anchor  —  Mayor Ethan Berkowitz apologized for engaging in a “consensual, inappropriate messaging relationship” with a local news anchor after she posted a photo on social media.  —  The mayor of Anchorage, Ethan Berkowitz …
Sarah Ellison / Washington Post:
How the 1619 Project took over 2020  —  One morning in mid-September, Nikole Hannah-Jones woke to a text message from a friend noting an unusual event on President Trump's schedule: the first “White House Conference on American History.”  —  It might have sounded banal, but Hannah-Jones …
Maggie Haberman / New York Times:
Trump Campaign Suggests Omarosa Manigault Newman Pay for $1 Million in Ad Spending  —  The suggestion emerged in an arbitration case over the critical comments Ms. Manigault Newman, a former White House aide, made about President Trump in her 2018 book “Unhinged.”
Discussion: Raw Story and The Hill
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News:
Tara Reade penning memoir on coming forward as a Biden accuser, will be released before election  —  'Left Out: When The Truth Doesn't Fit In' will be released Oct. 27  —  EXCLUSIVE: Tara Reade is writing a memoir about the turbulent journey she has taken since coming forward with her allegation …
Brad McElhinny / WV MetroNews:
West Virginians favor Trump over Biden for president, latest poll shows  —  West Virginia once again overwhelmingly favors Donald J. Trump for president, although not by the dominating margin he achieved in his 2016 victory over Hillary Clinton.  —  The latest edition of the MetroNews West …
Discussion: Washington Post
Jessica Taylor / The Cook Political Report:
What is The Cook Political Report?  —  The Cook Political Report is an independent, non-partisan newsletter that analyzes elections and campaigns for the US House of Representatives, US Senate, Governors and President as well as American political trends.
Oriana Gonzalez / Axios:
DOJ says Trump's tweets “declassifying” Russia documents are not orders  —  Attorneys from the Department of Justice argued in court on Tuesday that President Trump's tweets authorizing the “total declassification of any & all documents” related to the Russia investigation and Hillary Clinton's emails …
Discussion: Politico and BuzzFeed News
Daniel Lippman / Politico:
Another pro-Trump ad uses footage from Russia  —  A new pro-Trump super PAC ad uses stock footage from Russia and Belarus in a major ad buy that's airing in three swing states.  It's the fourth time in three months that an ad promoting President Donald Trump's reelection has used footage from Russia.
Discussion: Political Wire
Davey Alba / New York Times:
Riled Up: Misinformation Stokes Calls for Violence on Election Day  —  Baseless claims are circulating online about a Democrat-led coup, inflaming tensions in an already turbulent election season.  —  In a video posted to Facebook on Sept. 14, Dan Bongino, a popular right-wing commentator and radio host …
Max Boot / Washington Post:
How can 42 percent of Americans still support the worst president in our history?  —  I have some good news and some bad news.  The good news: 52 percent of Americans support Joe Biden in the FiveThirtyEight poll average.  The bad news: 42 percent support President Trump.  Why isn't Trump losing by a whole lot more?
Discussion: New York Times, The Guardian and NPR
Facebook says it will finally ban anti-vaccination ads  — Facebook said Tuesday it is launching a new global policy that bans ads that discourage people from getting vaccines.  — The company previously had a policy against vaccine hoaxes that were publicly identified by global health organizations.
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
Trump's Incompetence Does Not Excuse His Authoritarianism  —  Three weeks from now, President Trump will probably — probably — lose a reelection campaign to an opponent he has trailed consistently for three years.  And he will probably — probably — lose by a large enough margin to moot …
American Enterprise Institute - AEI:
An analysis of Joe Biden's tax proposals, October 2020 update … - Using the Tax-Calculator (3.0.0) microsimulation model, we estimate that Joe Biden's propos­als would raise federal revenue by $2.8 trillion over the next decade (2021-30).  — The majority of new federal revenue …
Felix Salmon / Axios:
Exclusive: America's true unemployment rate  —  A person who is looking for a full-time job that pays a living wage — but who can't find one — is unemployed.  If you accept that definition, the true unemployment rate in the U.S. is a stunning 26.1%, according to an important new dataset shared exclusively with “Axios on HBO.”
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 More Items: 
David Enrich / New York Times:
No, There Isn't Evidence That Trump Owes Money to Russia
Benjamin Rosenberg / Vox:
Trump and Biden will hold dueling town halls instead of a debate this Thursday
Zachary Brennan / Politico:
Eli Lilly antibody trial paused over safety concerns
Washington Post:
Fake Twitter accounts posing as Black Trump supporters appear, reach thousands, then vanish
Discussion: The Guardian and Al Jazeera
Mike Allen / Axios:
Andrew Cuomo book: Meadows threat over hydroxychloroquine
Discussion: Penguin Random House
John Verhovek / ABC News:
Obama to hit the campaign trail for Biden ‘soon’ as race enters final weeks
Discussion: Reuters, The Guardian and The Hill
 Earlier Items: 
The Daily Beast:
Trump Is Polluting the Planet With a Thousand Mini-Dons
Kelsey Bradshaw / Austin American-Statesman:
Travis County early voting: 14,000 people cast ballots as of noon Tuesday
Discussion: Washington Post
BuzzFeed News:
Bank Of America Raised Concerns About Michael Flynn's Suspicious Transfers — But Not Until Eight Months Later
David Jackson / The Lancet Infectious Diseases:
Genomic evidence for reinfection with SARS-CoV-2: a case study
New York Times:
California Republican Party Admits It Placed Misleading Ballot Boxes Around State
Ally Mutnick / Politico:
The outlook for House Republicans keeps getting worse
Discussion: Washington Post and Raw Story