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11:20 AM ET, June 18, 2024


 Top Items: 
Zolan Kanno-Youngs / New York Times:
Biden to Give Legal Protections to Undocumented Spouses of U.S. Citizens  —  Undocumented spouses of American citizens will be shielded from deportation, provided work permits and given a pathway to citizenship, according to officials briefed on the plan.  —  President Biden on Tuesday …
Playbook: Trump the team player  —  With help from Eli Okun, Garrett Ross and Bethany Irvine  —  DRIVING THE DAY  —  BIDEN'S IMMIGRATION ZAG — “Biden to take sweeping election-year action shielding estimated 550,000 from deportation,” by Myah Ward: “The president is taking a page from the Obama playbook.
Discussion: Raw Story
New York Times:
Biden Gives Legal Protections to Undocumented Spouses of U.S. Citizens  —  The new policy is one of the most significant actions to protect immigrants in years.  It affects about 500,000 people who have been living in the United States for more than a decade.
Discussion: Forbes, Reason and IJR
Myah Ward / Politico:
Biden to take sweeping election-year action shielding estimated 550,000 from deportation  —  The president is taking a page from the Obama playbook.  He's also rounding out am immigration portfolio that has increasingly leaned rightward.  —  President Joe Biden on Tuesday announced a major …
Seung Min Kim / Associated Press:
Half a million immigrants could eventually get US citizenship under a new plan from Biden  —  President Joe Biden is taking an expansive election year step to offer relief to potentially hundreds of thousands of immigrants without legal status in the U.S., aiming to balance his own aggressive crackdown …
NBC News:
Trump, Kevin McCarthy and other Republicans gang up on Freedom Caucus chair in primary
Lisa Needham / Public Notice:
Clarence Thomas's disgracefully unserious bump stock opinion  —  PN is a reader-supported publication made possible by paid subscribers.  Appreciate our independent journalism?  Then please sign up to support us.  —  🏛️ Subscribe to Public Notice 🏛️
Why the Biden campaign finally decided to whack Trump on his New York verdict  —  The ad hitting Trump followed weeks of polling and focus groups by Biden's campaign and its allies.  —  President Joe Biden's campaign had been restrained in its attacks on Donald Trump's New York criminal conviction …
Elena Schneider / Politico:
Biden unloads on Trump in ad: 'A convicted criminal who's only out for himself'
Brianne Pfannenstiel / Des Moines Register:
Trump maintains big lead over Biden and RFK Jr. despite felony conviction, Iowa Poll shows
Judd Legum / Popular Information:
Why so many Americans have misconceptions about crime trends  —  According to the latest FBI data, violent crime and property crime are down sharply in 2024.  The new data shows substantial drops in every category, including murder (-26.4%), rape (-25.7%), robbery (-17.8%), and property crime (-15.1%).
Discussion: Democrats and New Republic
Eileen Sullivan / New York Times:
Giuliani Faces Pressure in Bankruptcy Court Hearing  —  Creditors, the judge and a Justice Department official signaled that they were running out of patience with the former New York mayor's accounts of his financial condition.  —  Rudolph W. Giuliani's creditors and the judge overseeing …
Alex Seitz-Wald / NBC News:
Misleading GOP videos of Biden are going viral.  The fact-checks have trouble keeping up.  —  “The lie is sprinting the 100-meter dash and the fact-check is taking a stroll on the beach.  So it's never going to catch up,” said one Democratic strategist.  —  More Americans may think Joe Biden tried …
Chris Geidner / Law Dork:
Trump-heavy courts block Biden LGBTQ school protections in many states  —  The effect of the Trump judicial appointees on the federal courts has been clear in recent years.  The stark reality of how sex discrimination protections are viewed by many of those judges — and some of their fellow …
Discussion: CNN and Law & Crime
Ellis Simani / ProPublica:
How a Network of Nonprofits Enriches Fundraisers While Spending Almost Nothing on Its Stated Causes  —  In September 2020, the Federal Trade Commission joined regulators in four states to sue four men behind a notorious telemarketing company called Outreach Calling.
Matt Flegenheimer / New York Times:
What Donald Trump Learned From Don King  —  The decades-long friendship of two men who never especially changed.  —  For more than three decades, the boxing promoter Don King and Donald J. Trump have shared an enduring friendship and some defining surface similarities …
Charles Creitz / Fox News:
Top Republican demands answers after WH protests yield 0 arrests; questions ‘political sympathy’ with vandals  —  Sen John Barrasso calls on Interior Secretary Deb Haaland to respond ‘immediately’  —  The top Republican on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee demanded answers …
Tim Scott Leverages Billionaires to Boost Vice-Presidential Bid  — Griffin, Rowan, Ackman to attend his summit Wednesday in DC  — Trump has praised Scott, calling him ‘unbelievable’ surrogate  —  Few politicians know how to win over a billionaire like Tim Scott does.
Dan Morrison / USA Today:
Donald Trump Airport?  Trump on the $500 bill?  Republicans can't stop honoring ex-president  —  Donald Trump on the $500 bill.  A Congressional gold medal.  An international airport.  —  It's the Summer of Trump in the House of Representatives, where Republican lawmakers have flooded …
Martin Pengelly / The Daily Beast:
Bob Bauer: I Played Donald Trump to Get Joe Biden Ready for Debate  —  I AM THE DON  —  Biden adviser Bob Bauer tells in a new book how he insulted Biden to his face after watching hours of tapes of Trump.  The two candidates debate again next week.  —  A close Joe Biden ally has revealed …
Discussion: Axios and HuffPost
Mitch Smith / New York Times:
Judge Blocks Iowa's Attempt to Enforce Its Own Immigration Law  —  The Justice Department sued the state over the Republican-backed law, which creates state-level criminal penalties for some unauthorized immigrants.  —  A federal judge on Monday temporarily blocked Iowa from enforcing …
Julie Zauzmer Weil / Washington Post:
Closing asset loophole could add billions to tax collections, IRS says  —  The Treasury Department said it will enact rules to prevent certain large businesses from depreciating the same asset repeatedly.  —  The Biden administration plans to stop businesses and wealthy individuals …
Discussion: Bloomberg and Forbes
Associated Press:
The IRS wants to end another major tax loophole for the wealthy and raise $50 billion in the process
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 More Items: 
Federal Trade Commission:
FTC Takes Action Against Adobe and Executives for Hiding Fees, Preventing Consumers from Easily Cancelling Software Subscriptions
USA Today:
Secret Service agent robbed at gunpoint during President Biden's trip to California over the weekend
Morgan Phillips / Daily Mail:
GOP rising star candidate and PA state Rep Ryan Mackenzie lied about age on Tinder profile by EIGHT YEARS
Discussion: Raw Story
 Earlier Items: 
Karen Townsend / HotAir:
Seinfeld's Perfect Response to Heckler: It's a Comedy Show, You Moron. Get Out of Here."
Wall Street Journal:
Biden's Secret Weapon Against Trump: Older Voters
Discussion: The Dispatch
Matt Dixon / NBC News:
Mystery fundraising firm takes in millions from the Trump campaign
Discussion: Raw Story
New York Times:
The war cabinet is gone. Who's left in Netanyahu's inner circle?
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
Trump's Tariff Is a Scheme to Shift the Tax Burden to the Non-Rich