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10:25 AM ET, June 12, 2024


 Top Items: 
The Scolding that Hunter Biden Should Have Pled Guilty Ignores the Complexity of What Happened  —  In the wake of yesterday's verdict against Hunter Biden, there are a lot of armchair quarterbacks and hacks mulling why Hunter Biden didn't simply plead guilty.
Discussion: RedState, Tennessee Star and KTVZ-TV
The Hunter fallout  —  Welcome to POLITICO's West Wing Playbook, your guide to the people and power centers in the Biden administration.  —  HUNTER BIDEN's guilty verdict today was long anticipated inside JOE BIDEN's political orbit.  But aides to the president were also wary of talking about it with him.
New York Times:
Hunter Biden Conviction Undercuts a Trump Narrative, and a Fund-Raising Pitch
Katie Rogers / New York Times:
A Guilty Verdict for Hunter Biden Weighs on a Worried President Biden
Hunter Biden verdict throws ‘sand in the gears’ of GOP's attacks on legal system
Jordain Carney / Politico:
House Oversight chair pushes for sweeping DOJ probe after Hunter Biden guilty verdict
Kate Gibson / CBS News:
Inflation eased in May with prices rising less than expected  —  Inflation cooled slightly in May with consumer prices rising 3.3% on an annual basis, less than economists had forecast, according to data issued by the Department of Labor on Wednesday.  The cooler pace of price hikes comes ahead …
Erum Salam / The Guardian:
Book about book bans banned by Florida school board  —  Ban This Book by Alan Gratz banned in Indian River county after opposition from parents linked to Moms for Liberty  —  A book about book bans has been banned in a Florida school district.  —  Ban This Book, a children's book written by Alan Gratz …
Discussion: Raw Story
Douglas Soule / Tallahassee Democrat:   ‘Challenges our authority’: School board in Florida bans book about book bans
Jennie Taer / New York Post:
Six suspected terrorists with ISIS ties arrested in sting operation in New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia: sources  —  Six Russian nationals suspected to have terror ties to ISIS have been arrested in a coordinated sting operation spanning Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia, The Post can exclusively reveal.
Maeve Reston / Washington Post:
In Nevada Senate race, Democrats turn to a battle-tested abortion message  —  Republican Sam Brown has highlighted his opposition to a national abortion ban, but Democratic rivals are vowing to defeat him by playing up his past stances.  —  LAS VEGAS — Hours after Sam Brown clinched Nevada's …
Rebecca Falconer / Axios:
North Dakota voters back setting age limit for Congress members … - The N.D. voters' approval reflects recent opinion polls indicating that a majority of people in the U.S. want term limits for elected officials. … - University of North Dakota political science professor Mark Jendrysik told AP previously …
Julia Métraux / Mother Jones:
North Carolina House Passes Revised Mask Ban  —  In a crackdown on protesters, the state is hampering people from wearing masks.  —  On Tuesday, the North Carolina GOP Representatives passed a mask ban on private property in a crackdown on protesters, even as a new subvariant of coronavirus spreads across the United States.
Discussion: Associated Press and NC Newsline
Raleigh News & Observer:
NC House sends changes to masking and campaign finance laws to Gov. Cooper
Rolling Stone:
New Audio: Alito Bashes ProPublica for Reporting on Supreme Court Ethics  —  In a new, secret recording, the Supreme Court justice suggests partisan funding is to blame for coverage of justices' undisclosed luxury gifts  —  IN A NEW recording, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito lashes …
Judd Legum / Popular Information:
The most important crime statistics of the 2024 campaign  —  One of the central arguments advanced by Donald Trump and other Republican candidates in the 2024 election is that violent crime in the United States is out of control.  In a speech earlier this year at the Conservative Political Action Conference …
NBC News:
Steve Bannon asks appeals court to allow him to remain out of prison while he fights contempt of Congress conviction  —  Bannon filed an emergency motion with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit asking the court to overrule a lower court's ruling that ordered him to report to prison on July 1.
Discussion: Fox News, Raw Story and Roll Call
Justin Elliott / ProPublica:
Reader Tips Propelled Our Supreme Court Reporting.  Now Your Info Could Power Our 2024 Election Coverage.  —  An email from a reader helped a team of ProPublica reporters uncover secret tuition payments Harlan Crow made for a family member of Clarence Thomas.  Now we're looking for tips on the election, and you can help.
Scoop: GOP's Garland contempt vote hanging by a thread … - Republicans want to hold Garland in contempt for refusing to give Congress the audiotapes of President Biden's interview with former Special Counsel Robert Hur.  — But the vote is in danger of being pulled off the schedule …
Christopher Cadelago / Politico:
New poll goes deep on Kamala Harris' liabilities and strengths as a potential president  —  Harris does perform better than Joe Biden among African Americans, according to the POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.  She also saw some of her highest numbers on key issues like abortion.
Jack Birle / Washington Examiner:
Shawn Fain and UAW face new problems with president under investigation by federal watchdog  —  .  —  The United Auto Workers and the union's President Shawn Fain scored a major victory with strikes of the Big Three Detroit automakers, but the union has new problems, according to a federal watchdog investigation.
Sophia Cai / Axios:
Donald Trump Jr. moves to be MAGA's new kingmaker … - It's unclear whether that means Trump Jr. will run for office some day.  — He privately cites his support of Vance to be his father's pick for vice president as evidence he has no plans to run.  — But as Trump Jr. told an Iowa voter …
Steven Lubet / The Daily Beast:
Was Clarence Thomas Fooling Us Then or Now?  —  FOOL ME TWICE  —  The Supreme Court justice is talking out of both sides of his mouth when it comes to reporting lavish gifts from his conservative billionaire pals. … If there is one thing Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas claims to believe, it's that words matter.
Eric Lutz / Vanity Fair:
Sam Alito Clearly Thinks He's Untouchable  —  In an interview with Vanity Fair, Congressman Hank Johnson attacked the “arrogance” of the Supreme Court justice and his wife, both of whom were caught in a secret recording expressing deeply partisan views: “They are extremists.”
NBC News:
Sen. Lindsey Graham says he will block Democrats' effort to unanimously pass Supreme Court ethics bill  —  The South Carolina Republican's objection means the bill won't be able to move forward under a unanimous consent request, which any senator can block.  —  Sen. Lindsey Graham …
Michael C. Bender / New York Times:
Ben Carson as Trump's Running Mate?  Don't Count Him Out Just Yet.  —  The retired neurosurgeon and former housing secretary is a wild card in the vice-presidential sweepstakes.  His main advantage is that Donald Trump genuinely likes him.  —  Just about the only person who shows any interest …
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit
Annie Karni / New York Times:
Nancy Mace Defeats G.O.P. Challenger, Dealing Blow to McCarthy's Revenge Tour  —  The South Carolina congresswoman turned back a primary challenger backed by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who has been trying to exact retribution against Republicans who voted to oust him.
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 More Items: 
House Committee on Energy and Commerce:
E&C Republicans Release Interim Staff Report on NIH Misconduct and Inadequate Oversight Involving Taxpayer-Funded Risky MPXV Research that Jeopardizes Public Health Security
Discussion: HotAir, Washington Examiner and STAT
Emily Tamkin / Slate:
Congress Has a Self-Appointed Protector of Jews. There's Just One Problem.
Ramsey Touchberry / Washington Examiner:
GOP primary to replace South Carolina Rep. Jeff Duncan heads to runoff
Discussion: Fox News
Talking Points Memo:
Resilience Part 2 (or Thoughts on Sam Alito's DGAF Justicehood)
 Earlier Items: 
Chris Geidner / Law Dork:
Judge strikes down Florida's anti-trans care ban, citing animus
New York Times:
Israel and Hamas Signal Openness to Cease-Fire Plan, but Stop Short of Accepting It
Kevin Rector / Los Angeles Times:
9th Circuit says California ban on gun sales on state property is constitutional
Discussion: Forbes
Sara Fischer / Axios:
Dark money news outlets outpacing local daily newspapers
Discussion: Raw Story
Jurors detail to CNN how they reached guilty verdict in Hunter Biden gun trial
Edith Olmsted / New Republic:
Alito's Wife Caught on Tape Spewing Venom at Everyone