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11:40 AM ET, June 28, 2024


 Top Items: 
Thomas L. Friedman / New York Times:
Joe Biden Is a Good Man and a Good President.  He Must Bow Out of the Race.  —  I watched the Biden-Trump debate alone in a Lisbon hotel room, and it made me weep.  I cannot remember a more heartbreaking moment in American presidential campaign politics in my lifetime …
Wall Street Journal:
Democrats Privately Discuss Replacing Biden on Presidential Ticket  —  Halting debate performance spurs turmoil in the party over 2024 candidate  —  ATLANTA—President Biden's halting performance against Donald Trump on Thursday left the Democratic Party in turmoil, with officials trying …
Eugene Daniels / Politico:
Dems freak out over Biden's debate performance: ‘Biden is toast’  —  One prominent operative texted, “Time for an open convention.”  —  President Joe Biden opened the debate with a raspy voice and disjointed, rambling answers, reigniting Democratic concerns about his age and ability to take on former President Donald Trump.
Rebecca Solnit / The Guardian:
The true losers of this presidential debate were the American people  —  We didn't need this show.  Each candidate has had time to show us who they are, and one is a felon trying to destroy democracy  —  The American people lost the debate last night, and it was more painful than usual …
Fact checking the CNN presidential debate  —  Both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump made false and misleading claims during CNN's presidential debate on Thursday - but Trump did so far more than Biden, just like in their debates in 2020.  —  Trump made more than 30 false claims at the Thursday debate.
Heather Cox Richardson / Letters from an American:
June 27, 2024  —  Tonight was the first debate between President Joe Biden and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, and by far the most striking thing about the debate was the overwhelming focus among pundits immediately afterward about Biden's appearance and soft …
David Kurtz / Talking Points Memo:
How To Process Biden's Debate Disaster  —  A lot of things happened.  Here are some of the things.  This is TPM's Morning Memo.  —  Say It Ain't So, Joe  —  I loathe theater criticism-style debate coverage, but by any standard it was a disastrous performance by President Biden.
Discussion: Adweek and Politico
READ: Biden-Trump debate rush transcript  —  President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump participated in their first debate of the 2024 election season on CNN Thursday.  —  Read the rush transcript of the debate here:  —  JAKE TAPPER, CNN HOST: We're live from Georgia …
David Harsanyi / The Federalist:
Biden Just Put On The Most Disastrous Debate Performance In Presidential History  —  Sure, it might sound like hyperbole, but I can't think of a more devastating presidential debate performance than the one Joe Biden had in his first meeting with Donald Trump.
Discussion: Business Insider and Breitbart
Aaron Rupar / Public Notice:
Not great, Joe  —  PN is a reader-supported publication made possible by paid subscribers.  Appreciate our independent journalism?  Then please sign up to support us.  —  🎤 Subscribe to Public Notice 🎤  —  I think we can all agree that President Biden …
David Frum / The Atlantic:
Trump Should Never Have Had This Platform
Discussion: and Los Angeles Times
Playbook: Democrats wake up to a nightmare
Lisa Lerer / New York Times:
Live Updates: Biden Seeks to Reassure Democrats After Shaky Debate
NBC News:
Democrats are talking about replacing Joe Biden. That wouldn't be so easy.
Who Will Win The First Biden-Trump Presidential Debate?
Discussion: Semafor, NBC News and ABC News
NBC News:
‘Babbling’ and ‘hoarse’: Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
Peter Baker / New York Times:
Biden's Shaky Debate Performance Has Democrats Panicking
Jeremy Barr / Washington Post:
CNN debate moderators didn't fact-check. Not everyone is happy about it.
The Daily Beast:
Joe Biden Mumbles and Stumbles the Democrats Into Crisis
NBC News:
Biden-Trump 2024 debate live updates: Candidates slug it out over economy and immigration
Nancy Vu / Washington Examiner:
Trump tips hand on climate talking points ahead of debate
Discussion: NOTUS, New Republic and HuffPost
Ann E. Marimow / Washington Post:
Supreme Court curbs federal agency power, overturning Chevron precedent  —  The Chevron precedent was targeted by conservatives who say the government gives too much power to federal bureaucrats  —  The Supreme Court on Friday curtailed the power of federal government agencies to regulate vast swaths …
Lawrence Hurley / NBC News:
Supreme Court delivers blow to power of federal agencies, overturning 40-year-old precedent  —  The important 1984 precedent gave federal bureaucrats flexibility to interpret the law when the language is unclear.  —  WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Friday overturned a 40-year-old precedent …
Mark Sherman / Associated Press:
The Supreme Court weakens federal regulators, overturning decades-old Chevron decision  —  The Supreme Court on Friday upended a 40-year-old decision that made it easier for the federal government to regulate the environment, public health, workplace safety and consumer protections …
Ann E. Marimow / Washington Post:
Supreme Court says prosecutors improperly charged hundreds of Jan. 6 rioters  —  Supreme Court's decision on obstruction charge will impact trials of hundreds of Jan. 6 rioters and, potentially, former president Donald Trump.  —  Federal prosecutors improperly charged hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants …
NBC News:
Supreme Court rules for Jan. 6 rioter challenging obstruction charge  —  The closely-watched case focuses on charge that former President Donald Trump also faces in his election interference case.  —  WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Friday ruled in favor of a former police officer …
Chris Geidner / Law Dork:
SCOTUS is going into July, destroying executive agency powers along the way  —  “You had one job.”  —  By 10:30 a.m. Thursday, we knew that the U.S. Supreme Court would not be able to finish issuing its decisions for the term by the end of June.  —  The court is hearing fewer cases …
Discussion: Forbes, Slate, Politico and SCOTUSblog
Judge Aileen Cannon pushes back on idea that more hearings will delay Trump classified documents case  —  Judge Aileen Cannon wants to hold additional hearings on Donald Trump's attempts to challenge key evidence in his classified documents case and will allow the former president's lawyers …
Discussion: Axios and The Daily Beast
Matt Naham / Law & Crime:
Jack Smith brings receipts of vile threats against judges and prosecutors in Trump cases, tells Cannon former president fundraised off of lies about FBI
Discussion: New York Times
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 More Items: 
Live: Fact-checking Joe Biden and Donald Trump's first 2024 presidential debate
 Earlier Items: 
Associated Press:
Man on trial for threatening to kill presidential candidates found dead as jury was deciding verdict
Rolling Stone:
Inside the Right-Wing Campaign to End Protections for Endangered Species
Washington Post:
Arizona RNC delegation chair: ‘I would lynch’ county election official
Discussion: Washington Examiner
Sarah Mervosh / New York Times:
Oklahoma's State Superintendent Requires Public Schools to Teach the Bible