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Poll Shows Bush Approval Ratings Sink to Lowest Point in Presidency
  WSJ   —   Permalink 
President Bush's job approval ratings are at their lowest point of his presidency as only 40% of U.S. adults have a favorable opinion of his job performance and 58% have a negative opinion, according to a Harris Interactive poll.
Barbara O'Brien: What Goes Up... The "President's" approval ratings have hit a new low, says the Wall Street Journal: "President Bush's...
Chris Bowers: Harris Shows Bush at 40% Oh, so close: [snipped quote] The poll has a lot of interesting information, including a...
Judith Weiss: So are Bush's numbers down because the RINOs aren't happy with his catering to the social conservatives, or because the...
La Shawn Barber: You already know why I'm not voting for her. Defining Conservativism Down What difference does it make now???
Glenn Reynolds: Judging by the polls, a lot of people are wondering.
Jeralyn Merritt: New Harris Poll: Bush at Lowest Rating Ever — The Wall St. Journal (free article) has the results of a new Harris Poll.
Also: Vanderleun, Taegan Goddard, Steve Soto

Who Will Say 'No More'?
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
"Waist deep in the Big Muddy and the big fool said to push on," warned an anti-Vietnam war song those many years ago. The McGovern presidential campaign, in those days, which I know something about, is widely viewed as a cause for the decline of the Democratic Party, a gateway through which a new conservative era entered.
Barbara O'Brien: Gary Hart writes in today's Washington Post: "Like the cat that jumped on a hot stove and thereafter wouldn't jump on...
The Poor Man: Word Gary Hart: My generation of Democrats jumped on the hot stove of Vietnam and now, with its members in positions...
David Sirota: As former Sen. Gary Hart (D) notes in his Washington Post op-ed today, there is a deafening silence from the Washington Democratic establishment on the Iraq War.
Matthew Yglesias: Gary Hart says many smart things in this op-ed, but there's one point in particular that I think needs more spelling...
Arianna Huffington: Arianna Huffington: A Chorus of Voices... The chorus of voices is growing in the MSM against "staying the course" in...
McQ: First you have to buy into the premise — If you don't, you can't say things like this by Gary Hart: [snipped quote] The premise?
Also: Gary Farber, Susie Madrak, Jeralyn Merritt, Cori Dauber, Gary Hart, Michael @AmericaBlog, Pudentilla

Robertson: Chavez remarks misinterpreted
  CNN   —   Permalink 
(CNN) — Conservative religious broadcaster Pat Robertson said Wednesday that his remarks about the removal of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez were taken out of context and that he never called for the killing of the Latin American leader.
DC Media Girl: Robertson says remarks "misinterpreted": Conservative religious broadcaster Pat Robertson said Wednesday that his...
Echidne: Now Robertson says that his comments were misinterpreted, taken out of context: [quote] "I didn't say 'assassination.' I said...[end quote]
Natasha @PacificViews: Crazy, The Sequel — First he said it, then he tried to deny it.
James Wolcott: The State Department called his murdermongering "inappropriate" (pretty rough language there, sailor), but described Robertson modestly as a "private citizen."
Jeralyn Merritt: Robertson Apologizes — He was just misunderstood. Any takers on this one?
RJ Eskow: (via atrios) * update: pat robertson is also a liar.
Also: Michael Crowley, Kerry Howley

Robertson lies about his Chavez comments; claims he "didn't say 'assassination' "
  Media Matters for America   —   Permalink 
Responding on the August 24 broadcast of The 700 Club to the outcry over his August 22 comments calling for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, Pat Robertson falsely denied that he used the word "assassination" and claimed that he was...
Randy Paul: He didn't mean that he wanted to have Hugh Chávez assassinated; he merely wanted to "take him out."
Steve Soto: Pat Robertson said this morning that he was misinterpreted Monday when he said that "If he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think we really ought to go ahead and do it.
Atrios: Liar Liar Pants on Fire — How many commandments will Radical Cleric Robertson violate this week?
Tresy @Corrente: Everybody Loves Hugo — Ignored in Media Matters' coverage of Bats**t Pat's denial that he'd ever advocated...
Jeffrey Dubner: There's nothing unusual about Pat Robertson refusing to stand by his call for Hugo Chavez's assassination or disavow it,...
Admin @ThinkProgress: Robertson "Clarifies"

McCain sounds like presidential hopeful
  By / Arizona Daily Star   —   Permalink 
U.S. Sen. John McCain knows why he wants to be president.
He isn't running for the job - officially. That won't happen, if it happens at all, until after next year's midterm elections.
DC Media Girl: The first breeze of autumn is in the air, bringing a little stir of madness along with it. 2008 seems so far away, yet...
Taegan Goddard: McCain Backs "Intelligent Design" — In an interview with Arizona Daily Star editors, Sen. John McCain endorsed teaching...
Susie Madrak: Pandering So much for McCain being the "sane" Republican: In an interview with Arizona Daily Star editors, Sen. John...

Iraq Versus Vietnam: A Comparison of Public Opinion
  Gallup   —   Permalink 
PRINCETON, NJ — Will the war with Iraq turn into "another Vietnam" for the United States? Sunday, on ABC's "This Week," Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel stated that the situation in Iraq is not "dissimilar to where we were in Vietnam," and that "the longer we stay there, the more similarities [to Vietnam] are going to come together."
Chris Bowers: A Plea To Older Activists: Stop The Vietnam Comparisons — Today, Gallup has produced a report comparing public support...
James Joyner: Iraq Versus Vietnam: A Comparison of Public Opinion — Frank Newport and Joseph Carroll of the Gallup Poll provide a...
Cori Dauber: Gallup does a comparison in public opinion terms, but the comparison, it seems to me, is flawed in one way: "was the war...
John Cole: Also see this GALLUP poll regarding comparisons between Iraq and, you guessed it, Vietnam. Cori Dauber also has some thoughts on this.
Taegan Goddard: Iraq vs. Vietnam — Gallup compares public opinion surrounding the Vietnam and Iraq wars.
Judd @ThinkProgress: Iraq War Less Popular Than Vietnam — Fresh analysis from Gallup: [snipped quote] A President less popular than Nixon and a war less popular than Vietnam.

U.N. to investigate Haiti slum lynchings
  By / Reuters   —   Permalink 
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti, Aug 24 (Reuters) - The U.N. mission in Haiti has launched an inquiry into the lynching of at least 20 people by vigilantes armed with machetes and by Haitian police last weekend, U.N. officials said on Wednesday.
Randy Paul: Haiti - The Latest — It just gets worse: "The U.N. mission in Haiti has launched an inquiry into the lynching of at...
Gary Farber: Randy Paul has a bit of a Haiti round-up here, and while I'm no expert on the Carribean, this Reuters report strikes me as, you know, bad.

Woman Offended by Doc's Obesity Advice
  AP   —   Permalink 
ROCHESTER, N.H. - As doctors warn more patients that they should lose weight, the advice has backfired on one doctor with a woman filing a complaint with the state saying he was hurtful, not helpful.

"I told a fat woman she was obese," Bennett says.
John Cole: More Absurdity Via Goldstein, this idiocy: As doctors warn more patients that they should lose weight, the advice...
Jeff Goldstein: Fat woman sues Doctor for diagnosing her as fat — Unbelievable, this. And yet somehow inevitable.
Eugene Volokh: An Odd Complaint: The AP reports (thanks to The New Editor for the pointer): [snipped quote] It's hard from the article...

Profiling Report Leads to a Demotion
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Aug. 23 - The Bush administration is replacing the director of a small but critical branch of the Justice Department, months after he complained that senior political officials at the department were seeking to play down newly compiled data on the aggressive police treatment of black and Hispanic drivers.
Michael Froomkin: Must Not Annoy the Base. Not Even the Racists. This is weird and dirty: Profiling Report Leads to a Demotion.
Atrios: What People Care About — When something like this happens: WASHINGTON, Aug. 23 - The Bush administration is replacing...
Pudentilla: enjoy that tuna fish sandwich — [snipped quote] it could be one the last you'll ever eat. over-fishing and real-estate...
TChris: In keeping with the Bush administration's treatment of unpleasant facts — deny or bury — the administration, according...
Michael @AmericaBlog: Of course, Bush hates facts so the head of the dept. Lawrence Greenfeld was pushed to make changes and downplay this news on racial profiling in a press release.
Gary Farber: IT'S PROBABLY A BAD IDEA for political appointees to mess with Justice Department statistics from an office intended to be largely independent in producing their statistics.

Bob Costas Says No to Hour on Aruba
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
For Bob Costas, the issue was not complicated.
The longtime NBC sports and talk show host, who signed on this year to be an occasional substitute for Larry King on CNN, resisted a request last Thursday to be the host of a King program devoted to interviewing guests about the already widely covered Natalee Holloway missing-person case in Aruba.
DC Media Girl: I hate it when this happens. I hate it when Fox's flunkies at their Ministry of Proganda say something I agree with.
Garrett M. Graff: [See Room, The Situation, page 196-197] In the latest incident of this disconnect, Klein, the president of CNN/US, took...
Brendan Nyhan: Good for Bob Costas — If only TV hosts had the guts to do this more often... The longtime NBC sports and talk show host...
Liz Cox Barrett: A "media mini-revolt" is what the Carpetbagger calls the news that sportscaster Bob Costas bailed on filling in for...
Brian Stelter: Background: CNN Left Aruba In July... "In early July, [Jon Klein] pulled CNN's correspondent out of Aruba and dropped...
Ed Cone: Emotional porn — Good for Bob Costas. I think "emotional pornography," as Matthew Felling calls it* in the article,...
Also: Jim Romenesko

Secular Iraqis Say New Charter May Curb Rights
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Aug. 23 - Some secular Iraqi leaders complained Tuesday that the country's nearly finished constitution lays the groundwork for the possible domination of the country by Shiite Islamic clerics, and that it contains specific provisions that could sharply curtail the rights of women.
Ann Althouse: Before you get twisted out of shape by clauses in the Iraqi Constitution — remember that it's all in the interpretation.
Medium Lobster: And yes, that constitution establishes a theocratic state in which muslim clerics can strike down secular legislation...
Dr. Steven Taylor: Constitutional Concerns in Iraq — Via the NYT: Secular Iraqis Say New Charter May Curb Rights "Some secular Iraqi...
Matthew Yglesias: When contemplating the extent to which Iraq's new constitution will implement Shiite theocracy in the country, it's...
Tom Tomorrow: Secular Iraqis,, who presumably have some passing familiarity with the situation, are concerned about the new...
Rich Lowry: A lot will depend on the character of Iraqi politics going forward, a point made at the conclusion of the New York Times...
Also: Susie Madrak, Laura Rozen

US general sees significant withdrawal in Iraq
  By / Financial Times   —   Permalink 
The US is expected to pull significant numbers of troops out of Iraq in the next 12 months in spite of the continuing violence, according to the general responsible for near-term planning in the country.
Rob @Wizbang: Troop Withdrawal From Iraq Within Twelve Months — Financial Times - The US is expected to pull significant numbers of...
Gregory Djerejian: The FT is giving this front-page treatment, but it's getting largely ignored in the U.S. press: "The US is expected to...

Chinese Detainees Are Men Without a Country
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
In late 2003, the Pentagon quietly decided that 15 Chinese Muslims detained at the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, could be released. Five were people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time, some of them picked up by Pakistani bounty hunters for U.S. payoffs.
Michael Froomkin: Shackled For No Crime; Acquitted But Not Told or Released — A commentator on the previous item points out this story,...
Mark Krikorian: CATCH 22 — Here's a situation no one has a good answer to: We're holding at Guantanamo a bunch of Muslim Uighurs from...
Gary Farber: Here's today's. "In late 2003, the Pentagon quietly decided that 15 Chinese Muslims detained at the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, could be released.
Belle Waring: This Is Why We Have The Word Kafkaesque From the Washington Post today, a supremely depressing tale of 15 Uighur men...
Pudentilla: q: what do you call a guy who imprisons without trial people whom he knows are innocent?
Matt Welch: Meanwhile, Back at Gitmo... Commenter "Ugh" points us to an article in today's Washington Post that begins like this

  By / TNR   —   Permalink 
Since the dawn of rock, there have been individuals, usually young men, of argumentative tendencies who have lorded their encyclopedic musical knowledge over others. "So states the introduction of the recent Rock Snob's Dictionary, compiled by David Kamp and Steven Daly.
RJ Eskow: oh, and by the way - we agree with eric alterman's implication that crowley, who claims the mantle of "rock snob,"...
Andrew Sullivan: ROCK SNOBS: And how iPods have helped undermine them. Yay!
Michael Crowley: On a lighter note, I've got a short 'Diarist' in the forthcoming issue of TNR on rock snobs, music collecting, and what you might call the dark side of the iPod.

Slight Shift for S.U.V. in New Rule on Mileage
  NYT   —   Permalink 
The Bush administration's long-awaited plan to overhaul fuel economy regulations was released yesterday, promising to save gasoline by requiring modest improvements in the performance of sport utility vehicles and other trucks.
Tom Maguire: CAFE, Fuel Economy, And Safety — The Times tells us about the new Bush Administration Corporate Average Fuel Economy...
Pudentilla: let's be fair — [snipped quote] [snipped quote] if we can't lose weight, why should we expect our cars to? hey, maybe...
John Cole: New Fuel Efficiency Standards The administration unveiled its 'sweeping' changes to fuel efficiency standards: The...

Fighting Breaks Out Between Shiite Militias in Iraq
  Reuters   —   Permalink 
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Fighting broke out in Baghdad and the holy city of Najaf on Wednesday between rival Shi'ite militias, raising fears of a renewed uprising by radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr's Mehdi army against the U.S.-backed government.
Laura Rozen: Rival Shi'ite militias attack each other in Baghdad and Najaf: "...At least eight people were killed and dozens...
Armando @DailyKos: If things weren't bad enough in Iraq, now this: "Fighting broke out in Baghdad and the holy city of Najaf on Wednesday...

Radical Muslims told to leave Australia
  AFP   —   Permalink 
SYDNEY (AFP) - Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law have been told to get out of Australia.
A day after a group of mainstream Muslim leaders pledged loyalty to Australia at a special meeting with Prime Minister John Howard, he and his ministers made it clear that extremists would face a crackdown.
Andy McCarthy: This report from Agence France Presse: [snipped quote] Asked if he was prepared to "get inside" mosques and schools to...
Spoons: Let me suggest a destination.

Post-Debate Debate Set for Kaine, Potts
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
RICHMOND, Aug. 23 — Virginia gubernatorial candidates Timothy M. Kaine, a Democrat, and H. Russell Potts Jr., an independent, said Tuesday that they will debate each other immediately after a scheduled debate next month between Kaine and GOP nominee Jerry W. Kilgore.
Paul @PowerLine: In an unusual move, Democrat Tim Kaine has decided to debate Potts (Kilgore declined to participate).
John Behan: VA Gov: Democrat becoming a fringe candidate — Virginia media is abuzz with the news that the Democratic candidate for...

It's all about-face for the Democrats
  By / LAT   —   Permalink 
THE SUMMER'S POLLS show that one-third of Americans favor an immediate withdrawal from Iraq and nearly two-thirds support withdrawal within the next year. In the face of such numbers, the conventional wisdom predicts disaster at the polls for Republicans in the 2006 midterm elections.
Arianna Huffington: In the LA Times, Kevin Drum writes in "It's all about-face for the Democrats": What's a mainstream Democrat to do?
Gary Farber: ADDENDUM: I see Kevin Drum is thinking along similar lines, although his point is more political than mine.
Betsy Newmark: Kevin Drum calls for Democratic politicians who supported the war to start calling for a definite pullout from Iraq over the next two years so that we would be out by 2007.
Hugh Hewitt: Kevin Drum wants someone to be the new Eugene McCarthy. But there's a reason why Hagel has less than 150 votes of more than 12,600 cast at Ruffini's place.
Edm Staff: Calling Dem Bridge Builders: Time to Lead — Kevin Drum's "It's all about-face for the Democrats" in today's LA Times is...

Pat Robertson Says He Was Misinterpreted
  AP   —   Permalink 
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson insisted Wednesday that he did not call for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, despite comments broadcast on his program two days earlier.
New Donkey: Having committed a gaffe that rose to the level of a diplomatic problem for the United States (calling for the...
Ramesh Ponnuru: APPARENTLY — Robertson meant to say that he wanted special forces to take Chavez out to the ballgame. He's a big Nats fan.

Conde Nast to Launch a Business Monthly; WSJ's Lipman, TNY's Carey to Spearhead Mag
  By / Mediaweek   —   Permalink 
Condé Nast president/CEO Chuck Townsend today announced the launch of a new business monthly and Web site that the publisher will begin developing in mid-September. The title and launch date have yet to be determined.
Rex Hammock: Quote from "While Condé Nast recently has been on a launching spree—rolling out Lucky, Cargo, and...
Jim Romenesko: WSJ's Lipman named editor of new Conde Nast business mag — | WSJ release Joanne Lipman, deputy managing...

Reasons To Go On Living
  By / Slate   —   Permalink 
All this talk of the Iraqi Constitution—or lack thereof—serves as a useful reminder that a country's constitution is only as useful as the tools that will be used to interpret it later.
Julian Sanchez: Stayin' Alive — Slate legal writer Dalia Lithwick is soliciting thoughts on the idea of a "living Constitution," which even many liberals now seem reluctant to defend.
Steve Bainbridge: Dahlia Lithwick Punts — Dahlia Lithwick quotes some very smart conservatives who have recognized that the whole idea of...
Feddie @SouthernAppeal: Oh Dahlia, no one ever did "believe" in a "living" Constitution.
Ann Althouse: Dahlia Litwick defends the the notion of a "Living Constitution" (in the American context) and mentions the Iraqi Constitution.
Armando @DailyKos: Dalias Lithwick wrote "But it's hard to find a creditable recent defense of the Constitution as something greater than the span of its own four corners.
John Cole: Also, the always interesting Dahlia Lithwick has a piece up in Slate that was entertaining: All this talk of the Iraqi...
Also: Kevin Drum, Jonah Goldberg

The Plain Truth
  By / Fox News   —   Permalink 
Want Greta's blog delivered directly to your e-mail box? Click here to sign up!
I have read with some puzzlement the criticism of our show for focusing on so many missing people — including Natalee Holloway (search).
Liz Cox Barrett: Muses Van Susteren: "Maybe Costas thought he would leave missing person segments to those of us who have been in the...
Scared Monkeys: They discuss Greta Van Susteren defending her coverage of missing teen Natalee Holloway.
Brian Stelter: Greta Is Covering A "Growing Epidemic" — America has an GROWING EPIDEMIC of missing persons, Greta Van Susteren...

Nonprofits Cloak Donors to Governor
  LAT   —   Permalink 
SACRAMENTO — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is benefiting from millions of dollars raised by a network of tax-exempt groups without revealing that the money comes from major corporations with business before his office.
Stirling Newberry: This is the beginning of the scandal that could bring down Schwarzenhagger. More... Stirling Newberry - Comments (0)
Taegan Goddard: Nonprofits Cloak Schwarzenegger Donors — California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) "is benefiting from millions of...
Mark Leon Goldberg: From the LA Times today: [snipped quote] I guess it's a story as old as the Greeks: Upstart reformers bust onto the...
Pudentilla: wait, more sleeze from ah-nuld — [snipped quote] like tom delay, but with an accent.

LAPD Arrests Suspects in Gator Dumping
  LAT   —   Permalink 
His name is Reggie.
Los Angeles Police announced today they have solved part of the riddle of the wayward 7-foot alligator, which continues to elude searchers at Lake Machado.
Kevin Roderick: What, no caimans? Kind of funny, the Times story picks up on The Guardian's moniker of Harbor Park Harry.
Steve Bainbridge: The LA Times has a small photo gallery of the hubbub surrounding the Southland's favorite new critter. AOL News offers video.

Summer Fading, Hollywood Sees Fizzle
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 23 - With the last of the summer blockbusters fading from the multiplex, Hollywood's box office slump has hardened into a reality that is setting the movie industry on edge.
Garance Franke-Ruta: And now for something completely different...There's an interesting story in The New York Times on this summer's box...
Ann Althouse: Releasing movies simultaneously to theaters and to DVD. Th summer movie season was a flop. Why?
Steve M.: It's old news by now, but I'm sure a lot of right-wingers are feeling a renewed Schadenfreude as they read this in...

Specter Hints at What Roberts Can Expect
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
The Senate Judiciary Committee chairman warned Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr. yesterday to expect tough questions about the court's "judicial activism" and lack of respect for Congress.
Julie Saltman: A better word for living document — Cross-posted at MoJo Blog. Good for Arlen Specter.
Paul @PowerLine: Passing the straight face test — The Washington Post reports that Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter has...

Muslims who want Islamic law told to leave Australia
  AFP   —   Permalink 
SYDNEY (AFP) - Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law should get out of Australia, a senior government minister has said, hinting that some radical clerics might be asked to leave.
Jan Haugland: If you don't like it, leave Australia Australia gets tough with radical clerics: Treasurer Peter Costello, seen as...
Marc @USSNeverdock: In Britain [snipped quote] Now, Australia joins the ranks of countries who have had it with Muslims who don't want to abide by the law of the land.
Damian Penny: Two very different countries — You can always count on the Aussies to tell it like it is: Muslims who want to live...

Survey finds Kulongoski leading challengers but shy of a majority
  Oregonian   —   Permalink 
As candidates line up for the 2006 race for Oregon governor, a new poll shows incumbent Gov. Ted Kulongoski leading all challengers but far short of a majority.
Kos @DailyKos: OR-Gov: Kulonkoski not popular, but neither are challengers — Riley Research Associates. 8/16-20.
Taegan Goddard: Kulongoski Leads Potential Rivals — A new poll shows incumbent Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski (D) ahead of all challengers, the Oregonian reports.

And They Call This Advice?
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WILL shareholders of the Providian Financial Corporation, one of the nation's biggest credit card issuers, approve their company's merger with Washington Mutual? They might if they block out all the criticism in the air and listen only to Institutional Shareholder Services, an influential but potentially biased advisory firm.
Don: Seems that Connolly wasn't happy with the bilious brew of lies, errors, misrepresentations and just plain meanness in...
Jim Romenesko: He's complained to Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. about this column. ISS advises shareholders whether to support mergers.

Water returns to Iraqi marshlands
  BBC   —   Permalink 
The marshlands of Iraq, which were drained during the early 1990s, are returning to their original state.
Under Saddam Hussein, the area of marsh was reduced to a tenth of its former size, as the government punished people living there for acts of rebellion.
Ed Cone: Good news in Iraq — BBC: Iraqi marshlands returning to health.
Gateway Pundit: (Nik Wheeler) The renewed life of the marshlands is an astounding success story in Iraq today: [snipped quote] Saddam...
Betsy Newmark: Here's some good news on the environment from Iraq. "The marshlands of Iraq, which were drained during the early 1990s, are returning to their original state.
Justin Gardner: BBC also reported on this story today. Original reporting inspired by a report heard on NPR.
Jan Haugland: Iraq's marshland reflooded — Iraqi Marshlands.Water is returning to Iraq's marshlands.
Marc @USSNeverdock: Iraq - Water returns to Iraqi marshlands — The BBC reports on the restoration of the Iraqi marshlands.
Also: Jonah Goldberg, Norm Geras

Bush dogged on vacation by critics
  USA Today   —   Permalink 
When is a presidential vacation not a vacation?
When the country is at war and some members of the public are expressing vividly their disenchantment with it.
Christy @ThinkProgress: His initial response was to defensively defend his right to relax, stating indignantly, "I've got a life to live."
Jayson @PoliPundit: Man Bites Dog — And in other "news," (liberal media) dogs bite man (on the ankles).

In Iraq Jail, Resistance Goes Underground
  WaPo   —   Permalink 
CAMP BUCCA, Iraq — In the darkest hours before dawn, groups of 10 detainees toiled 15 feet beneath Compound 5 of America's largest prison in Iraq. The men worked in five-minute shifts, digging with shovels fashioned from tent poles and hauling the dirt to the surface with five-gallon water jugs tethered to 200 feet of rope.
Belle Waring: Relatedly, this account of prison life in Iraq is not one to inspire confidence: Since the U.S.-led invasion in March...
Gary Farber: BUT DID THEY HAVE A STEVE MCQUEEN? The Great Escape II: another way to go. [snipped quote] Clearly.
Justin: That's why a buried item in this (otherwise fascinating) story about an attempted prison break by detainees in Iraq is so troubling.

Rename your town, get free satellite TV
  By / Business Week   —   Permalink 
For Lego, an Online Lifeline?
Who Is King in CRM Software?
Time for Investors to Take Cover?
Mark Krikorian: ANOTHER SUBSCRIPTION IDEA — Dish Network, the satellite TV provider, is offering free service to any town that will rename itself "Dish."
Rex Hammock: Dejagimmick: (From BusinessWeek) [snipped quote] — Observation: I can think of just the town for them -, Ore.

President Bush's Loss of Faith
  NYT   —   Permalink 
It took President Bush a long time to break his summer vacation and acknowledge the pain that the families of fallen soldiers are feeling as the death toll in Iraq continues to climb. When he did, in a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Utah this week, he said exactly the wrong thing.
Jo Fish: The Disingenous Times — The editorial page of the Times while giving a fairly good rhetorical bitch-slapping to Beloved...
Tom Tomorrow: Tom Tomorrow: Re-imagining the recent past A paragraph from the NY Times' lead editorial this morning: [snipped quote] A couple of problems here.

Relax, Bill Gates; It's Google's Turn as the Villain
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 23 - For years, Silicon Valley hungered for a company mighty enough to best Microsoft. Now it has one such contender: the phenomenally successful Google.
But instead of embracing Google as one of their own, many in Silicon Valley are skittish about its size and power.
Scott Rosenberg: Rather prematurely, I think, a lot of people quoted by Gary Rivlin in this morning's Times suggest that Google is...
Jeff Jarvis: Now the NY Times is saying it: But instead of embracing Google as one of their own, many in Silicon Valley are skittish about its size and power.

Clarke unveils deportation rules
  BBC   —   Permalink 
The home secretary has published the grounds on which foreigners considered to be promoting terrorism can be deported or excluded from the UK.
Charles Clarke issued the list of "unacceptable behaviour" by those said to indirectly threaten public order, national security, or the rule of law.
David T: The Nelson Mandela Test — This morning, on Radio 4's Today Programme, Ken Livingstone declared that he would support...
Marc @USSNeverdock: Will Clarke's new laws apply to London's Mad Mayor Livingstone and George Galloway? We shall see.

Justice Breyer Takes 'Originalists' to Task In a New Book
  By / WSJ   —   Permalink 
When he was nominated to fill the Supreme Court's last vacancy, Stephen Breyer said he would strive to make the "law work for people." Eleven years later — with a new opening on the court and controversy raging over the judiciary's role — Justice Breyer wants to tell a broader audience how that should be done.
Pejman Yousefzadeh: I wish that someone would remind Justice Breyer that his concerns about "real world consequences" are addressed by...
Jim Lindgren: The Wall Street Journal has a teaser story on Justice Stephen Breyer's new 161-page book to be released in a few...
James Joyner: Justice Breyer Takes 'Originalists' to Task In a New Book (WSJ) "When he was nominated to fill the Supreme Court's last...
Kevin Drum: Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer is apparently going to take a crack at it in Active Liberty, to be published next month, and with any luck it will stimulate a needed debate.

My Private Idaho
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
W. vacationed so hard in Texas he got bushed. He needed a vacation from his vacation.
The most rested president in American history headed West yesterday to get away from his Western getaway - and the mushrooming Crawford Woodstock - and spend a couple of days at the Tamarack Resort in the rural Idaho mountains.
Arianna Huffington: And in the NY Times, Maureen Dowd writes in "My Private Idaho": What twisted logic: with no W.M.D., no link to 9/11 and...
Attaturk: MoDo — Sometimes her taut lipped mien frustrates me, but she pulled out the chair and wacked it over Dear Lounger's noggin (five times Jon Gibson?) today.
Joe @AmericaBlog: Dowd on W's "twisted logic" — Scarily true: "For political reasons, the president has a history of silence on America's war dead.
Susie Madrak: Hanging Loose MoDo: Just as he took his beloved feather pillow on the road during his 2000 campaign, now he takes his beloved bike.
Mary @LeftCoaster: Open Thread — MaDo on Bush's vacation: [snipped quote] Total vacation days for W in 5 years? 339, that's almost a full year.
Armando @DailyKos: Our French President — MoDo cracks wise: [snipped quote] Heh.

  Steyn Online   —   Permalink 
From Newsday's report of the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza:
Palestinians Friday celebrated what they consider their victory over Israel...
'This pullout is a result of our sacrifice,' he [Mahmoud Abbas] said, 'of our patience, the sacrifice of our people, the steadfastness and the wise people of our nation.'
Scott @PowerLine: Clyne reports on a letter "with a series of tough questions prsented to the UNDP by the Senate Appropriations...
Alcibiades @KesherTalk: Gazing Beyond Gaza — Mark Steyn has another must read column up on Gaza today: "It was my National Review colleague...
Marc @USSNeverdock: Israel - WHY GAZA? WHY NOW? Steyn has the answers.

Robertson Is Pilloried for Assassination Call
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
Pat Robertson, the conservative Christian broadcaster, has attracted attention over the years for lambasting everything from feminists and "activist" judges to the United Nations and Disney World.
Robertson Suggests U.S. Assassinate Chavez
Dwight Meredith: Whacked Out Conservative Quotes — Natasha at Pacific Views has a post up that recalls a number of crazy Pat Robertson quotes and adds some from other conservatives.
Daniel Drezner: OK, I think I've got Pat Robertson's cycle figured out... So, I see Pat Robertson has spoken out in favor of offing Venezuelan President/strongman Hugo Chavez.
Natasha @PacificViews: From the New York Times: "... Mr. Robertson has a history of getting attention for inflammatory remarks.

Confidence In Military News Wanes
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
The U.S. public's confidence that the military and the media keep them informed about national security issues has eroded significantly over the past six years, according to a new poll that shows 60 percent of Americans believe they do not get enough information about military matters to make educated decisions.
John Cole: Military News Public confidence in the news about the military is waning: Similarly, the public grew increasingly...
Armando @DailyKos: Much Less Trust in The Media — Pretty remarkable poll results: [snipped quote] Emphasis mine. Don't trust the Media?
Cori Dauber: So he ended up focusing exclusively on the aspect of the study that I thought was most important, if you had to pull out...

Study Finds 29-Week Fetuses Probably Feel No Pain and Need No Abortion Anesthesia
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
Taking on one of the most highly charged questions in the abortion debate, a team of doctors has concluded that fetuses probably cannot feel pain in the first six months of gestation and therefore do not need anesthesia during abortions.
Michael @AmericaBlog: Lives Of Women Endangered By Politicians — A study in the Journal of the AMA determined after looking at hundreds of...
Jeralyn Merritt: Anyway, now there's a study to refute the notion.
Chris Mooney: But there's just one problem: A big JAMA study casts doubt on the notion of fetal pain occurring prior to the third trimester (or 29 weeks).

The struggle over science
  By / BBC   —   Permalink 
In his weekly opinion column, Harold Evans considers rising concern in the US over the Bush administration's hostility to science.
I used to get mad at the way it was left to America to bring to full fruition fine achievements by Britain's scientists, inventors and engineers.
Chris Mooney: A New Argument — Over at the BBC, Harold Evans has a good piece on the Bush administration and science, emphasizing both competitiveness issues and scientific integrity issues.
Cernig: Now go read this week's BBC "Point of View" in which Harold Evans considers rising concern in the US over the Bush administration's hostility to science.

Homeland Security Chief Tells of Plan to Stabilize Border
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Aug. 23 -Acknowledging public frustration over illegal immigrants, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said Tuesday that the federal government's border control efforts must be significantly strengthened.
Captain Ed: Chertoff Indicates Higher Priority For Border Enforcement — DHS chief Michael Chertoff spoke to reporters at a...
Jeralyn Merritt: Chertoff Announces Plans to Toughen Deportation System — Bowing to the radical right cries against illegal immigrants,...
Clayton Cramer: Slow Learners, But They Are Listening — I've been frustrated over the Bush Administration's unwillingness to confront...

Partial Text of the Iraqi Constitution
  AP   —   Permalink 
We the people of Iraq, newly arisen from our disasters and looking with confidence to the future through a democratic, federal, republican system, are determined — men and women, old and young — to respect the rule of law, reject the policy of aggression,...
Brad Plumer: I'm not a constitutional lawyer, so I can't make heads or tails of exactly how these issues were specifically resolved...
Jason Van Steenwyk: The preamble: [snipped quote] Read the whole thing.
KTK: Iraqi Constitution - Persistent Questions — Parts of the revised draft of the proposed Iraqi Constitution are here.

Specter Plans to Probe 'Judicial Activism'
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter plans to use the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee John Roberts to criticize what he calls the high court's judicial activism, saying Tuesday that justices have started acting as a "super legislature."
James Joyner: Specter Plans to Probe 'Judicial Activism' (AP) "Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter plans to use the confirmation...
Jayson @PoliPundit: No S**t, Sherlock — I got a kick out of this revolving slate of self-parodies from Arlen Specter and brain dead AP zombie drone, Jesse Holland.
Susie Madrak: Arlen Specter apparently intends to make a point about Roe v. Wade: Specter warned Roberts at the beginning of the...

Sole Democratic Punching Bag
  By / Front Page Magazine   —   Permalink 
"It cannot be Gaza only," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told the New York Times last week, meaning that the Gaza disengagement will "have" to be just the first of further withdrawals.
What's wrong with Rice's statement?
Omri Ceren: Now That's What We're Talking About — Condi Rice might be the very paradigm of State Department anti-Israeli policy,...
Paul @PowerLine: Gaza only — P. David Hornik in FrontPage Magazine shows how Secretary of State Rice is following in the unfortunate...

Bush says anti-war protests threaten to weaken the United States
  AP   —   Permalink 
DONNELLY, Idaho (AP) - President George W. Bush said Tuesday that anti-war protesters such as Cindy Sheehan, who want U.S. troops brought home immediately, are "advocating a policy that would weaken the United States."
John Hawkins: Daily News For Aug 24, 2005 — Domestic [quote] Cindy Sheehan: Terrorists In Iraq "Freedom Fighters" [end quote] "Cindy Sheehan: I'm...
Zoe Kentucky: However, if there are vets in a VFW hall in Idaho who are finding creative ways to silently express their displeasure...
Amanda Marcotte: A quick search on sex ed in Ohio schools was telling on other possible causes of the students' sudden inability to protect themselves from pregnancy.
Joe Gandelman: As for Bush sans press mouthpiece, he said yesterday that anti-war activist and grieving mom Cindy Sheehan and her ilk advocate policies that'll weaken the United States.
Cori Dauber: National Post Implies President Opposes Free Speech — Memeorandum links to the AP's article as used in Canada's...
Oliver Willis: Bill Moyer, Patron Saint of The Reality Based Community — Bless this Vet.
Also: Kos @DailyKos, Atrios

Grooming Politicians for Christ
  By / LAT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — In the blue and gold elegance of the House speaker's private dining room, Jeremy Bouma bowed his head before eight young men and women who hope to one day lead the nation. He prayed that they might find wisdom in the Bible — and govern by its word.
Michelle Pilecki: The Los Angeles Times reports on the Statesmanship Institute, dedicated to help prospective federal staffers "integrate biblical principles with [their] calling to public service."
Kevin: Filed under: Sports No comment yet, add yours? » Roberts and the American Taliban Posted by Kevin The LA Times...
Avedon Carol: Jesse: The L.A. Times has a story on Christian training for conservative Congressional aides.
Gary Farber: Training wee politicians how to be properly Christian.
Xan @Corrente: "That Thine enemies May snuff it, in Thy mercy" — Congrefs shall make no Law respecting an establishment of religion...
New Donkey: As Stephanie Simon of the Los Angeles Times reports, fundie activists have gotten deeply involved in policymaking in Tom...
Also: Echidne, Susie Madrak, Jesse Taylor, Digby, Kos @DailyKos, RJ Eskow, Taegan Goddard

Troops' Gravestones Have Pentagon Slogans
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
ARLINGTON, Va. - Unlike earlier wars, nearly all Arlington National Cemetery gravestones for troops killed in Iraq or Afghanistan are inscribed with the slogan-like operation names the Pentagon selected to promote public support for the conflicts.
Amanda Marcotte: Damn, this is so low and ugly, it's a thing of morbid beauty.
James Joyner: Troops' Gravestones Have Pentagon Slogans (AP) [snipped quote] Earlier wars had obvious names unassociated with an operation name.
Lambert @Corrente: Iraq Clusterf**k: Bush war propaganda carved on soldiers' tombstones — Man, every time you think these guys can't sink...
The Poor Man: Oh, what the f**k What the f**k is this?
Mark Leon Goldberg: From the AP. [snipped quote] After a few Google searches I found out that Patrick joined the National Guard on September 12 2001.
Lorie Byrd: Gravestone Controversy — According to this AP story, there is a bit of controversy over the names of the conflicts that...
Also: TChris

  By / New York Post   —   Permalink 
WHAT was the big "Iraq" story in August? Which vital issue got the most air-time and ink? The camp-out of a sad, tormented woman who had lost her son, her marriage and her judgment.
The media pounced on poor Cindy Sheehan in an anti-Bush, anti-war frenzy.
John Cole: Some Positive Spin Ralph Peters presents some recruitment numbers I was unaware of: Every one of the Army's 10...
Captain Ed: Ralph Peters reports in this morning's New York Post that the military has kept up with its needs on recruitment this...
John @PowerLine: Armed Forces Recruitment Exceeds Targets — Ralph Peters has a nominee for August's most important unreported story:...
John Hawkins: "Nursing Home Wrestles With $40,000 Tab For Well-Liked Illegal Alien With Dementia" Foreign "Egyptian Police Nab 500 in...
Rob @Wizbang: Military Exceeding Recruiting Goals — August 23, 2005 — WHAT was the big "Iraq" story in August?
Betsy Newmark: Ralph Peters reports on a story that hasn't got much press although if the news were the opposite, you know you'd be reading about it all over.
Also: TheAnchoress, Jesse Taylor, Mitch Berg, Glenn Reynolds, Marc @USSNeverdock, Kathryn Jean Lopez

How to Escape the Oil Trap
  By / Newsweek   —   Permalink 
Aug. 29 - Sept. 5, 2005 issue - If I could change one thing about American foreign policy, what would it be? The answer is easy, but it's not something most of us think of as foreign policy. I would adopt a serious national program geared toward energy efficiency and independence.
Johnathan Pearce: It is the market economy, stupid — Uber-blogger Andrew Sullivan, fresh back from his holidays, rages against Americans...
James Joyner: SUVs Help the Terrorists — Andrew Sullivan has a series of posts arguing that America's enjoyment of gas guzzling cars such as sport utility vehicles is helping the terrorists.
Jonah Goldberg: OIL & TERROR — Fareed Zakaria's got a position on oil I'm increasingly sympathetic to. Worth reading.
Bigwig: Image courtesy What strikes me as odd is that the Fareed Zakaria column on SUVs and gas mileage was...
Andrew Sullivan: SUVS AND TERRORISM: Fareed Zakaria makes an excellent point today in a column about rising oil prices, and how they are...

President Discusses Iraqi Constitution with Press Pool
  White House   —   Permalink 
THE PRESIDENT: I want to thank the Governor for the invitation to come to Idaho. He's been asking me to come here for five years, and I finally made it. I'm going to tell the people tomorrow in Boise that I made a mistake not coming here earlier. It's a beautiful state.
Matthew Yglesias: Analogy Time — [snipped quote] So says the President of the United States. But let's take this analogy seriously.
Rob @Wizbang: And just so that we can all be certain that the President didn't "tar" anybody in his comments not quoted in the...
Frederick Maryland: James Madison Was Never Injured by a Car Bomb — Yesterday in Idaho, President Bush told reporters: "As Americans watch...
Billmon: "George W. Bush Remarks to reporters August 23, 2005" It appears there's a whole lot in there for a mullah to love — in...

  By / New Yorker   —   Permalink 
Tooth decay begins, typically, when debris becomes trapped between the teeth and along the ridges and in the grooves of the molars. The food rots. It becomes colonized with bacteria. The bacteria feeds off sugars in the mouth and forms an acid that begins to eat away at the enamel of the teeth.
Justin Gardner: Read the entire article from Gladwell and tell me what you think.
Steve Verdon: America's Health Care Caste System, Part II — In reading James' post I saw this comment from Malcolm Gladwell,...
Matt Singer: America's Health Care Plight — Ezra is right, Malcolm Gladwell ably summarizes: "One of the great mysteries of...
PGL: America's Healthcare Mess — An AB reader sent along The Moral Hazard Myth by Malcolm Gladwell.
James Joyner: THE MORAL-HAZARD MYTH (New Yorker) "People without health insurance have bad teeth because, if you're paying for...
Kevin Drum: HEALTHCARE BLUES...Via Ezra, Malcolm Gladwell asks the key question about American healthcare in the New Yorker:...
Also: Ezra Klein, Tyler Cowen

General: Army to Miss Recruiting Goals in '05
  Fox News   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Army (search) will miss its recruiting goals this year but will be able to sustain troop levels in Iraq over the next four years, a high-ranking general told FOX News.
Jon Henke: Recruiting — There's little doubt that ongoing combat operations put a damper on military recruiting—a General...
John @PowerLine: FURTHER UPDATE: Many readers pointed out this Fox News story, which begins: "The U.S. Army will miss its recruiting...
Armando @DailyKos: And like McCarthy, Assrocket gets his facts wrong: "The U.S. Army will miss its recruiting goals this year but will be...
Betsy Newmark: UPDATE: Almost Daily Blog links to this story saying that the Army did not meet its recruitment goals for 2005.
Justin Gardner: Mixed News On Armed Services Recruiting — Frist, the bad news: [snipped quote] And now, the good news: [snipped quote] More from Fox News.

White House dismisses Chavez assassination call
  CNN   —   Permalink 
(CNN) — Bush administration officials Tuesday disavowed Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson's call for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
Jack Cluth: Another DUMB@$$ AWARD wiener — Robertson: U.S. should 'take out' Venezuela's Chavez. Christian broadcaster calls leader 'a terrific danger'.
Talking Dog: On the occasion of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's visit to fellow pain-in-the-ass leader Fidel Castro of Cuba, some...
Brian Maloney: Why would the Bush Administration feel the need to condemn the remarks? Ignoring them would have been a lot smarter.
The Mock Turtle: The culture of life — Pat Robertson wants America to assassinate Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez.

Hear Novak Tell All!
  By / Village Voice   —   Permalink 
Robert Novak, whose "confidential" sources helped him light the match that set off the Plamegate wildfire, is now on the Internet blithely hawking "confidential" sessions with Washington's power elite. He's only asking $595 a person.
PGL: Maybe Novak can donate a portion of his $595 a person for "blithely hawking confidential sessions with Washington's power elite".
Garrett M. Graff: Novak Still Selling Access — Over at the Village Voice, Sydney H. Schanberg picks up on something that we were griping...
Matt Welch: My ($595) Dinner With Novak — Sydney "Killing Fields" Schanberg reports that Bob Novak is offering a "confidential"...
Taegan Goddard: Novak's Side Job — The Village Voice runs an interesting piece on columnist Robert Novak's entrepreneurial venture — selling access to newsmakers in an "exclusive" forum.
Jim Romenesko: Novak hawks $595 "confidential" sessions with DC's elite — Village Voice Sydney Schanberg's invitation mentions that...

Text of Proposed Iraq Constitution
  AP   —   Permalink 
The Republic of Iraq is an independent state.
The political system is republican, parliamentary, democratic and federal.
1. Islam is a main source for legislation.
Michael J. Totten: Below is that context. You can read the entire text of the constitution draft at Newsday.
Bill Roggio: Security Watchtower excerpts the text of the draft submitted to assembly (the full text can be viewed at
McQ: Perusing Iraq's Draft Constitution — The NY Times has highlighted some of the more interesting aspects of the proposed Iraqi Constitution.
John Cole: And while they may have technically succeeded in adhering to the deadline (the text of the draft can be found here),...
Hugh Hewitt: Here's the actual text of the Iraqi constitution as it stands today. It will be very interesting to see how it changes before the final vote later this week, if at all.
Juan Cole: How is this dispute over jurisdiction adjudicated? ] AP's translation of some articles is online.
Also: Jon Henke, Dr. Steven Taylor, Robert Mayer, John Hawkins, DHinMI @DailyKos, Billmon, Jan Haugland, Damian Penny, Matthew Yglesias, James Joyner, Jeralyn Merritt, Attaturk, Larry Kudlow, Glenn Reynolds, Justin Gardner

Military's Recruiting Troubles Extend to Affluent War Supporters
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
There was an eye-opening article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette a few days ago that explored the increasing difficulty the military is having recruiting young people to enlist.
DC Media Girl: You see, while many support the troops, whoops, I mean "support the troops", there's no need to assume that "support"...
TheAnchoress: The other looks at whether high-income families are less likely to produce soldiers.
Kathryn Jean Lopez: From Army spokeswoman Maj. Elizabeth Robbins (a.k.a. Mrs. Jim Robbins) in a piece on military recruiting.
Captain Ed: Unfortunately, the Washington Post joins that crowd with a laughable look at recruitment by Terry Neal.
Jo Fish: From todays WaPo on the predeliction of the Luxury-SUV class to have magnetic yellow ribbons on their vehicles, but...
Laura Rozen: Worth noting: Wealthy Republican Iraq-war supporters don't support their own children enlisting to go to Iraq.

Bush: Iraq Withdrawal Would Weaken U.S.
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
DONNELLY, Idaho - President Bush took on the California mother who has been defiantly protesting outside his Texas home, saying Tuesday that Cindy Sheehan doesn't represent the views of most military families and that fulfilling demands like hers for withdrawal from Iraq would weaken the United States.
Brad Plumer: What seems clear is that, regardless of what Condoleeza Rice is telling her boss, any constitution that truly angers the...
Cori Dauber: Apparently for the National Post's headline writers it is. For God's sake, they got it right in San Francisco.
Susie Madrak: Fearless Leader Speaks As opposed to how strong we are now, he means: DONNELLY, Idaho - President Bush charged...
Cindy Sheehan: (The quotes are from an AP story: "Bush: Iraq Withdrawal Would Weaken U.S.")
Armando @DailyKos: Bush: "[Sheehan] Doesn't Represent the Views of A Lot of Families I've Met With" — Bush said this today: "President...

Federal Funds For Abstinence Group Withheld
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
The Bush administration yesterday suspended a federal grant to the Silver Ring Thing abstinence program, saying it appears to use tax money for religious activities.
Officials at the Department of Health and Human Services ordered the group to submit a "corrective action plan" if it hopes to receive an expected $75,000 grant this year.
Justin Gardner: Apparently a faith-based group was using federal funds to promote their religion, so the administration pulled the funds.
John Cole: The clues: Teenage graduates of the program sign a covenant "before God Almighty" to remain virgins and earn a silver...
Jesse Taylor: The Silver Ring Thing, which I talked about in our old (erased) archives a while back, has been banned from receiving federal funding because it's a big-ass virginity church.
Michael Stickings: Just a quick post to let you all know about two fascinating (and deeply troubling) stories that I came across this...
Julian Sanchez: But it was a little disturbing to see that federal tax dollars have been funding this: "Teenage graduates of the...
Pudentilla: if we were rush, we'd call 'em red christian pukes via americablog we learn of a little bit of false witnessing...
Also: Kerry Howley, Lindsay Beyerstein, John @AmericaBlog

Scientists Speak Up on Mix of God and Science
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
At a recent scientific conference at City College of New York, a student in the audience rose to ask the panelists an unexpected question: "Can you be a good scientist and believe in God?"
MarkInMexico: Darwin, Creationism and Intelligent Design — I don't understand all this hullabaloo over religion vs science.
Michael @AmericaBlog: Another Annoying NYT Article On Intelligent Design — This one talks as if scientists who are religious are an embattled...
Chris Mooney: I Have No Objections.... the final New York Times evolution series piece, by Cornelia Dean.
Kevin Drum: TEACHING EVOLUTION...Reacting to poll numbers showing that the public overwhelmingly approves of teaching both...
Terry Heaton: So later, Ed Cone points to a New York Times piece on religion and science, where this statement is found above-the-fold: [snipped quote] Oh really?
Eric Seymour: Faith Among Scientists — The New York Times has an interesting feature today on scientists who believe in God (and some who don't).
Also: Ed Cone

Navy Captain Backs Able Danger Claims
  Fox News   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — A second military officer has publicly backed claims by a military intelligence officer that a Pentagon unit named "Able Danger" (search) identified lead Sept. 11 hijacker Mohamed Atta (search) in early 2000 as a security risk.
Jesse Taylor: Fox News has the latest salvo - another person (does it matter who at this point?), definitely remembers whatever it is everyone else has said.
Jayson @PoliPundit: Maybe That's Why Sandy Berger Purloined Those Docs — By "that," I meant to say this.
Andy McCarthy: Seriously, the latest, from Fox News (hat tip to Chris Regan at Junk Yard Blog), has this intriguing bit about...

Press Gaggle with Trent Duffy
  White House   —   Permalink 
MR. DUFFY: All right. The President had his regular briefings on board here. And we're en route to the VFW, where he will make remarks to the national convention. This is his third address to the VFW Annual National Convention.
Brendan Nyhan: More smearing of dissent from the Bush administration — Via (ugh) the Progress Report and E&P, here's presidential...
Judd @ThinkProgress: Rumsfeld Compares Iraq Critics To Communists, Stalinists — From Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's press briefing...
Paul McLeary: Go to comments — Spin Buster Putting Words in the Spinmeister's Mouth Perusing coverage of the president's break from...

MSNBC's O'Donnell labeled Crawford protesters "anti-war extremists"
  Media Matters for America   —   Permalink 
On the August 22 edition of MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews, guest host and chief MSNBC White House correspondent Norah O'Donnell labeled anti-war demonstrators outside President Bush's Crawford, Texas, ranch "anti-war extremists."
Arianna Huffington: Example: Norah O'Donnell subbing for Chris Matthews, on Hardball, referred to those at Camp Casey as "anti-war extremists."
Atrios: O'Donnell says people who oppose the war, and those at Camp Casey, are "extremists." What a lovely couple. Prime fighting age, too.
Kos @DailyKos: MSNBC: majority of Americans "extremists" — MSNBC's Nora O'Donnell believes that opposing the war makes one an extremist.

Review finds no pre-9/11 Atta file
  By / Washington Times   —   Permalink 
A Pentagon investigation has found no evidence that Able Danger, a secret military intelligence operation, identified September 11 hijacker Mohamed Atta as a terror cell member more than a year before the attacks.
Cernig: Pentagon Can't Find "Able Danger" Evidence — There's a new elephant in the room to join that of Republican commission...
Tom Maguire: However, neither the NY Times, the WaPo, nor the Wash Times mention it.
Nick Gillespie: Atta Boys — From the Wash Times: [snipped quote] From AP via Fox News: [snipped quote] Wash Times story here. Fox News here.
Captain Ed: After issuing its official statement, spokesman Larry Di Rita spoke out on Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer and their inability to...
John @PowerLine: Pentagon: Still Not Convinced — Rowan Scarborough of the Washington Times reports that the Pentagon's investigation has...

Rumsfeld: Iraq not fated to civil war
  CNN   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON (CNN) — U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on Tuesday tried to dispel concern over the possibility that a civil war could erupt in Iraq between Sunni Arabs and Shiite Arabs.
"People have been moving together, talking, discussing things," Rumsfeld said.
Billmon: The Rumsfeld Effect — Rumsfeld: Iraq not fated to civil war "U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on Tuesday tried to...
Armando @DailyKos: Billmon, cites cnn, noticing Rummy is talking again, this time regarding the predictions of strife as a result of the...

Bush: Palestinians must take next step
  Jerusalem Post   —   Permalink 
The Palestinians have the onus of moving forward on the road map, US President George Bush said on Tuesday. In a conversation with reporters in Idaho, where Bush is vacationing, the President made it clear that the Palestinians must take the next step towards peace, by reforming their government and their security forces.
Ted Belman: JPost reported Bush: Palestinians must take next step I got the feeling from his remarks that the creteria set out in...
Joseph Alexander Norland: In the following JPost report, see if you can find any reference by Bush to the Roadmap demand to "dismantle terrorist...

ACORN, WARN Oppose 'Wal-Mart Bank'
  U.S. Newswire   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, August 23 /U.S. Newswire/ — ACORN, and WARN (the Wal-Mart Alliance for Reform Now) today submitted official comments to the FDIC opposing Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. request for a charter and deposit insurance protection for a proposed Wal-Mart Bank.
Susie Madrak: Above the Law Pacific Views: Not content to destroy small businesses and devastate downtowns in the rural US, Wal-Mart is asking the feds to let it open a bank.
Magpie @PacificViews: Not content to destroy small businesses and devastate downtowns in the rural US, Wal-Mart is asking the feds to let it open a bank.

News Media Reporting Source - Political Reporting Journalist - White House Press Reporters - War Coverage Journalism
  By / Editor and Publisher   —   Permalink 
As the dog days of August wind down, the editorial pages of American newspapers face a moment of truth on the Iraq war. Over the next few weeks, with vacationers heading home, the president's popularity sinking, hearings planned in Congress and major antiwar...
Steve Soto: Fourth, as Gregg Mitchell in Editor and Publisher said yesterday, it is only a matter of time before the major...
Jason Van Steenwyk: 5th Column Alert — The editor of Editor and Publisher Magazine is calling on his news and media colleagues to use their outlets to agitate for American surrender.
Jeff Jarvis: Editor & Pontificator Greg Mitchell, editor of Editor & Publisher — which spends time dissecting such issues as...
Susie Madrak: Tipping Point Greg Mitchell, the editor of Editor & Publisher, spells it out: It's time for newspapers, many of...
Jim Romenesko: E&P editor urges newspapers to call for withdrawal from Iraq — Editor & Publisher "The time for the press to act, if it ever does, is now," writes Greg Mitchell.

Who Knew About John Roberts? In 1985, Maybe He Did.
  WaPo   —   Permalink 
Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr. may have had an inkling he was destined for greatness back in 1985 when, working as a young lawyer in the Reagan White House, he wrote a note to a colleague who had reviewed Roberts's files from his time in the Justice Department to see which ones should be sent to the National Archives.
Captain Ed: Apparently, their silence comes from a commitment of resources to another financial issue involving a political group,...
Lambert @Corrente: Here's a buried nugget from WaPo: [snipped quote] How odd. And how very odd we're not hearing about this ...

Grasping the Depth of Time as a First Step in Understanding Evolution
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
Last month a team of paleontologists announced that it had found several fossilized dinosaur embryos that were 190 million years old - some 90 million years older than any dinosaur embryos found so far. Those kinds of numbers are always a little daunting.
Jo Fish: Substance — A great op-ed on evolution and why ID is crap.
Barbara O'Brien: And his courtiers scramble to make it so. — Very nice pro-evolution op ed in today's New York Times. | bar.jpg
Stirling Newberry: Simple Clear and Reasonable — Verlyn Klinkenborg lays it out.

Liberal Democrats want the party to take a stand
  By / Houston Chronicle   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - Liberal activists have been on the warpath this summer, with some camping out near President Bush's ranch and demanding the immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq while others are pushing for the defeat of Supreme Court nominee John Roberts.
Betsy Newmark: The Houston Chronicle looks at this divide today.
McQ: The fight among Democrats — I don't think it will come as any surprise that there is dissention within the ranks of Democrats on how they should present themselves.
Marc @USSNeverdock: Now, comes word that open warfare has indeed broken out within the Democratic party.
David Sirota: Pollster Says Iraq Opposition Shows "Vitality in the Dem Party" — In this Houston Chronicle story, nonpartisan pollster...

Randy Daniels Girds for GOP Primary Battle
  New York Sun   —   Permalink 
New York's secretary of state, Randy Daniels, offered a strong indication yesterday that he will fight in a primary for the 2006 Republican gubernatorial nomination against a former governor of Massachusetts, William Weld.
Scott Shields: This morning in the New York Sun, secretary of state Randy Daniels, long considered a probable candidate for Governor,...
Taegan Goddard: Weld Will Have Primary Challengers — New York Secretary of State Randy Daniels (R) "offered a strong indication" that...

U.S. evangelist calls for assassination of Chavez
  Reuters   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative U.S. evangelist Pat Robertson called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, saying the leftist leader wanted to turn his country into "the launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism."
Jeff Goldstein: Mr. Robertson's Neighborhood — Many in the media will leap to condemn Pat Robertson's remarkably obtuse public...
Jayson @PoliPundit: Dear Hugo — Pat Robertson wants to put a bullet in your head. Gee, that wasn't subtle, huh?