Christian Schools Bring Suit Against UC
By David Rosenzweig / LAT
Amid the growing national debate over the mixing of religion and science in America's classrooms, University of California admissions officials have been accused in a federal civil rights lawsuit of discriminating against high schools that teach creationism and other conservative Christian viewpoints. |
Amanda Marcotte: The University of California system is rejecting students who are unprepared for college. Somehow, this is controversial.
TChris: The Association of Christian Schools International and the Calvary Chapel Christian School have sued UC, claiming its...
Gary Farber: Yes, you guessed it, it's Them again. But this one is even funnier than "they think the Flintstones is a documentary."
Steve Bainbridge: (Link) American Indian, African American and Latino admissions to the UC system have gone from 18.6% of total admissions...
Mark Kleiman: UC officials have decided that a course labeled "biology" using an anti-Darwinian textbook published by Bob Jones University doesn't qualify.
By Niles Lathem / New York Post
August 27, 2005 — WASHINGTON — Cyber-sleuths working for a Pentagon intelligence unit that reportedly identified some of the 9/11 hijackers before the attack were fired by military officials, after they mistakenly pinpointed Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other prominent Americans as potential security... |
Barbara O'Brien: Update: Today's New York Post says one part of the Able Danger project was terminated in 2000 because Able Danger had identified Condi Rice as a security risk.
Captain Ed: The third source, however, has even more information about the Army's datamining in today's New York Post reagrding...
John Podhoretz: That's according to my paper, the New York Post: "Cyber-sleuths working for a Pentagon intelligence unit that reportedly...
Kevin Drum: These sources tell the New York Post that contractor J.D. Smith, the man who supposedly ID'd Mohamed Atta for the Able...
John @PowerLine: I was struck, though, by the revelation in this morning's New York Post that the termination of the Able Danger project was related to its turning up information from China.
Laura Rozen: This New York Post report on Able Danger is the most revealing so far.
Steve Antler,
Tom Maguire,
Roger Ailes |
A War to Be Proud Of
By Christopher Hitchens / Weekly Standard
LET ME BEGIN WITH A simple sentence that, even as I write it, appears less than Swiftian in the modesty of its proposal: "Prison conditions at Abu Ghraib have improved markedly and dramatically since the arrival of Coalition troops in Baghdad." |
Roger L. Simon: Hitchens a la Mode — At this time when the press is reaching new levels of cacophony in declaring Iraq a failure we...
Ed Driscoll: A War to Be Proud Of — Like Mr. E. Blair, his hero and inspiration, Christopher Hitchens is that rare man of the left...
TheAnchoress: Hitchens - A War to be Proud Of You'll want to read it all.
Jason Van Steenwyk: Hitch rocks the house — Hitch is so the man.
Kopel: Sheehan's radical views little noted
Rocky Mountain News
Cindy Sheehan claims the media are "a propaganda tool for the government." A New York Post editorial (Aug. 16) argued that Sheehan's statement was self-evidently false, given the overwhelming and almost exclusively positive media attention paid to her in the last several weeks. |
Pejman Yousefzadeh: With Cindy Sheehan, we see that they are not. Dave Kopel explains. So why the whitewashing?
Christopher Kanis: CINDY SHEEHAN — UNPLUGGED — Evil, anti-American, hateful, shrew. Read. Brutally Honest linked with Unmasking Cindy Sheehan
David Kopel: I argue that the answer to this question is "yes," in my latest media column for the Rocky Mountain News.
The War's Momentum
THE LONGER Iraqi political leaders struggled this week to reach a compromise on a draft constitution, the worse the violence around the country seemed to grow. That was grimly logical: Not only are Islamic extremists such as Abu Musab Zarqawi dedicated to... |
Armando @DailyKos: Today's editorial still has flaws, particularly on granting procedural milestones more worth than they merit, but...
John @AmericaBlog: Oops — Washington Post editorial [snipped quote] Hat tip to DailyKos
An Outsider's Quick Rise To Bush Terror Adviser
Frances Fragos Townsend wanted an answer. The government's senior terrorism officials were poring through intelligence reports last summer suggesting that New York's financial district was being targeted by al Qaeda. |
Cori Dauber: Instead they write lines like this: Her two predecessors were four-star generals who brought decades of experience to the fight.
Mark Kilmer: WashPost Profile: Frances Townsend — In profiling the White House's Homeland Security Advisor Fran Townsend, the...
Gary Farber: Anyway, it now turns out that President Bush's chief counter-terrorism advisor and homeland security (how quickly we've...
Pudentilla: oh when the saints come marching in fran townsend, awol's terror advisor, provides the basis for wapo's most recent...
Assailing Draft, Sunnis Still Seek Charter Changes
By Robert F. Worth / NYT
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Aug. 27 - Sunni Arab political leaders condemned a draft of Iraq's proposed constitution handed to them on Saturday, saying it was unlikely that they would approve the document and that it could provoke even more violence. |
Ezra Klein: Well, glad you asked... [snipped quote] The italics, of course, are mine.
Josh Marshall: Pravda on the Hudson — From: Media Did the mainstream media fool you into thinking that yesterday wasn't a great day in the history of Iraqi constitution writing?
Marijuana Pipe Dreams
By John Tierney / NYT
When the Supreme Court ruled in June that states could not legalize marijuana for medical uses, Justice Stephen Breyer voted with the majority. But during oral arguments, he suggested an alternative way for patients to get it: let the federal Food and Drug Administration decide if marijuana should be a prescription drug. |
John Cole: Tierney on Marijuana If he keeps this up, the Drug Warriors are going to have John Tierney's head on a most wanted...
Radley Balko: Tierney. Again. Today, John Tierney takes on the federal government's absurd policy on medical marijuana.
Ann Althouse: John Tierney blasts the Drug Enforcement Administration for standing in the way of research into the medicinal uses of marijuana.
Bike-Deep in the Big Muddy
By Maureen Dowd / NYT
W. has jumped the couch. Not fallen off the couch, as he did when he choked on that pretzel. According to, "jump the couch" has now become slang for "a defining moment when you know someone has gone off the deep end. |
MB Williams: So I was a bit surprised at this commentary inserted in MoDo's OpEd piece this week: [snipped quote] Dowd has been highly...
Joe @AmericaBlog: Dowd: Bush has "jumped the couch" — Brilliant: "W. has jumped the couch. Not fallen off the couch, as he did when he choked on that pretzel.
Pudentilla: modo wins saturday am one-liner award "iraq, it turns out, is the one branch of american government that the republicans don't control."
U.S. Again Delays Decision on Sale of Next-Day Pill
By Gardiner Harris / NYT
WASHINGTON, Aug. 26 - Federal drug regulators on Friday once again delayed making a decision on allowing over-the-counter sales of the morning-after pill, saying they needed more time to gather public reaction to the plan and to figure out how they could enforce it. |
John Cole: Morning After Pill The debate continues in earnest at the FDA: Federal drug regulators on Friday once again delayed...
Talking Dog: In a politics before science or health everytime move, and in a surprise to exactly no one (except seemingly Senators...
Academic Propaganda
By Lee Kaplan / Front Page Magazine
Several months ago, as part of an investigation into allegations of anti-Israel indoctrination, I completed a course called "Politics of the Middle East" 155B at Diablo Valley College in northern California. |
TheAnchoress: Read the whole thing.
Betsy Newmark: Lee Kaplan has a report of an eye-opening meeting with school administrators who are totally uninterested in stopping a professor from teaching PLO-inspired propaganda and lies.
Iraq Charter Strife Hurts U.S. Strategy
WASHINGTON — Deep divisions in Iraq over the country's draft constitution carry seeds that could destroy the Bush administration's beleaguered strategy for turning the strife-torn country into a unified and stable democracy. |
Lambert @Corrente: [quote]"Without the Sunnis, this is a losing game." (via LA Times) [end quote] In the words of the old joke, Senator, "What do you mean we?"
Pudentilla: we will win — [snipped quote] perhaps we will "win", but not while these bozos are running the show.
Talk radio shows' reception seems to be getting weaker
By Tim Rutten / LAT
Talk is cheap — unless it's political talk on the radio, and then it's influential. At least it has been. Now some people think the talk bubble has, if not burst, begun to lose its wind. |
Patterico: Rutten's Talk Radio Column Is Up Here is Tim Rutten's column about talk radio, including his interview with Hugh Hewitt.
Kevin Roderick: Rutten's take on talk radio — Tim Rutten's Saturday column in the LAT, nominally about the declining audience for...
Hugh Hewitt: Tim Rutten and Edward John Smith — The Los Angeles Time's Tim Rutten has his column up on the state of talk radio.
Sunnis defiant as talks on 'new Iraq' collapse
By Oliver Poole / Telegraph
Tortuous negotiations to decide the constitution of the new Iraq collapsed early today with the government admitting that they had reached "the end of the road". Saleh al-Mutlaq, a leading Sunni negotiator, said no agreement was reached on the draft text and called on Iraqis to reject it in a referendum in October. |
John Cole: Talks Break Down It looks like they have finally thrown in the towel: Tortuous negotiations to decide the...
Juan Cole: The Telegraph's Oliver Poole reports from Baghdad that Sunni negotiator Salih Mutlak said, [snipped quote] He called on Iraqis to reject the constitution at the polls.
Perry de Havilland: The fact that the leaders of the Sunni minority oppose a federal structure for Iraq, and have the ability to torpedo the...
Shiites and Kurds Halt Charter Talks With Sunnis
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Saturday, Aug. 27 - Shiite and Kurdish leaders drafting a new Iraqi constitution abandoned negotiations with a group of Sunni representatives on Friday, deciding to take the disputed charter directly to the Iraqi people. |
Juan Cole: Dexter Filkins and James Glanz of the NYT reported that at the close of business, Iraq time, on Friday, the Shiites...
Billmon: [quote]New York Times Shiites and Kurds Halt Charter Talks With Sunnis August 27, 2005 "The constitution is not only a disaster...[end quote]
Richard TPD: As I Was Saying... By Other Lisa... From today's New York Times: [snipped quote] If I were an Iraqi woman with no means...
James Joyner: Shiites and Kurds Halt Charter Talks With Sunnis (NYT) [snipped quote] I'm obviously not privy to the details of the...
Joe @AmericaBlog: S**tes, Kurds reject Sunnis (and Bush) So the Constitutional process is falling apart.
Blog brings the war home
Army Lt. Col. Michael Erik Kurilla had just been shot three times and his thigh bone had snapped. He kept firing — and shouting orders at the soldiers behind him. Kurilla, 39, formerly of Minneapolis, was wounded in a firefight in an alley in Mosul, Iraq, on Aug. 19. |
Saint Paul l: Their twin Washington Bureau Correspondents provide the article "Blog Brings the War Home."
Scott @PowerLine: Col. Kurilla: The local angle — The Minneapolis Star Tribune picks up on Michael Yon's account of the Mosul firefight...
Chafee to be challenged from the Right in GOP primary
By David Freddoso / Human Events
We report in this week's Evans-Novak Political Report (sorry, no link, we're too expensive) that Cranston Mayor Stephen Laffey (R.) will jump into the U.S. Senate primary against Lincoln Chafee (R.) next month — the date will probably be September 15. |
Jonathan Singer: David Freddoso has the scoop for Human Events online, a conservative weekly.
Scott Shields: Chafee Gets a GOP Challenger 9/15/05 From the Evans-Novak Political Report by way of Human Events Online via Mike Liddell at From the Roots (whew!!!)
Bent Out of Shape
By Patrick Hynes / American Spectator
There have been a great number of petty and unfair attacks leveled at George W. Bush in the past five years. He's slow witted. He surrounds himself with incompetent "yes men." He's Hitler. But the pettiest and least fair to date is the charge that President Bush exercises too much. |
TheAnchoress: Then come back and read a much less angry piece that is still demanding honesty: Patrick Hynes in the American Spectator.
Lorie Byrd: Photo Flashback — Don't miss the montage Kitty put together of Kerry sports photos to accompany a link to Pat Hyne's latest in the American Spectator.
Women 'eye property in divorce'
Women feel more vindictive than men when dividing possessions in a divorce, according to research. Men on average wanted their ex to keep 19 items from a list of 24 including the home, photographs and pets, while women wanted the men to get just eight. |
Jan Haugland: Poll: Women more vindicative in divorce — In divorces, women are more greedy than men, a poll finds.
Steve Bainbridge: The Beeb and Gender — According to a couple of articles on the BBC's website, men are smarter than women, while women are more vindictive than men in divorce.
National Briefing
TEXAS: SOLDIER SENTENCED IN DETAINEE DEATH A military intelligence interrogator was sentenced to two months in prison after admitting that he abused an Afghan detainee who later died. The interrogator, Specialist Glendale C. Walls, pleaded guilty to dereliction of duty and assault. |
Michael @AmericaBlog: Still, no coverup here. Really? The Pentagon is now investigating that investigation. Don't you hate it when facts keep coming out?
Hilzoy @ObsidianWings: Boland, who has left the Army, was initially charged with chaining Dilawar's hands above his head and other abuse...
Third Source Backs 'Able Danger' Claims About Atta
Fox News
WASHINGTON — A third person has now come forward to verify claims made by a military intelligence unit that a year before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, it had information showing that lead hijacker Mohamed Atta (search) and other terrorists were identified as being in the United States. |
Barbara O'Brien: Danger Abled — Conspiracy theorists across the political spectrum are having a field day with the new "Able Danger" revelations.
John @PowerLine: Another Able Danger Shoe Drops — This is shoe number three; Able Danger is starting to look like a centipede.
Captain Ed: Able Danger: Third Source Steps Up, Gives Even More Details — The third source to go public from the Able Danger team...
Ace: Third Source Says Able Danger ID'd Atta — Third time's a charm. Confirms there was a chart with Atta's name and picture on it.
Kevin Drum: He told them how Able Danger identified Mohamed Atta prior to 9/11: [snipped quote] Mickey Kaus adds the following: "1)...
Tom Maguire: Able Danger And Psychic Strata — HUGE props to blogger AJ Strata, who noted a link between Mohammed Atta and the Blind...
Laura Rozen |
Bush Approval Rating Continues to Drop
PRINCETON, NJ — A new Gallup Poll reflects further erosion in President George W. Bush's job approval rating, continuing the slow but steady decline evident throughout the year so far. The poll — conducted Aug. 22-25 — puts Bush's job approval rating at 40% and his disapproval rating at 56%. |
Jonathan Singer: The latest poll from Gallup only confirms this already-reported trend.
Justin Gardner: So what is this? A downward spiral or just a momentary dip? And furthermore, what do you think is causing this drop?
Steve M.: Last Sunday I predicted that Bush would never go below 40% in the Gallup poll. Well, he's at 40%.
Steve Soto: Put A Fork In Him (Graphic courtesy of To me, it is very significant when a Gallup Poll shows that...
RJ Eskow: generic blogging blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog...
Chris Bowers: Gallup Finds Bush At 40 — It would appear a trend is emerging: [snipped quote] That makes the last four polls for Bush...
Atrios |
Before It's Too Late in Iraq
By Wesley K. Clark / WaPo
In the old, familiar fashion, mounting U.S. casualties in Iraq have mobilized increasing public doubts about the war. More than half the American people now believe that the invasion of Iraq was a mistake. They're right. |
EBW @Wampum: The current Clark piece "Before It's Too Late in Iraq" is here: link. There's more: Continue reading this post...
Barbara O'Brien: Exits and Strategies — Gen. Wes Clark's op ed about Iraq in today's Washington Post may, at least, help broker some...
Cernig: Wesley Clark, retired Supreme Allied Commander, Europe and a guy who knows a thing or two about these matters, thinks it...
Michael Signer: Death of a Salesman, 2005 — Amid more news that the Iraq Constitution is faltering and splintering, that American...
Armando @DailyKos: But I must admit General Wesley Clark has presented a political strategy that relies heavily on policy recommendations...
Digby: Therefore, I hope you'll bear with me reiterating an earlier point as I discuss Wes Clark's WaPo op-ed.
Gene @HarrysPlace,
Mark Kleiman,
Matthew Yglesias,
Kevin Drum,
Scott Shields,
Susie Madrak |
AP Poll: Military Kin Likelier to Back War
By Will Lester / AP
People with friends or relatives serving in Iraq are more likely than others to have a positive view of a generally unpopular war, an AP-Ipsos poll found. Some of those surveyed said their relationships with troops helped them learn more about what's going on in Iraq beyond the violence. |
Rob @Wizbang: I think this poll shows that, at the very least, they're exaggerating more than a little bit. (via The Jawa Report)...
Rickheller @Centerfield: Supporting Troops They Know — What does this tell us?
Callimachus: News for the Delphic Oracle — No doubt you'll be seeing this news story in your local newspaper. ... or not.
Cori Dauber: Look at this number: Six in 10 in the poll support keeping troops in Iraq until a stable government is formed, a process...
James Joyner: AP Poll: Military Kin Likelier to Back War — An Associated Press poll found that, while a majority of Americans now...
Chicago Tribune
CARBONDALE, Ill. — Word that Sgt. Dan Kennings had been killed in Iraq crushed spirits in the Daily Egyptian newsroom. The stocky, buzz-cut soldier befriended by students at the university newspaper was dead, and the sergeant's little girl—a precocious, blond-haired child they'd grown to love—was now an orphan. |
Gail Heriot: The rest of the folks at the paper were dupes. Evidently, the Chicago Tribune can take credit for unravelling the story.
Gary Farber: THERE ARE TWO KINDS OF HOAX: the ones where people get hurt, and the ones where people don't.
Marc @USSNeverdock: UPDATE The Chicago Tribune has the full story.
Michelle Pilecki: The Chicago Tribune's expose of the elaborate hoax, though long, is nicely detailed and makes for good reading.
Mary Katharine Ham: Update: Also read the Tribune's in-depth piece, which mesablue pointed out in comments. It's even weirder than the first story.
'Men cleverer than women' claim
Academics in the UK claim their research shows that men are more intelligent than women. A study to be published later this year in the British Journal of Psychology says that men are on average five points ahead on IQ tests. |
Zoe Kentucky: Sexing Intelligence — By way of Atrios we learn that there is a provocative new British study that I'm sure we'll hear about ad nauseum.
John Cole: Another Study That Will Piss Everyone Off This is going to be another one of these studies that everyone argues about...
Atrios: The BBC is reporting on shocking new "men smarter than women research" by one Richard Lynn. Who's Lynn?
James Joyner: It's worth a look. Update: BBC has more. Atrios says that Lynn is a racist and advocate of genocide.
Echidne: Eighty-Five Years Later... And all I got was this crummy article about how men, once again, are smarter than women.
Kathryn Jean Lopez: LARRY SUMMER IS OLD NEWS — A British study says men are just smarter.
In Article, Roberts's Pen Appeared to Dip South
By Jo Becker / WaPo
When John G. Roberts Jr. prepared to ghostwrite an article for President Ronald Reagan a little over two decades ago, his pen took a Civil War reenactment detour. The article, which was to appear in the scholarly National Forum journal, was called "The Presidency: Roles and Responsibilities." |
Callimachus: The Washington Post devotes an entire news story to the astonishing discovery that Supreme Court nominee John Roberts...
Dr. Steven Taylor: Now, via WaPp, we learn his support for civil rights is questionable: In Article, Roberts's Pen Appeared to Dip South
Patrick Carver: This Washington Post article is perhaps the most hilarious thing that I've read in a while.
Steve Bainbridge: Of course not, but SCOTUS nominee John Roberts' increasingly desperate opponents have seized on a 1980s article:...
Captain Ed: The same cannot be said for the companion report selected by the Post's editors to run on page A02 along with...
Ann Althouse: Supreme Court nominee John Roberts used it in a draft of an article he wrote for President Reagan to be published in a...
Ezra Klein |
One hundred thousand Shi'ites protest Iraq charter
By Michael Georgy / Reuters
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A hundred thousand Iraqis across the country marched on Friday in support of a maverick Shi'ite cleric opposed to a draft constitution that U.S.-backed government leaders say will deliver a brighter future. |
Juan Cole: 100,000 Sadrists March Against Constitution — Reuters reports that Muqtada al-Sadr's supporters rallied in 8 cities on Friday, totaling a hundred thousand demonstrators in all.
Jeff Goldstein: For my part, I've been wavering between cautious optimism and outright pessimism—mostly because it is impossible, given...
Billmon: Take a look at a few of today's events and see if you think they provide any grounds for optimism: "A hundred thousand...
Dr. Steven Taylor: This Doesn't Bode Well… Via Reuters: One hundred thousand Shi'ites protest Iraq charter
California Accuses Drug Companies of Fraud
By John M. Broder / NYT
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 25 - The attorney general of California sued 39 drug companies on Thursday, accusing them of bilking the state of hundreds of millions of dollars by overcharging for medicines. |
Steve Antler: Here, we learn California is taking the major drug companies to court, accusing them of price-fixing fraud.
TChris: If multinational drug companies steal hundreds of millions of dollars from California by overcharging for medicine, they get sued in a civil action.
Avedon Carol: Referred pain — Carolyn Kay of Make Them Accountable recommends these three pieces: John M. Broder in The New York...
More Krugman lies: the Great Unraveling continues
American Thinker
Paul Krugman, provides a small correction box at the bottom of his column today in the New York Times, to deal with some of his multitude of errors in his two recent columns on the Florida election controversy in 2000, and the Ohio controversy (a controversy, really, only for hard core fanatics like Krugman and John Conyers) in 2004. |
Michelle Malkin: This is after all, a man whom former 'Public Editor' (Ombudsman) Daniel Okrent said 'I can't come up with an adverb...
Scott @PowerLine: Into your life it will creep — At The American Thinker Richard Baehr returns to the Krugmania beat: "More Krugman lies: The Great Unraveling continues."
Greg Ransom: UPDATE II: Richard Baehr at American Thinker has a Krugman recap — then adds this: "The New York Times has seen its...
Betsy Newmark: Baehr calls him out on these lies. At this point, they are lies and not mistakes.
Summer of Our Discontent
By Paul Krugman / NYT
For the last few months there has been a running debate about the U.S. economy, more or less like this: American families: "We're not doing very well." Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times |
Tom Maguire: Two Out Of Three Ain't Good — Paul Krugman just can't write this correction - Patterico is poised on a window ledge, Michelle Malkin is scratching her head, but I have an answer!
Susie Madrak: Rising Tide Krugman: Because employers don't have to raise wages to get workers, wages are lagging behind the cost of living.
Steve Soto: For example, why is it so hard to develop talking points based on Krugman's message today?
Scott @PowerLine: The "corrections" (one of which is botched, as Michelle explains) are appended to Krugman's column today.
Avedon Carol: Stuff I saw this morning — More stuff that should be obvious from Krugman, filed under "Who is the Economy For?"
Robert Schlesinger: Robert Schlesinger: Summer of the GOP's Discontent — The NYT columnist Paul Krugman writes today about GOP bewilderment...
Michelle Malkin,
Steve Antler,
Greg Ransom,
Lambert @Corrente |
Dear Cindy; An Open Letter to the Mother of a Fallen Hero
By Clifford D. May / The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
Dear Cindy Sheehan: I know you want to talk to President Bush about the conflict in Iraq, the war in which your son, Specialist Casey Sheehan, was tragically killed. |
Jeff Jarvis: Dear Cindy, Clifford May, the head of the Foundation to Defend Democracies — a private charity that got Department of State funding — writes an open letter to Cindy Sheehan.
Judith Weiss: The silly season isn't over — Previous Sheehan entry here.
Vanderleun: UPDATE:Cliff May says pretty much the same thing in his open letter, less movingly, but it does include an invitation to lunch.
Iraq's marginalised Sunnis rally for Saddam
By Faris Al-Mehdawi / Reuters
BAQUBA, Iraq (Reuters) - Thousands marched in adoring praise of Iraq's deposed leader Saddam Hussein on Friday, offering a stark display of the loss of power and leadership felt by some of Iraq's Sunni Arabs. |
Juan Cole: Baathists Protest in Baqubah — About 5,000 Sunni Baathists demonstrated in Baqubah on Friday against the new...
Susie Madrak: Apparently some people don't agree: BAQUBA, Iraq (Reuters) - Thousands marched in adoring praise of Iraq's deposed...
Spencer Ackerman advertisement: Instead, they're out on the streets of Baquba, in the thousands, chanting "No To A Breakup of Iraq!" and—this is the...
Jesse Taylor: Oh, f**king great. Pro-Saddam rallies in Iraq. Freedom is on the march.
Improper Advances
Four days before President Bush nominated John G. Roberts to the Supreme Court on July 19, an appeals court panel of three judges, including Judge Roberts, handed the Bush administration a big victory in a hotly contested challenge to the president's military commissions. |
Judd @ThinkProgress: In an article that has recieved considerable attention by the media, Stephen Gillers, David J. Luban, and Steven Lubet...
Armando @DailyKos: WH Brings In "Ringer" To Defend Roberts' Ethics — Think Progress is all over BushCo on this: [snipped quote] How about...
Gary Farber: I suppose I should mention this piece, which is being much debated, which makes the case that Judge Roberts has a...
Humans Are Ones on Display at London Zoo
By Cassandra Vinograd / AP
LONDON - At London Zoo, you can talk to the animals — and now some of them talk back. Caged and barely clothed within a rocky enclosure, eight British men and women monkeyed around Friday for an amused, bemused crowd behind a sign reading "Warning: Humans in their Natural Environment." |
MJA @SouthernAppeal: Humans are "Just Another Primate" — A recent scan of Drudge lead me to this AP article about a "Human Exhibit" at the London Zoo.
John @AmericaBlog: What would Pat Robertson say? Just another primate, indeed!
Gary Farber: WAIT TILL THE CREATIONISTS HEAR about this. [snipped quote] Because that's so hard to do elsewhere. Yes, the point, of course, is the context.
Diners have sweet surprise for soldier, girlfriend
By Susan Gilmore / Seattle Times
When Chris Yanez wanted to take his girlfriend out for a special dinner to celebrate their one-year anniversary, he chose the venerable restaurant Canlis, perched high above Lake Union. Yanez, a soldier returning from Iraq, knew the dinner would be pricey. |
Scott @PowerLine: Deckeretal.jpg The paragraphs above are adapted from John's account of our "night to remember" last year, brought to...
TheAnchoress: 3) Even in blue Seattle, a soldier and his gal tasted some sweetness.
Michelle Malkin: Strangely, my old employer, the Seattle Times, has relegated this story to a local digest brief (though, in fairness,...
Marc @USSNeverdock: Here's another one. Like I said, this happens all the time but MSM rarely report it.
'Wonderful time to be a soldier'
By Joe Roche / Washington Times
I'm very proud to be a soldier of the U.S. Army because of the war on terror and our missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm not alone either. I'm surrounded by soldiers who are re-enlisting and volunteering to go to units that are deploying. |
Will Franklin: Read Sgt. Joe Roche's entire op-ed in The Washington Times.
Jason Van Steenwyk: This is a wonderful time to be a soldier in the U.S. Army. So says Joe Roache in this op-ed in the Washington Times.
Kathryn Jean Lopez: WashTimes: "I'm very proud to be a soldier of the U.S. Army because of the war on terror and our missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
TheAnchoress: 2) A soldier and his soldier wife say, this is a wonderful time to be a soldier, which is - let's face it - a surprising...
Betsy Newmark: Sgt. Joe Roche writes today in the Washington Times that he thinks it is "a wonderful time to be a soldier."
John Hawkins: [quote]"— Sgt. Joe Roche of the 12th Aviation Battalion and stationed at Fort Belvoir [end quote]
Results of AP-Ipsos poll on attitudes about Iraq
The Associated Press-Ipsos poll on public attitudes about the war in Iraq is based on telephone interviews with 1,001 adults from all states except Alaska and Hawaii. The interviews were conducted Aug. 22-24 by Ipsos, an international polling firm. |
Chris Bowers: For example, take the latest from AP-Ipsos (emphasis mine): "Aug 22-24, 1,0001 Adults, MoE 3 Should the United States...
Lapin @DailyKos: New AP-Ipsos Poll released today, 1,001 respondents, 3% margin of error. Very, very interesting results on Iraq and more.
Echidne: Total Disapprove - 58 % That is the percentage of Americans who disapprove of the way the Bush administration has waged war in Iraq, according to a new AP-Ipsos poll.
John Cole: Another Iraq Poll Another Iraq poll, and you can see the results here. As usual, what never ceases to amaze me are the people who "don't know."
Commission Votes to Save Ellsworth Base
By Liz Sidoti / AP
WASHINGTON - The base closing commission voted Friday to keep open Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota — rejecting the Pentagon's plan to close it — as the panel labored toward conclusion of a politically delicate task that has brought alternating sighs of relief and exasperation in communities across America. |
Paul @PowerLine: Ellsworth survives — John Thune's crusade to save South Dakota's Ellsworth Air Force base has <a href=" succeeded.
Jeff A. Taylor: Politics Bombs the Pentagon — Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota has been pulled back from the grave by the base...
James Joyner: BRAC Commission Votes to Save Ellsworth Base — The BRAC commission this morning voted to remove South Dakota's Ellsworth Air Force Base from the Pentagon's closure list.
Justin @SouthernAppeal: This is HUGE for Thune: Commission Votes to Save Ellsworth Base — "The surprise decision was a setback for Pentagon...
Jannelsen @RedState: Ellsworth: Success has many authors, including Thune — Ellsworth Air Force Base is saved. Rapid City is saved.
Charter Talks in Iraq Reach Breaking Point
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Aug. 25 - Talks over the Iraqi constitution reached a breaking point on Thursday, with a parliamentary session to present the document being canceled and President Bush personally calling one of the country's most powerful Shiite leaders in an effort to broker a last-minute deal. |
Norbizness: Other breaking-point commentary here. I seem to remember being promised a civil war after 2000 U.S. forces died, don't you?
MarkInMexico: Reviewing memeorandum this morning, I see the usual breast beating, finger pointing, tongue wagging, self flagellation,...
James Joyner: Michael Barone also points to some other articles by experts seemingly without a political axe to grind that are more...
Juan Cole: The New York Times says that President Bush called Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, the Shiite leader.
Dr. Steven Taylor: More on the Constitution — Via the NYT: Charter Talks in Iraq Reach Breaking Point [snipped quote] One thing that...
Joe @AmericaBlog: Bush personally intervening in Iraq Constitution — Damn, he is getting desperate.
Billmon |
Ghost Busters
By Daniel Henninger / Opinion Journal
Doomed to Repeat It... Fred Fry - Washington, D.C. How fitting Mr. Santayana's quote is these days. We are already "forgetting" when it comes to those who wish the U.S. to pull out of Iraq before the job is done. We already know that this did not work in Lebanon or Somalia. |
Betsy Newmark: This letter to the editor at WSJ sums up the danger of finding historical parallels. "Iraq is just like Vietnam except: We occupy Hanoi.
Vanderleun: TerrorWar — Just Like Vietnam, Except A RESPONSE TO DANIEL HENNINGER'S :"Ghost Busters" in the Wall Street Journal: "Iraq is just like Vietnam except: We occupy Hanoi.
McQ: Another Reason Iraq isn't Vietnam — And that is, as pointed out by Daniel Henninger, because there won't be any...
TheAnchoress: Uncanny! Actually, this letter to the editor of the WSJ is canny as all get out: No Vietnam Quagmire.
Judge Sides With Pa. in Base Closings Suit
By Joann Loviglio / AP
PHILADELPHIA - In a blow to the Pentagon's plan to shake up National Guard units, a judge ruled Friday that the Defense Department does not have the authority to dissolve a Pennsylvania Air National Guard division without the governor's approval. |
Donald Sensing: And he ain't giving permisssion. The governor's case was bolstered today.
Jayson @PoliPundit: 2) Federalism There were two interesting court rulings today within the purview of state-federal relations: Regarding the PA National Guard.
Same old ad hominem. Invariably, whenever columnists like myself write in support of the Iraq war without having served in the military there, letters flood in deriding us as "chicken hawks." How can writers support the war without fighting in it themselves? these letter writers ask, although usually not so politely. |
James Wolcott: He laments on NRO: "Invariably, whenever columnists like myself write in support of the Iraq war without having served...
Rich Lowry: SOME CHICKEN HAWK E-MAILS — Off this column, which produced less in the way of abusive mail than I had expected: "In...
Unable Danger
By Ted Frank / NRO
Veteran Army intelligence officer Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer claims that the Pentagon identified Mohammed Atta as a terrorist well before he led the September 11 hijackings. But, Shaffer says, there was no follow-up because lawyers were concerned about potential liability for the violation of privacy if something went wrong. |
Steve Antler: UPDATE: If you're confused, don't be. This is the more everyday, nontechnical approach to the issue.
Amanda Marcotte: Ted Frank is boldly going where nobody dared go before - the Unable Danger saga is the fault of liberals...but not for the reason you think!
Sheehan Vows Her Cause Is Just Beginning
By Peter Wallsten / LAT
CRAWFORD, Texas — The mother who pitched a tent near President Bush's property three weeks ago and watched her antiwar campaign gain momentum said Thursday that her efforts would not end, even if Bush granted her the face-to-face meeting she has been seeking. |
Cori Dauber: Here's what's she's saying today: The mother who pitched a tent near President Bush's property three weeks ago and...
Patterico: Maybe Somebody Is Reading the "Outside the Tent" Column After All More than two weeks after I first complained about...
Dean Esmay: Cindy by Dean Here's the best photo of grieving mom Cindy Sheehan yet: grieving mom Despite her many claims that this...
Despite Media Blackout, Fallujah Rebuilds
By Michael Fumento / TCS
After crisscrossing Fallujah by foot and Humvee in May, I reported on tremendous progress being made to restore "the city we had to destroy to save." Actually fighting left most of the town unscathed; most damage was from three decades of neglect under Saddam Hussein. |
TheAnchoress: Fallujah is rebuilding One of my doc's sons is serving in Fallujah right now, and he confirms all of this sort of news...
Glenn Reynolds: MICHAEL FUMENTO REPORTS FROM FALLUJAH with some surprising news: [snipped quote] Read the whole thing.
Donald Sensing: So what Michael Fumento reports is good news.
Good news stats on re-enlistments
Boston Herald
One of the most significant stories of the summer is getting almost no notice among the media elite. The Army is meeting its recruiting and retention goals for active-duty soldiers. Remarkably, units under the most pressure in Iraq are heavily oversubscribed for re-enlistment. |
Cori Dauber: More Good News Ignored — Via Memeorandum, an interesting point made by the conservative paper the Boston Herald: One of...
Ace: Oddly enough, only conservative leaning papers like the Boston Herald seem to be giving the story any attention. Go figure.
TheAnchoress: Lasagna!) and then more stuff is going on - but I wanted to point out three pieces focusing on soldiers, today, mostly...
Network's Former Chairman Is Missing
By David Lombino / New York Sun
The former chairman of Air America Radio, Evan Montvel Cohen - who former colleagues said engineered transfers of more than $800,000 to the liberal radio network from a boys and girls club in the Bronx - is missing, according to a lawyer who is trying to have him served with legal papers. |
Brian Maloney: The New York Sun has an update on the search for former Air America head Evan Cohen.
Michelle Malkin: AIR ENRON: FRIDAY MORNING UPDATES — Former Air America chairman Evan Cohen is still missing.
Betsy Newmark: Evan Cohen, the supposed sugar daddy of Air America who apparently "borrowed" money wihtout returning it from charitable...
Scott Sala: It just so happens Air America's former chairman, Evan Montvel Cohen, is missing, according to his lawyer.
Poll: Many Back Right to Protest Iraq War
By Will Lester / AP
WASHINGTON - An overwhelming number of people say critics of the Iraq war should be free to voice their objections — a rare example of widespread agreement about a conflict that has divided the nation along partisan lines. |
TChris: Protest is OK — Despite the propogandists who relentlessly proclaim that protest against the war in Iraq is unpatriotic...
Robert Schlesinger: Robert Schlesinger: 90% Are OK with War Protest — This from the front page of the HuffPo, that 90 percent of people polled are OK with war protestors voicing their concerns.
Steve Bainbridge: Free Speech — The AP reports: [snipped quote] A note to my fellow GOPers: In Idaho the other day, the President said to...
By Amir Taheri / New York Post
EVEN before its publication, the draft Iraqi constitution had been attacked by those who had opposed the liberation of Iraq in the first place. The main attacks have focused on two issues: Sunni outrage: The draft has angered Arab Sunni elites by proposing a federal structure... |
Betsy Newmark: Amir Taheri has some thoughtful reflections on the proposed Iraqi constitution.
James Joyner: IRAQ'S CONSTITUTIONAL CHOICES (New York Post) "Even before its publication, the draft Iraqi constitution had been...
John Hawkins: "Al Sharpton Plans To Join Texas Peace Mom Cindy Sheehan" [quote] Hospital Fights to Retain "Do Not Resuscitate" Order Despite...[end quote]
Seeing what we want to see
By Terry McDermott / LAT
How could it be that, despite the facts, people — and computers — place one of the Sept. 11 hijackers in places he probably wasn't? IN THE NEVER-ENDING effort to find someone — anyone — to blame for Sept. 11, the latest scrum involves claims by an ambitious congressman about a secret Defense Department unit pursuing a pilot program in data mining. |
Barbara O'Brien: But before everyone gets all excited about botched intelligence, please read Terry McDermott's op ed in yesterday's Los Angeles Times, "Seeing What We Want to See."
Laura Rozen: Terry McDermott, author of Perfect Soldiers and a genuine authority on 9/11 lead hijacker Mohamed Atta, weighs in on...
Iraq on brink of meltdown
By Oliver Poole / Telegraph
The credibility of Iraq's political process was in danger last night as parliament again failed to vote on a draft constitution which a Sunni politician said was "fit only for the bin". The government had earlier announced plans to bypass parliament in an attempt to push through the document. |
Damian Penny: No deal — The latest deadline for Iraq's new constitution has passed, with the Speaker of Parliament desperately trying...
Attaturk: (October 4, 2003) Progress (November 17, 2003) President Bush said Friday the United States is making progress in...
McQ: Sausage Making — Oliver Poole of the Telegraph breathlessly announces that "Iraq is on the verge of a meltdown". Really?
Bush Calls Iraqi Shiite Leaders to Discuss Constitution
President Bush took a break during his trip to Nampa, Idaho, this week, and made an unusual call to a key Shiite leader in Iraq about the talks underway in Baghdad on a new constitution. |
Spencer Ackerman advertisement: PHONE SECTS: It's true that a bit of personal diplomacy could hardly hurt the efforts at forging a truly Iraqi...
Billmon: "White House spokesman Trent Duffy Remarks to Reporters August 25, 2005 Talks over the Iraqi constitution reached a..."
'Redneck Woman' Singer Asked to Stop Promoting Smokeless Tobacco
By Rose French / AP
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - The state attorney general wants the country singer who made the song "Redneck Woman" a hit to stop "glamorizing" the use of smokeless tobacco at her concerts. |
Jeff Goldstein: From the AP [quote] The state attorney general [of TN] wants the country singer who made the song "Redneck Woman" a hit to...[end quote]
Radley Balko: Anti-Tobacco Healthism — The attorney general of Tennessee has asked a country music performer to stop chewing...
Prosecutors: Cunningham demanded bribe
By Onell R. Soto / San Diego Union-Tribune
Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham "demanded and received" a bribe from a Pentagon contractor who paid far above market value for the congressman's Del Mar-area home in 2003, according to court documents filed yesterday by federal prosecutors. |
DC Media Girl: More Duke Cunningham fun — So now it's bribery, is it? Well, why not?
Atrios: Dukester Going Down — Aww: Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham "demanded and received" a bribe from a Pentagon contractor who...