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Boredom Numbs the Work World
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
When Bruce Bartlett was the deputy assistant secretary for economic policy at the U.S. Treasury under George H.W. Bush, boredom occasionally drove him from his cushy Washington office to seek relief at the movie theater.
Nick Gillespie: Arbecht Macht Bored — Our very busy man at the Olympia Press and Blackmask takes a rare break from republishing old...
Tom Smith: Are we bored yet? This over at InstaMegan, is worth reading. Boredom is rife, even in high paying jobs.
James Joyner: Boredom Numbs the Work World (WaPo, D1) "When Bruce Bartlett was the deputy assistant secretary for economic policy at...
Steve Bainbridge: Boredom at Work — There's a sort of interesting, sort of dog bites man story in today's WaPo (via Megan McArdle): [quote] "We...[end quote]
Megan McArdle: THE WASHINGTON POST DISCOVERS THAT high paying jobs are boring too.
Steve Antler: Poor Bruce... Another story of how dull and drab life was before the blogosphere.
Also: Gary Farber, Mike @MemeFirst

Baghdad Mayor Is Ousted by a Shiite Group and Replaced
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Aug. 9 - Armed men entered Baghdad's municipal building during a blinding dust storm on Monday, deposed the city's mayor and installed a member of Iraq's most powerful Shiite militia.
Mickey Kaus: ... Hitchens, OBE: Dr. Alaa Tamimi, the Giuliani-admiring mayor of Baghdad lauded by Christopher Hitchens only...
Jan Haugland: Bagdad mayor forcibly removed from office This doesn't sound good at all: Armed men entered Baghdad's municipal...
Steve M.: The militia has been credited with keeping the peace in heavily Shiite areas in southern Iraq but also accused of abuses...
Jim Henley: The NYT is maddeningly vague about clarifying the issues, but it appears that The CPA appointed a Mayor of Baghdad during the occupation.
Dr. Steven Taylor: Baghdad Mayor Ousted (Maybe) Via the NYT: Baghdad Mayor Is Ousted by a Shiite Group and Replaced "Armed men entered...
Ted @CrookedTimber: Everything's coming up Persian This seems like an awfully big deal.
Also: Justin Gardner, John Cole, Cernig, Justin Delabar, Ezra Klein, Gregory Djerejian, The Farmer, Michael Totten, Digby, Attaturk, Laura Rozen, Steve Soto

Campaign Battlefield May Grow
  By / LAT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — Few places in America are more reliably Republican than the southeast Pennsylvania congressional district centered in Amish country and Lancaster County.
So it's little surprise that Republican Rep. Joe Pitts has faced only token opposition since he was first elected in 1996.
Charles Kuffner: Next is this LA Times piece on the push from grassroots and blog activists for a more aggressive effort to recruit and support candidates in the Congressional elections.
Avedon Carol: Grassroots Dems — Ron Brownstein has an article in the LAT about expanding the electoral "battlefield" to include all those races the party has been ignoring.
MarkInMexico: Main Page Assisted suicide The LAT reports that Markos (Screw'em) Moulitsas and other insanely jealous lefty...
Ezra Klein: Fight to Win — The post-Hackett argument for funding challengers in every race is a well-intentioned, but not really convincing, bit of political strategy.
Chris Bowers: Efforts such as these, which have been extensively discussed on MyDD and other blogs over the past few months (though...
AaronBurrFan @BOPNews: That fight is continuing on the pages of the LA Times, and isn't going to stop anytime soon.
Also: Taegan Goddard

Ousted Baghdad Mayor Speaks To Radio Free Iraq
  RFE/RL   —   Permalink 
RFE/RL's Radio Free Iraq (RFI) correspondent Ahmad al-Zubaydi interviewed ousted Baghdad Mayor Ala' al-Tamimi on 9 August by telephone after he was forcibly removed from his position on 8 August by armed men supporting Baghdad City Council Chairman Mazin Makkiya.
Jan Haugland: Update: Interview on Radio Free Iraq. If al-Tamimi had indeed resigned from office, it is hard to make this out to be a coup.
Dr. Steven Taylor: Also, John Cole points to this interview in which the former Mayor confirms that Tahhan had been appointed Mayor and...
Justin Gardner: Read about that and more concerning the ousted Baghdad mayor if you are so inclined.
Juan Cole: Tamimi's account of the incident is here. He was earlier charged with corruption but the charges appear to have been dropped.
John Cole: Like the fact that the mayor who was 'ousted' resigned in June and the man who replaced him was appointed by the Baghdad governing council.

Pentagon to host 9/11 march, show
  By / NY Daily News   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - The Pentagon will hold a massive march and country music concert to mark the fourth anniversary of 9/11, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in an unusual announcement tucked into an Iraq war briefing yesterday.
Michelle Pilecki: "How about telling Mr. Rumsfeld to leave the memories of Sept. 11 victims to the families?" fumes one such family member to the New York Daily News.
Jeff Jarvis: Not a dry eye in the house Donald Rumsfeld as announced a, well, odd memorial, a tonedeaf commemoration, a tasteless...
Zoe Kentucky: Nah, they're going to throw a rockin' party, naturally!
Michele Catalano: Let me quote, first: "The Pentagon will hold a massive march and country music concert to mark the fourth anniversary...
James Wolcott: Secretary of Defense and future host of the Grand Ol' Opry, Donald Rumsfeld.

There's bad blood at MSNBC
  NY Daily News   —   Permalink 
It might be a good idea for Keith Olbermann and Rick Kaplan to give each other a wide berth until things cool down.
I hear that MSNBC staffers in the Secaucus newsroom-studio watched in horror Monday night as the volatile Kaplan, the president of the...
Barbara O'Brien: I don't know what to make of this gossip column about a fight between Olbermann and MSNBC President Rick Kaplan.
Bob Cesca: Bob Cesca: Olbermann Out Of Control — With Sincerity — The New York Daily News reported today that MSNBC president...
Garrett M. Graff: Lloyd Grove today: "I hear that Time magazine reporter Matt Cooper—who avoided being jailed like Judy Miller in the...
Kevin Aylward: MSNBC's Bad Blood — NY Daily News gossip scribe Lloyd Grove reports that MSNBC president Rick Kaplan had a meltdown...
Brian Stelter: Rick Kaplan Attacks His Talent kaplanaugust10.jpgAfter Keith Olbermann's cancer scare sign-off Monday night, Rick Kaplan...
Susie Madrak: Musical Chairs Seems like everyone's a little restless these days: I hear that Time magazine reporter Matt Cooper -...
Also: Jim Romenesko, Betsy Newmark

Mayor of Baghdad Is Deposed; Insurgents Kill 4 U.S. Troops
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Aug. 10 - Armed men entered Baghdad's municipal building during a blinding dust storm on Monday, deposed the city's mayor and installed a member of Iraq's most powerful Shiite militia.
Matt Singer: Read This — The Mayor of Baghdad was ousted in a coup led by one of the country's most powerful political parties.
Cori Dauber: And this morning I read this: Armed men entered Baghdad's municipal building during a blinding dust storm on Monday,...
Andrew Cory: Things are not going well in Iraq by Andrew Cory Unless these people were elected by a plurality of the population of...
Matthew Yglesias: NICE MAYOR YOU HAVE THERE... It's a bit hard to know what to say about something like "Armed men entered Baghdad's...
Jo Fish: Note to State: It's not going so well... Condi, who we had a few kind words for earlier in the week (NOT!) should take...
TChris: A New Kind of Democracy — Is this the kind of democracy that the Bush administration has so proudly brought to Iraq?

More Discipline Mulled for U.S. General Over Affair
  Reuters   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Army said on Wednesday that further discipline was possible against a four-star general relieved of his command due to what his lawyer called "a consensual, adult relationship" outside of marriage.
James Joyner: Unfortunately, Byrnes' troubles may not be over: More discipline mulled for U.S. general over affair (Reuters) "The...
Orrin Judd: HARDLY ADULT: More Discipline Mulled for U.S. General Over Affair (Reuters, 8/10/05) [snipped quote] It's not much to ask...
Lindsay Beyerstein: General Kevin Byrnes roundup — The blogosphere mulls the firing of four-star general Kevin T. Byrnes, allegedly for consensual, heterosexual adultery.

Pungent Pundit B.S.
  NRO   —   Permalink 
A barking blur.
Much of Washington is having a grand time tittering about Robert Novak's potty mouth. But they're missing the big picture.
Here are the facts. On a recent CNN broadcast, Novak was paired with James Carville for an Inside Politics discussion.
James Joyner: Pungent Pundit B.S. (NRO) [snipped quote] Quite right. Indeed, the heyday of Crossfire was when Michael Kinsley and Pat...
Pejman Yousefzadeh: . . Is—as Jonah Goldberg points out—that it reveals the coarse nature of modern political debate.
Ed Driscoll: Cable TV: Party Flaks Versus Opinion Journalists — Jonah Goldberg notes how CNN and other TV networks typically pair...
Roy @Alicublog: Jonah Goldberg, now scowling parentally in his toga, reacts: [snipped quote] Yes, the world of talk TV is too rough-and-tumble for Goldberg.
Oliver Willis: The Monster They Made — Righties, shocked — shocked at the mistreatment the foul mouthed Robert Novak received at the...
Jonah Goldberg: "I HAVE RIGHTS" — I've gotten lots of nice email on last week's column. but a few have slipped in like this one.

NRA may back Dem against DeWine in '06
  By / The Hill   —   Permalink 
Gun activists angry with Sen. Mike DeWine (R-Ohio) and the state GOP are welcoming talk of Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) challenging the second-term senator next year.
Michael Crowley: Hackett was a smash hit in the liberal blogosphere, and now some of his fans want him to run for U.S. Senate next year...
Scott Shields: OH-Sen: NRA Could Pull Support For DeWine — This is some interesting news out of Ohio from this morning's edition of The Hill.
Gerry Daly: NRA may back Dem against DeWine in '06 — The Hill: [snipped quote] The Ohio Republicans are seemingly perfecting the art of destroying the morale of their base.
Matthew Yglesias: As a longstanding supporter of right-wing views on gun control, I couldn't be happier to read this: [snipped quote] Even...
Taegan Goddard: NRA May Abandon DeWine — Gun activists upset with Sen. Mike DeWine (R-OH) are "welcoming talk" of Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) challenging the senator in 2006, according to The Hill.

Iran breaks seals at nuclear plant
  CNN   —   Permalink 
VIENNA, Austria (CNN) — Iran removed the International Atomic Energy Agency seals Wednesday from its Isfahan nuclear processing facility, opening the uranium conversion plant for full operation, the United Nations said.
Michael Stickings: Iranian leader issues fatwa against nuclear weapons — According to CNN, Iran today broke the seals at one of its nuclear facilities.
Ted @CrookedTimber: On the same day, Iran broke the seals on an atomic processing facility. More on Iranian nuclear plans here and here.
Simon @Centerfield: Ayatollah Khamenei: "use of nuclear weapons forbidden under Islam" — Iran has today broken the seals on a uranium conversion plant.
Stephen Green: Another EU Victory — This can't be good: [snipped quote] Now what?

Man killed by Sunrise police in drug raid had 2 ounces of marijuana
  Sun-Sentinel   —   Permalink 
SUNRISE — Police seized 2 ounces of marijuana at the home of Anthony Diotaiuto after shooting him 10 times, according to information on the drug raid released Tuesday.
John Cole: Radley Balko reports that another insurgent was gunned down in the struggle of our times, the War on Drugs War on Your...
Radley Balko: Anthony Diotaiuto Update — The kid killed by Florida cops last week in a drug raid had two ounces of marijuana on him.

Nominee Is Pressed on End-of-Life Care
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9 - Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged Florida woman whose case provoked Congressional action and a national debate over end-of-life care, became an issue on Tuesday in the Supreme Court confirmation of Judge John G. Roberts Jr. when a Democratic senator pressed him about whether lawmakers should have intervened.
Captain Ed: According to Wyden and reported by the New York Times directly from his notes, Roberts responded to a question regarding...
Ann Althouse: Supreme Court nominee John Roberts shows some commitment to federalism values: [snipped quote] Roberts seems to have disapproved of Congress's intervention in the Schiavo case.
Venkat @BeggingToDiffer: Update: The article contains another gem: "In discussing how the law was evolving on end-of-life care, Mr. Wyden said...
John Cole: What I Want to Hear Personally, I am starting to like Judge Roberts more and more: Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged...
Tom Maguire: Roberts - "Settled Law" Not So Settled — Confirming the recent comments by Attorney General Gonzalez, Supreme Court...

Americans get mixed signals on future of war in Iraq
  By / Knight Ridder   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - The dog days of summer are upon us, and the signals for the future in our war in Iraq are deeply mixed, deeply confused and confusing, depending on who you listen to and what you read.
Atrios: Once — Galloway: It can be fairly stated that many of America's 1,800 dead and 14,000 wounded were killed because they...
Susie Madrak: Our War What he said.

For Democrats, a Troubling Culture Gap
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
Dissatisfaction over the war in Iraq, the economy and rising health care costs might spell trouble for Republicans, but a study by Democratic strategists warns that their party's failure to connect with voters on cultural issues could prevent Democratic candidates from reaping gains in upcoming national elections.
Paul @PowerLine: It's not the economy; it's deeming others stupid — Dan Balz reports on "a troubling culture gap" for Democrats.
Orrin Judd: MARX CAN'T BE TOTALLY WRONG...: For Democrats, a Troubling Culture Gap (Dan Balz, August 10, 2005, Washington Post)...
Nick Danger: The Anti-Religious, Morally Bankrupt Democrats — According to Dan Balz in today's Washington Post, the reason that the...

U.S. Court Upholds Va. Pledge Requirement
  AP   —   Permalink 
RICHMOND, Va. - An appeals court on Wednesday upheld a Virginia law that requires public schools to lead a daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, rejecting a claim that its reference to God was an unconstitutional promotion of religion.
Scott Elliott: "Under God" safe...for now — The 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the words "under God" can remain in an obligatory recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Jayson @PoliPundit: Not even close. BTW: One of the most distinguished jurists on that appeals court is Michael Luttig. Man, he'd sure look good on the SCOTUS. NY Times explodes wall between print, Web
  By / Online Journalism Review   —   Permalink 
Arthur Sulzberger Jr., publisher of the New York Times, addressing a Nieman Foundation conference in 1995.
Now the barbarians are at the gate.
Dave Winer: NY Times and the web I read this piece on the supposed revolution at the NY Times, and yawned.
Jim Romenesko: Keller: "Not everybody will have to be thrown into the web" — Online Journalism Review NYT executive editor Bill Keller...
Jeff Jarvis: Merger talk Mark Glaser interviews Martin Nisenholtz and Bill Keller of The Times about the merger of the online and print newsrooms.
AaronBurrFan @BOPNews: DCCC New York Times Resists Change — The Grey Lady claims it hass exploded the wall between print, Web, because...
Ed Cone: Come together — OJR's Mark Glaser talks to NYT's Keller and Nisenholtz about merging the online and web newsrooms.

Idea for next Novak column
  Denver Post   —   Permalink 
It's time for Robert Novak to give a public accounting of what led up to his 2003 newspaper column in which he revealed the identity of a heretofore clandestine CIA operative, Valerie Plame.
Joshua Sharf: So the Post thinks that Novak should go ahead and write a tell-all column about l'affair Plame: "It's time for Robert...
Joe @AmericaBlog: Denver Post to Novak: Fess up — Great Editorial: [snipped quote] The Denver Post says Novak wants to talk about it on...
Garrett M. Graff: The Denver Post throws in their two cents today: "Novak put his toe in the water Aug. 1 and should complete his public explanation now."
Jim Romenesko: Denver Post: It's time for Novak to write his tell-all column — Denver Post Robert Novak put his toe in the water Aug...

Bush says $286 bln highway bill creates U.S. jobs
  Reuters   —   Permalink 
MONTGOMERY, Ill. (Reuters) - President Bush signed a $286.5 billion highway bill on Wednesday that he said would create new jobs but which critics contend is stuffed with billions of dollars worth of lawmakers' pet projects.
Plutonium Page: Bush signs the $286 billion highway bill — Because you can never have too much pork: "President Bush signed a $286.5...
Judd @ThinkProgress: Bush signs $286 billion
Pejman Yousefzadeh: I THINK I'LL RETCH NOW — And frankly, you should too: [snipped quote] I have to ask what it takes for the Bush...

'Hangover' Gene Holds Clues to Alcoholism
  By / Yahoo! News   —   Permalink 
WEDNESDAY, Aug. 10 (HealthDay News) — Hard-drinking fruit flies have helped U.S. and German scientists uncover a gene that may shed light on humans' tolerance to alcohol.

They also believe this mechanism can lead to alcohol dependence and addiction.
James Joyner: 'Hangover' Gene Holds Clues to Alcoholism (HealthDay News) [snipped quote] One would think this gene would have shown up...
Montag: A Little Guy, but He Can Sure DRINK fruit fly Scientists have discovered a gene that leads to alcohol 'tolerance' in...

Rumsfeld: Iraq bombs 'clearly from Iran'
  CNN   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON (CNN) — U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Tuesday that weapons recently confiscated in Iraq were "clearly, unambiguously from Iran" and admonished Tehran for allowing the explosives to cross the border.
Roger L. Simon: We've heard that for a long time, but they are certainly pushing the envelope these days: U.S. Defense Secretary Donald...
Gateway Pundit: Rumsfeld: Weapons Clearly from Iran — This is not good news for the mullahs: U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld...
Jeff Goldstein: Persian Shrugs — Roger Simon wonders if Iran isn't on the brink of an "explosion"—which is a fair question, given today's disheartening news from the diplomatic battlefront.

When it comes to French business, the accent is on English
  By / Christian Science Monitor   —   Permalink 
PARIS - You still aren't likely to get a Parisian waiter's respect if your accent isn't complètement parfait. But even a gauche monolingual American will feel right at home these days in a French boardroom.
Jan Haugland: English dominates French business — Eleanor Beardsley: You still aren't likely to get a Parisian waiter's respect if your accent isn't complètement parfait.
Orrin Judd: FRANCE AIN'T ROME: When it comes to French business, the accent is on English (Eleanor Beardsley, 8/11/05, The Christian...

Divine Evolution
  By / TCS   —   Permalink 
Oscar Wilde remarked that to be happy it is not enough to be a success; our friends must fail. Religious views — whether theistic or atheistic — are, alas, the same: for our view to be right, all the others must be wrong.
Joe Katzman: Divine Evolution, and Creationism's Spiritual Ripoff — Lorenz attractor Frederick Turner has a post on Tech Central...
Orrin Judd: THEIR QUARREL IS ULTIMATELY A RATIONALIST ONE WITH GOD'S IMPERFECTION: Divine Evolution (Frederick Turner, 08/10/2005,...
Brad DeLong: Last, I am embarrassed for them by Frederick Turner's misrepresentation of the debate over whether "Intelligent Design"...

Turkey detains key al Qaeda figure - sources
  By / Reuters   —   Permalink 
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish police have detained a suspected al Qaeda militant from Syria who they believe was organizing an attack on Israeli targets in Turkey, security sources said on Wednesday.
Jeff Goldstein: 0 Trackbacks • Email this ~~~ Because, y'know, there are rules and such... Stephen Green has some sober advice for...
Stephen Green: Nabbed — An update to yesterday's report from Turkey: [snipped quote] Remember, kids: Fair trial, then hang him.

Servants -- and Weapons -- of War
  By / LAT   —   Permalink 
BAGHDAD — These are the dogs of war.
At a checkpoint leading to the U.S.-protected Green Zone, Gordy stands sentry. The affable Belgian Malinois has a nose finely tuned to detect the nitrates, plastic explosives, gunpowder and detonation cords that suicide bombers use to blow up people.
Jason Van Steenwyk: Nice work from Blue State Conservative, who has much more. You can write the Times Public Editor at
Ace: Dogs Used As Suicide Bombers In Iraq — Many Iraqis are disgusted by the practice. [snipped quote] Meanwhile, our own wardogs are being used to save lives.
Dan. @AndrewSullivan: Rumsfeld's "dead enders"—they're lingering longer at death's door than Terri Schiavo did—are now rigging dogs with explosives.

Follow the Money
  By / Opinion Journal   —   Permalink 
From the indignation of his defenders, it seems the Battle of John Roberts might have begun in earnest this week. On Monday, NARAL Pro-Choice America launched a major ad campaign that aims to scare a small portion of America, then raise more money to scare the rest.
Amanda Marcotte: They're wrong. Like this op-ed by Manuel Miranda.
Don: The Wall Street Journal should be ashamed of Manuel Miranda's column today attacking the pro-choice groups who are attacking Supreme Court nominee John Roberts.
Clayton Cramer: NARAL's Ad Against Judge Roberts — The Wall Street Journal has an opinion piece by Manuel Miranda about NARAL's television ad trying to stop Judge Roberts.
Michelle Malkin: THE ABORTION CROWD GOES NUTS — In Opinion Journal this morning, Manuel Miranda nails loony NARAL for its inexcusable...

Pirro Begins Her Senate Campaign by Assailing Clinton
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
Decrying Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's "empty promises," Jeanine F. Pirro got her 2006 Senate campaign off to a fiery but rocky start today, broadly attacking Mrs. Clinton in a speech but struggling with questions about abortion, taxes, Iraq and her husband.
Brendan Nyhan: That has set the initial storyline for the press, as we saw today in the New York Times story on her announcement, which...
Jeralyn Merritt: But the most reported news of her speech at the Waldorf Astoria is that she couldn't find page 10 , causing a 32 second pause.

4-Star General Relieved Of Duty
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
In a rare move, the Army relieved a four-star general of his command amid allegations that he had an extramarital affair with a civilian, Army officials said yesterday.
Mark Kleiman: 4-Star General Relieved Of Duty Rare Move Follows Allegations of an Extramarital Affair By Josh White Washington Post...
Lindsay Beyerstein: Why was General Kevin P. Byrnes fired? This doesn't pass the sniff test. Four-star Generals don't get fired for affairs with female civilians every day.

Parental Rights vs. Public Schools
  By / Fox News   —   Permalink 
David Parker (search) of Lexington, Mass., is scheduled to go on trial on Sept. 21 for asking his son's public school to provide parental notification before discussing homosexuality with the 6-year old.
The actual charge is criminal trespassing.
John Cole: Diversity Bookbags And then you read stories like this and understand completely why Focus on the Family and the...
Ace: Of course it's all happening in Massachusetts. Let's face it: Teachers know what's best for your kids better than you do.

Pentagon announces September 11 concert
  The Age   —   Permalink 
The Pentagon would hold a massive march and country music concert to mark the fourth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in an announcement tucked into an Iraq war briefing today.
Norbizness: I Love a Parade! and Hooray for Eastasia!
Justin Gardner: I'm going to need some more information, but here are some thoughts after reading a story from The Age.
Cookie Jill: proof that the 1600 crew isn't dealing with reality wtf are they thinking? america supports you?
Richard TPD: Catchy, isn't it? No, I'm really not making this up.
Susie Madrak: Pathetic I suppose this is one of the brilliant plans hatched by the Crawford Brain Trust as they work on the P.R. problem posed by Bubble Boy's plunging poll numbers.
Attaturk: Followed by the 2-Minutes Hate? This sounds both dreadful and well, dreadful.

Tipped Off
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WHEN Thomas Keller, one of America's foremost chefs, announced that on Sept. 1 he would abolish the practice of tipping at Per Se, his luxury restaurant in New York City, and replace it with a European-style service charge, I knew three groups would be opposed: customers, servers and restaurateurs.
Julian Sanchez: The Tipping Point — An op-ed contributor condemns the practice of tipping at the New York Times today.
Mark Krikorian: As one who waited many a table, I fully concur with this piece in today's NY Times calling for an end to the practice of tipping.

Ohio Critics of G.O.P. Start Battle to Change Election Process
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
Critics of the Republican grip on Ohio politics filed petitions on Tuesday that seek a statewide vote on three constitutional amendments that would overturn the way elections are run and strip elected officials of their power to draw legislative districts.
Jerome Armstrong: As for the Republican opposition to non-partisan redistricting in Ohio, the blade reports: [snipped quote] The NY Times...
New Donkey: ReformOhioNow, a group that began a late-breaking effort to get a package of election and redistricting reform...
Hilzoy @ObsidianWings: Election Reform In Ohio by hilzoy The NYT reports on an effort to reform the elections and redistricting in Ohio:...
Gerry Daly: Ohio Critics of G.O.P. Start Battle to Change Election Process — The New York Times "Critics of the Republican grip on...
Gary Farber: Any move to change that, I'm altogether and passionately for, including in Ohio (and California, and in 48 other states).
James Joyner: Ohio Democrats Fighting to Change Election Process — Ohio Critics of G.O.P. Start Battle to Change Election Process...
Also: Taegan Goddard

Iran Breaks UN Seals at Nuclear Plant as EU Discusses Response
  Bloomberg   —   Permalink 
Aug. 10 (Bloomberg) — Iran today broke United Nations seals on advanced uranium enrichment equipment in the Isfahan nuclear facility, as the International Atomic Energy Agency debated a resolution calling on the government in Tehran to halt such work.
Roger L. Simon: Meanwhile, there's this "reassuring" tidbit: Iran today broke United Nations seals on advanced uranium enrichment...
Jeff Goldstein: Then there's this, from Bloomberg News: [snipped quote] Well then.

"Flip-flopping" Americans
  By / Salon   —   Permalink 
Cindy Sheehan, the angry 48-year-old mom from Vacaville, Calif., whose son died while serving in the Army in Iraq and who has been staging a lonely bring-the-troops-home vigil outside President Bush's ranch beneath the baking Texas sun, has become a thorn in the president's vacationing side.
Kevin: Assuming that characterization of her positions is correct (it's not), I still have to ask: what the hell?
Amanda Marcotte: It's a narrative that's deep inside of us—the common humanity of the little people that just get run over by...
Barbara O'Brien: Funny how that works. Over at Salon, Eric Boehlert says the righties are missing a bigger picture.

Why Baghdad Must Make Do With Takeout
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Aug. 6 - Things were looking up for Chen Xianzhong, proprietor of Baghdad's first authentic Chinese restaurant in the new Iraq, until a suicide car bomber blew up outside the place less than two weeks ago.
Cori Dauber: So what's on the front page today but the story of the owner of Baghdad's one and only authentic Chinese resturant.
Dr. Steven Taylor: Tenacity and Takeout in Baghdad — Via the NYT: Why Baghdad Must Make Do With Takeout.
Gary Farber: FORTUNE CLOUDY, TRY AGAIN LATER. It ain't easy, running the only authentic Chinese restaurant in Baghdad. Take-out only, now.

Trashing our history: troops in Iraq
  By /   —   Permalink 
Back in June, this column pointed out that it is impossible to fight a war without heroism — but that you would never know that from the mainstream media. Nothing heroic done by American troops in Iraq is likely to make headlines in the New York Times or be featured on the big three broadcast network news programs.
Jeff Goldstein: Then cut to Pandagon's Jesse Taylor, who spends the morning criticizing Thomas Sowell for arguing that the mainstream...
John Hawkins: (Free NYT Reg Req)" "Mark Steyn: Trust Politicians To Do Nothing Useful" "Debra Saunders: Cindy Sheehan's Bizarre...
Jesse Taylor: Thomas Sowell is pissed because the fact that Iraq is a giant mess tends to overshadow the fact that people are wallowing around in it, trying to make it not a mess.
Betsy Newmark: Thomas Sowell takes on the media spin that pays scant attention to any good that our military is doing in Iraq and insteads focuses on deaths and tragedy.

  CNN   —   Permalink 
WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR: It's 5:00 p.m. in Washington. And you're in THE SITUATION ROOM, where news and information from around the world arrive at one place simultaneously.
Garrett M. Graff: Meanwhile on yesterday's "Situation Room," James Carville, who started the whole thing last week by (sort of) insulting...
Patrick Ruffini: 2 All/Any (vol.) 1 Unsure 6 See also the CNN interview with Hizzoner, with this site mentioned at the tail end.
Brian Stelter: It was probably a matter of bad judgment," he said (Via WHAC) > Cliff Kincaid is upset with Joe Scarborough, Greta Van Susteren, and other cable "news" hosts...

Study: In dating, extravagant gifts keep on giving
  USA Today   —   Permalink 
If you want to win the object of your affection, an extravagant gift that has no resale value is the way to go.
That's not the opinion of a battle-weary veteran of the dating scene. It's the conclusion of a mathematical model created by researchers at University College London.
Mitch Berg: Warm Up Those Credit Cards — A group of British applied mathematicians have reduced at least one part of dating to a...
Kathryn Jean Lopez: EVERY KISS BEGINS WITH KAY...AND DINNER AT A FINE RESTAURANT... Dating is all about numbers according to one London math dude—where's Derb when we need him?

  New York Post   —   Permalink 
SO much for the suggestion that running multimillionaire candidates who can self-finance their campaigns will rid politics of the "influence of money" factor.
Sen. Jon Corzine — the New Jersey Democratic gubernatorial candidate whose approach to politics has always been "...
John Podhoretz: NEW JERSEY — My colleague Eric Fettmann has a splendid piece today in the New York Post on the trouble New Jersey...
Scott @PowerLine: A special relationship, take 2 — Eric Fettman's New York Post column on U.S. Senator Jon Corzine and his special...
Michelle Malkin: Meanwhile, the New York Post's Eric Fettman follows the sleazy trail of Sen. Jon Corzine and his lover's loan: So much for "Mr. Clean."

Unintelligent Design
  NRO   —   Permalink 
The origins and madness of Paul Krugman's economic doctrine of massive taxation.
One of the Left's sleaziest rhetorical tricks is to discredit conservative ideals by claiming they are based on religious beliefs, while liberal ideals are based on science.
Matthew Yglesias: First off, a brief bone to pick with Don Luskin: "One of the Left's sleaziest rhetorical tricks is to discredit...
Steve Antler: Secrets of the AEA... Luskin must be read today.

Roberts Papers Being Delayed
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
Thrown on the defensive by recent revelations about Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr.'s legal work, White House aides are delaying the release of tens of thousands of documents from the Reagan administration to give themselves time to find any new surprises before they are turned into political ammunition by Democrats.
Steve Soto: As for the White House effort to delay the release of documents previously promised to the Senate from Roberts' work in...
Hugh Hewitt: So I am guessing that the huge document dump now underway will contain not just papers from me but also papers from Peter.
Jo Fish: More French Fry — So Preznit Eternal Ball-licker's choice for the soopreme kort to assuage the christofascists is...
Kevin Drum: URGENTLY REVIEWING ROBERTS....Jo Becker's front page story in the Washington Post about John Roberts is bizarre: [snipped quote] This doesn't even make sense.
Susie Madrak: Cleaning Up And I'm sure they wouldn't dream of purging any embarrassing documents: Thrown on the defensive by...
Armando @DailyKos: The Roberts Stonewall Continues — From WaPo: [snipped quote] I agree with Fein. They should be honest about who Roberts is and what he believes.
Also: Joe @AmericaBlog, Mary @LeftCoaster

Disney Erases Hand-Drawn Animation
  By / Opinion Journal   —   Permalink 
In the 1960s, Walt Disney joked that one day he'd replace his elite corps of animators, known as the "Nine Old Men," and their slow, expensive way of making hand-drawn movies, with Audio-Animatronic figures.
At the end of last month, Walt's joke came true.
Joe Gandelman: Disney Ends Hand Drawn Animation — Mark August 2005 on your calenders because it is truly the end of an era that last a...
K-Lo: This does seem like a sad milestone.
Jonah Goldberg: SLOW HANDS STOPPED — Disney ends hand-drawn animation.

Why No Tea and Sympathy?
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
W. can't get no satisfaction on Iraq.
There's an angry mother of a dead soldier camping outside his Crawford ranch, demanding to see a president who prefers his sympathy to be carefully choreographed.
Tbogg: Smearing in the name of... MoDo is back: Cindy Sheehan, a 48-year-old Californian with a knack for P.R., says she will...
Barbara O'Brien: She asks the same question I've been asking—why won't President Bush meet with Cindy Sheehan?
Avedon Carol: Morning coffee — So, Maureen Dowd is back, and saying that Bush doesn't have the moral authority of doing what he's doing.
Laura Rozen: MaDo is back.
Susie Madrak: Boy in the Bubble MoDo on Cindy Sheehan: It's amazing that the White House does not have the elementary shrewdness...
Richard TPD: But today she's in fine form. What the hell, here's a healthy chunk.
Also: Kathryn Jean Lopez, Joe @AmericaBlog

9/11 Panel Members Ask Congress to Learn if Pentagon Withheld Files on Hijackers in 2000
  NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9 - Members of the independent commission that investigated the Sept. 11 terror attacks called on Congress to determine whether the Pentagon withheld intelligence information showing that a secret American military unit had identified Mohammed Atta and three other hijackers as potential threats more than a year before the attacks.
Barbara O'Brien: Philip Shenon and Douglas Jehl write in today's New York Times: "Members of the independent commission that...
Tom Maguire: The Times follows up on yesterday's front-pager, giving us more info on the Pentagon's data-mining project called "Able Danger".
Laura Rozen: So why is this coming forward in a more prominent way only now?
Jan Haugland: Another pressing question: Why was this hidden from the same official 9/11 commission?
Captain Ed: Now the 9/11 Commission wants some answers for these new documents: "Members of the independent commission that...
Roger L. Simon: The New York Times' version is here.
Also: Brian Linse, Steve Soto

U.S. Senate candidate Baron withdraws from race
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Industrial engineer Bart Baron on Tuesday took his name off the list of Republican challengers hoping to take on Democratic U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow in 2006.
Gerry Daly: U.S. Senate candidate Baron withdraws from race — The Associated Press: "Industrial engineer Bart Baron on Tuesday...
Alexander K. McClure: 2006 Michigan Senate Race — Now that David Brandon, the pizza magnate, has decided not to run, the likely Republican Senate nominee in Michigan will be Keith Butler.

Diversity worries set off alarms
  By / Rocky Mountain News   —   Permalink 
Five-year Denver Fire Department veteran Ahmid Nunn longs for the time when he doesn't carry the dubious distinction of being the last black firefighter hired by the city.
La Shawn Barber: Denver Fire Department to Dumb Down Test …so black applicants can pass it.
Michelle Malkin: DANGEROUS DIVERSITY IN DENVER — La Shawn Barber examines a reckless push by racial bean-counters to drop testing standards for minority firefighters in Denver.

Microsoft in $7m spam settlement
  BBC   —   Permalink 
US software giant Microsoft has won a $7m (3.9m) court settlement from a businessman considered to be one of the world's biggest senders of spam e-mail.
Scott Richter agreed to pay the sum after Microsoft filed a lawsuit against his internet firm Opt In Real Big.
Jan Haugland: You spam, you pay — Microsoft has won a serious settlement from a spammer: US software giant Microsoft has won a $7m...
Ann Althouse: AN ANTI-SPAM VICTORY FOR MICROSOFT. [snipped quote] UPDATE: The BBC seems to have a bit of an innumeracy problem.

In Heartland, Stem Cell Research Meets Fierce Opposition
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The moral debate over embryonic stem cells stretches far beyond Capitol Hill to state capitals and research parks across the country, where a fierce competition is underway from Maryland to California for cutting-edge research and the profits that could follow.
Justin Gardner: From the AP comes more on the controversial stem cell research: "Yet social conservatives in the Missouri legislature...
Kathryn Jean Lopez: I HAVEN'T REALLY READ this article yet, but man, I was worried for a minute the Washington PosT thought Maryland was "heartland."
Kevin Drum: Here's why: [snipped quote] Technological development is at the core of increasing productivity, and everyone benefits from it regardless of where the basic research is done.

Congressman: U.S. Intel Knew 9/11 Plotters
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Sept. 11 commission will investigate a claim that U.S. defense intelligence officials identified ringleader Mohammed Atta and three other hijackers as a likely part of an al-Qaida cell more than a year before the hijackings but didn't forward the information to law enforcement.
John Cole: More on 9/11 I am sure this is Bush's fault somehow: Members of the commission that uncovered the government's...
Jeff A. Taylor: Inside the Mind of Curt Weldon — That's the destination of intrepid 9/11 commission investigators who will try to pin...
Avedon Carol: We already knew about Mohammed Atta in 1999: "The Sept. 11 commission will investigate a claim that U.S. defense...

  Drudge Report   —   Permalink 
CNN has reviewed and agreed to run a controversial ad produced by a pro-abortion group's that falsely accuses Supreme Court nominee John Roberts of filing legal papers supporting a convicted abortion clinic bomber, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
Brian Stelter: > Rita Cosby is en route to Tennessee, where she will cover the "middle America manhunt" on tonight's Live & Direct... >...
Betsy Newmark: According to Drudge, CNN has agreed to run the NARAL ad against Judge Roberts which associates him with bombing abortion clincs.
Captain Ed: After taking a beating today when the nonpartisan site called its claims that Roberts supported violence...
Michelle Malkin: Don't count on it. Factcheck's analysis of the NARAL ad is here. Ed Whelan at Bench Memos has been tracking.
Tbogg: Posted by Picasa The feisty gals of NARAL show the DLC how to play hardball: CNN has reviewed and agreed to run a...
Erick @RedState: And CNN is going to run it? The mind simply boggles. These people are ghouls.
Also: MarkInMexico, Pejman Yousefzadeh, Justin Gardner, Gerry Daly, Kathryn Jean Lopez

NARAL Falsely Accuses Supreme Court Nominee Roberts   —   Permalink 
An abortion-rights group is running an attack ad accusing Supreme Court nominee John Roberts of filing legal papers "supporting . . . a convicted clinic bomber" and of having an ideology that "leads him to excuse violence against other Americans" It shows images of a bombed clinic in Birmingham , Alabama .
Kevin Drum: The text is on the right, and when you cut through the thousands of words of chaff written about it, there appear to be two main complaints.
John Cole: Lies, Damned Lies, and NARAL NARAL's new ad is simply despicable (here for the ad), and the Annenberg Public Policy...
Joe Gandelman: Fact Check.Org Says Attacks On Roberts Inaccurate — It sounds as if an abortion rights group is doing all it can to...
Clayton Cramer: As points out, the ad is not just misleading; it is false, when it claims that Roberts wrote a legal brief in defense of abortion clinic bombers.
MarkInMexico: Main Page Politics - dirty and getting dirtier NARAL Pro-Choice America's advertisement which accuses Judge John...
John Hawkins: Daily News For Aug 10, 2005 — Foreign "Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld Says It Appears That Some Weapons In Iraq Are...
Also: Jason Spitalnick, McQ, Betsy Newmark, Captain Ed, Brendan Nyhan, Erick @RedState, Pejman Yousefzadeh, Justin Gardner, Eugene Volokh, Gerry Daly, Francis J. Beckwith

Senior General Is Relieved of Duties
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — The Army, in a rare disciplinary act against a four-star officer, said Tuesday it relieved Gen. Kevin P. Byrnes of his command after a Pentagon investigation into unspecified "personal conduct."
Arianna Huffington: Arianna Huffington: At Rummy's Bizarro Pentagon, Torture is Rewarded While Sex is a Firing Offense — Here's all the...
Spencer Ackerman: Having an extramarital affair is against the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Cernig: Update 9.00am Central The Washington Post says Several defense sources familiar with the case, speaking anonymously...
Susie Madrak: But having sex with your girlfriend when your divorce isn't final? They have to draw the line somewhere! [Via Talk Left.
James Joyner: 4-Star General Relieved of Duty (WaPo, A1) "In a rare move, the Army relieved a four-star general of his command amid...
Digby: You can get in in real trouble for that kind of behavior.
Also: Michael Froomkin, Joe @AmericaBlog, John Cole, Jeralyn Merritt, Jeff Quinton

Conservative Group to Oppose John Roberts
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - A conservative group in Virginia said Tuesday it would oppose Supreme Court nominee John Roberts' confirmation because of his work helping overturn a Colorado referendum on gays.
A number of liberal groups oppose President Bush's nominee.
John Cole: Walks Like a Duck, Talks Likeâ Via Jeff, I see that a 'conservative' group is withdrawing support (other stories...
Betsy Newmark: One small conservative group is opposing John Roberts' nomination. Add that together with what Ann Coulter has said about him, and the White House must be very happy.
Justin Gardner: From the AP: "WASHINGTON - A conservative group in Virginia said Tuesday it was withdrawing its support for Supreme...
Kevin Aylward: Here's the meat of James Taranto fascination with AP's coverage of the story,What's hilarious about this is that the AP...
Michael Stickings: But there is now at least one exception to that rule of polarized partisan politics: A group called Public Advocate of...
Dan @AndrewSullivan: But if straight writers can't, how can I? —posted by Dan JUDGE NOT: Take for instance the latest news about SCOTUS-bound John Roberts.
Also: Paul @PowerLine, Jeff Goldstein, John @AmericaBlog

Congressman: Defense Knew 9/11 Hijackers
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - The Sept. 11 commission will investigate a claim that U.S. defense intelligence officials identified ringleader Mohammed Atta and three other hijackers as a likely part of an al-Qaida cell more than a year before the hijackings but didn't forward the information to law enforcement.
Jan Haugland: Via Roger, here is a distrubing section from the Associated Press: Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa. and vice chairman of the...
Tom Maguire: Finally, and most imnportant - the AP follows up with the news that the 9/11 Commission will look at this: "The Sept...
Ace: Claim: Defense Intelligence Suspected Mohammed Atta & Co. in 1999, Did Not Share Info With FBI Due To Legal Considerations — Wow.
Captain Ed: Confirmation Of Able Danger Raises Even More Questions — The AP reported yesterday that they independently verified the...
Roger L. Simon: From the AP: [Representative Curt] Weldon said that in September 2000 Able Danger recommended that its information on...

Four in 9/11 Plot Are Called Tied to Qaeda in '00
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8 - More than a year before the Sept. 11 attacks, a small, highly classified military intelligence unit identified Mohammed Atta and three other future hijackers as likely members of a cell of Al Qaeda operating in the United States, according to a former defense intelligence official and a Republican member of Congress.
Mickey Kaus: ... The epistemological status of Doug Jehl's report—that a Pentagon data-mining progam had fingered Mohammed Attta as Al Qaeda in 2000— remains unsettled.
Jan Haugland: The New York Times published a report today claiming, in part, "a small, highly classified military intelligence unit...
Orin Kerr: Yesterday's New York Times has a fascinating but rather vague report that a year before 9/11, a military intelligence...
Barbara O'Brien: "Their comments are the first assertion by current or former officials that Mr. Atta, an Egyptian who was the lead..."
Juliette Kayyem: That conventional wisdom, adopted by the 9/11 Commission report, is now being undermined by a series of suggestions and...
Tom Tomorrow: But you still can't help but wonder, when you read something like this: what if...?
Also: TheAnchoress, Tom Maguire, Captain Ed, Jeff Goldstein, Kathryn Jean Lopez, Orrin Judd

Debunking the Drug War
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
America has a serious drug problem, but it's not the "meth epidemic" getting so much publicity. It's the problem identified by William Bennett, the former national drug czar and gambler.
"Using drugs," he wrote, "is wrong not simply because drugs create medical problems; it is wrong because drugs destroy one's moral sense.
Bill @INDCJournal: He takes any sins of exaggeration that Tierney committed in the critiqued article, duplicates them ten-fold, and throws...
Avedon Carol: I find it ironic that it's the new conservative on the block, John Tierney, who is now presenting the arguments for liberalization.
Mark Kleiman: Today it's methamphetamine's turn to get a coat of the Tierney whitewash.
Ace: Yet Another Column On Legalization — This one from libertarian John Tierney at the NYT, debunking the meth panic.
Dr. Steven Taylor: More on the Drug War — John Tierney writes in the NYT regarding the Drug War and crystal meth: Debunking the Drug War [snipped quote] Indeed.
John Cole: The War on Your Neighbor- Meth Edition John Tierney picks up where Jack Shafer left off in his attempts to debunk the...
Also: Jacob Sullum, Ed Cone, TChris, Jesse Taylor, Brad Plumer, Tom Maguire, MarkInMexico, Attaturk, Radley Balko, Lindsay Beyerstein, Ann Althouse, Tbogg

  New York Post   —   Permalink 
WESTCHESTER DA Jeanine Pirro is about to formally announce her candidacy for Senate from New York, which will pit her against Hillary in a battle royal. This is just the kind of fight that Sen. Clinton would have hoped to avoid.
Betsy Newmark: Dick Morris thinks that Jeanine Pirro's entrance into the New York Senate race may cause Hillary a few problems and...
Erick @RedState: According to Dick Morris, Pirro has a strong chance at either winning or getting Hillary to drop out and concentrate on the 2008 Presidential run.
MarkInMexico: Main Page Hillary out of the Senate? Dick Morris offers an intriguing thought.
James Joyner: PIRRO VS. CLINTON: A REAL FIGHT FOR HILL (NY Post) "WESTCHESTER DA Jeanine Pirro is about to formally announce her...
Ramesh Ponnuru: PIRRO VS. CLINTON — Dick Morris has a column about how Pirro is going to give Clinton "a real fight."
Orrin Judd: A RACE WITH NO UP-SIDE: PIRRO VS. CLINTON: A REAL FIGHT FOR HILL (Dick Morris, August 9, 2005, NY Post) [snipped quote] Ms Clinton has nothing to gain in this race.
Also: Stephen Green

Atta Sight, Atta Mind?
  By / Slate   —   Permalink 
The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal world-wide newsbox, and USA Today all lead with Iran finally following through on its threats and taking the first steps toward firing up its nuclear program again.
Mickey Kaus: I don't.) Backfill: Umansky is skeptical of the whole story.
Dafydd: Indeed, the Captain quotes from a Slate article by Eric Umansky that uses this to dismiss the entire claim.
Captain Ed: UPDATE: Slate's Eric Umansky offers a healthy dose of skepticism: "As Times mentions in passing, Weldon has a reputation for relying on iffy sources.
Tarek @LiquidList: Bush apologist Mickey Kaus leaps to the defense of the method (though duly nothing that his colleague is skeptical.)
Tom Maguire: UPDATE: Phil Carter is intrigued, but also sends us to Eric Umansky of Slate, who is even more skeptical than I. More...
Jeff Goldstein: Others commenting include Tom Maguire, JunkYard Blog, Pink Flamingo Bar and Grill, The Anchoress, NIF, Macmind,...

Faith-Based Evolution
  By / TCS   —   Permalink 
Twenty years ago, as a PhD scientist, I intensely studied the evolution versus intelligent design controversy for about two years. And finally, despite my previous acceptance of evolutionary theory as "fact," I came to the realization that intelligent design, as a theory of origins, is no more religious, and no less scientific, than evolutionism.
Brad DeLong: Including the Spencer article http://techcentralstation .com/080805I.html that (rightly) makes you blush, I count six...
John Cole: And this article on Intelligent Design in Tech Central Station is just an absolute disgrace.
Arthur Silber: Tech Central Station intellectual boobies! (Boobies link via Atrios.) Ah. Now I feel better. Thanks, PZ.
Atrios: I doubt their new support for Intelligent Design will change any of that.
Jan Haugland: Weatherman Roy W. Spencer, until now mostly known as a global warming skeptic, has decided to throw science to the four...
Matthew Yglesias: Today, though, via Julian Sanchez, I see they're coming out for intelligent design: [snipped quote] Fair enough, except...
Also: Chris Mooney, Orrin Judd, Jesse Taylor

Evolution lacks fossil link
  By / USA Today   —   Permalink 
The campaign to eliminate God from the public forum has been going on for decades, having accelerated greatly since the Supreme Court's ill-advised decision in 1963 to eliminate prayer from public schools.
Jesse Taylor: Fossilized Thought — Congressman D. Chris Buttars gets space in today's USA Today to attempt to debunk evolution through the fossil record.
Chris Mooney: But USA Today just did that today with this op-ed, from a Utah Republican (not a scientist), which has the gall to...
Kevin Drum: EVOLUTION...Chris Mooney wonders why USA Today wastes its newsprint providing equal time for opponents of evolution:...
Jan Haugland: Enter Utah State Senator D. Chris Buttars (R), who writes against evolution in USA Today, and even by creationist standards this is a particularly ignorant article.
John Cole: More Creationist Bulls**t In USA Today, of all places: The campaign to eliminate God from the public forum has been...

Pirro Web Site Has No Photos of Husband
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
ALBANY, N.Y. - Jeanine Pirro's campaign Web site announcing her bid to challenge Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton features more than 100 photos — none of which include her husband.
There's even one of Pirro with a monkey.
Steve M.: In 1986, he refused to release information about his law practice and she had to withdraw as the GOP candidate for...
Jayson @PoliPundit: Petty and Spiteful — The Associated Press. Gee, let me take a wild guess about which particular candidate in that...
Jeralyn Merritt: Hillary v. Pirro: Their Websites and Husbands — Albert Pirro The Washington Post reports Jeanine Pirro has launched her...
Cookie Jill: "- ap"

Zero Tolerance Makes Zero Sense
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
Imagine for a moment that you're a parent with a teenage son. He doesn't drink, but you know his friends do. You're also not naive. You've read the government's statistics: 47 percent of high school students tell researchers they've had a drink of alcohol in the previous 30 days.
Justin Gardner: In any event, the following editorial from Radley Balko does a better job of talking about zero tolerance and how we're...
Clayton Cramer: "Hey, It's Okay, Mom & Dad Said So" — Radley Balko thinks that the prosecution of a couple of a parents for supplying...
John Cole: No Strikes and You're Out Radley Balko has a piece in the WaPo about the insanity of approach to underage drinking...
Fontana Labs: post/meta-post — I was reading Instapundit when I came across this post referring me to this Washington Post editorial...
Von @ObsidianWings: Crazies by von Randy Balko has an interesting op-ed in the Washington Post on the (increasingly common) "zero tolerance" approach to parents who supply kids with alcohol.
Julian Sanchez: Mothers Against Mothers Against Drunk Driving — Radley Balko has a good piece in the Washington Post today about the...
Also: Jim Henley, Radley Balko, Michael Totten

Bush 44
  By / Opinion Journal   —   Permalink 
He denies he's even interested, and a long list of political analysts have already written him off with the belief that the appearance of political nepotism would be too unseemly for voters to put the brother of the current president in the Oval Office.
James Joyner: Bush 44 [snipped quote] Aside from the tax cuts, it's rather absurd to suggest that George W. Bush has given us "incrementally smaller government."
Orrin Judd: NO PARTY GETS TIRED OF WINNING ELECTIONS: Bush 44: Jeb for president? Don't write him off just yet.
Betsy Newmark: Brendan Miniter thinks that we shouldn't write Jeb Bush off for 2008.
Justin @SouthernAppeal: Bush 44: Brendan Miniter speculates a Jeb candidacy in '08 — [snipped quote] Me: Miniter's reasoning doesn't sound all that ridiculous.

Why Tolerate the Hate?
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
FOR a European leader, Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain has done something daring. He has given notice not just to the theocrats of Islam, but also to the theocracy of tolerance.
"Staying here carries with it a duty," Mr. Blair said in referring to foreign-born Muslim clerics who glorify terror on British soil.
Brian Linse: Hate Speech in Britain — If you think you have a comfortable position on the recent actions by PM Blair's government to...
Jeff Jarvis: Tolerating individualism Irshad Manji writes a brave and brilliant and troubling op-ed about Muslim hate and speech in The Times.
Dan @AndrewSullivan: INTOLERABLE: There's a brilliant op-ed by Irshad Manji in today's NYT responding to Tony Blair's moves to deport Islamo-fascist clerics.
John Hawkins: Posts Photos On Net, Presidential Library Mum About Incident" Columns "Irshad Manji: Why Tolerate The Hate?
Justin Gardner: Read the whole thing. It's worth it.
Norm Geras: On not tolerating violent bigotry — Again further to Eve Garrard, here's Irshad Manji in the New York Times today.

Ad Campaign Says Roberts Backed Violent Protesters
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
A prominent abortion rights group launched a television ad yesterday that accuses Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr. of siding with violent extremists and a convicted clinic bomber while serving in the solicitor general's office, an accusation that Roberts's supporters immediately condemned as a flagrant distortion.
Michael Stickings: I understand (and sympathize with*) the opposition of certain liberal groups who worry about Roberts's views on...
Captain Ed: CNN, Keeping Their Viewers (Mis)Informed (Updated & Bumped) The controversy over NARAL's advertisement opposing the...
John Cole: Judge Roberts and NARAL This seems to be a pretty unfair portrayal of events: A prominent abortion rights group...
Erick @RedState: Update [2005-8-9 23:6:10 by Erick]: If CNN running this ad were not bad enough, Fox News is set to run it too.
Brendan Nyhan: NARAL, playing the role of the middle school crowd that taunts kids into fighting each other, has released a nasty ad...
John @AmericaBlog: GOP crybabies whine that NARAL was mean to them Silly NARAL. Don't you know that liberals aren't allowed to have backbone?
Also: Gerry Daly

Poll shows most Americans feel more vulnerable
  By / USA Today   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — American attitudes toward the war in Iraq continue to sour in the wake of last week's surge in U.S. troop deaths, a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll shows.
An unprecedented 57% majority say the war has made the USA more vulnerable to terrorism.
Barbara O'Brien: Mr. Bush hails Texas as a place where he can return to his roots. But is he mixing it up there with anyone besides Vulcans, Pioneers and Rangers?"
Heather Hurlburt: USA Today/Gallup does ask about immediate withdrawal, and gets one in three respondents to say it's a good idea.
Justin Gardner: From USA Today: [snipped quote] Here's the good news out of that poll: a majority thinks we should stay in there and do the job we promised we'd finish.
Steve Soto: 33% Want The Troops Home Now (Graphic courtesy of Gallup) Some of you may have heard about the most recent Gallup poll...
John Hawkins: Daily News For August 9, 2005 — Foreign "Tehran Ends Freeze On Nuclear Program" "Pentagon Expects to Temporarily Send...
Greg Ransom: Has the war made us safer? A significant majority of Americans think it hasn't.
Also: Gerry Daly, Susie Madrak, Zoe Kentucky, Taegan Goddard, Nico @ThinkProgress

Conservative organization to oppose Roberts
  MSNBC   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - A conservative group in Virginia said Tuesday it would oppose Supreme Court nominee John Roberts' confirmation because of his work helping overturn a Colorado referendum on gays.
Venkat @BeggingToDiffer: [quote]Mr. DeLay said at the time that the federal judiciary had "run amok." [emphasis mine] [end quote] With one group already having...
TChris: Roberts Too Liberal For Public Advocate — Definition of "lunatic fringe": a group so far to the right that it considers John Roberts too liberal to sit on the Supreme Court.

  By / New York Post   —   Permalink 
AL Franken says 20,000 poor kids and old people weren't the only victims of an exec who allegedly arranged a Bronx charity's mega-buck "loan" to Air America.
"About three weeks into the life of Air America, I became an involuntary investor — I stopped being paid,"...
Brian Maloney: Franken Speaks Again About Scandal — I'm A Victim Franken Tries To Salvage Image Repairing Al Franken's mangled public...
Captain Ed: Fortunately for AA listeners, Franken clearly identified the real victim of the misappropriated government grants and questionable loans from Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Clubs.
Steve Antler: The difference between Rush and Al is... What Al Franken is saying is outrageous. The problem isn't the loan or where the money went.
TheAnchoress: I'm sick to death of reading about Al Franken who seems inarticulately trapped between growling and guffaws on the subject.
Michelle Malkin: The New York Post's John Mainelli reports that Air America host Al Franken is playing the victim card: "Al Franken says...

Why women's rights are wrong
  WorldNetDaily   —   Permalink 
The greatest media scribe of these latter days, Bill Simmons, is known for a certain pithy mantra. "The lesson, as always: Women ruin everything." While one does not usually expect to find deep sociological truths in the sports pages, so great has been the...
Frederick Maryland: Traditional Values Are All the Rage in Sudan — Considering his disdain for women's rights, Vox Day might feel quite contented in southern Sudan.
Zoe Kentucky: From a column titled "Why Women's Rights Are Wrong."
Amanda Marcotte: Instead, a reader sent me another article by Vox Day at WorldNetDaily calling for women to give up the right to vote...
Gary Farber: VOX DAY IS TRULY COMING UP IN THE WORLD as someone to mock.
Barbara O'Brien: See also: Steve M; Brad Plumer — Another freak: I want to talk to this little creep's mother. You made this mess, lady.

Newspaper Industry Headlines - Top Newspaper Publishing Stories - News Media Reporting - Recent Journalism Articles
  By / Editor and Publisher   —   Permalink 
A Michigan newspaper columnist who was fired Tuesday claims his dismissal was punishment for a column he wrote on Saturday criticizing American cars.
James Briggs, a former columnist and news editor at The Daily Telegram of Adrian, Mich., says the...
Jim Romenesko: Newsman says he was fired for criticizing American cars — Editor & Publisher James Briggs wrote in last Saturday's...
Jeralyn Merritt: ABA Backs Shield Law for Reporters — The American Bar Association, at its annual meeting in Chicago Tuesday, backed a federal shield law for reporters.
Michelle Malkin: Editor & Publisher tries to counter the Drudge Report. *** Previous: The friends of Cindy Sheehan

The Web as Weapon
  WaPo   —   Permalink 
The jihadist bulletin boards were buzzing. Soon, promised the spokesman for al Qaeda in the Land of the Two Rivers, a new video would be posted with the latest in mayhem from Iraq's best-known insurgent group.
On June 29, the new release hit the Internet.
Jan Haugland: Online Jihad — The Washington Post has a detailed article showing the importance of the Internet to the Salafists generally, and al-Zarqawi's group specifically.
Andrew Cochran: "Washington Post" Details Al Zarqawi's Use of Internet - Evan Kohlmann Featured — Today's "Washington Post" story, "The...
Gary Farber: DISTRIBUTED WARFARE, node warfare, asymmetric warfare, call it what you will, it's certainly here, and particularly the...
Cori Dauber: The third and final piece in the Post's series on international jihad and the Internet, and this piece gets to the element that really interests me.
Taegan Goddard: The Web as Weapon — The Washington Post runs a fascinating piece about the success of Abu Musab Zarqawi's online propaganda campaign.

Military Families to Join Cindy Sheehan in Crawford
  U.S. Newswire   —   Permalink 
CRAWFORD, Texas, Aug. 9 /U.S. Newswire/ — More members of Gold Star Families for Peace (GSFP) and Military Families Speak Out (MFSO) are traveling to Texas to join the protest outside of President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, where he is vacationing for the month of August.
Barbara O'Brien: "I'm confident that BushCo will handle this impending PR disaster with the same restraint and graciousness that have marked the Boy King's ascent to the throne," Susie says.
Oliver Willis: MORE: Military Families to Join Cindy Sheehan in Crawford; Gold Star and Military Families from Across Country on Their...
Susie Madrak: Picking Up Steam I'm confident that BushCo will handle this impending PR disaster with the same restraint and...
Skippy: upbeat d. links us to a newswire release saying that members of military families speak out and gold star families for...

S.Korean man dies after 50 hours of computer games
  Reuters   —   Permalink 
SEOUL (Reuters) - A South Korean man who played computer games for 50 hours almost non-stop died of heart failure minutes after finishing his mammoth session in an Internet cafe, authorities said on Tuesday.
John Hawkins: Restaurant Chain Features Image Of 'W' With Derogatory Slogans" "S. Korean Man Dies After 50 Hours Of Computer Games"...
Gary Farber: So maybe computer games can kill you. But it's not quite up there with water-related deaths, or death-by-bathtub, or vehicular manslaughter, just yet.

1945: Atom bomb hits Nagasaki
  BBC   —   Permalink 
American forces have dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki - the second such attack on Japan in three days.
The bomb was dropped by parachute from an American B29 Bomber at 1102 local time.
Donald Sensing: Endnote: Here is the text of the BBC's initial announcement of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, which took place on htis date in 1945.
Montag: Flipping the Nuclear Coin — Nagasaki Today is the 60th anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki.

Alternative to Blogging
  NYT   —   Permalink 
To the Editor:
Re your Aug. 5 editorial "Measuring the Blogosphere":
I have a suggestion that would save us all a lot of time and aggravation as we grow increasingly more addicted to modern technology.
Ann Althouse: A woman in Atlanta named Leslie Ruth Hunter writes to the NYT about its recent editorial "Measuring the Blogosphere"
MarkInMexico: Main Page Talk to whom? Some poor, misguided lady in Atlanta wrote a letter to the editors of the New York Times.
Dr. Steven Taylor: On Blogging and Communication — Ann Althouse notes a letter to the NYT which bemoans the lack of face-to-face...

'Discovery is home'
  By / CNN   —   Permalink 
KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Florida (CNN) — The space shuttle Discovery touched down Tuesday morning, completing NASA's first shuttle mission since Columbia broke apart during re-entry in February 2003.
The shuttle landed at 5:11 a.m. PT at NASA's secondary landing site at Edwards Air Force Base in California.
Talking Dog: The world presumably breathed a great sigh of relief upon the safe return and landing of the space shuttle Discovery at California's Edwards Air Force Base this morning.
Ed Driscoll: Whew — The Space Shuttle lands safely in California. And hopefully for the last time.
Jan Haugland: Discovery landed, safe and smooth — Space Shuttle Discovery landingThe Space Shuttle Discovery landed in California Thursday morning.
Ann Althouse: A HAPPY LANDING. The shuttle astronauts have returned safely.

One Mother in Crawford
  NYT   —   Permalink 
Summertime often produces unexpected media figures, and this is Cindy Sheehan's season. Ms. Sheehan, the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq last year, is camping out near President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Tex., and says she won't leave until Mr. Bush agrees to meet with her to discuss the war.
TheAnchoress: Oh…but looky here…they are "incurious" about Air America's fraud…but they're covering Mrs. Sheehan.
Patterico: NYT Distortion on Cindy Sheehan The New York Times runs an editorial today on Cindy Sheehan: Summertime often...
Barbara O'Brien: A New York Times editorial says Cindy Sheehan is "tapping into a growing popular feeling that the Bush administration is...

Noe charged $10,000 gift for California governor
  Toledo Blade   —   Permalink 
COLUMBUS — Tom Noe used his American Express credit card from Thomas Noe, Inc. — the same entity he's accused of using as a vehicle to steal millions of dollars from Ohio's rare-coin funds — to contribute $10,000 to California's governor.
Digby: Special Friends — So, that multi-millionaire asshole Tom Noe stole $10,000 from the disabled workers of Ohio to give to...
Attaturk: Groping for loose change — Arnie, so stretched, so formerly buff, so crooked. [snipped quote] "Ja, das ist a voll of quarters und I am happy to zee you!"