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6:25 PM ET, June 13, 2024


 Top Items: 
‘Like Talking to Your Drunk Uncle’: Trump's Closed-Door Rant to House Republicans … Donald Trump came to the Capitol Hill Club Thursday morning supposedly to discuss his agenda for a second term with House Republicans.  Instead, Trump treated his meeting as an opportunity to deliver a behind-closed-doors …
Trump pumps himself up in session with House GOP … - Noted that nearly all of the Republicans who voted in favor of impeaching him have since either retired or lost re-election and touted polling showing him leading by a slim margin in Virginia;  — Warned House Republicans …
Brian Schwartz / CNBC:
What Trump told CEOs in their private meeting … Donald Trump huddled with at least 80 CEOs on Thursday in Washington with a clear pitch to them: If he is elected president again in November, the CEOs are going to see tax cuts and a curtailment of business regulations.
Washington Post:
Here's what the Christian right wants from a second Trump term
Discussion: NBC News
Nnamdi Egwuonwu / NBC News:
DNC to tail Trump with mobile billboard of Jan. 6 attack during visit to Capitol Hill
Ann E. Marimow / Washington Post:
Supreme Court upholds broad access to key abortion pill mifepristone  —  Ever since the high court eliminated the right to abortion in 2022, medications to terminate pregnancy have grown in importance and been challenged in court.  —  The Supreme Court on Thursday refused to limit access …
Josh Fiallo / The Daily Beast:
Even Brett Kavanaugh Tears Anti-Abortion Lawsuit Apart
Lawrence Hurley / NBC News:
Supreme Court rejects bid to restrict access to abortion pill
Harlan Crow Provided Clarence Thomas at Least 3 Previously Undisclosed Private Jet Trips, Senate Probe Finds  —  ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power.  Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as they're published.  —  Billionaire political donor Harlan …
Ann E. Marimow / Washington Post:
Supreme Court rejects attempt to trademark ‘Trump Too Small’  —  The Biden administration asked the justices to uphold the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's decision to deny the patent application from attorney Steve Elster  —  The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a California lawyer's free-speech claim …
Jacob Knutson / Axios:
Supreme Court rejects effort to trademark “Trump too small” phrase
Discussion: Reason and
Maggie Severns / NOTUS:
Campaigns Can Now See What You Watch on TV.  It's Changing Everything. … Political aide turned data guru Jesse Contario works in the shadows.  His employer, MiQ, will never be mentioned at the end of a campaign ad, and it won't show up on the disclosures campaigns must post to keep the public abreast of their work.
Discussion: NBC News, Axios, DNyuz and Variety
Dave Lawler / Axios:
World losers gather at G7 summit … - Biden's 37% approval rating positively sparkles next to Canadian PM Justin Trudeau (30%), German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (25%), U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (25%), French President Emmanuel Macron (21%) and Japanese PM Fumio Kishida (13%), per Morning Consult's tracker.
Journal Sentinel:
Donald Trump calls Milwaukee ‘a horrible city’ weeks before RNC comes to town  —  Molly Beck Lawrence AndreaMilwaukee Journal Sentinel  —  WASHINGTON - Donald Trump on Thursday called Milwaukee — where in a little over a month he will be declared the Republican nominee for president — a “horrible city.”
Record Share of U.S. Electorate Is Pro-Choice and Voting on It  —  Democrats continue to rally around abortion rights since Dobbs verdict  —  WASHINGTON, D.C. — A record-high 32% of U.S. voters say they would only vote for a candidate for major office who shares their views on abortion.
Jacob Knutson / Axios:
Record share of U.S. voters back abortion rights and will vote on it: Gallup
Discussion: Public Discourse
The Hill:
Schiff repeats ‘guilty’ 34 times at hearing on Trump prosecution  —  Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) sought to make a statement about former President Trump's criminal conviction Thursday, repeating the word “guilty” 34 times in a row, once for each of the former president's guilty counts in the Manhattan hush money case.
Matt Dixon / NBC News:
Republican National Committee prepares for a convention Trump may not attend  —  Republican officials are working to ensure that Trump will be able to address convention attendees from afar if he chooses to do so — or if he is forced to because of his legal troubles.
Jennifer Rubin / Washington Post:
In calling out Trump, Harris finds her mission  —  No one is better equipped to take down felon Donald Trump than the vice president.  —  Just a couple of weeks ago, Democrats were wringing their hands, worried that the Biden-Harris campaign would not do enough to highlight former president …
Reid J. Epstein / New York Times:
JB Pritzker, the Democrat Who Isn't Afraid to Call Trump a Felon
Discussion: USA Today and Washington Examiner
Tom Nichols / The Atlantic:
Let's Talk About Trump's Gibberish  —  Sign up for The Decision, a newsletter featuring our 2024 election coverage.  —  Perhaps the greatest trick Donald Trump ever pulled was convincing millions of people—and the American media—to treat his lapses into fantasies and gibberish as a normal, meaningful form of oratory.
Taylor Lorenz / Washington Post:
Gen Z influencers who supported Biden in 2020 turn against him  —  The Gaza war, lack of progress on climate change and a potential TikTok ban are spawning anti-Biden content — even among former supporters.  —  In 2020, hundreds of top TikTok content creators banded together in service of a single goal: get Joe Biden elected.
Discussion: The Hill, Plain Dealer and Twitchy
Kyle Kondik / Sabato's Crystal Ball:
Electoral College Rating Changes: Half-Dozen Moves Toward Republicans in What Remains a Toss-up Race  —  KEY POINTS FROM THIS ARTICLE  — We are making six Electoral College rating changes this week, all in favor of Republicans.  — However, we don't really see a clear favorite …
Discussion: Washington Examiner
Microsoft Chose Profit Over Security and Left U.S. Government Vulnerable to Russian Hack, Whistleblower Says  —  Microsoft hired Andrew Harris for his extraordinary skill in keeping hackers out of the nation's most sensitive computer networks.  In 2016, Harris was hard at work on a mystifying incident …
Anna North / Vox:
The Christian right is coming for divorce next  —  Before the 1960s, it was really hard to get divorced in America.  —  Typically, the only way to do it was to convince a judge that your spouse had committed some form of wrongdoing, like adultery, abandonment, or “cruelty” (that is, abuse).
Discussion: The Mahablog
New York Times:
Supreme Court Backs Starbucks Over ‘Memphis 7’ Union Case  —  In a blow to the National Labor Relations Board, the justices made it more difficult to order employers to reinstate fired workers.  —  The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Starbucks on Thursday in a challenge against a labor ruling …
‘Scared to put on my mask’: Cancer patient says she was intentionally coughed on in spat over mask  —  The Republican-led state House passed a bill Tuesday that would adjust exceptions to the state law governing masks.  The bill is awaiting a decision by Gov. Roy Cooper.
Discussion: The Dispatch
Liz Goodwin / Washington Post:
Fetterman had speeding tickets, distracted driving episodes before car crash  —  One violation in March required the senator to attend a driver's improvement course, one person said.  —  Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) was speeding and at fault for a Sunday morning auto accident in western Maryland …
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 More Items: 
New York Times:
171,000 Traveled for Abortions Last Year. See Where They Went.
Discussion: Florida Politics
Ann M. Simmons / Wall Street Journal:
WSJ Reporter Evan Gershkovich, Falsely Accused of Espionage, Is Indicted in Russia
Liz Crampton / Politico:
North Carolina GOP pushes bill that could boost controversial nominee for governor
Discussion: Washington Examiner
CBS News:
President Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to hold joint news conference in Italy
Business Insider:
Disney's feud with DeSantis is over — and it's donating to Republicans again
 Earlier Items: 
Victor Davis Hanson / American Greatness:
The West Is Sick of the New Woke Jihadism
Denial and Forgetting at the Hunter Biden Trial
Aaron Rupar / Public Notice:
Public Notice's Sinclair report makes national headlines
Discussion: Popular Information
Adrian Horton / The Guardian:
‘The big story of the 21st century’: is this the most shocking documentary of the year?