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Exclusive: CIA Commander: We Let bin Laden Slip Away
  Newsweek   —   Permalink 
What's this?
Aug. 15, 2005 issue - During the 2004 presidential campaign, George W. Bush and John Kerry battled about whether Osama bin Laden had escaped from Tora Bora in the final days of the war in Afghanistan.
Barbara O'Brien: Today Newsweek reports that a CIA field commander says Osama bin Laden was allowed to get away at Tora Bora. " a...
Justin Gardner: That's what a CIA Field Commander says in his new book about his experiences in Afghanistan, entitled "Jawbreaker".
Armando @DailyKos: Not at Tora Bora via Kevin Drum, Newsweek reports that Bush was lying when he said that we would hunt down the perpetrators of 9/11.
Norbizness: Tough times in the critical-of-the-Administr ation book-publishing cottage industry: "They're just holding the book," which is scheduled for October release, he says.
Cookie Jill: "- newsweek"
Richard TPD: It's a fact: Bush let Osama Bin Laden get away — Not that any of us ever doubted it, but it's really nice to see it confirmed by those at the top.
Also: Kevin Drum, Hilzoy @ObsidianWings, Orrin Judd, Attaturk

Air America listeners to the rescue?
  By / Oregonian   —   Permalink 
There's, like, a major corporate financial scandal goin' down, dude. Some greed-head wheeler-dealer took almost a million in government funds intended for children and Alzheimer's patients and put the money into a private start-up company.
Brian Maloney: Noteworthy today: --- Oregonian Associate Editor David Reinhard makes a number of great new points in a Sunday op-ed...
Captain Ed: (Inspired by CQ reader Dan Kauffman) Michelle Malkin also points readers to David Reinhard's column in the Portland...
Pejman Yousefzadeh: ASKING THE HOWARD BAKER QUESTION — The Oregonian tackles the Air America scandal: [snipped quote] The rest of the article is a treasure trove of snark.
Avedon Carol: The latest from the wingers on the AAR story is that we sweet bleeding-heart liberals should refund the money stolen by Republican operative Evan Cohen.
Michelle Malkin: Mark Steyn And see David Reinhard's delicious column today in the Portland Oregonian. It's a riot.
Marc @USSNeverdock: Mark Steyn and The Oregonian both have articles about the scandal. Mark also tackles the Democrats latest defeat.
Also: Orrin Judd

Bush's neocon friends shocked as he backs the Darwin-doubters
  Times of London   —   Permalink 
THE theory of intelligent design, which emphasises the role of a creator in the development of the universe, has received a boost from President George W Bush. He has called for it to be taught alongside evolution in schools, writes Sarah Baxter.
Avedon Carol: And wouldn't you know, someone jumped right in to prove it. (via) The Times reports that Krauthammer said something was...
James Wolcott: Courtesy of Raw Story comes the heroic tale fresh from the pages of the Times of London, which reported that a number of...
Roger Ailes: F**k Those Bastards In Kansas — So says the eminent Fraudian, Charles Krauthammer, who's up for a little realpolitik horse-trading: [snipped quote] Creationism is for the insane.
Brad DeLong: Here we have Charles Krauthammer, who wrote that: Times Online: the idea of teaching intelligent design — creationism's "modern step-child" — was "insane".
Orrin Judd: THE AGONY OF THE NEOCONS: Bush's neocon friends shocked as he backs the Darwin-doubters (Sarah Baxter, 8/07/05, Times of...

The Right Time for An Islamic Reformation
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
When Sir Iqbal Sacranie, head of the Muslim Council of Britain, admitted that "our own children" had perpetrated the July 7 London bombings, it was the first time in my memory that a British Muslim had accepted his community's responsibility for outrages committed by its members.
Jan Haugland: Islam needs a reformation — Salman Rushdie, who learned the dangers of militant Islam before the rest of the world...
Steve Antler: I don't think so... I am surprised how loosely informed Salman Rushdie is.
Pejman Yousefzadeh: "THE RIGHT TIME FOR AN ISLAMIC REFORMATION" — As per usual, Salman Rushdie is worth reading: "When Sir Iqbal Sacranie,...
Joe Gandelman: Islam Needs A Revolution — Salman Rushdie, long a marked man for his book "The Satanic Verses" which earned him a death...
Cori Dauber: Now he writes in the Post about the implications of the London bombers being home grown, and about the responses of the British Muslim community to that fact.
Marc @USSNeverdock: Islam - Rushdie: Time for Islamic Reformation — Salman Rushdie says what I've been saying for a long time - it's time for Islam to reform.
Also: Glenn Reynolds

Leak Investigation: An Oversight Issue?
  Newsweek   —   Permalink 
What's this?
Aug. 15, 2005 issue - The departure this week of Deputy Attorney General James Comey, who has accepted the post of general counsel at Lockheed Martin, leaves a question mark in the probe into who leaked the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame.
Jeralyn Merritt: Newsweek: Fitzgerald Could Thwarted by Comey's Replacement — Michael Isikoff in Newsweek writes that when Deputy...
Judd @ThinkProgress: One of President Bush's closest friends,
Joe @AmericaBlog: Bush Pal to Oversee Plame Leak Probe — Newsweek reports that there is possibly a new boss overseeing Fitzgerald:...
Cookie Jill: the skeleton's out of the closet fitzgerald's boss is probably going to be a bones man "associate attorney general...

Saudis warned UK of London attacks
  Observer   —   Permalink 
Saudi Arabia officially warned Britain of an imminent terrorist attack on London just weeks ahead of the 7 July bombings after calls from one of al-Qaeda's most wanted operatives were traced to an active cell in the United Kingdom.
Jan Haugland: Saudis warned Britain before London bombings The Observer writes about the international links to the London 7/7...
Orrin Judd: NICE TO KNOW, BUT...: Saudis warned UK of London attacks (Martin Bright, Antony Barnett and Mohammed Alkhereiji, August...
Justin Gardner: Were They Warned? Saudi Arabia says they alerted London that the bombings were going to take place.
Andrew Cochran: Also, today's London Observer reports that "Saudi Arabia officially warned Britain of an imminent terrorist attack on...
Armed Liberal: Four Guys From A Gym in Leeds. Right.

Iraqi insurgent writes of flawed leadership
  CNN   —   Permalink 
BAGHDAD (CNN) — A letter apparently written by a rebel leader to terrorist mastermind Abu Musab al-Zarqawi decries the insurgency's leadership in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, a hotspot in the war.
Jan Haugland: A purported letter from a terrorist leader to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, intercepted by security forces, reveals ineffective leadership and loss of morale.
Captain Ed: The letter does not claim glorious progress against the infidel invader; instead, it complains about the quality of...
Pejman Yousefzadeh: ALL IS NOT WELL IN INSURGENT-LAND — The story is here.
Steve M.: SUMMER RERUN — Today: A letter apparently written by a rebel leader to terrorist mastermind Abu Musab al-Zarqawi...
TheAnchoress: US forces have intercepted a letter from Mosul area to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and it's full of complaints against their leadership.
Bill Roggio: In Mosul, a letter from Abu Zayd (the "emir of Farming reform battalion on the west side") to Zarqawi is intercepted.
Also: Justin Gardner, Marc @USSNeverdock

Rich Liberals Vow to Fund Think Tanks
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
At least 80 wealthy liberals have pledged to contribute $1 million or more apiece to fund a network of think tanks and advocacy groups to compete with the potent conservative infrastructure built up over the past three decades.
Avedon Carol: That's what I want — I see in the WaPo that rich liberals plan to give money to think-tanks and advocacy groups.
Kevin: Filed under: Culture, Iraq No comment yet, add yours? » Democracy Alliance Posted by Kevin This is a good start...
Ken Masugi: Liberal Think-Tanks Worsen Dems' Plight — Wealthy liberals' investment in think-tanks designed to aid the Democrats will likely aid Republicans (Thomas Edsall, Washington Post).
Susie Madrak: Money Money Money I wonder if any of this money trickles down to bloggers - after all, we provide a lot of bang for...
John Cole: Democratic Financiers 'ACTing' Up Again I guess now that ACT is dead, the money has to go somewhere: At least 80...
Kos @DailyKos: Democracy Alliance — Introducing the Democracy Alliance: [snipped quote] Big development in the rise of the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy.
Also: Chris Bowers, Matthew Yglesias, Jo Fish, Jayson @PoliPundit, John @AmericaBlog

That Hissing Sound
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
Housing prices move much more slowly than stock prices. There are no Black Mondays, when prices fall 23 percent in a day. In fact, prices often keep rising for a while even after a housing boom goes bust.
Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times
CalculatedRisk: Krugman: That Hissing Sound — Dr. Paul Krugman writes in Monday's NY Times: "This is the way the bubble ends: not with a pop, but with a hiss.
Atrios: Bubblelicious — The shrill one has a good column on the housing bubble, though I worry he's contracted a wee case of Friedmanitis...

Convicted of Aiding Terrorist, Translator Prepares for Prison Cell, Still in Disbelief
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
Mohamed Yousry, an Arabic-language translator, has been practicing for life in a prison cell. He closes himself into small spaces to meditate and combs through his library for nonpolitical books he supposes his keepers will allow him to read.
Captain Ed: 'Just Following Orders' Is Never A Defense — The New York Times runs a sympathetic article on the plight of Mohamed Yousry in its Regional section this morning.
Jeralyn Merritt: John Cole writes about today's New York Times' article outlining the paltry evidence against Mohamed Yousry, defense...
John Cole: Troubling story in the Times about the conviction of Lynne Stewart's translator: After working for nearly a decade as...

A Hero in Every Aisle Seat
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
ONE survivor of the Air France crash in Toronto on Tuesday described the "panic" of his fellow passengers. Yet these people had just evacuated a burning plane in about two minutes.
Brad Plumer: Just Chill — When crises roll around, people don't panic nearly as much as we've been lead to believe, says Baruch Fischhoff: [snipped quote] Ditto for terrorist attacks, it seems.
Glenn Reynolds: LESSONS FROM THE NON-FATAL AIR FRANCE CRASH: [snipped quote] Indeed. David Gerstman has some thoughts.

Inquiry Into Lobbyist Sputters After Demotion
  By / LAT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — A U.S. grand jury in Guam opened an investigation of controversial lobbyist Jack Abramoff more than two years ago, but President Bush removed the supervising federal prosecutor and the inquiry ended soon after.
Barbara O'Brien: The real work of the Bush White House is corruption.
Susie Madrak: Coming Attractions? Are we going to let them get away with it when they replace Patrick Fitgerald's boss?

Judith Miller's Tale Under Scrutiny--At Her Own Paper
  By / Editor and Publisher   —   Permalink 
There are basically two possible and quite divergent scenarios surrounding jailed New York Times reporter Judith Miller's involvement in the Plame/CIA leak case. It is quite possible that she had no ulterior or activist role in the leak and she really is just protecting her source(s) and her journalistic champions justifiably are standing by her.
Atrios: Judy Judy Judy — Will we ever get the truth... Here we have a hint of the "split" at The Times.
Susie Madrak: E&P goes for Judy's jugular, Digby wonders what the Times reaction to Judy's incarceration will be as events unfold...

Netanyahu Quits Over Israeli Gaza Pullout
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
JERUSALEM - Benjamin Netanyahu stepped down as Israel's finance minister Sunday in a last-minute protest against next week's Gaza pullout, but his stunned Cabinet colleagues pushed ahead and approved the first stage of the withdrawal plan just moments later.
James Joyner: Netanyahu Quits Over Israeli Gaza Pullout — Benjamin Netanyahu, a former Israeli prime minister who had been serving as...
Roger L. Simon: Finance Minister (and former PM) Benyamin Netanyahu has just left the Israeli government because he thinks the Gaza...

Can't hear you, dear ... blame my brain
  By / Scotsman   —   Permalink 
WHETHER it is to do the dishes, clean the car or vacuum the living room, men now have an answer to their wife's war cry that they never listen: it's not me, darling, it's my brain.
Lindsay Beyerstein: In an article called Can't hear you, dear ... blame my brain, Steven McGinty presents the Sheffield results as a...
Amanda Marcotte: The next EP study will demonstrate that men are naturally impaired in the dish-washing department — This may be the...

Rice: Insurgency Losing Political Steam
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says the insurgency in Iraq is losing steam as a political force, even as Democratic congressmen warned Sunday that violence jeopardizes plans for withdrawing some troops.
Jayson @PoliPundit: Condi Rice Says the terrorists in Iraq are losing steam, both militarily and politically.
Joe @AmericaBlog: Condi's delusions — Everything is just becoming hunky-dory: [snipped quote] Yeah, it's a lot easier to see the violence and suicide bombings because both are so prevalent.

The Meeting
  By / American Prospect   —   Permalink 
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, has told federal investigators that he met with New York Times reporter Judith Miller on July 8, 2003, and discussed CIA operative Valerie Plame, according to legal sources familiar with Libby's account.
Tom Maguire: Today he has a piece in TAP which wraps up some of the latest developments in the Judy Miller saga, and fluffs the Tim Russert story.
John Cole: Daily Plame Flame Thread Murry Waas: I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, has...
Jeralyn Merritt: Judith Miller and Lewis Libby — Murray Waas has a new column in which he says Judith Miller met with Lewis Libby on...
Barbara O'Brien: According to Waas, Dick the Dick's chief of staff, Scooter Libby, met with Our Gal Judy Miller on July 8, 2003.
Susie Madrak: I spend one little day at the beach and all hell breaks loose… According to a Murray Waas piece published today...
Joe Gandelman: The drip-drip-drip on the Plame/Rove scandal involving the naming of a CIA official continues with Murray Waas' piece in...
Also: Matthew Yglesias, Digby, Avedon Carol, Kevin Drum, Attaturk, Pontificator @DailyKos, Orrin Judd, Joe @AmericaBlog, Josh Marshall

Radicals warned of treason risk
  BBC   —   Permalink 
Islamist radicals who express support for terrorism may face treason charges, the Attorney General's Office has said.
Lord Goldsmith and the Director of Public Prosecutions Ken Macdonald have discussed action against three individuals, a spokeswoman said.
David T: Indviduals engaged in the recruitment process should be prosecuted for treason or terrorism-related offences.
Marc @USSNeverdock: Britain - Radicals warned of treason risk — Why isn't George Galloway at the head of this list? [snipped quote] Why just Islamist radicals?

Netanyahu: Pullout will worsen Israel's security
  By / Jerusalem Post   —   Permalink 
Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is in one of the most unenviable positions in Israeli politics today. He is attacked from the Left by the Prime Minister's Office and Ariel Sharon's supporters in the government, the Knesset and the press for his opposition to the disengagement plan.
Roger L. Simon: I hope he is wrong, but he makes cogent points in this interview with Carolyn Glick. UPDATE: Atlas Shrugs backs Eliot Jager's argument in support of Sharon.
Cliff May: The article can also be read here. And Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei tells a rally that Israel's Gaza withdrawal is just the beginning.

The Skinny on Politics
  NYT   —   Permalink 
Q: Congratulations on your new appointment as the chairman of the National Governors Association.
Thank you. I know it sounds impressive, but it may be one of those things for which I will need condolences in about six months.
Nick Beaudrot: Grown-up Republican Watch — In an issue that's otherwise close to worthless, New York Times Magazine has an interview...
Ramesh Ponnuru: MIKE HUCKABEE VS. AMERICA — Q: "Do you think Americans are lazy?" A: "Without a doubt. . ." I'm not offended that Gov. Huckabee (R.

Israel OKs 1st Stage of Pullout; Netanyahu Resigns
  AP   —   Permalink 
JERUSALEM — Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (search) resigned from his post Sunday to protest next week's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip (search) and part of the West Bank (search), a ministry spokesman said.
Paul @PowerLine: Bibi resigns — Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamim Netanyahu has resigned from his position as Finance Minister in...
Forkum: Pullout Poster — From the FoxNews: Israel OKs 1st Stage of Pullout; Netanyahu Resigns.

I still fight oppression
  By / Observer   —   Permalink 
Looking back on how his generation covered up the crimes of communism in the 1930s, WH Auden explained that he and his friends weren't true communists but fellow travellers. At home they defended civil liberties and stood up for freedom of speech.
Marc @USSNeverdock: Britain - People Leaving the Left — Nick Cohen joins Keith Thompson and leaves the Left.
Chris Bertram: More Nick Cohen Nick Cohen has a column today entitled I still fight oppression . The theme is the familiar one of the moral failure of "the left".
Orrin Judd: COME ON IN, THE WATER'S FINE: I still fight oppression: The liberals who say I have deserted the left should ask...
Harry @HarrysPlace: Mind the gap — Nick Cohen in the Observer responds to his recent 'excommunication' from the left by pointing out the...
Pejman Yousefzadeh: NICK COHEN IS EXCOMMUNICATED — But he turns the tables quite nicely on his excommunicators: [snipped quote] As always, Cohen is incredibly eloquent.

"I'd like a peaceful life like anyone else, but undoubtedly I rise to the occasion"
  Scotland Sunday Herald   —   Permalink 
His Bethnal Green election victory, a dramatic appearance before the US Senate and his outspoken comments about the London bombs have kept George Galloway in the global headlines this year. He tells Peter Ross about love, war and an extraordinary few months within an extraordinary life
David T: George Galloway, Respect, 2005: "[S]ocialism and Islam are very close, other than on the issue of the existence of God.
Gene @HarrysPlace: A very, very profound connection — I'll leave it to others to respond more fully to Peter Ross's interview with George...

All Eyes on Home Market in San Diego
  By / LAT   —   Permalink 
SAN DIEGO — When the housing market here was red-hot 18 months ago, Alex Flores could buy a downtown condominium with as little as $5,000 down and sell it six months later for a tidy profit of $200,000.
Now, Flores says, those easy-money days are over.
CalculatedRisk: [quote]"Homes that a year or two ago sold virtually overnight - in many cases triggering bidding wars - are on the market for weeks," reports The Los Angeles Times.[end quote]
Orrin Judd: WELCOME TO HOOVERVILLE: All Eyes on Home Market in San Diego: As the city's real estate upsurge begins to slow, the...

The Virtues of Virtue
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the rate of family violence in this country has dropped by more than half since 1993. I've been trying to figure out why.
Brendan Nyhan: Writing in the New York Times today, David Brooks notes that a series of social indicators that are all moving in a...
Matthew Yglesias: Better and Better — What's this? A David Brooks column I'm really happy to see printed.
Orrin Judd: THE PEACE DIVIDEND: The Virtues of Virtue (DAVID BROOKS, 8/07/05, NY Times) [snipped quote] As H.W. Brands has suggested,...
John Cole: The Domestic State of Affairs David Brooks takes a look around and see that things are looking up for America: The...
Glenn Reynolds: DAVID BROOKS goes in search of explanations for the many improving social trends in America.

Threat to Divest Is Church Tool in Israeli Fight
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
The Presbyterian Church U.S.A. announced Friday that it would press four American corporations to stop providing military equipment and technology to Israel for use in the occupation of the Palestinian territories, and that if the companies did not comply, the church would take a vote to divest its stock in them.
John Cole: And it is important to remember it is mostly just the leadership: Rabbi Cooper said the Protestant churches were...
Jack Cluth: Now this is religious activism I can get behind — Threat to Divest Is Church Tool in Israeli Fight "It's not a campaign to divest from the state of Israel.

Avian Flu Vaccine Called Effective in Human Testing
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6 - Government scientists say they have successfully tested in people a vaccine that they believe can protect against the strain of avian influenza that is spreading in birds through Asia and Russia.
Daniel Drezner: Lawrence K. Altman provides some on the front page of the New York Times: "Government scientists say they have...
Glenn Reynolds: AVIAN FLU NEWS: [snipped quote] Good.

Military Plans Gradual Cuts in Iraq Forces
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6 - In a classified briefing to senior Pentagon officials last month, the top American commander in the Middle East outlined a plan that would gradually reduce American forces in Iraq by perhaps 20,000 to 30,000 troops by next spring if...
Cernig: Yet according to the New York Times: In a classified briefing to senior Pentagon officials last month, the top American...
Jo Fish: Now, with the mid-term elections approaching, that same issue that the republicans used to spread lies about honorable...
Orrin Judd: FORGET GRADUAL: Military Plans Gradual Cuts in Iraq Forces (ERIC SCHMITT, 8/07/05, NY Times) "In a classified briefing...
John Cole: Iraq News Lots of news about Iraq in the NY Times today, starting with this: In a classified briefing to senior...
Kevin Drum: IRAQ WITHDRAWAL UPDATE...Eric Schmitt reports on the latest plans for withdrawal from Iraq: [snipped quote] It's hard to...

England clinch thrilling victory
  BBC   —   Permalink 
England survived a last-ditch Australia fight back to complete a thrilling two-run victory in the second Test and level the Ashes series at 1-1.
Australia were on the brink of victory when last man Michael Kasprowicz gloved Steve Harmison behind for 20.
Norm Geras: Today at Edgbaston there was a truly astonishing finale to what had already been three days of gripping and competitive play.
Brian Micklethwait: But then, Kaspar fended off yet another short ball from Harmison, Jones the Gloves held onto it, show-off umpire Billy...

Inside the sect that loves terror
  Times of London   —   Permalink 
AN undercover investigation has caught leaders of a radical Islamic group inciting young British Muslims to become terrorists and praising the Tube bombers as "the fantastic four".
Damian Penny: The spokeswoman said prosecutors may also seek access to taped recordings made by an undercover Sunday Times reporter...
Jeff Jarvis: Preaching terrorism The Sunday Times of London had a reporter infiltrating a Muslim hate group three weeks before the 7/7 bombings.
David T: Al Muhajiroun's sucessor organisation, the Saviour Sect is run by clerics who teach that it is "the duty of Muslims to...
Marc @USSNeverdock: Britain - Undercover: Terrorists Exposed — The Sunday Times reports on its undercover infiltration of the Muslim...

When Pigs Wi-Fi
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
This is cowboy country, where the rodeo is coming to town, the high school's "kiss the pig" contest involves a genuine hog, and life seems about as high-tech as the local calf-dressing competition, when teams race to wrestle protesting calves into T-shirts.
Chris Nolan: The Times' Tom Friedman spent a little time last week with our own Andrew Rasiej and today, Sunday, Nicholas Kristof...
Jeff Jarvis: Let's all move to Hermiston, OR Nick Kristoff finds wi-fi heaven.
Alex Tabarrok: According to Nicholas Kristof, the largest WiFi hotspot in the world is in Eastern Oregon where some 600 miles are covered.

Crew safe after mini-sub rescue
  CNN   —   Permalink 
MOSCOW, Russia (CNN) — The seven-man crew of a trapped Russian mini-submarine are back in port after a three-day ordeal at the bottom of the Pacific with dwindling oxygen.
Talking Dog: The other good news comes to us from the far Pacific, where thanks to international help led by Her Majesty's Navy,...
Blackfive: Update 3: As some of the Commenters are pointing out, the crew was rescued and is alive and well. Great news!

Russian Sub Surfaces; All Seven Crew Alive
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY, Russia — Seven people on board a submarine trapped for nearly three days under the Pacific Ocean were rescued Sunday after a British remote-controlled vehicle cut away the undersea cables that had snarled their vessel, allowing it to surface.
Jan Haugland: All seven sub crew alive and well — A very happy ending in this weekend's Russian submarine scare: Seven people on...
Michelle Malkin: Check out interesting analysis of the Russian sub drama over at Ultraquiet No More, where Rob writes: [snipped quote] Amen to that.
Gateway Pundit: (AP) Update: (11:30 PM EST) The AP is reporting: "After the last cable holding down the mini-sub was cut off, rescuers...
Mitch Berg: Some Good News — The Russian submariners are OK: [snipped quote] Whew.

9/11 Group Says White House Has Not Provided Files
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6 - The White House has failed to turn over any of the information requested by the 10 members of the disbanded Sept. 11 commission in their renewed, unofficial investigation into whether the government is doing enough to prevent terrorist attacks on American soil, commission members said.
Guest @ThinkProgress: This morning's New York Times reports that, despite publicly acknowledging the Commission's importance, the White House...
Cookie Jill: "- nytimes"
Susie Madrak: Stonewall Y'all already know what Dr. Phil says - when you have nothing to hide, you hide nothing: WASHINGTON, Aug. 6...

Focus: Undercover in the academy of hatred
  Times of London   —   Permalink 
On a Friday evening late in July a small group of young Asian men gathered secretly in the grounds of a Victorian manor house on the edge of Epping Forest, east of London, to listen to their master.
Jan Haugland: Where they breed terrorists — Today's must-read: Focus: Undercover in the academy of hatred The London Times had an...
Jeff Jarvis: Full story is here. As they chatted the reporter was asked if he would be willing to wear a "strap" — slang for a suicide bomb belt.

Marchers Celebrate Voting Rights Act in Atlanta
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
ATLANTA, Aug. 6 — Thousands of marchers joined many of the icons of the American civil rights movement Saturday morning as they walked through the streets of Atlanta to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act and to built support for extending protections from that bill.
Joe @AmericaBlog: First, Marchers Celebrate Voting Rights Act in Atlanta: "Thousands of marchers joined many of the icons of the American...
Ed Kilgore: From: Politics Today marks the 40th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which finally gave the force of...
New Donkey: The 40th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act — For many younger Americans who may have noted in passing short news...

An Anniversary to Forget
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WHEN people ask my thoughts on the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, I always feel uncomfortable. As a Japanese, I know how I'm supposed to respond: with sadness, regret and perhaps anger. But invariably I try to dodge the issue, or to reply as neutrally as possible.
Richard TPD: Focusing on the future — A very smart Japanese businessman, Joi Ito, looks back at Hiroshima and explains the importance of not looking back.
Rex Hammock: How to write using stream of conversation: (Update: The NY Times Op-ed piece referred to in this post is now online).
Jeff Jarvis: Op-ed Here is Joi Ito's very good — and surprising — NY Times op-ed on the anniversary nuclear bombs over Japan; I say...
Glenn Reynolds: JOI ITO: [snipped quote] Read the whole thing.

Europe's cowardice in the face of enemy fire
  Times of London   —   Permalink 
The writer Henryk Broder recently issued a withering indictment: Europe, your family name is appeasement. That phrase resonates because it is so terribly true.
Marc @USSNeverdock: Europe - Appeasing Islam — German publisher Mathias Dpfner says Europe is a coward "in the face of enemy fire".
Orrin Judd: FORTUNATELY, TYSON FOODS HAS LOTS OF WHITE FEATHERS TO SPARE: Europe's cowardice in the face of enemy fire: The response...
Peter Burnet: EURO-CIVIL DEFENCE — Europe's cowardice in the face of enemy fire (Mathias Dopfner, The Times, August 7th, 2005)...

Where Are the War Heroes?
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
ONE soldier fought off scores of elite Iraqi troops in a fierce defense of his outnumbered Army unit, saving dozens of American lives before he himself was killed. Another soldier helped lead a team that killed 27 insurgents who had ambushed her convoy.
Callimachus: We Need Another Hero — The New York Times asks a question that only the New York Times can answer: Where are the U.S. war heroes in Iraq?
James Joyner: Where Are the War Heroes? Damien Cave asks, "Where Are the War Heroes?"
Cori Dauber: On line it is simply headlined, "Where are the War Heroes?" but in print the headline is the somewhat more eyecatching...
Blackfive: Well, if you read MilBlogs, chances are that you have read about the heroes of the War on Terror - Leigh Ann Hester,...
John Cole: Finally, in the Week in Review, Damien Cave asks where all the heroes have gone (the Instapundit has a blogger link...
Pejman Yousefzadeh: WHERE ARE THE WAR HEROES? So asks Damien Cave.
Also: Roger L. Simon, Glenn Reynolds, Xan @Corrente

More Americans are questioning U.S. strategy in Iraq.
  Newsweek   —   Permalink 
Aug. 6, 2005 - As U.S. troops endured a deadly week in Iraq, 61 percent of Americans polled say they disapprove of the way President George W. Bush is handling the war in Iraq, according to a new NEWSWEEK poll. Thirty four percent say they approve.
Cori Dauber: Today's example is the Newsweek poll, currently being touted everywhere on broadcast as a bellweather because the...
Joe @AmericaBlog: Newsweek has the latest numbers: "As U.S. troops endured a deadly week in Iraq, 61 percent of Americans polled say they...
Michael Stickings: Bush's approval numbers continue to slide According to Newsweek, Bush's approval rating on Iraq is down to 34 percent — his disapproval rating is 61 percent.
Gateway Pundit: Today the magazine prints: Newsweek Poll: Bush's Battle More Americans are questioning U.S. strategy in Iraq.
Atrios: America Hates America — Newsweek: Aug. 6, 2005 - As U.S. troops endured a deadly week in Iraq, 61 percent of Americans...

  By / New York Post   —   Permalink 
State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer yesterday opened an investigation into the Bronx social-services agency that made $875,000 in bizarre loans to Air America radio, The Post has learned.
"We are looking into it in consultation with the city's Department of Investigation,"...
John @PowerLine: (Not about Air America, of course; even though Eliot Spitzer has announced that he is launching an investigation into...
Captain Ed: Air America: Spitzer's Difference — Today's New York Post reports that New York's headline-grabbing Attorney General...
Pejman Yousefzadeh: And now that the investigation of the Air America scandal appears to be crossing partisan lines, it may be high time...
Brian Maloney: That's one of the major revelations contained in today's New York Post.
Michelle Malkin: AIR ENRON: SPITZER STEPS IN — DarleenClickAAR1.jpg This morning's New York Post is reporting that New York State...
Avedon Carol: Reason #2 why right-wingers hate the mainstream media — Conservo-hacks are still going bonkers over the machinations of...
Also: Glenn Reynolds

Dear Judge Roberts:
  By /   —   Permalink 
Congratulations on your nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. I wish you well in the confirmation proceedings and, since I have no doubt you will be confirmed, I wish you a long, enjoyable and rewarding tenure.
Patterico: Judge Patel's Open (and Hypocritical) Letter to Judge Roberts Leftist Northern California federal district judge Marilyn Hall Patel has written an open letter to John Roberts.
Ken Masugi: Patterico points out how embarassing her letter is—not only is it a call for Roberts to allow himself to be smeared by...
Steve Bainbridge: Federal judge Marilyn Hall Patel (a Democrat appointed by Carter) issues a call for SCOTUS nominee to ask conservatives...

President's Radio Address
  White House   —   Permalink 
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. As families across the country enjoy the summer, Americans can be optimistic about our economic future. In the past four years, our economy has been through a lot: we faced a stock market decline, a recession, corporate scandals, an attack on our homeland, and the demands of an ongoing war on terror.
Brendan Nyhan: The latest example comes from his weekly radio address: The tax relief stimulated economic vitality and growth and it has helped increase revenues to the Treasury.
Pejman Yousefzadeh: It is nice to see that President Bush is touting the strength of the economy but for whatever reason, the White House...
Billmon: President's Radio Address — Crawford,Texas THE PRESIDENT: Good morning.

Why America Is More Dependent Than Ever on Saudi Arabia
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
President Bush might not have turned up personally in Riyadh yesterday but he certainly sent a high-powered delegation to pay his respects to the new leader of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah.
Michael Stickings: As oil and gas prices continue to soar (here in Toronto, regular unleaded is fast approaching $1.00/liter — which...
James Joyner: Why America Is More Dependent Than Ever on Saudi Arabia — Jad Mouawad and his editors find the fact that the U.S. sent...
Juan Cole: US Dependent on Saudi Arabia — The Bush administration and its Neocons have shot themselves in the foot big time if...
David Sirota: Bush Ignoring Domestic Alternatives to Saudi Oil — The New York Times today reports that Bush officials, supposedly...
Steve Soto: Thanks to Mr. Bush, the same regime that bankrolled 15 of the 9/11 murderers has us by the nuts more so than ever before.
Stirling Newberry: As even the New York Times can figure out Saudi Arabia is more powerful than ever.
Also: Ed Cone, Steve M., Glenn Reynolds, Oliver Willis

Former minister Robin Cook dies
  BBC   —   Permalink 
Former Cabinet minister Robin Cook, 59, has died after collapsing while hill walking in north-west Scotland.
It is believed he was taken ill while walking with his wife Gaynor near the summit of Ben Stack, at around 1420 BST, Northern Constabulary said.
Chris Bertram: Robin Cook is dead Robin Cook, former Labour Foreign Secretary and prominent critic of the Blair government over Iraq, has died suddenly at the age of 59 .
Kathryn Jean Lopez: FROM BRITIAN — Robin Cook, the official who famously resigned during the run-up to the Iraq war, has died. RIP
Avedon Carol: And only 59. The Beeb site has a bunch of tributes to him (some from people who are probably relieved that they won't have to deal with him anymore).

Bush Says Congress Needs to Overhaul Tax Code, Social Security
  Bloomberg   —   Permalink 
Aug. 6 (Bloomberg) — President George W. Bush urged Congress to make permanent the tax cuts enacted during his first term and draft legislation to bolster the Social Security program, after the lawmakers return from their August break.
PGL: Bush Defends Tax Cuts as Deficit Reducing — Mark Thoma listens to the President's Saturday morning address so we don't...
Steve Verdon: Mark points to this quote from a Bloomberg article, [snipped quote] In looking at the data presented by Jim Hamilton, it doesn't look good for this claim.

Slaying in dispute over war might be a first
  By / Lexington Herald-Leader   —   Permalink 
PRESTONSBURG - The Iraq war has been a divisive issue in America for more than two years now, but a shooting at an Eastern Kentucky flea market this week might have marked the first time a dispute over the war has resulted in a death.
Clayton Cramer: You will notice that it was an opponent of the Iraq War who drew a pistol and threatened the life of someone else—and...
Mark Kleiman: An armed society is a polite society — Sometimes.

Security incidents in Iraq, Aug 6
  Reuters   —   Permalink 
BAGHDAD, Aug 6 (Reuters) - Following are security incidents reported in Iraq on Saturday, Aug. 6, as of 1510 GMT.
U.S. and Iraqi forces are battling a Sunni Arab insurgency against the Shi'ite and Kurdish-led government in Baghdad.
Asterisk denotes new or updated item.
Juan Cole: Deaths in the guerrilla war on Saturday according to Reuters: In BAQUBA, northeast of Baghdad, guerrillas opened machine...
Natasha @PacificViews: Judging from the following quote, I imagine there are conservatives in the US taking notes, emphasis mine:...

WRAPUP 1-US warns Iraq Shi'ite Islamists not to impose will
  By / Reuters   —   Permalink 
BAGHDAD, Aug 6 (Reuters) - The United States' envoy in Iraq delivered a warning on Saturday to Shi'ite Islamist leaders, propelled to power by U.S. forces, not to use a new constitution to impose discriminatory laws by majority rule.
Juan Cole: US ambassador in Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad warned the Shiite religious parties not to put discriminatory language into the Iraqi constitution toward women or minorities.
Digby: Good For Thee But Not For Me — "The United States' envoy in Iraq delivered a warning on Saturday to Shi'ite Islamist...

Police 'warned on London suspect'
  CNN   —   Permalink 
LONDON, England (CNN) — A leader at a mosque visited by one of the London July 21 bombing suspects says he warned police that Hamdi Issac was dangerous more than two years ago.
Captain Ed: Muslim Elder Warned British Authorities About London Bomber — An elder at a London mosque tried to involve British...
Glenn Reynolds: But implicit in that is the notion that authorities will act when someone tells them about threats, and that hasn't...

Some Caveats on Job Growth
  NYT   —   Permalink 
With yesterday's announcement that 207,000 new jobs were created in July - nearly 30,000 more than had been forecast - Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao took to the airwaves to repeat the administration's mantra about the economy being "strong and getting stronger."
Captain Ed: All of this happy news for Americans just seems to bring out the inner pessimist at the Paper of Record, however: "Still, it's not robust.
Jason Van Steenwyk: Remember Eeyore the Editor? I first blogged about Eeyore the Editor at the New York Times here. He's baaaaaaaaack. Splash out
Orrin Judd: THE CHAMPAGNE BOTTLE IS HALF FULL: Some Caveats on Job Growth (NY Times, 8/06/05) [snipped quote] If George W. Bush...

Council hopeful doomed by Web
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
CHARLOTTE — A city council candidate dropped out of the race Friday after it was disclosed that he posted comments to a white supremacist Internet bulletin board more than 4,000 times.
Roger Ailes: Here's the story of Doug and his pals at "Doug Hanks said the postings on the site were fictional and...
Steve Bainbridge: Especially if you're a nasty little white supremacist.
TChris: Racist Drops Out of Council Election — Doug Hanks abandoned his race for a city council seat in Charlotte after a...

C.I.A. Leak Case Recalls Texas Incident in '92 Race
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 - These hot months here will be remembered as the summer of the leak, a time when the political class obsessed on a central question: did Karl Rove, President Bush's powerful adviser, commit a crime when he spoke about a C.I.A. officer with the columnist Robert D. Novak?
Nico @ThinkProgress: The New York Times' Elizabeth Bumiller provides an answer in the lede of her article today: "These hot months here will...
Joe Gandelman: Hot On The Trail Of The Novak-Rove Connection — Don't you get the sensation now that the coming months may not be happy...
Steve Soto: I do find it curious that the Times' biggest Bush ass-kisser, aside from Judy Kneepads, buries in Saturday's edition a...
John Cole: Daily Plame Flame Thread Almost forgot: Whatever a federal grand jury investigating the case decides, a small...
James Joyner: C.I.A. Leak Case Recalls Texas Incident in '92 Race (NYT | RSS) "These hot months here will be remembered as the summer...
Tom Maguire: An "Aggressive Partisan And Hothead" — The NY Times delves into the long friendship bewtween Karl Rove and Robert...
Also: Joe @AmericaBlog, Justin Gardner, Pudentilla

Jihadists Turn the Web Into Base of Operations
  WaPo   —   Permalink 
In the snow-draped mountains near Jalalabad in November 2001, as the Taliban collapsed and al Qaeda lost its Afghan sanctuary, Osama bin Laden biographer Hamid Mir watched "every second al Qaeda member carrying a laptop computer along with a Kalashnikov" as they prepared to scatter into hiding and exile.
Cori Dauber: So reports the Post today in a fascinating article I highly recommend.
Andrew Cochran: The video accompanies an outstanding story by Puliltzer Prize-winner Steve Coll & Susan Glasser, "Jihadists Turn the Web...

Shortages Stifle a Boom Time for the Solar Industry
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
With a bill in California that aims to put solar power in half of new homes within 13 years, and with installation incentives in the federal energy legislation passed last week, the future of solar energy in the United States would seem all the brighter.
Juan Cole: Go to solar panels , as Germany and Japan are doing, and now California.
Orrin Judd: SUNNY SIDE UP: Shortages Stifle a Boom Time for the Solar Industry (CHRIS DIXON, 8/05/05, NY Times) "With a bill in...

40 Years After Passage, Voting Law Is in Dispute
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
Today marks the 40th year of the Voting Rights Act, and civil rights activists poured into sticky-hot Atlanta for a march that harks back to the thunderous demonstrations and rallies that led to the act's signing on Aug. 6, 1965.
Edm Staff: The WaPo wrap-up on the Voting Rights Act anniversary adds: "...efforts to dilute the minority vote by redrawing...
Pudentilla: oh, honey, voting rights are so last-century — [snipped quote] the republicans got diebold now, why worry your pretty little heads about jim crow?
Avedon Carol: (Speaking of which, the pretence that racism has been wiped out is now playing a starring role in the fight to renew the Voting Rights Act.

US terror prisoners to be sent home
  Guardian   —   Permalink 
The United States is negotiating the transfer of nearly 70% of the prisoners held at Guantánamo Bay back to their home countries in an attempt to dramatically reduce the number of "enemy combatants" in US custody, it emerged yesterday.
Natasha @PacificViews: The US government is negotiating the release of almost 70% of Guantanamo's prisoners to their home countries to be detained there.
Jeralyn Merritt: Guantanamo Prisoner Transfer Under Negotiation — The Guardian reports on the negotiations underway to send many...

Nuclear energy is an undeniable right of nation: students
  Tehran Times   —   Permalink 
TEHRAN - Nuclear energy is an undeniable right of the Iranian nation which cannot be compromised, a group of students from the Central Province said in a statement on Saturday.
Juan Cole: India going in same direction as South Korea. Iran, too. Germany going in opposite direction.
Roger L. Simon: Simultaneously, the Mullahs are orchestrating their propaganda campaign via their mouthpiece the Tehran Times: Nuclear...

Emptying Guantanamo
  WaPo   —   Permalink 
THE AGREEMENT announced this week to repatriate 110 Afghan detainees from Guantanamo Bay Naval Base is a breakthrough of sorts in the thorny problem of managing captives in the war on terrorism. Unlike previous detainees to be sent home, this group is still deemed of considerable risk, not eligible for release.
Captain Ed: UPDATE: The Washington Post editorial board sounds a bit more supportive of the concept, and points out the hypocrisy of...
Jeralyn Merritt: These countries are known for human rights violations. The Washington Post has an editorial noting this today.

Fighting Back
  By / Newsweek   —   Permalink 
Aug. 5, 2005 - No fewer than three esteemed political reporters from The Washington Post were in the audience taking notes on a steamy Thursday afternoon at a forum called "Reflections of a Blogger," sponsored by the New Politics Institute, a progressive think tank.
Marc @USSNeverdock: America - Newsweek Schilling for Democrats — Elenor Clift writes a glowing report on "Screw them" Kos.
Kos @DailyKos: I'm not the gatekeeper — Ack! "Two days earlier, an antiwar Democrat had come close to winning a special election in...
Jerome Armstrong: Then Clift gives Markos credit (he'd be the first to admit he didn't do squat) for leading the charge for Hackett, so does kos too get a whipping from the Dtrippers?
Skippy: pause for the kos eleanor clift on newsweek's site sings the praises of the daily kos: leading the charge was markos...
Jeralyn Merritt: Clift Profiles Markos and the Hackett Race — Eleanor Clift profiles Markos of Daily Kos and the Hackett race in Newsweek... an inspiring article, go read.

Military Says Troops Demanded 'Rent' From Iraqi Vendors
  By / LAT   —   Permalink 
California Army National Guard troops charged unauthorized, off-the-books "rent" to Iraqi-owned businesses inside Baghdad's Green Zone in Iraq to raise money for a "soldier's fund," military officials and sources within the troops' battalion said Friday.
Natasha @PacificViews: An investigation into a California National Guard unit has found that at least one officer was participating in illegally charging rent to Iraqis in the Green Zone.
Pudentilla: hey, what d'ya want - freedom is messy already — [snipped quote] we'd prefer rummy ran a military that offered iraqis a...

Some Bombs Used in Iraq Are Made in Iran, U.S. Says
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 - Many of the new, more sophisticated roadside bombs used to attack American and government forces in Iraq have been designed in Iran and shipped in from there, United States military and intelligence officials said Friday, raising the prospect of increased foreign help for Iraqi insurgents.
Susie Madrak: The New York Times with a story from an unnamed source, linking Iran to new weapons in Iraq - why, it's almost a neocon...
Pudentilla: you go to war with the army you draft — [snipped quote] joltin' bolton's in the u.n., congressional elections are around...
Steve Soto: Friday Night Wrap Up — As we head into a weekend, here are some short hits for you to comment on: Yup, as if on cue,...
Cliff May: AN ACT OF WAR? From the New York Times: [snipped quote] I think Dr. Ledeen will agree: A robust response is required.

A Glimmer of Hope
  NYT   —   Permalink 
It may be only a few more days before the world finds out whether Iran and North Korea are willing to give up nuclear weapons in exchange for broad economic incentives and firm security guarantees.
Hooman Majd: It cannot come as a surprise to the Europeans that Iran has indicated that it will reject the proposal, even if the Bush administration and the New York Times think it a fair one.
John Cole: They might start by getting the NY Times in line and on message.

Blair Moves to Isolate, Expel Extremists
  By / LAT   —   Permalink 
LONDON — With his nation shaken by last month's bombings, British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Friday announced tough anti-terrorism measures that include shutting down radical mosques and deporting Islamic clerics who preach violence and hatred.
Orrin Judd: SWEET ISOLATIONISM: Blair Moves to Isolate, Expel Extremists: In wake of July's transit attacks, the British leader...
Pudentilla: so much for "the answer to bad speech is more speech" — [snipped quote] welcome to the era of "we have to sacrifice our...

Why I Don't Trust Readers
  By / Slate   —   Permalink 
Oh, not you, dear Slate reader! The readers I distrust are the ones who, in survey after survey, tell pollsters how much they don't trust the press.
My distrust is instinctual, but thanks to a June 8, 2004, survey study by the Pew Research Center for the...
Brad Plumer: But in light of Jack Shafer's argument that the press is far more trustworthy now than it was, say, 50 years ago, I do...
John Cole: Jacked Up Jack Shafer is shrill: The larger point that the boneheads who so despise the media need to appreciate is...
James Joyner: Why I Don't Trust Readers - I'm sad to report that their credibility has fallen to an all-time low [snipped quote] Shafer is at least partly correct.
Armando @DailyKos: Kevin Drum, agreeing with Jack Shafer, says the mainstream American press is better than it has ever been (Kevin jokes...
Kevin Drum: WATCHING THE WATCHMEN...Jack Shafer, Slate's media critic, takes on the free floating media contempt that's now endemic...
Terry Heaton: Jack Shafer doesn't trust readers — The Slate media critic does a nice job of articulating his point — that mainstream...
Also: Jan Haugland, Jim Romenesko

Guantánamo Detention Site Is Being Transformed, U.S. Says
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 - In a few years, Pentagon officials say, the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, will have undergone a radical transformation.
The sprawling detention site known as Camp Delta, with its watchtowers, double-wide trailers housing rows of steel cells and interrogation rooms will be mostly demolished.
Captain Ed: After announcing the approval of a new facility for Gitmo detention based on a model county jail system in Michigan to...
Jeralyn Merritt: The New York Times reports: [snipped quote] Amnesty International has released this statement of concern.
Steve Soto: The Bush Administration is planning to modernize and make less inhuman Guantanamo, which is a tacit admission that the Geneva Convention protocols were being flouted there.

Benon Sevan's Finest Hour
  NRO   —   Permalink 
Late in the day, former Oil-for-Food chief demands the U.N. open its books.
It's rich that the former head of the United Nations Oil-for-Food program, Benon Sevan, is now protesting the secrecy surrounding U.N. records that he himself set up as confidential.
Roger L. Simon: Had the UN come clean years ago, this colossal scandal might never have happened. Quote-unquote... Claudia Rosett. Who else?
Pejman Yousefzadeh: SORT OF Claudia Rosett continues to do the Lord's work in covering the UN oil-for-food scandal: [snipped quote] All of...
Glenn Reynolds: CLAUDIA ROSETT: [snipped quote] Read the whole thing. UPDATE: Austin Bay has more thoughts on the unfolding UNSCAM scandal.
Jan Haugland: Sevan suddenly wants UN transparency — Claudia Rosett on UNSCAM and Benon Sevan.
Kathryn Jean Lopez: BENON SEVAN'S FINEST HOUR — Claudia Rosett has a new piece just up: Late in the day, former Oil-for-Food chief demands the U.N. open its books.
Marc @USSNeverdock: Iraq - UN Oil For Food Scandal Update — NRO has the latest on the UN scandal.