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7:30 AM ET, June 20, 2024


 Top Items: 
Scorched-earth summer: Biden, Sunak and Macron go negative  —  Struggling leaders in America, Britain and France are bombarding their political opponents, some of whom are testing the bounds of the mainstream.  —  Even at a glittering Hollywood fundraiser, President Joe Biden's message was dark.
Discussion: Politico
Dana Blanton / Fox News:
Fox News Poll: Three-point shift in Biden-Trump matchup since May  —  32% give the economy positive marks, a record-high during Biden's presidency  —  Join Fox News for access to this content  —  President Biden is the frontrunner in a hypothetical matchup against former President Trump …
Shawn McCreesh / New York Times:
Trump Tries to Set Expectations, and Floats Excuses, for His Debate With Biden  —  The former president has set a low bar for President Biden's performance at next week's matchup.  Now, he is preparing supporters for the possibility that Mr. Biden clears it.
Alex Thompson / Axios:
“In Mike I trust”: Biden's faith-based campaign
Sara Cline / Associated Press:
New law requires all Louisiana public school classrooms to display the Ten Commandments  —  Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom, the latest move from a GOP-dominated Legislature pushing a conservative agenda under a new governor.
USA Today:
Louisiana law signed, first in US to require Ten Commandments in the classroom
Stephanie Kelly / Reuters:
RFK Jr faces midnight deadline to qualify for CNN presidential debate  —  Time is running out for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to qualify for 2024's first U.S. presidential debate, with the independent candidate counting on a longshot bid with a U.S. elections agency to put him on the stage.
Theodore Schleifer / New York Times:
Kennedy Raises Just $2.6 Million, a Sign of Reliance on His Running Mate  —  Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s campaign has depended heavily on contributions from Nicole Shanahan, his vice-presidential pick, who did not make major new donations in May.  —  Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign raised …
Discussion: Axios
Soo-Hyang Choi / Bloomberg:
Putin, Kim Agree to Immediately Offer Military Aid If Attacked  — Mutual defense deal signed after Putin-Kim talks in Pyongyang  — Pact similar to a 1961 deal signed during the Cold War  —  Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un agreed …
David E. Sanger / New York Times:
Putin Once Tried to Curb North Korea's Nuclear Program. That's Now Over.
Sam Baker / Axios:
Supreme Court gets ready to drop its bombshells … - The court has 23 cases left to decide, and will likely hand down all of those opinions by the end of the month, give or take a few days — meaning the next week or so may redefine the limits of presidential power for generations to come.
Discussion: Talking Points Memo
Judd Legum / Popular Information:
These 25 rainbow-flag waving companies donated $18 million to anti-gay politicians since the last election  —  At the pride parade in Washington, D.C., earlier this month, accounting giant Deloitte promoted its support of the LGBTQ community:  —  In June 2023, Deloitte produced a report on “LGBT+ Inclusion @ Work.”
Noah Berlatsky / Public Notice:
Democrats need to push back harder on Trump's immigrant hate  —  PN is a reader-supported publication made possible by paid subscribers.  Appreciate our independent journalism?  Then please sign up to support us.  —  🛂 Subscribe to Public Notice 🛂
Michael Podhorzer / Weekend Reading:
Tipping the Scales: The MAGA Justices Have Already Interfered with the 2024 Elections  —  By shielding Donald Trump from standing trial before a jury in two of his felony cases, Trump's three appointments to the Supreme Court, along with the even more MAGA Justices Alito and Thomas and Judge Aileen Cannon …
Discussion: New Republic
The Supreme Court's approach on ‘history and tradition’ is irking Amy Coney Barrett  —  On a Supreme Court where the conservative supermajority increasingly leans on history as a guide, a dispute may be simmering over how many modern cases can be resolved by looking to the nation's past.
The Guardian:
Washington Post publisher alleged to have advised Boris Johnson to ‘clean up’ phone during Partygate Covid scandal  —  Sources' claim suggests advice by Will Lewis, an informal adviser to then prime minister, contradicted instructions to staff  —  Will Lewis, the Washington Post publisher …
Liz Crampton / Politico:
These 5 states are the most likely to see legislative chambers flip in November  —  Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania are among the country's biggest battlegrounds.  —  Democrats and Republicans are busting campaign spending records in state legislative races this year as they aim to shape policy debates far from Washington.
Hans Nichols / Axios:
Exclusive: Harris to slam Trump in Arizona, Maryland on Dobbs anniversary
Discussion: RedState
Stonehenge covered in powder paint by Just Stop Oil  —  Part of Stonehenge has been covered in orange powder paint by protesters.  —  Two Just Stop Oil campaigners sprayed the powder paint on the historic site near Salisbury, Wiltshire, at about 12:00 BST on Wednesday.
Just Stop Oil:
It's time for megalithic action!- Just Stop Oil decorate Stonehenge
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 More Items: 
David A. Graham / The Atlantic:
Trump's Campaign Has Lost Whatever Substance It Once Had
Chris Pandolfo / Fox News:
Indiana Republican says US attorney ‘declined’ to prosecute threat against his daughters and wife
Discussion: RedState and Washington Examiner
ERO Baltimore arrests unlawfully present Salvadoran convicted of sexually assaulting Maryland minor
Discussion: Breitbart and The Daily Caller
 Earlier Items: 
Ben Riley-Smith / Telegraph:
Sunak to lose seat in Tory wipeout, major poll predicts
Jake Lahut / The Daily Beast:
How the NFL's ‘Worst-Ever’ Owner is Blocking Movie Showing ‘Rapist’ Trump
Discussion: New Republic, Raw Story and Breitbart
Chris Geidner / Law Dork:
Two courts, two justice systems
Michael Hiltzik / Los Angeles Times:
This GOP-leaning political polling firm has turned into a purveyor of anti-vaccine propaganda
Discussion: HuffPost and Raw Story