Roberts Resisted Women's Rights
Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr. consistently opposed legal and legislative attempts to strengthen women's rights during his years as a legal adviser in the Reagan White House, disparaging what he called "the purported gender gap" and, at one point, questioning "whether encouraging homemakers to become lawyers contributes to the common good." |
Hei Lun: ROBERTS TO WOMEN: GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN — Here's how today's front page Washington Post story on John Roberts titled...
Julian Sanchez: Misread Misogyny — In the most blatant case of deceptive advertising since my lawsuit against the movie The...
Jo Fish: Dear Leader Reagan could have given it his blessing and it might have actually made it into law, but for advice from .... Judge French Fry.
Michael @AmericaBlog: Ted Kennedy Comes Out Swinging On Roberts — Women: Supreme Court Nominee John Roberts is apparently no friend of you.
Brad DeLong: John Roberts's Judicial Temperament — When John Roberts worked for the Justice Department: Roberts on Woman Lawyers:...
Dr. Steven Taylor: Roberts and Women's Rights — Via WaPoRoberts Resisted Women's Rights "Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr...
DC Media Girl,
Stuart Buck,
Hugh Hewitt,
Captain Ed,
Betsy Newmark,
Tim Graham,
Zoe Kentucky,
Liesa @LeftInTheWest,
Cookie Jill |
Frist voices support for 'intelligent design'
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Echoing similar comments from President Bush, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said "intelligent design" should be taught in public schools alongside evolution. |
John Cole: Frist Throws In The Towel Looks like our global village full of idiots just expanded by one: Echoing similar...
Attaturk: Trying to placate the mouth-breathers after the stem cell switch Frist openly espouses something he knows is...
Joe @AmericaBlog: Dr. Frist wants them to be taught stories from the Bible as science, just like the President. Frist and Bush, dumbing down American schools.
Jan Haugland: Frist backs faith over science — Bill Frist joins the opportunistic attack on science.
Betsy Newmark: Apparently, Bill Frist is under the same delusion that Bush is operating under - that federal officials should have some say in school curricula.
Josh Marshall: Frist: 'Intelligent Design' should be taught alongside evolutionary theory in public schools.
Republican senator calls for talks with Iran
By Alan Elsner / Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Party foreign policy expert Sen. Chuck Hagel (news, bio, voting record) is calling for the United States to open talks with Iran's new president and has dismissed President George W. Bush's talk of a military option against Tehran as an empty and foolish threat. |
Steve Soto: Hagel Implies Bush Is A Fool Over Iran — Whatever GOP unity on foreign policy that existed on Iran evaporated today,...
Scott Shields: UPDATE: More from Chuck Hagel on Bush's comments on Iran: [quote] "Quite frankly, what is the military option, what are we talking about here?[end quote]
Dave Pell: Republican Senator Chuck Hagel on talking to and about Iran: [snipped quote] Uh, yeah. permalink | politics | send
Hooman Majd: That's exactly what Senator Chuck Hagel suggested today, in an interview with Reuters.
Justin Gardner: From the AP: "In an interview with Reuters during a trip across his home state on Wednesday, Hagel said the United...
Kathryn Jean Lopez: CHUCK HAGEL wants us hanging with Iran.
Sen. Reid Reports Suffering Mild Stroke
By Erica Werner / AP
WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., saw a doctor after feeling light-headed Tuesday and learned he'd suffered a mild stroke, aides said Friday. "Senator Reid feels fine. There are no complications or any restrictions on his activities. |
Captain Ed: The Democratic caucus leader suffered a transient ischemic attack (TIA), a type of mini-stroke which usually leaves no...
Susie Madrak: Breaking News Oh dear: Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., saw a doctor after feeling light-headed Tuesday and learned he'd suffered a mild stroke, aides said Friday.
Kos @DailyKos: Reid suffers minor stroke — Praying for a speedy recovery.
Joe @AmericaBlog: Here's what AP has: "Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., saw a doctor after feeling light-headed Tuesday and learned he'd suffered a mild stroke, aides said Friday.
Former aide: Powell WMD speech 'lowest point in my life'
(CNN) — A former top aide to Colin Powell says his involvement in the former secretary of state's presentation to the United Nations on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction was "the lowest point" in his life. |
Tbogg: Cry havoc and unleash the hounds on Colin Powell — So, how long before the 101st Fighting Keyboarders turn their, um,...
Josh Marshall: I should be getting a copy tomorrow of 'Dead Wrong — Inside an Intelligence Meltdown', a documentary CNN has on this Sunday about the Iraq intel failure.
Frederick Maryland: Former Aide Recalls Powell's UN Performance — From "A former top aide to Colin Powell says his involvement in...
Digby: Warm Feelings — [snipped quote] The president had no problems in that regard, did he? He still has warm feelings galore.
Dave Pell: Kung Pau Chicken with Shock and Awe Sauce — Former Colin Powell chief of staff Lawrence Wilkerson reflects on the...
Pentagon Probes Able Danger Claims
Fox News
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon is taking a hard look at the issue of whether a military intelligence group called Able Danger (search) had information that the lead hijacker in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks was in the United States more than a year before the United States. |
Kevin Drum: SHAFFER AND THE 9/11 COMMISSION...One of the key allegations made by Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer in the Able Danger affair is...
Tom Maguire: Shaffer Named Terrorists On A No-Name Basis — Lt. Col. Shaffer, a key source for Able Danger info, has changed his...
Laura Rozen: Fox News seems to have the latest on the state of play of the Able Danger claims, and there do seem to be some important...
Officer Says 2 Others Are Source of His Atta Claims
By Dan Eggen / WaPo
The former intelligence officer who says that a Defense Department program identified Mohamed Atta and three other hijackers before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks said yesterday that many of his allegations are not based on his memory but on the recollections of others. |
Jan Haugland: Able Danger story getting murky — Was the whole 'Able Danger knew Atta' claim based on hearsay?
Cernig: The Washington Post has this today: The former intelligence officer who says that a Defense Department program...
Susie Madrak: At Least, I Think I Remember This is starting to sound like those stories about the anchorman with the gerbil up his...
Steve M.: Washington Post, 8/19/05 In a particularly dramatic scene in Weldon's book, Countdown to Terror, the Pennsylvania...
Tom Maguire: In other stories, the WaPo tells us more emphatically today what the NY Post told us yesterday - Lt. Col. Shaffer is getting his information second-hand.
Cori Dauber: More on Able Danger — I do believe this is the first time the original source provides another name.
Frist Backs 'Intelligent Design' Teaching
By Rose French / AP
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Echoing similar comments from President Bush, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said "intelligent design" should be taught in public schools alongside evolution. "I think today a pluralistic society should have access to a broad range of fact, of science, including faith," Frist said. |
TChris: Frist and Intelligent Design — Pandering once again to religious extremists (perhaps to make up for his flip-flopping...
Jayson @PoliPundit: Tracking Back to the Right — Bill Frist.
Chris Mooney: Now Frist, like Bush, says that we should teach ID: [snipped quote] It's the same argument that Bush made, and it's wrong for the same reasons.
A Mighty Wind
Where's the rich liberal sacrifice? "The law, in its majestic equality" wrote Anatole France, "forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread." But apparently not environmentalism. |
Matthew Yglesias: Jonah Goldberg has a funny column about rich liberals on Martha's Vineyard trying to block the construction of an...
TheAnchoress: It's been bugging me ever since Walter Cronkite suggested - not in so many words, but suggested it, nonetheless - that...
Rob @Wizbang: Hell no. Which is really sort of amazing, isn't it?
Ace: Like your neighborhood. Very definitely old as Dave says, but it's an evergreen topic.
Mortars Fired at U.S. Ship in Jordan
By Fred Barbash / WaPo
Two U.S. Navy ships docked in the port of Aqaba, Jordan were targeted in a rocket attack Friday morning. Neither ship was hit and no U.S. personnel were injured, the military said. Jordanian and Israeli officials told wire services that three Katyusha rockets were fired in the direction of the ships from an industrial area. |
Jan Haugland: Rocket attacks against US warships in Jordan — Mortar rockets were fired at two US Navy warships docked in Aqaba, Jordan, this morning.
Jason Van Steenwyk: Do you really want to trust a newspaper's military analysis... ...when their editors don't know the difference between a rocket and a mortar?
Pudentilla: not relenting — [snipped quote] someone needs to tell the dark lord that unlike his younger self, the jihadis don't appear to have other priorities.
La Shawn Barber: Other bloggers: Michelle Malkin, Lorie Byrd, Captain Ed… Other source: Attackers Fire Missiles at U.S. Navy Ship, Mortars Fired at U.S. Ships in Jordan… (AP Photo)
Cori Dauber: This Is New — Rocket attack against US Navy ships in Jordan. No harm done. Update: Well, I'm busted. Of course, I hadn't had any coffee.
Senate Considers Hearing on Able Danger Findings
Fox News
WASHINGTON — The military intelligence official who first spoke publicly about Able Danger (search), the pre-Sept. 11 task force looking for terror threats to the United States, went to Capitol Hill Thursday to brief staffers who work for Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. |
Kevin Drum: Supposedly, the Able Danger team produced a chart that included Mohamed Atta's name and picture, but according to Fox...
Laura Rozen: Weldon's comments on Fox yesterday suggest he doesn't appreciate the focus turning now on what the Pentagon knew and whether it shared all it had with the 9/11 commission.
Andy McCarthy: Second, Democrat Commissioner Tim Roemer asks a reasonable question: How could Able Danger have gotten the photo of Atta...
Tom Maguire: 9/11 Commissioner Tim Roemer asks a question about Able Danger that can actually be answered: "While making no judgment...
Captain Ed: Fox News reports that the Senate will consider open hearings on Able Danger as Col. Tony Shaffer traveled to Capitol...
Hagel: Iraq growing more like Vietnam
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska on Thursday said the United States is "getting more and more bogged down" in Iraq and stood by his comments that the White House is disconnected from reality and losing the war. |
Jesse Taylor: Hunting The Common And Elusive Chickenhawk — Let us begin with Lorie Byrd on Chuck Hagel's recent comments about Iraq becoming like Vietnam.
Jack Cluth: "Iraq" really is Arabic for "Vietnam" — Hagel: Iraq growing more like Vietnam. Republican Senator says Bush should meet with protesting mom.
Steve Clemons: Here is a clip from a CNN report: "But he said the United States risks losing more public support for the conflict amid a rising cost in blood and money.
Lorie Byrd: McCain always makes those lists, as well, but at least he knows that statements like this recent one from Hagel do nothing to help the war effort.
Justin Gardner: Meanwhile… Hagel is saying that Iraq is becoming like Vietnam. Hmm…is somebody positioning themselves for 2008?
The Illusions of Reproductive Freedom: Part I
By Jennifer Roback Morse /
The asymmetry of reproductive freedom. The feminist establishment is in an uproar over the appointment of Judge John Roberts to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. In their minds, the abortion license established by Roe v. Wade is sacrosanct. |
Amanda Marcotte: And contrary to what you might think, puppies aren't cute either — God, I love it when anti-choicers just come right out against contraception.
Richard Reeb: Abortion: Another Failed Attempt to Conquer Chance — Jennifer Roback Morse, a Research Fellow at the Hoover...
Limbaugh, Coulter, Liddy, Hitchens, Barone continue attacks on Cindy Sheehan
Media Matters for America
Sheehan — whose son, Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, was killed in Iraq — began her anti-war protest outside President Bush's Crawford, Texas, ranch on August 7. Media Matters for America has compiled examples from the most recent wave of attacks. |
Gateway Pundit: Limbaugh, Coulter, Liddy, Hitchens, Barone continue attacks on Cindy Sheehan In the liberals convoluted world of...
Avedon Carol: The White House seems to have badly miscalculated on this story, thinking they can make an end-run around Sheehan by launching their attack machine against her.
Brendan Nyhan: More attacks on dissent against Sheehan — The smearing of Cindy Sheehan as a traitor continues, as Media Matters documents here and here.
Kevin Drum: Meanwhile, Media Matters continues to document the almost unbelievable savagery of the ongoing conservative smears of Cindy Sheehan.
Jury: Merck negligent
By Aaron Smith / CNN
NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Merck has been held liable by a Texas jury in the first lawsuit involving its former blockbuster drug Vioxx, in a case that could have a profound effect on thousands of other cases filed against the company. |
Steve Bainbridge: Merck — Drug giant Merck lost the first of 4000-odd Vioxx suits pending against it.
Eric Seymour: And a Texas jury just awarded a quarter-billion-dollar verdict to a widow who claimed her husband died from taking Vioxx.
Jury Awards Widow $253.4M in Vioxx Trial
ANGLETON, Texas - A Texas jury found pharmaceutical giant Merck & Co. liable Friday for the death of a man who took the once-popular painkiller Vioxx, awarding his widow $253.4 million in damages in the first of thousands of lawsuits pending across the country. |
John @PowerLine: A state court jury in Angleton, Texas awarded a widow $253 million against Merck in the first Vioxx case to go to trial.
Jayson @PoliPundit: Lawsuit Mania is about to descend on Merck & Co. So, we've got a man with perhaps an 11-year expectancy remaining on his future working life.
Newshounds on the Paper Chase
By Dana Milbank / WaPo
The throng of journalists lined up outside the National Archives yesterday morning made the place look like the Uptown Theater on "Star Wars" opening night, without the storm trooper costumes. |
Betsy Newmark: Today, he looks at the tedious time they're having going through the document dump of John Roberts' memoranda from his time working in Reagan's Counsel's office.
Garrett M. Graff: Dana Milbank relates the color of the event, from Anne Kornblut's nearly futile attempt to get a box to New York Sun reporter Josh Gerstein disappointment.
Jim Romenesko: National Archives looked like opening night for "Star Wars" — Washington Post "Without the storm trooper costumes," notes Dana Milbank.
Tim Graham: RUMMAGING THROUGH ROBERTS BOXES — Those of us still steaming at the Women's-Rights-Hater headline are a little stunned...
Attackers Fire Missiles at U.S. Navy Ship
By Jamal Halaby / AP
AMMAN, Jordan - Unknown attackers fired at least three missiles from Jordan early Friday, with one narrowly missing a U.S. Navy ship docked in a Jordanian port and killing a Jordanian soldier. Another fell close to a nearby airport in neighboring Israel, officials said. |
Captain Ed: Terrorist Attack On US Navy Misses Target — Terrorists launched a missile attack on American Navy amphibious craft from...
Michelle Malkin: THE JORDAN ROCKET ATTACK — The "Abdullah al-Azzam Brigades of the al Qaeda Organization" is claiming responsibility for the multiple rocket attack on a U.S. Navy ship in Jordan.
What Democrats Should Be Saying
By David Ignatius / WaPo
This should be the Democrats' moment: The Bush administration is caught in an increasingly unpopular war; its plan to revamp Social Security is fading into oblivion; its deputy chief of staff is facing a grand jury probe. |
Matthew Yglesias: Party of Ideas Watch — David Ignatius offers up an example of my least-favorite theme: "Because they lack coherent...
Dale Franks: The Problem with the Democrats — The Washington Post's David Ignatius surveys the political scene.
John @PowerLine: PAUL adds: Liberal Washington Post columnist David Ignatius sees it the same way.
Laura Rozen: And echoing the "grow up" theme of Rose's piece aimed at the Bush administration, the Post's David Ignatius has some...
Avedon Carol: And then there's David Ignatius, who writes Sheehan off as a "shrill" voice to whom the Democratic Party has ceded the...
Tbogg: Sweeping up behind the elephants — It's a dirty job, but a Democrat's got to do it... Posted by Picasa David Ignatius...
Armando @DailyKos |
Judge Crater Disappearance Possibly Solved
Fox News
NEW YORK — The New York City Police Department's longest-running unsolved missing-persons case — the bizarre and legendary disappearance of Judge Joseph Force Crater — may finally be solved. |
Susanna Cornett: I wonder if it's been optioned yet? This story would make an incredible movie, if done properly.
Steve Bainbridge: Fascinating — The New York police think they have finally solved the missing persons case of Judge Joseph Force Crater.
Scott Kirwin: Judge Crater Disappearance Finally Solved However, there is another mystery of more recent vintage that hasn't been solved.
Democrats fail to gain traction from Bush slip
By Donald Lambro / Washington Times
Democrats hoped they would be scoring political points in this year's election cycle as a result of increasing terrorist violence in Iraq and skyrocketing gasoline prices that have combined to send President Bush's job-approval ratings plunging into the low 40s. |
James Joyner: Democrats fail to gain traction from Bush slip (Washington Times) [snipped quote] Greenberg is on the right track, I think.
Alexander K. McClure: Democratic Despair — Democrats who thought that President Bush's slipping poll numbers might translate in gains at the polls next year are likely to be disappointed.
John @PowerLine: Democrats Failing to Capitalize — President Bush is having a tough summer, for reasons that are pretty much out of his...
New York Governor's Race Could Be a Battle
By Marc Humbert / AP
ALBANY, N.Y. - The race to replace Gov. George Pataki next year could be a battle between "Big Red" and "The Enforcer." Bill Weld, a former Republican governor of Massachusetts, said Friday he would seek the GOP nomination to run for the same office in his native New York. |
Scott Shields: Now it's official — Weld is in.
Betsy Newmark: So, William Weld is going to run for Governor of New York. While he might not be every conservative's cup of tea, our cup of tea wouldn't be elected in New York.
Riding out the storms
By Verne Gay / Newsday
We've heard all the arguments until they've come out of our ears. That network news is kaput ... That the Internet is king ... That the Big Three anchorman is a cobweb-draped relic ... That the audience for network news is grayer than Moses (as played by Charlton Heston) ... That an "Era Is Over" ... |
Brian Stelter: Why We Need Anchors anchor.jpgForget all the blabber about the death of network news — Verne Gay lists ten reasons why...
Jim Romenesko: Ten reasons why network news anchors are here to stay — Newsday Here's one from Verne Gay: "The nation needs 'em.
Who speaks for Casey Sheehan?
THIS NATION respects and admires Cindy Sheehan on account of her son's heroic death in Iraq. But the Cindy Sheehan spectacle has been another thing altogether. It's on hold now; perhaps it's over. But the protest echoes. |
Scott @PowerLine: The road is very narrow with no shoulders. crosses.jpg See also David Gelernter's Los Angeles Times column: "Who speaks for Casey Sheehan?"
Michelle Malkin: Check Austin's comments section as well. - The always trenchant David Gelernter examines Sheehan-mania.
The Enemy Within
By Frank J. Gaffney Jr. / Front Page Magazine
One year ago, prisoners at the New Folsom State Prison - a maximum-security facility outside Sacramento, California - reportedly began plotting terrorist attacks against three National Guard facilities, the Israeli consulate and several synagogues in the Los Angeles area. |
Ted Belman: The Enemy Within — By Frank J. Gaffney Jr. One year ago, prisoners at the New Folsom State...
Greg Ransom: The result is a huge opening for the spread of Saudi-backed Wahhabist Jihad within the American prison system.
Target, New Yorker cross line
By Lewis Lazare / Chicago Sun Times
It can only be described as the most jaw-dropping collapse of the so-called sacred wall between editorial and advertising in modern magazine history. And it happened this week — of all places — at arguably the country's most prestigious magazine, the New Yorker. |
Rex Hammock: I guess he doesn't "get it": (Updated: to add link to the 1984 single-advertiser issue of Newsweek) (From Lewis Lazare,...
Jim Romenesko: Target-sponsored issue of New Yorker irks ad columnist — Chicago Sun-Times The New Yorker-Target deal "can only be...
Why Roberts's Views Matter
By Edward M. Kennedy / WaPo
Before entrusting Judge John G. Roberts with a lifetime position on the Supreme Court, the Senate must be able to determine whether he will uphold the fundamental principles of our Constitution and laws to continue our nation's march of progress or whether he will adopt a cramped and contorted view of our Constitution that will turn back the clock. |
Michael @AmericaBlog: And Ted Kennedy makes two very salient points: Kennedy makes clear the Senate MUST have relevant documents from 16 cases...
Captain Ed: Dogs And Cats, Living Together — A news report on John Roberts and an editorial by Ted Kennedy in today's Washington Post has Bench Memos rightly up in arms today.
Media Bears
The paradox of the year is why so many Americans tell pollsters they feel bad about an economy that's been so good, with solid job growth and corporate profits, rising wages and home prices, and a huge decline in the budget deficit. |
TheAnchoress: Seems the media's been doing a good job of "talking down" the economy on its own.
Jim Romenesko: Claim: Media coverage of Bush's tax cuts has been slanted — Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal editorial page...
Unintelligent Design
By David Klinghoffer / NRO
The Smithsonian Institution is a national treasure of which every American can legitimately feel a sense of personal ownership. Considering this, I'd imagine widespread displeasure as more Americans become aware that senior scientists at the publicly funded... |
Susanna Cornett: UPDATE II: A National Review article taking the Smithsonian to task for its unscientific approach to scientific questioning.
Kathryn Jean Lopez: David Klinghoffer was all over that here on Tuesday.
Editor Explains Reasons for 'Intelligent Design' Article
By Michael Powell / WaPo
Evolutionary biologist Richard Sternberg made a fateful decision a year ago. As editor of the hitherto obscure Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, Sternberg decided to publish a paper making the case for "intelligent design," a... |
Susanna Cornett: Alan at Theosebes links to an article in WaPo about the response of the Science Establishment when a small journal named...
Kathryn Jean Lopez: @SMITHSONIAN The Washington Post has a piece on the latest about the Smithsonian editor who' has gotten heck for publishing an Intelligent Design piece.
Limbaugh backs off Sheehan comparison with Burkett: "I've never said this"
Media Matters for America
On the August 17 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show, nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh falsely claimed his August 15 comments about Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier who died in Iraq, were being misreported. |
Rogers Cadenhead: Jerry Springer broadcast it also, Media Matters is doing the same, and Al Franken will undoubtedly air the same clip at noon.
Avedon Carol: And it's working, to the extent that Rush Limbaugh is now denying his revolting statements about Sheehan being "fake"...
Goodbye, Baltimore
By Jules Witcover / Baltimore Sun
WASHINGTON - After 24 years, this is my final column in The Sun. I'm not retiring; my column will continue in other newspapers around the country through syndication. But it has been at The Sun that it has evolved into the voice that I hope will be remembered by readers in Baltimore. |
Atrios: Goodbye Baltimore — Jules Witcover concludes his final column with: I have continued the column's focus on this...
Jim Romenesko: Witcover writes his final column for the Baltimore Sun — Baltimore Sun Jules Witcover's column will continue in other newspapers through syndication.
Climate change sceptics bet $10,000 on cooler world
Two climate change sceptics, who believe the dangers of global warming are overstated, have put their money where their mouth is and bet $10,000 that the planet will cool over the next decade. |
Jan Haugland: Global warming skeptics bet $10,000 — Two Russian climate skeptics bet against global warming: Two climate change...
John Hawkins: Parents Of American Fighters In Iraq Say Protester Doesn't Speak For Them" "ACLU Defending Woman Accused Of Using...
Don: Two Russian scientists have challenged a UK scientist to a $10,000 bet over claims of global warming.
Ronald Bailey: According to the Guardian: [snipped quote] Stay tuned: I'll be sure to report the winner in 2018.
To Bataan and Back
By Scott Johnson / Weekly Standard
LAST FRIDAY The Great Raid opened in theaters. The notices that greeted the film weren't mixed; they were almost uniformly negative, as exhibited by the collection of reviews at Rotten Tomatoes. But these reviews are utterly misguided. |
Betsy Newmark: Scott Johnson has a review of The Great Raid in the Weekly Standard.
Scott @PowerLine: Rescue mission — The Daily Standard has posted my column on "The Great Raid": "To Bataan and back."
Bush's Aid Cuts on Court Issue Roils Latin America
By Juan Forero / NYT
BOGOT, Colombia, Aug. 18 - Three years ago the Bush administration began prodding countries to shield Americans from the fledgling International Criminal Court in The Hague, which was intended to be the first permanent tribunal for prosecuting crimes like genocide. |
Dr. Steven Taylor: Via the NYT: Bush's Aid Cuts on Court Issue Roil Latin American Neighbors "Three years ago the Bush administration...
Nathan Newman: And many countries are pissed off: [snipped quote] If economic aid is withdrawn whenever countries refuse to do what the...
What They Did Last Fall
By Paul Krugman / NYT
By running for the U.S. Senate, Katherine Harris, Florida's former secretary of state, has stirred up some ugly memories. And that's a good thing, because those memories remain relevant. There was at least as much electoral malfeasance in 2004 as there was in 2000, even if it didn't change the outcome. |
Avedon Carol: Recommended reading — Via Mary at The Left Coaster, What They Did Last Fall, in which Paul Krugman gives us a review:...
Mary @LeftCoaster: Open Thread — Paul Krugman reviews a new book called "Steal this Vote" and notes what the writer says about Election...
Picasa @JulieSaltman: The man makes sense. [snipped quote] Thanks to The Editors, for rendering Paul Krugman's true nature in pixels and (hopefully) not minding that I copied it.
Envoy Urged Osama's Expulsion Before 9/11
By Anne Gearan / AP
WASHINGTON - A year before the Sept. 11 attacks, a U.S. diplomat assured a top official of Afghanistan's ruling Taliban regime that international sanctions on that country would be lifted if it expelled Osama bin Laden, newly declassified documents show. |
Cernig: Captain Ed, beloved of the UPC's Harkonnendog, runs a post on Able Danger and on a new Memo which has surfaced that...
John Hawkins: 'Unacceptable,' Bolton Says" "Clinton Envoy Urged Osama's Expulsion From Afghanistan Before 9/11" Domestic "Cindy...
Captain Ed: The State Department also takes center stage again with a new memo showing that the Clinton Administration tried to...
Cheney: Honor Troops by Finishing War
Fox News
WASHINGTON — Shortly before the new symbol of the anti-war movement left Crawford, Texas, Thursday for a family emergency, Vice President Dick Cheney (search) suggested that the best way to honor fallen soldiers is not through protests and candlelight vigils but by supporting completion of the war in Iraq. |
Joe Gandelman: Vice President Cheney, offered an intriguing argument to maintain support of the war: the war must be fought to honor...
Natasha @PacificViews: Completion of What? Dick Cheney says: [snipped quote] And what mission would that be?
U.S. 'Will Not Relent' in Iraq, Cheney Tells Veterans Group
By Peter Baker / WaPo
Vice President Cheney declared yesterday that the United States "will not relent" in the war in Iraq and will hunt down insurgents there "one at a time if necessary," implicitly rebutting escalating pressure on the Bush administration to bring U.S. troops home. |
Joe Gandelman: Cheney and the White House were probably not pleased by Hegel's stance on Sheehan, either: "Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.)...
Attaturk: "I still have other priorities, my priorities are to have more American kids and Iraqi kids die of course "but I also intend to keep making a killing from my Haliburton stock."
Joe @AmericaBlog: Cheney: We'll get em one at a time — So, why don't you and the Cowboy suit up and head to Iraq to hunt the insurgents down "one at a time"?
Tbogg: Lonely are the not-so-brave — Dick Cheney: Vice President Cheney declared yesterday that the United States "will not...
Pudentilla: cheney (foal) promises more dead soldiers — [snipped quote] as the father of a lesbian, mr. cheney, is of course,...
Roberts Disparaged States' Sex-Bias Fight
By David Espo / AP
WASHINGTON - Supreme Court nominee John Roberts disparaged state efforts to combat discrimination against women in Reagan-era documents made public Thursday — and wondered whether "encouraging homemakers to become lawyers contributes to the common good." |
Captain Ed: Now Hope Yen has found another snippet out of a Roberts memo that they will claim attacks Sandra Day O'Connor, who...
Stirling Newberry: Roberts to women: Shut up and stay pregnant — AP reports [snipped quote] Roberts is out of touch with America.
TChris: Roberts to Women: Stay in the Kitchen — Judge Roberts presumably rubbed sticks together to start a fire in his cave...
Saudi officials: Al Qaeda leader killed
(CNN) — Saudi security forces have killed a man in Medina they said was the leader of al Qaeda on the Arab Peninsula, an interior ministry official told CNN. The man identified as Saleh Al Oufi was on a Saudi list of 26 most wanted people. |
Justin Delabar: Al Qaeda Leader in Saudi Arabia Killed — So, is he really dead this time?
Jan Haugland: Saudi officials say Al-Qaeda leader killed — The Saudi government claims that security forces have killed the Al-Qaeda leader in the Kingdom.
Sheehan and the Antiwar Movement
By Dana Milbank / WaPo
Can Bush foes turn Cindy Sheehan into the symbol of a nascent antiwar movement? This is a growing question as Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq, has been the focus of increasing media attention. Sheehan has been camping out at President Bush 's ranch in Crawford, Texas to protest the war in Iraq. |
Justin Gardner: First, Joe gives us an online conversation conducted by the Washington Post with reporter Dana Milbank
Arianna Huffington: And Dana Milbank wanted to "determine, once and for all, whether Cindy Sheehan is Rosa Parks or Lyndon Larouche."
Joe Gandelman: The Washington Post's Dana Milbank had an online chat and his answer was fascinating: "Reading, Mass.: Is Cindy Sheehan...
Avedon Carol: And here's Dana Milbank reinforcing right-wing talking points in his usual way in an online Q&A: "Arlington, Va.: I'm...
Marc @USSNeverdock: America - The Anti-War Movement is Dead — Want proof? Here you go. This is from a discussion online with Dana Milbank of the Washington Post.
Garance Franke-Ruta: I see NRO is reporting that ABC is confirming the Cindy Sheehan letter; Sheehan is saying some friend of hers with his...
Oliver @LiquidList,
Jim Romenesko |
Memo to NY Post, et al: So-called Gorelick "wall" could not have been responsible for military failure to share alleged Atta intel
Media Matters for America
In the past week, conservative media — including two New York Post columnists and two Post editorials — have falsely suggested that information obtained by military intelligence purportedly identifying lead 9-11 hijacker Mohammed Atta may have been withheld... |
Steve M.: Meanwhile, I'm pleased that Media Matters has pointed out that the "Gorelick memo" couldn't be the reason that any...
Judd @ThinkProgress: As Media Matters notes, this is totally false. Shaffer's story, if it's true, involved communications between the Department of Defense and the FBI.
Cernig: It's long and excellent and I recommend reading the whole thing: if Able Danger did in fact identify Atta, the Gorelick...
Oliver Willis: "Able Danger" — Like practically every thing else from the right, a smear, a phony made-up smear created to attack the...
In U.S. heartland, anxiety over Iraq, oil
By Alan Elsner / Reuters
BROKEN BOW, Nebraska (Reuters) - In the solidly Republican state of Nebraska, voters are expressing deep anxiety about rising gasoline prices and the war in Iraq, a possible early warning sign for President George W. Bush in one of his most reliable strongholds. |
Scott Shields: And both are now saying that the time is coming for the U.S. to withdraw from Iraq.
Ezra Klein: But we've heard all about that lately — hell, even Chuck Hagel's saying it. Now I want to hear the best arguments from the other side.
Atrios: Dovish Left — Welcomes veteran Chuck Hagel.Hagel, a Vietnam veteran, acknowledged the U.S. military presence was becoming harder and harder to justify.
Joe Gandelman: The battle for public opinion — which is probably, more accurately, for independents and non-activist Democrats...
Chris Andersen: And then where will we be? There are already rumblings of this happening (Link courtesy this dKos post).
Kevin Drum: MORE WITHDRAWAL NOISES....I know that Chuck Hagel has been critical of our Iraq policy for a while, but has he now decided to endorse withdrawal as our only option?
Cookie Jill,
Taegan Goddard |
She Does Not Speak for Me
By Ronald R. Griffin / Opinion Journal
I lost a son in Iraq and Cindy Sheehan does not speak for me. I grieve with Mrs. Sheehan, for all too well I know the full measure of the agony she is forever going to endure. I honor her son for his service and sacrifice. |
Dafydd: In a poignant and moving piece published in the Wall Street Journal, She Does Not Speak for Me, Ronald R. Griffin,...
John Hawkins: Not In Hawaii" "The Economist: A New Report From The International Monetary Fund Says That Iraq's Economic Growth Is...
Mcq: Sheehan doesn't speak for many — In today's Opinion Journal, Ronald Griffin makes note of many who've lost sons and daughters in Iraq who don't agree with Sheehan at all.
Michelle Malkin: Ronald Griffin, a grieving parent who supports the war, talks back to Mrs. Sheehan in the Wall Street Journal.
Brendan Nyhan: The battle of grieving parents over Iraq — The Wall Street Journal ran the inevitable op-ed from a grieving parent...
Betsy Newmark: Ronald R. Griffin has a moving essay in the Wall Street Journal about how he feels as the father of a son who died fighting in Iraq.
Gateway Pundit,
Cori Dauber,
Marc @USSNeverdock,
Dean Esmay,
Larry Kudlow,
Pejman Yousefzadeh,
Anthony Dick |
New York Post
August 18, 2005 — A veteran Army intelligence officer said yesterday the elite military intelligence unit known as Able Danger might have been able to prevent the 9/11 attacks — if it had been allowed to alert the FBI that Mohamed Atta was living in the country. |
Steve M.: They throw Berger in despite the fact that, as AP noted in April, he took no original documents and his theft was at the...
Captain Ed: Deborah Orin continues her coverage of Able Danger, rivalling that of the cross-town Times which initially broke the...
John Cole: More Able Danger More on the Able Danger saga in the NY Post today: A veteran Army intelligence officer said...
Tom Maguire: In his latest interview in the NY Post, Lt. Col. Shaffer tells us that, like Rep. Curt Weldon, he didn't know that Able...
John Podhoretz: PARTIAL VINDICATION ON THE MEMORY QUESTION — In today's edition of my paper, the New York Post (yes, you have to...
John @PowerLine: Able Danger Update — Deborah Orin interviewed Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer yesterday, and has the latest on the Able Danger story.
Kevin Drum,
Andy McCarthy |
Is Sheehan a Spark or a Flicker?
By Dan Froomkin / WaPo
Is Cindy Sheehan the spark igniting an antiwar movement that threatens the Bush presidency? Or is she just an over-hyped flicker that will be extinguished with the next turn of the news cycle? The White House is counting on it being the latter. |
Avedon Carol: Dan Froomkin is the rare one who doesn't seem to be falling for it, and if you read his article you get a hint of what's going on.
Tim Cavanaugh: The only real question is whether this story is winding down or just getting started.
Lambert @Corrente: Ah! The "noble cause" is the flypaper theory!
Joe Gandelman: The White House is counting on Sheehan-mania to subside. But the jury is still out on Sheehan — and the jury also seems to be raising its eyebrows in regards to the war.
Garrett M. Graff: VandeHei On D.C. Incest — Dan Froomkin points out Jim VandeHei's surprisingly candid (in places) chat yesterday about White House coverage.
Funding of Palestinian Propaganda By U.N. 'Unacceptable,' Bolton Says
New York Sun
The United Nations' funding of a Palestinian Arab propaganda campaign timed to coincide with Israel's pullout from the Gaza Strip has increased tensions between the U.N. and American officials. |
Rob @Wizbang: Bolton To The Rescue — John Bolton has slammed the UN over the funds sent to Palestianians for anti-Israel propaganda:...
Mcq: Oh wait, we're talking about the non-partisan UN, aren't we?
Joe Gandelman: Bolton Fires First Key UN Broadside — UN Ambassador John Bolton has rolled up his moustache sleeves and is at work at...
John Hawkins: Daily News For August 19, 2005 — Foreign "Iraq: 4 U.S. Soldiers Killed By Roadside Bomb" "Al-Qaida Leader In Saudi Arabia Killed" "Funding of Palestinian Propaganda By U.N.
Ted Belman: Bolton quick out of the starting gate — Funding of Palestinian Propaganda By U.N.
Scott @PowerLine: Amabassador Bolton at work — Jacob Gershman follows up on his story yesterday regarding UN funding of PLO/Hamas...
Betsy Newmark,
Alcibiades @KesherTalk,
Kathryn Jean Lopez |
In Pakistan's Public Schools, Jihad Still Part of Lesson Plan
By Paul Watson / LAT
LAHORE, Pakistan — Each year, thousands of Pakistani children learn from history books that Jews are tightfisted moneylenders and Christians vengeful conquerors. One textbook tells kids they should be willing to die as martyrs for Islam. |
Cenk Uygur: Their social studies textbooks teach them absolute nonsense about how Christians are inferior to Muslims and Jews are tight-fisted money lenders who have no sympathy for humanity.
Mark Kleiman: Bad news: While not busy acquiring nuclear weapons, Pakistan, our ally in the Global War on Terror, has been running a...
Marc @USSNeverdock: Pakistan - Home To Islamic Terrorism — Here's part of the reason.
Pejman Yousefzadeh: LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE — Despite the attention that has been paid to the lessons taught to schoolchildren in the Muslim...
Pudentilla: awol's ally is preaching jihad to the kiddies — [snipped quote] we can't wait to find out what the lesson plans in saudi arabia are.
al-Qaida Leader in Saudi Arabia Killed
By Abdullah Al-Shihri / AP
(08-18) 05:28 PDT RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — Al-Qaida's leader in Saudi Arabia was killed Thursday during clashes with police in the western city of Medina, the Interior Ministry said. |
Captain Ed: Another 72-Virgins Moment In Saudi Arabia — Saudi security forces found and killed another al-Qaeda leader in the desert kingdom today.
James Joyner: Saudi Arabia Al-Qaeda Head Killed — Saleh Mohammed al-Aoofi, head of al Qaeda's Saudi Arabia operation, was killed by...
Andy McCarthy: BREAKING: HEAD OF AL QAEDA IN SAUDI ARABIA KILLED — From AP: "Police raids touched off fierce gunbattles Thursday...
Jeff Goldstein: al-Qaeda Leader in Saudi Arabia Killed — From the AP: [snipped quote] Gee. Where in Saudi Arabia will they ever find a replacement terrorist...?
Larry Kudlow: More Good News — In the 'eventually getting to them' department: Saudi police killed the head the of the Saudi Arabian arm of al-Quaeda.
What the Presbyterian Church (USA) Has in Common With al-Qaida
By James Lileks / Newhouse News
Can't — he's compost now. But when he was alive he wasn't shouldering aside old ladies to make morning Mass; McVeigh was one of those pathetic Aryan pagans who would have beat up Jesus for his dusky hue. What about that abortion bomber guy, Eric Rudolph? |
TheAnchoress: I'm uncomfortable with the Jews being forced to leave Gaza, for several reasons, partly because it seems to be so easy, these days, to simply blame Jews.
Alcibiades @KesherTalk: False, yes, but potent! Lileks had an absolutely must-read-screed last week against those disinvestin' Presbyterians.
Glenn Reynolds: JAMES LILEKS has thoughts on the Presbyterian Church (USA). [snipped quote] Odd.
Jesse Walker: I'm Only Posting This, You Understand, Because I Hate Minnesotans — James Lileks enters a strange loop: [snipped quote] Now, Lileks isn't prejudiced against Presbyterians.
Hugh Hewitt: Lileks on My Presbyterians — I was at sea when James targeted my denomination. Well done, James.
The Real Meaning of the Cindy Sheehan Vigils
Birmingham, Alabama — Jim Douglass is against war, period. As a young Catholic activist in the 1960s and 1970s he protested the war in Vietnam, once organizing a "resistance Mass" at the University of Notre Dame in which, according to an account in The... |
John Hawkins: "Mark Steyn: Hold Your Tears For Cindy Sheehan (Free Spectator Req)" [quote] Rush Sets Record Straight On Sheehan's "Absolute...[end quote]
Garance Franke-Ruta: Writes York: "And as they stood around — there were no speeches — they expressed opposition not just to the...
Michelle Malkin: Byron York highlights just how radical Sheehan and her anti-war friends are (her anti-Afghanistan war views were noted earlier here.)
Kathryn Jean Lopez: SHEEHAN'S TROOPS — Her crowd was anti-Afghan-war, too, Byron reports.
Fetal Tissue Heals Burns
By David Brown / WaPo
An experimental therapy that uses skin cells grown from an aborted fetus successfully healed severe burns in eight children, sparing them the need for skin grafts, according to a study published today. |
Jan Haugland: Fetal tissue used to treat burn victims — This treatment will certainly raise some objections: An experimental therapy...
Hugh Hewitt: Fetal Tissue Heals Burns Tests Show Treatment Led to Normal Skin Regrowth What if "tests show" that the only fetal tissue that works is ninth month fetal tissue?
Lindsay Beyerstein: Fetal tissue heals burns — They've got a real culture of life in Switzerland.
Jesse Taylor: In a post attempting to create issues with the discovery that fetal tissue has been discovered to heal burns in children...
Steve Bainbridge: Using Fetal Tissue for Humanitarian Purposes — Hugh Hewitt comments on a WaPo article reporting that tissue from...
Oil for Enron
By Claudia Rosett / Opinion Journal
Since the Oil for Food program came to an end in 2003, it has been described—accurately enough—as oil for palaces, oil for terror and oil for fraud. Now it turns out the U.N. relief program in Iraq was also oil for Enron. |
FrancoAlemán: And that way has emerged, since Claudia Rosett (who deserves more than ever a Pulitzer for her pursuit of this subject)...
Cori Dauber: Not to worry: the intrepid Claudia Rosett has uncovered the one, single, perfect fact guaranteed to whet their appetite and ensure coverage from here on out: Enron was involved.
K-Lo: "OIL FOR ENRON" — Claudia Rosett's latest
Hugh Hewitt: "Oil for Enron" — Claudia Rosett has a new essay that includes her usual mix of fresh reporting and analysis that...
Pejman Yousefzadeh: "OIL FOR ENRON" — I guess this is what it might take to get some people interested in a scandal of appalling proportions.
The Exception to the Rulers
Democracy Now
Internationally acclaimed journalist Amy Goodman, host of the national daily, radio/TV program Democracy Now!, is on a national tour to mark the launch of her first book The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That Love Them. |
Harry @HarrysPlace: Moderated by Amy Goodman Venue and ticket details here. (Hat Tip: Tim in the comments)
James Panero: Moderated by Amy Goodman Mason Hall at the Baruch College Performing Arts Center 17 Lexington Ave., enter on 23rd St...
Pope seeks immunity in Texas abuse case
VATICAN CITY — Lawyers for Pope Benedict XVI have asked President Bush to declare the pontiff immune from liability in a lawsuit that accuses him of conspiring to cover up the molestation of three boys by a seminarian in Texas, court records show. |
Michael @AmericaBlog: Pope Wants Immunity In US For Hiding Crime Of Molesting Boys — According to AP, Pope Benedict is asking the White House...
Greg @TheTalentShow: God's Consigliere — Pope Ratzo's looking for a "get out of jail free" card (via DailyKos) : [snipped quote] I guess it's...
DeDurkheim: According to a report in the Chicago Sun Times, lawyers for the new Pope are asking for Mr. Bush (I am trying to...
Texan who fought in Iraq denied in-state tuition rates
AUSTIN - A decorated Marine enrolling in college was surprised to learn his Texas driver's license, car registration and bank records weren't enough to qualify him for the lower-priced state resident tuition. |
James Joyner: Texan who fought in Iraq denied in-state tuition (Houston Chronicle - AP) [snipped quote] So, Basham was not actually a Texas resident.
Jim Dallas: Veteran denied in-state tuition by ACC — This distresses me (via the Houston Chronicle): [snipped quote] This isn't a...
Greg Ransom: It will, that is, unless you make it a national issue and the state finds a way to give you a waver.
4 U.S. Soldiers Killed as the Violence Continues in Iraq
By Edward Wong / NYT
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Aug. 18 - Continued violence claimed the lives of four American soldiers today, the military said. They were killed when a roadside bomb exploded in the northern city of Samarra this morning. No other details were made available. |
Armando @DailyKos: Democrats and Iraq — In Iraq, 4 US soldiers were killed today, continuing the gnawing and numbing tragic consequences of the biggest American strategic blunder since Vietnam.
Joe @AmericaBlog: Four more soldiers killed in Iraq — Mr. President, while you were biking: "Continued violence claimed the lives of four American soldiers today, the military said."
Ambassador Says Hamas Gaining Strength
By Barry Schweid / AP
WASHINGTON - The Palestinian group Hamas, responsible for several bloody attacks on Israel, is engaged in a massive buildup of manpower and weapons and must be dismantled by Mahmoud Abbas' Palestinian Authority, Israeli Ambassador Daniel Ayalon says. |
Joe Gandelman: Israel is now seemingly caught in a classic pincer as it struggles to empty the Gaza settlments AND deal with the...
Ted Belman: Ambassador Says Hamas Gaining Strength — By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer WASHINGTON - The Palestinian group...
Gateway Pundit: (Reuters) And, as Israel leaves its settlements in Gaza, Hamas builds in strength... The Palestinian group Hamas,...
Judith Weiss: And I have been at a loss to understand her aggressive arm-twisting of Israel in contradiction of all recent US foreign policy, especially as Palestinian aggression continues.
The Information Reformation
By Hugh Hewitt / Weekly Standard
DEAN BARNETT of Soxblog has penned a couple of crucial essays on the effects of lefty blogs on the Democratic party that remain must-reads (here and here). Barnett is expanding on a theme sounded by Michael Barone in a February column in U.S. News & World Report where Barone asked and answered his own question: "So what hath the blogosphere wrought? |
Patterico: Explanations here and here. P.S. Jeff: if you comment here, please try to avoid the vulgar and profane humor, okay?
Captain Ed: Hugh Hewitt: The Reformation Sails To Starboard — Hugh Hewitt provides an analysis of the rapidly-increasing impact of...
John @PowerLine: Thanks, Hugh! Hugh Hewitt's column in tomorrow's Daily Standard is called "The Information Reformation."
Jesse Taylor: Hugh Hewitt defends the conservative blogosphere's rise in self-fellating (they exceeded their target goal by nearly 60%!)
Betsy Newmark: Hugh Hewitt writes today in the Daily Standard about the impact that blogs seem to be having on the parties and media.
Jeff Goldstein: In which I attempt to defend my good name using SCIENCE — In an otherwise reasonable Daily Standard piece analyzing the...
La Shawn Barber,
Hugh Hewitt,
Glenn Reynolds,
Mitch Berg |
Microgravity tech could sway stem cell debate
By Stefanie Olsen /
Microgravity technology developed by NASA can multiply stem cells from a newborn's blood in large enough quantities to be used to regenerate human tissue, London scientists have found. |
Glenn Reynolds: STEM CELL UPDATE: [snipped quote] I'd like to know more, but this is interesting. So is this.
Kathryn Jean Lopez: I SUDDENLY CARE ABOUT NASA CNET: "Microgravity technology developed by NASA can multiply stem cells from a newborn's...
Ohio Governor Enters No Contest Plea
By Andrew Welsh-Huggins / AP
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Gov. Bob Taft became the first Ohio governor found guilty of a crime Thursday as he pleaded no contest to charges that he broke state ethics law by failing to report golf outings and other gifts. |
TChris: Those charges were presumably the result of negotiations, given the governor's decision to enter "no contest" pleas to the charges today.
Jayson @PoliPundit: Nolo Contendere — Bob Taft.
Joe @AmericaBlog: Taft is just the tip of the iceberg.
Israeli-Arab doc reunites with Jewish teen he saved
By LORI RACKL Health / Chicago Sun Times
Dr. Maher Deeb remembers the first time he saw Skokie native Shayna Gould: It was in his operating room 3-1/2 years ago in Israel. And Gould was dead. A Palestinian gunman had sprayed a crowded Jerusalem bus stop with bullets, and one found its way into Gould's lung. |
Michael J. Totten: I don't expect it will. I'm not at all surprised by what is described in the following article in the Chicago Sun-Times.
Norm Geras: There was recently a reunion between doctor and patient in Chicago: [quote] "In my operating room, there are just two types of people," Deeb said.[end quote]
Gene @HarrysPlace: Reunion — Here's a story that fits almost nobody's preconceived notions of life in Israel, and therefore a story worth...
Gunmen Attack Political Meeting in Ramadi
By Jonathan Finer / WaPo
BAGHDAD, Aug. 18 — Six masked gunmen attacked a meeting in Ramadi Thursday between the governor of Anbar Province and local Sunni leaders, who were discussing plans to register voters for the constitutional referendum slated for Oct. 15. Three people were wounded. |
Cori Dauber: So far voter registration is way, way up, especially in Sunni areas but the question is how far up it goes before the...
Arthur Silber: And the slaughter continues today: "BAGHDAD, Aug. 18—Six masked gunmen attacked a meeting in Ramadi Thursday between...
Update in ACLU Torture FOIA Lawsuit
Following a two-hour closed hearing in New York on August 15, a federal judge ordered the government to reveal blacked-out portions of its legal papers arguing against the release of images depicting abuse of detainees at Abu Ghraib. |
The Poor Man: (I don't need your) photograph We inch closer to a showdown between the courts and the White House: Following a...
Hilzoy @ObsidianWings: The Abu Ghraib Photos: The Saga Continues... by hilzoy From the ACLU, via the Poor Man: [snipped quote] The ACLU (and amici)'s brief is here (pdf).
Prewar Memo Warned of Gaps in Iraq Plans
By Bradley Graham / WaPo
One month before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, three State Department bureau chiefs warned of "serious planning gaps for post-conflict public security and humanitarian assistance" in a secret memorandum prepared for a superior. |
Scott Burgess: Anyway, yesterday there was more on this: the Washington Post reported that a secret State Department memo written about...
Michelle Pilecki: After all, should we expect our presidents to react to every single memo entitled something like, say, "Bin Laden...
Sheehan's Hubby: Cindy Go Home
The husband and son of Gold Star mom Cindy Sheehan are urging her to end her anti-war protest outside President Bush's Crawford, Texas, ranch, saying she's doing a disservice to their family. "I don't think she's done the best for the family," Patrick Sheehan, 52, tells People Magazine. |
Patterico: The partisan site NewsMax adds: "I don't think she's done the best for the family," Patrick Sheehan, 52, tells People Magazine.
Jeff Goldstein: Meanwhile, Patrick Sheehan breaks his silence, presumably in reaction to things like this (h/t John Cole). **** ...
Ohio governor expected to enter plea to settle case
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Charged with ethics violations, Gov. Bob Taft was expected to enter a plea Thursday and apologize, wrapping up the case less than 24 hours after it was filed, two top state leaders said. The embattled Ohio governor is expected to apologize to Ohioans in court Thursday. |
Garance Franke-Ruta: The same general dynamic is now at work in the state of Ohio, where Republican Governor Bob Taft — scion of a political...
Gerry Daly: Ohio governor pleads no contest to ethics charges — The USAToday: [snipped quote] As to what good Taft feels he can...
Susie Madrak: Paging Dr. Jung… UPDATE: Hah. Plea bargain. Damn those activist judges!
Iraq War Protest Vigils Dot U.S.
CBS News
(AP) As the sun dipped behind pastures around the makeshift campsite near President Bush's ranch, more than 200 people silently clutched candles and gathered around a flag-draped coffin. |
Skippy: cbs news tells us of vigils in oklahoma, tennessee, west virginia and portland, oregon: marie evans said she attended a...
Joe @AmericaBlog: A sample of coverage: Denver Post Seattle Post-Intelligencer Hartford Courant Atlanta Journal-Constitution Milwaukee...
Colo. vigils offer support for protest at Bush ranch
Denver Post
Kurt Brumbaugh, left, Donna Thornton, center, and Tilli Urban attend a vigil Wednesday night at Civic Center for Cindy Sheehan, who is protesting the Iraq war near President Bush s ranch. |
Skippy: colorado: about 100 people joined hands in a line and stretched across interstate 70 in golden, about 80 gathered at a...
Eric Boehlert: Last night, all across the country thousands of people gathered for candlelight vigils in honor of Sheehan and her son, Casey, who died in Iraq.