New Orleans Filling With Floodwaters Due to Breached Levee
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 30 — Hurricane Katrina and its rains have passed, but this city is filling with flood waters. The sense of relief that residents felt Monday morning when the city was not immediately inundated by a storm surge overflowing its protective... |
John Hawkins: Daily News For August 31, 2005 — Hurricane Katrina "Hundreds Feared Dead On Storm-Ravaged U.S. Coast" "New Orleans...
Steve Soto: New Orleans Now Heading For Catastrophe — Despite the initial "New Orleans seems to have been spared" bulls**t from the...
Acidman: A broken levee is threatening to flood the city. This is a terrible story, especially when you consider how some residents reacted.
Steve Bainbridge: What happened in New Orleans (and the rest of the Gulf coast) was never anything for somebody sitting in safety hundreds of miles away to joke about, let alone so lamely.
James Joyner: Other coverage: New Orleans Filling With Floodwaters Due to Breached Levee (WaPo) When can I go home?
Daniel Drezner: ANOTHER UPDATE: Alas, I spoke too soon about New Orleans.
Kevin Drum,
Laura Rozen,
Glenn Reynolds,
Lambert @Corrente |
New Orleans levee breaks
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) — As the death toll from Hurricane Katrina reached at least 54, a levee holding back the waters of Lake Pontchartrain sustained a breach two blocks long overnight in the Lakefront area of New Orleans. |
Mary Madigan: Hurricane Katrina by Mary Madigan neworleansangel There may be more than 55 dead in Mississippi.
DC Media Girl: Nightmare — The water won't stop: Authorities along the Gulf Coast used boats and helicopters to reach residents...
James Joyner: Relief efforts under way for those stranded by storm (CNN) New Orleans a city of rising water - Flooding traps residents...
Joe Gandelman: Biloxi, Mississippi was hard hit and a levee broke in New Orleans, reports CNN: "In Biloxi, a 25-foot storm surge...
Justin Gardner: However, a major levee broke in New Orleans and has flooded over 80% of the city, putting those areas under 20 feet of water.
Patrick: CNN says it happened "overnight". An AP report quoted in the New York Times says it "gave way Monday afternoon."
Riggsveda @Corrente,
Jack Cluth,
Michelle Malkin,
John Hawkins,
Bill Hobbs,
Orin Kerr,
Glenn Reynolds,
Nick Danger,
Gene @HarrysPlace |
Poverty Rate Rises to 12.7 Percent
By Jennifer C. Kerr / AP
The nation's poverty rate rose to 12.7 percent of the population last year, the fourth consecutive annual increase, the Census Bureau said Tuesday. The percentage of people without health insurance did not change. |
Avedon Carol: I never find it particularly surprising to hear of poverty rates rising during a Republican administration.
Cernig: Oh, and the poverty rate here in the US has risen again for the fourth consecutive year. That George is sure good for us po'folks ain't he?
Matthew Yglesias: Economic News — As if the hurricane wasn't bad enough, we learn today that poverty is up for the fourth year in a row,...
Dwight Meredith: The Washington Post reports: "The nation's poverty rate rose to 12.7 percent of the population last year, the fourth...
Jayson @PoliPundit: It's Back — The poverty meme. Ah, yeah, that annual rite of passage - when Republicans occupy the White House, that is.
Kevin Drum: From the Washington Post: [snipped quote] Question 1: what's the point of a strong economy if it produces higher poverty...
Susie Madrak,
Steve Soto,
Judd @ThinkProgress |
Hundreds feared dead on storm-ravaged U.S. coast
By Rick Wilking / Reuters
NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - Helicopters plucked frantic survivors from rooftops, debris-fouled water flooded historic New Orleans and hundreds were feared dead on Tuesday after Hurricane Katrina's rampage across the U.S. Gulf Coast. |
Michelle Malkin: KATRINA: DEATH TOLL RISES — Reuters is reporting that hundreds are feared dead in Biloxi, Miss. Cadaver dogs are being brought in to locate the corpses.
Rex Hammock: "I fear it's potentially like Pompeii.'' (AP) In Mississippi's Hancock County, emergency workers went from house to house and put black paint on those where people died, CNN said.
Alcibiades @KesherTalk: Hundreds may be dead in Biloxi, Mississippi, which didn't get the same evacuation warning time as inhabitants of New Orleans, after a 30 foot storm surge came ashore.
By Doug MacCash / New Orleans Times-Picayune
A large section of the vital 17th Street Canal levee, where it connects to the brand new .hurricane proof. Old Hammond Highway bridge, gave way late Monday morning in Bucktown after Katrina's fiercest winds were well north. |
Mary Madigan: New Orleans survived the immediate effects of the hurricane, but the city is now being flooded by a levee breach: ...
Justin Gardner: Here's still more from the local paper in New Orleans: "As night fell on a devastated region, the water was still rising...
Patrick: we may have breathed a sigh of relief for NO too soon: A large section of the vital 17th Street Canal levee, where...
Joe Gandelman: "This is our tsunami," Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway told the Biloxi Sun Herald newspaper, referring to the December 26,...
Cookie Jill: awol and congress need to come clean with the folks of new orleans and let them know why this administration didn't want to give them money to shore up their levees.
Will Collier: With one of the major levees failing this morning, several parishes under water (few of which could be reached by people...
Michelle Malkin |
Katrina Should be A Lesson To US on Global Warming
By German Papers / DER SPIEGEL
Seems like everything is President Bush's fault. One day after Katrina hammered the Gulf Coast, German commentators are laying into the US for its stubborn attitude to global warming and Kyoto. Hurricane Katrina is big news for German commentators, whatever their ilk. |
Captain Ed: As many of the blogosphere have already pointed out, German environmental minister Juergen Tritten blamed George Bush...
Andrew Sullivan: USING KATRINA: Some Germans start lecturing the U.S. about global warming. As if any serious expert believes this is in any way connected.
John Hawkins: "Some Police Officers And Firefighters Join In Looting (They Should Be Hung)" "Official: Prisoners Riot, Take Hostages...
New Orleans mayor: 'Significant' number of deaths
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) — New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin warned of a "significant" death toll as the exact scope of Hurricane Katrina's wrath remained unknown in the Crescent City. "The city of New Orleans is in a state of devastation," Nagin told WWL TV on Monday night. |
Riggsveda @Corrente: The levee protecting it burst open across a 2-block length, under the strain of the floodwaters in Lake Ponchartrain, and now 80% of New Orleans is underwater.
Mary @LeftCoaster: New Orleans Situation Worsening — The relief felt yesterday that New Orleans was spared the worse has given way to the recognition that the danger is far from over.
Bill Hobbs: Reports here, here, here, and here. And here's the PDF of the cover of today's New Orleans Times Picayune.
Smash: Katrina — NEW ORLEANS is underwater. UPDATE: Bush is to blame, apparently.
Governor: Evacuate New Orleans
NEW ORLEANS — Rescuers along the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast pushed aside the dead to reach the living Tuesday in a race against time and rising waters, while New Orleans (search) sank deeper into crisis and Louisiana's governor ordered storm refugees out of this drowning city. |
Baldilocks: (Thanks to Hugh Hewitt) New Orleans must be totally evacuated.
Forkum: Katrina's Wake — From FoxNews: Governor: Evacuate New Orleans.
Michael J. Totten: The governor just ordered everyone - including those in the Superdome - to evacuate...
U.S. Warplanes Back Unprecedented Sunni-Led Offensive
RAMADI, Iraq, Aug. 30 — U.S. warplanes bombed alleged safe houses of Abu Musab Zarqawi's fighters near the Syrian border Tuesday in one of the strongest uses of air power in months, backing what leaders of one Sunni Arab tribe described as an unprecedented tribal push to drive out Zarqawi's forces. |
Steve Soto: Iraq: The White House, after saying that the constitution was fine Sunday night, now wants it changed again to bring the...
Jeff Goldstein: From the Washington Post: [snipped quote] Will the constitution pass muster in October?
Donald Sensing: Andthis development strikes me as good news: [snipped quote] This action is the latest but biggest of a series of attacks...
Rape Charge Follows Marriage to a 14-Year-Old
By Jodi Wilgoren / NYT
FALLS CITY, Neb. , Aug. 29 - On Sunday evening, Matthew Koso tipped three ounces of formula into his 5-day-old daughter's mouth, then hoisted her atop his shoulder in hope of a burp. On Tuesday morning, he is scheduled to be arraigned on charges for which the newborn is the state's prime piece of evidence. |
Will Baude: The Massachusetts of the Midwest — Multiple readers have sent along a link to this story about a 22-year-old man and a 14-year-old girl who have married and had a child.
Steve M.: From today's New York Times, we learn that the people of Kansas — you know, those people who, unlike us, have values —...
Jacob Sullum: I Hope They Don't Have a Well — While you're contemplating whether 22-year-old Matthew Koso's relationship with his...
Stephen Elliott: Stephen Elliott: Calling Them Children, Trying Them As Adults — Jon Bruning, the Attorney General of Nebraska said yesterday
Ann Althouse: So says a 22-year-old man who married the 14-year-old girl he impregnated. He's being prosecuted for statutory rape.
At Public Hearing Today, ACLU to Argue for Release of Photographs and Videos Depicting Detainee Abuse
NEW YORK - The American Civil Liberties Union and the New York Civil Liberties Union will again appear before a federal judge Tuesday, August 30, to seek the release of Defense Department photographs and videotapes depicting the abuse of prisoners held by the United States at Abu Ghraib. |
Avedon Carol: The ACLU is still trying to get those Abu Graib pictures released.
Jeralyn Merritt: ACLU Hearing 3pm ET Over Abu Ghraib Photos — The ACLU reports: [snipped quote] Released documents are available here.
Arthur Silber: Given this ongoing denial and avoidance of responsibility, the only possibility for correcting these tragic and...
Teaching Science
The president is wrong on Intelligent Design. Catching up on back news this past few days — I was out of the country for the first two weeks of August — I caught President Bush's endorsement of teaching Intelligent Design in public school science classes. |
Andrew Sullivan: Religion is quite a different thing." - John Derbyshire, talking sense, at NRO.
Patrick Carver: ID vs. Darwinism: Dr. Jonathan Witt has a short, but sweet response to a point made in John Derbyshire's harangue against teaching intelligent design.
Steve @BeggingToDiffer: UNINTELLIGENCE — John Derbyshire gets it right on Intellgent Design.
Is Dell Dying?
By Daniel Gross / Slate
For 21 years, Dell has been the business media's most dearly beloved company. Since Michael Dell founded the company in his University of Texas dorm room in 1984, the company has been hugged and kissed and fondled by crush-struck business journalists (and analysts and investors). |
Scott Rosenberg: Dell and the megaphone — Over in Slate, Daniel Gross has this to say about blogger Jeff Jarvis's now-celebrated...
Glenn Reynolds: SLATE WRITES ON DELL'S PROBLEMS, and Jeff Jarvis is mentioned. My experiences with Dell, I note, have been good.
Major's Frustration
By Arthur Chrenkoff / Opinion Journal
Maj. Joe Leahy is a civil engineer with the U.S. Army's Engineer Brigade. He has been stationed at Camp Victory, outside of Baghdad, since November 2004—enough time to get frustrated. "We all know it's a dangerous place," he says. |
John Hawkins: Abu Sayyaf Said Responsible For Blast Injuring 30 In Philippines" "A Roundup Of The Past Two Weeks' Good News From Iraq"...
Jeff Goldstein: This, it seems to me, is precisely correct: much of what the US public gets from the MSM is a series of nodal points...
Arthur Chrenkoff: Good news from Iraq, part 34 — Note: Also available at "The Opinion Journal" and Winds of Change.
Cernig: Meanwhile, Chrenkoff thinks its good news that Sunnis are lining up to register so they can vote the current...
Cori Dauber: Good News Round-up Iraq — Time for Another Edition, and it really is increasingly difficult to read these one after...
Justin Gardner: From the Opinion Journal: [snipped quote] Lots, lots, lots more when you jump over to the story. It's well worth the time.
FrancoAlemán |
Slight Majority Say Bush Should Meet With Sheehan
By Richard Morin / WaPo
Slightly more than half of the country says President Bush should meet with Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier killed last year in Iraq, who is leading a protest against the war outside Bush's ranch in Crawford, Tex., according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. |
Steve Soto: Results from today's ABC News/Washington Post poll Another week, another bad poll for Bush.
Taegan Goddard: Bush Sinks Lower in Poll — "Spiraling gas prices and continuing bloodshed in Iraq continue to take their toll on...
Zoe Kentucky: Unfortunately, it appears I was right. [snipped quote] As I stated before, Sheehan symbolizes an incredible waste of an...
Chris Bowers: I imagine that this also means that Cindy Sheehan's vigil will end tomorrow, making polling like this a little less...
Water Continues to Rise in New Orleans
By Holbrook Mohr / AP
GULFPORT, Miss. - Rescuers in boats and helicopters struggled to reach hundreds of wet and bedraggled victims of Hurricane Katrina along the Gulf Coast on Tuesday, while New Orleans slipped deeper into crisis as water began rising in the streets because of a levee break. |
Michelle Malkin: "We're not even dealing with dead bodies," Mayor Ray Nagin said. "They're just pushing them on the side."
Gateway Pundit: Crews Pass Dead to Reach Storm Survivors
Katrina leaves millions without power in U.S. Gulf
FPL Group Inc. said in a release it expects to restore full service by Friday night. Entergy's subsidiaries own and operate about 30,000 MW of generating capacity, market energy commodities, and transmit and distribute power to 2.6 million customers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. |
Michelle Malkin: Yes, looting. *** More than 2.3 million are without power. Restoration efforts could take weeks.
Norbizness: In addition, there are 2.3 million people without power, there could be up to 80 people dead in Gulfport/Biloxi alone,...
Looting Takes Place in View of La. Police
By Allen G. Breed / AP
NEW ORLEANS — With much of the city flooded by Hurricane Katrina, looters floated garbage cans filled with clothing and jewelry down the street in a dash to grab what they could. In some cases, looting on Tuesday took place in full view of police and National Guard troops. |
Baldilocks: Go Coast Guard and be safe! Survivors_rescued_gi34 UPDATE: Sigh. This was inevitable.
Michelle Malkin: Looting in New Orleans is taking place in view of the police and National Guard troops, AP reports
Rescuers Search for Survivors as Higher Death Tolls Are Feared
By Joseph B. Treaster / NYT
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 30 - With parts of this city under 20 feet of water and a death toll in the region that is reported at 55 and certain to climb, the Gulf Coast began today to confront the aftermath of one of the most devastating storms ever to hit the United States. |
Gary Farber: This is far worse, alas. [snipped quote] This is just awful. Read The Rest Scale: I'm sure you know.
Daniel Drezner: Open hurricane porn thread — CROW-EATING UPDATE: The post below was written 24 hours before the waters of Lake...
Ogged @Unfogged: Katrina — Katrina's last-minute swerve seems to have offered only false hope: levees have been breached and New Orleans is flooding.
Poll: Bush Approval at a Career Low
By Gary Langer / ABCNEWS
Aug. 30, 2005 — George W. Bush's job approval rating slipped to a career low 45 percent in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, damaged both by discontent with the war in Iraq and broad unhappiness with the price of gasoline at home. |
Chris Bowers: Also of interest, the country seems to be placing at least part of the blame for the war on Democrats in Congress who...
Lambert @Corrente: "A majority of Americans — including more than three-quarters of Democrats and nearly six in 10 independents — say...
Bolton's mischief
AFTER A YEAR AND A HALF of studies and negotiations, the United Nations recently came up with a draft proposal calling for extensive internal reforms and world action against injustice, poverty and environmental catastrophe. Now that's getting things done. |
Suzanne Nossel: Bolton - early returns — John_bolton The early signs on John Bolton's behavior at the UN are none too encouraging.
Nathan Newman: As this LA Times editorial lays out: [snipped quote] History will no doubt remember Iraq as Bush's largest debacle, but...
Kathryn Jean Lopez: "BOLTON'S MISCHIEF" — That's the LATimes today, and they're not talking about Michael. A.K.A. Just what the doctor ordered.
McQ: Well it appears that John Bolton's efforts on behalf of the US as its ambassador to the UN don't meet with the approval...
Laura Rozen: The LAT on Bolton at the UN: "Bolton's amendments have been received like a wasp's nest at a picnic.
Study: Terrorists Exploit Immigration Laws
By Lara Jakes Jordan / AP
WASHINGTON — Some used false documents to enter the United States; others let their legal visas expire once in the country. And at least 21 foreign nationals became naturalized U.S. citizens before being charged or convicted as terrorists. |
Avedon Carol: Here's the kind of headline that gives the wingers a charge: Study: Terrorists Exploit Immigration Laws.
La Shawn Barber: News Flash for Imbeciles: Terrorists Exploit Immigration Laws — Because it certainly isn't "news" to people with IQs higher than 80.
Justin Gardner: A new study released by the Center For Immigration Studies points out that terrorists have been using our own system to...
Jan Haugland: Terrorists exploit immigration system Anybody surprised? Some used false documents to enter the United States; others let their legal visas expire once in the country.
McQ: A blinding flash of the obvious is offical — Headline in the Washinton Post: "Study: Terrorists Exploit Immigration Laws" You don't say?!
Cori Dauber: Links to Immigration — Hard evidence immigration issues are in fact national security issues, not side issues, not questions of raw nativism.
Greg Ransom |
1,600 soldiers activated to aid cleanup, deter looting
By Joshua Cogswell / Clarion-Ledger
More than 1,600 Mississippi National Guard soldiers have been activated to assist with emergency operations — and more could be activated once Hurricane Katrina's fury has passed. |
Trevino @RedState: That's just the numbers available: of those activated, we see that it comes to 3,500 in Louisiana, 1,600 in Mississippi, and 750 in Alabama.
Michelle Malkin: More than, 1,600 Mississippi Natonal Guardsmen have been called up to help with cleanup efforts and to deter looting.
Pope meets controversial critic of Islam
VATICAN CITY (AFP) - Pope Benedict XVI held a meeting at his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo with Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci, a strident critic of Islam, Vatican sources confirmed. |
Steve M.: The 76-year-old writer, who describes herself as an atheist Christian and was sued in Italy for insulting the Muslim...
TheAnchoress: Pope meets controversial critic of Islam The 76-year-old writer, who describes herself as an atheist Christian and was...
Air Force Bans Leaders' Promotion of Religion
By Laurie Goodstein / NYT
The Air Force issued new religion guidelines to its commanders yesterday that caution against promoting any particular faith - or even "the idea of religion over nonreligion" - in official communications or functions like meetings, sports events and ceremonies. |
John Cole: New Air Force Regulations In an update to an issue I have followed closely (previous posts on this issue here, here,...
Cori Dauber: Here's the Times: "Air Force Bans Leaders' Promotion of Religion," which takes as a given that up until this ban, what...
Jo Fish: Half-Right — Well this'll get the christo-fascisti up in arms no doubt.
David Schraub: For background on the Air Force's response to religious harassment, see here, here, and here. For background on Helms and his new book, see here.
What If Syria Is Guilty?
By Michael Young / TCS
BEIRUT — Late last week, Detlev Mehlis, the German prosecutor investigating the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri on behalf of the UN Security Council, released a preliminary report on his inquiry, scheduled to be completed by mid-September. |
Jan Haugland: Several other people were also arrested, the sources said. Michael Young asks what happens if Syria is found guilty?
Glenn Reynolds: MICHAEL YOUNG looks at the Harriri investigation and asks what if Syria is found guilty?
Tim Cavanaugh: Reason Writers Around Town — At Tech Central Station, Michael Young speculates on the potential fallout from Detlev Mehlis' investigation of the Rafiq Hariri murder in Lebanon.
Irreplaceable Exuberance
By Henry Blodget / NYT
TEN years ago this month, the initial public offering of the Internet pioneer Netscape set off a dot-com boom that today is usually viewed as a sort of financial kindergarten recess, a regrettable free-for-all of idiocy and greed. |
Richard Reeb: In the Marketplace, Experience Beats Theory — In this sensible and persuasive New York Times op-ed, Henry Blodget, a...
Chris Nolan: Roll Over — It's really hard for me not to get really really really pissed off at the New York Times when I see opinion...
CAFE Society
By Matthew Yglesias / American Prospect
A funny thing happened on August 24: I was watching an Orwellian view-screen, which runs short news items and advertisements, in an elevator in the Prospect building on L Street NW, and it said that the Bush administration was tightening fuel-efficiency standards for SUVs. |
Kevin Drum: It's true, he says, that part of CAFE's problem is that it largely exempts SUVs from its rules, but there's a broader...
Ezra Klein: Three Objections — Matt's got a TAP column today laying out his objections to CAFE standards.
Bush Returning to Monitor Relief Effort
CORONADO, Calif. (AP) — President Bush will cut short his vacation to return to Washington on Wednesday, two days earlier than planned, to help monitor federal efforts to assist victims of Hurricane Katrina, the White House said Tuesday. |
Stirling Newberry: As Bush makes a big noise about leaving palm trees and lots of sun. going back to "monitor" events in the White House -...
Laura Rozen: Terrifying. Bush is even cutting short his vacation to monitor relief efforts.
Religion A Strength And Weakness For Both Parties
Pew Research Center
Both major political parties have a problem with their approach toward religion, in the eyes of many Americans. More than four-in-ten say that liberals who are not religious have too much control over the Democratic Party, while an almost identical percentage says that religious conservatives have too much influence over the Republican Party. |
Don: WOW — THERE ARE A LOT OF RELIGIOUS PEOPLE OUT THERE — This just showed up in my email box, from the Pew Research Center, about their new study on religion, politics and policy.
Taegan Goddard: Most Americans Favor Teaching Creationism — A new Pew Research Center poll finds that "about half the public (48%) says...
Bush to Cut Short His Vacation
By Peter Baker / WaPo
SAN DIEGO, Aug. 30 — President Bush decided today to cut short his month-long vacation and return to Washington to oversee the federal government's response to Hurricane Katrina, which cut a swath of devastation across the Gulf Coast states, killing dozens of people and leaving tens of thousands dislocated or without power. |
Baldilocks: In related news, President Bush will return to Washington three days ahead of schedule. Time to send out the federal troops.
Steve Soto: And Skippy has decided its time to stop talking about Medicare and Iraq, and to get his ass back to Washington to look like he is managing another crisis.
An IPod Cellphone Said to Be Imminent
By Matt Richtel / NYT
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 29 - Apple Computer and Motorola plan to unveil a long-awaited mobile phone and music player next week that will incorporate Apple's iTunes software, a telecommunications industry analyst who has been briefed on the announcement said on Monday. |
Matthew Yglesias: And now I read today that the much wished for iPod/cell phone combo will soon be available.
Bill Hobbs: I Want One — An iPod cellphone from Apple and Cingular? Cool.
Ezra Klein: Fear It — Your world is about to get sleeker. Apple is bringing out an ipod cell phone.
Political preachers deliver misleading message
Jewish World Review
PORTSTEWART, Northern Ireland — Word of Pat Robertson's outrageous remarks recommending the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has reached this small seacoast town. A local man asked me what I thought of his comments. "Not much," I replied with some embarrassment. |
Andrew Sullivan: Cal Thomas, today. I differ with Thomas on many issues, but he has a long record of being committed to the role for...
Gary Farber: IT'S A FRIGHTENING DAY WHEN Cal Thomas is a voice of reason.
Jack Fowler: Cal Thomas's latest column, which takes Pat Robertson to task for his Chavez-assassination fatwa, is a must-read.
Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. AARON BROWN, HOST: Well, at 11 p.m. here in the East, 8 p.m. out West. For those of you just joining us, take a moment or two to recap where things stand along the Gulf Coast and then we'll move ahead. |
Joe Gandelman: A few highlights: "UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But you're never prepared for this. You know, we did a lot of our crying earlier.
Garrett M. Graff: CNN's Meserve Delivers 'Heart-wrenching' Report jeannemeserve3.jpgCousin TVNewser reports on the devastation facing the...
Brian Stelter: The transcript doesn't do it justice... > Also: Meserve's cameraman broke his foot around 9am Monday, but continued working all day.
Mormonism may sour Romney for some in Christian right
By Nina J. Easton / Boston Globe
WASHINGTON — The Southern Baptist Convention website categorizes the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a ''cult" that is ''radically" different from historic, biblical Christianity. |
Hugh Hewitt: Here's the article.
Kathryn Jean Lopez: LATTER DAY ISSUES — Nina Easton gets the president of the Southern Baptist Convention on record today on a potential...
Shawn @LiquidList: Religion: The Power of the Mormon Church — In today's Boston Globe we learn: Mormonism may sour Romney for some in the Christian Right Well, duh.
Bush cutting vacation short to oversee relief effort
CORONADO, Calif. — President Bush will cut short his vacation to return to Washington on Wednesday, two days earlier than planned, to help monitor federal efforts to assist victims of Hurricane Katrina, the White House said today. |
Chris Bowers: Bush, Cindy, Katrina — I guess running away and letting the people eat cake wasn't the sort of photo-op they decided...
Taegan Goddard: Bush Cuts Short Vacation — Though they insisted he wasn't really on vacation, the White House announced that President Bush [snipped quote] the AP reports.
Agreeing to Disagree in Iraq
By Noah Feldman / NYT
THE completion of Iraq's draft constitution, which will be submitted to the people for ratification in October, should have been an occasion for celebration. As most Americans are aware, it has not been. |
Justin Gardner: More On Iraqi Constitution — A good rundown of the ins and outs of the Iraqi Constitution shows up in the New York Times today.
Ann Althouse: NYU lawprof Noah Feldman, who was a senior adviser for constitutional law to the Coalition Provisional Authority in...
Cori Dauber: Iraqi Constitutional Cheat Sheet — I haven't blogged the twists and turns of the constitution much, but here's a piece...
Supply-side inventor Jude Wanniski dies
By Jude Wanniski / WorldNetDaily
Economist Jude Wanniski, the man who coined the term "supply-side economics," died of a heart attack earlier today at 67. The former WND columnist was founder and chairman of Polyconomics, Inc., and author of the 1978 book "The Way the World Works," named one of the 100 most influential books of the 20th century by the editors of the National Review. |
Ed Driscoll: There At The Beginning — Jude Wanniski, a Wall Street Journal associate editor in the 1970s, who coined the phrase...
Jonah Goldberg: JUDE WANNISKI HAS DIED. Details here.
It's time to set the record straight
By Lorie Byrd /
President Bush spent much of last week addressing the decline of support, at least as measured in public opinion polls, for the war in Iraq. In his speech in Idaho last Wednesday, he focused on honoring both fallen soldiers and those who continue to fight, and the necessity that we stay the course until the job is done. |
Amanda Marcotte: You know, if I was 7'2" and more coordinated, I would be playing in the NBA. It's a possibility you simply can't ignore, even though it's physically impossible.
Lorie Byrd: Setting The Record Straight — At I write about how I think it is now time for the Republicans to start setting the record straight on the reasons we went into Iraq.
A Higher Standard
By Peter Carlson / WaPo
But now — as the Washington-based mag prepares to celebrate its 10th anniversary — it's worth noting that the Weekly Standard is a truly excellent right-wing warmongering magazine, no matter what your political persuasion might be. |
Guest Blogger: Those Visionary Neocons weeklystandardbook.jpgPet er Carlson takes at look at "America's funniest right-wing magazine,"...
Jim Romenesko: Weekly Standard has a delightfully impish sense of humor — Washington Post The Weekly Standard is a Rupert...
Virginia Postrel: Conservative Competition The WaPost's Peter Carlson marks the 10th anniversary of The Weekly Standard with an jocular article focused on the magazine's contents and influence.
Another Storm Casualty: Oil Prices
The region that produces and refines a major portion of the nation's oil and natural gas was largely shut down by Hurricane Katrina yesterday, further tightening strained energy markets and sending prices to new highs. Gulfport, Miss., and New Orleans suffered major damage. |
Justin Gardner: Hurricane Katrina's effects may indeed be felt all over the nation "The region that produces and refines a major...
Riggsveda @Corrente: From this a.m.'s NYTimes: [quote] "The region that produces and refines a major portion of the nation's oil and natural gas...[end quote]
Joe Gandelman: Meanwhile, Katrina has clearly given a stiff uppercut to the region's oil and gas refineries — and there...
Steve Verdon: This New York Times article is also chuck full of information. Such as that there are 4,000 drilling platforms in that region connected by 33,000 miles of underwater pipelines.
New Air Force Guidelines Discourage Promoting Religion
By Laurie Goodstein / NYT
The Air Force issued new religion guidelines to its commanders today that caution against promoting any particular faith - or even "the idea of religion over nonreligion" - in official communications or during meetings, sports events or ceremonies. |
Ogged @Unfogged: Crowd Control — I can't decide if it's a good or bad thing that this was little noted.
Gary Farber: Here's a toast to the host of those Who love the vastness of the sky: [snipped quote] Good. Sounds fine.
Apple, Digital Music's Angel, Earns Record Industry's Scorn
By Jeff Leeds / NYT
Two and a half years after the music business lined up behind the chief executive of Apple, Steven P. Jobs, and hailed him and his iTunes music service for breathing life into music sales, the industry's allegiance to Mr. Jobs has eroded sharply. |
Barry L. Ritholtz: A front page NYTimes article discusses how the music industry is (once again) trying to force prices up.
Richard Bradley: Richard Bradley: Time to Steal Music Again — The New York Times reports that the big music companies are fighting Apple Computer over the pricing of their music.
The Other Russian Revolution
By Edvard Radzinsky / Opinion Journal
MOSCOW—For the greater part of the 20th century, Russia's population suffered from the nightmare of wars, repression and perpetual hunger. There was the famine of the Civil War, the famine of the years of collectivization, and the famine of the Second World War. |
Roy @Alicublog: PSSST, MEESTER! WANT GIRL? I have had a team of experts inspect this thing, and I don't think it's meant as a joke.
A.M. Mora y Leon: Eastern Europe — Russia Babes of politics Journalism Blogs — WSJ, ON BABES OF POLITICS Today's Wall Street Journal has...
Anxious Embed Reporting for Duty
By Michiko Kakutani / NYT
Imagine George Costanza from "Seinfeld" or one of Woody Allen's hypochondriacal heroes being sent off to cover the Iraq war, and you have a pretty good idea of what Chris Ayres's hilarious new memoir is like. 280 pages. Atlantic Monthly Press. $23. |
Kevin Roderick: Michiko Kakutani calls it hysterical in today's New York Times: "Reads as though Larry David had rewritten "MASH" and Evelyn Waugh's "Scoop" as a comic television episode."
Jim Romenesko: Imagine George Costanza being sent off to cover Iraq war — New York Times In "War Reporting for Cowards," Chris Ayres...
Cori Dauber: Hilarious. Yet the book gets a full-throated vote of approval from the Times' reviewer.
US says kills Iraq al Qaeda fighters; 47 said dead
By Sebastian Alison / Reuters
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. warplanes launched strikes in western Iraq on Tuesday which the U.S. military said killed an al Qaeda militant named Abu Islam among other fighters, and which a hospital source said killed at least 47 people. |
Bill Roggio: Reuters reports 47 were killed in multiple U.S. air strikes directed at terrorist safe houses.
Dr. Steven Taylor: al Qaeda Fighters Killed in Iraq — Via Reuters: US says air strike kills Iraq al Qaeda fighters "The U.S. military said...
Dimond's not forever at Court TV
NY Daily News
For die-hard fans of Michael Jackson, it's ding dong, Diane Dimond's gone. But for Dimond - the acquitted pop star's lightning-rod nemesis, who just got the bad news that Court TV won't be renewing her contract - it's a chance for "a little paid vacation," she told me yesterday. |
Brian Stelter: So, Lloyd Grove wonders, "why didn't they keep her?" (And I wonder: Who will pick her up?)
Jim Romenesko: Additional items for August 30, 2005 > Tabloid publisher AMI gets more bad news | Related story (NYP|PBP) > Court TV...
Scalia blasts 'judge moralists' in law school speech
By Gillian Flaccus / AP
(08-29) 21:37 PDT Orange, Calif. (AP) — U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia blasted what he called "judge moralists" and the infusion of politics into judicial appointments during a Monday night lecture that capped a day of activities celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Chapman University School of Law. |
John Hawkins: A Living Constitution By Betsy Newmark — Scalia spoke to students at Chapman University and he sure didn't hold back on...
Betsy Newmark: Scalia spoke to students at Chapman University and he sure didn't hold back on what he thought about having the courts decide matters better left to elected legislators.
It's a Jerk!
A man who doesn't want to watch his wife give birth is a jerk. This was the overwhelming consensus reached by a host of respected blogs after the publication last Tuesday in the New York Times of a piece by a therapist noting an unhappy trend: A number of his... |
Ann Althouse: Here's an interesting piece in Slate about how harshly people reacted to the news that witnessing childbirth destroyed...
John Hawkins: Left-Overs "Iraqi Reality TV Show Could be Called 'This Bombed House'" "Should Men Want To Watch Their Wives Give Birth?"
Amanda Marcotte: Unfortunately, there's one place where people still think that sexism is permanently unassailable, and that's in the realm of male sexual desire.
Ed Cone: Multipurpose tools — I saw the headline and lede of the Times article, reaffirmed that my personal catalog of neuroses...
Susanna Cornett: And I was much amused to find this in a Slate article, linked by Instapundit (for other reasons): "According to one...
Eugene Volokh: The Erotic and the Clinical: Meghan O'Rourke has a fascinating and thoughtful Slate item on some men's reactions to the prospect of watching their wives give birth.
Ogged @Unfogged,
Glenn Reynolds |
Retired Sen. Jesse Helms Publishes Memoir
By Gary D. Robertson / AP
RALEIGH, N.C. - Jesse Helms, writing with the same passion that made him the archconservative of the U.S. Senate for 30 years, renews his criticism of abortion in a memoir being published this week, comparing it to both the Holocaust and the Sept. 11 attacks. |
John Hawkins: Our 50th State Is Set To Become A Race-Based State" "Thomas Sowell: Time And Money And Housing" "Joe Mariani: Dear Iraq:...
Taegan Goddard: An AP review notes Helms writes "with the same passion that made him the archconservative of the U.S. Senate for 30 years."
Tbogg: Not dead yet — One would have thought that he would have been sucked into hell in Strom Thurmond's wake by now: Jesse...
Poll: Info Shrinks Patriot Act Support
By Will Lester / AP
WASHINGTON - Fewer than half of Americans know the purpose of the Patriot Act, and the more they know about it the less they like it, according to a poll released Monday. |
Vanderleun: AP's weasel headline, Poll: Info Shrinks Patriot Act Support might make your think The Patriot Act's in some kind of...
Bob Cesca: Bob Cesca: America's 'Oh Crap' Phenomenon — The Center for Survey Research and Analysis released an interesting and...
Former Lobbyist Pleads Not Guilty in Fraud Case
By Cristina DelSesto / WaPo
MIAMI, Aug. 29 — Former Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff pleaded not guilty Monday to federal charges of conspiracy and wire fraud stemming from his purchase five years ago of a Florida casino cruise line. |
Jeralyn Merritt: Abramoff Defense: It Was Kidan's Fault — GOP uber-lobbyist Jack Abramoff, through his Miami lawyer Neal Sonnett,...
Jo Fish: Warm up the Tenors boys, there's gonna be some Opera sung down in Southern Florida.
Ky. Gov. Issues Pardons in Hiring Probe
By Mark R. Chellgren / AP
FRANKFORT, Ky. — Gov. Ernie Fletcher on Monday granted blanket pardons to current and former members of his administration who have been charged in an investigation into alleged improper hiring. |
Michael Froomkin: But in Kentucky it seems they are either more stupid, more desperate, or more arrogant: via TPM we learn Gov. Ernie...
David Schraub: Issuing a blanket pardon to your own flacks during the heart of a corruption investigation?
Gov. Warner Expected to Forgo Senate Bid
By Michael D. Shear / WaPo
RICHMOND, Aug. 29 — Virginia Gov. Mark R. Warner (D) plans to announce Tuesday that he will not challenge Sen. George Allen (R-Va.) next year, leaving the popular Democrat free to explore a presidential bid, several close associates said Monday. |
Jayson @PoliPundit: Almost Certain to Run for Prez — Mark Warner. Man, that's going to be a ghastly primary. Ghastly. Hillary's got the muscle and the money.
Tim Graham: Gov. Mark Warner will not challenge Sen. George Allen apparently (although Allen aides are responding to the news like they think they might be on an episode of "Punk'd").
Scott Shields: VA-Sen: Warner Expected Not To Challenge Allen — Via Political Wire, The Washington Post is reporting that Virginia...
Taegan Goddard: Warner Will Not Run for Senate — Virginia Gov. Mark R. Warner (D) "plans to announce Tuesday that he will not challenge...
Free Judy Miller
The New York Times reporter Judith Miller has now been in jail longer for refusing to testify than any reporter working for a newspaper in America. It is a very long time for her, for her newspaper and for the media. |
Steven G. Brant: And if the strangely worded August 29th editorial "Free Judy Miller" is any indication, that necessary awareness appears to be developing.
Arianna Huffington: Arianna Huffington: The Judy Tsunami: The Groundswell That Never Was — Reading the latest New York Times Judy Miller...
Roger Ailes: I completely had forgotten about the sacrifices that Judy Miller is making for the good of our nation until last weekend.
RJ Eskow: all the blues that's fit to print i saw this and asked myself, "why is anna wintour going to prison?" the new york times...
Tom Maguire: The Times On Judy Miller (Again) The NY Times rises to defend Judy Miller and descends to parody: [snipped quote] Oh yes,...
Digby: But Arianna leaves out my favorite part of the editorial today: "As Jack Nelson, a veteran journalist for The Los...
Jesse Taylor,
Jim Romenesko,
Stirling Newberry,
Susie Madrak |
Just Check the ID
By Sally Jenkins / WaPo
Athletes do things that seem transcendental — and they can also do things that are transcendentally stupid. They choke, trip and dope. Nevertheless, they possess a deep physical knowledge the rest of us can learn from, bound as we are by our ordinary, trudging, cumbersome selves. |
Matt Welch: I was probably hung over and sad, and so I gazed at the leek, on this winter day, and thought to myself [snipped quote] I...
Radley Balko: Pastafarians — The Washington Post's Sally Jenkins — possibly the worst major daily sports columnist writing today —...
Atrios: ID This Washington Post column is, perhaps, the stupidest thing I have *ever* read.
Gary Farber: IT IS HEAD-BANGINGLY STUPID, at least.
Greg @TheTalentShow: This really is one of the stupidest things ever written : [snipped quote] Now, there are some who might read this and...
President Discusses Hurricane Katrina, Congratulates Iraqis on Draft Constitution
White House
THE PRESIDENT: This morning I spoke with FEMA Undersecretary Mike Brown and emergency management teams not only at the federal level but at the state level about the — Hurricane Katrina. I've also spoken to Governor Blanco of Louisiana, Governor Barbour of Mississippi, Governor Bush of Florida, and Governor Riley of Alabama. |
Jo Fish: Clap a little harder — Ooooh, here's Beloved Leader today celebrating the Constitution of Iraqan... "This course is...
Taegan Goddard: President Bush on Sunday. Link | Related News
Steve Soto: Bush, endorsing the Iraqi constitution as completed, Sunday, August 28th "With regards to the constitution, as I...
Judd @ThinkProgress: Bush Slashed Hurricane Funding For New Orleans — Yesterday, President Bush said [snipped quote] He's not one of them.
More costly than 'the war to end all wars'
By David R. Francis / Christian Science Monitor
Despite the relatively small number of American armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan (140,000), the war effort is rapidly shaping up to be the third-most expensive war in United States history. This conflict has already cost each American at least $850 in military and reconstruction costs since October 2001. |
Barbara O'Brien: More interesting stuff to read: "Sadr's Disciples Rise Again to Play Pivotal Role in Iraq" "More Costly Than 'The War to...
Taegan Goddard: More Expensive Than World War I — "Despite the relatively small number of American armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan...
Judd @ThinkProgress: The Iraq war is already more expensive than WWI,
Cori Dauber: The Logic Escapes Them — Okay, see if you can pick up the irony here.
Steve Bainbridge: Iraq War and Cost-Benefit Analysis — It may be that the Iraq war is "rapidly shaping up to be the third-most expensive...
Campus Rads vs. Our Vets
As college students hit campuses across the nation this week, a new generation of young veterans will step off the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan and onto the ideological battlefield of our university campuses. |
McQ: "Hate the war, love the warrior", and other lies of the left — Can you name the era for this quote?
Blackfive: Treatment of Vets on Campus — Wynton C. Hall & Peter Schweizer have written a must read article for the National Review...
Judith Weiss: A succinct rejoinder to all the "Iraq is Vietnam" crap, which might be especially useful to veterans attending college...
Cori Dauber: Campus Attitudes — The NRO puts up a piece detailing the experiences of returning vets who have been made to feel less than welcome on college campuses.
Donald Sensing: Iraq is like Vietnam . . . ... in only one way: [snipped quote] The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Jason Van Steenwyk: You can have more respect for your adversaries. NRO looks at what happens: [snipped quote] Read the whole thing.
Restaurant boss in raw - tipsters
NY Daily News
Is he subway flasher? Cops want to question a Manhattan restaurant owner after getting numerous tips that he's the subway flasher caught in the act by camera phone, police sources said last night. |
Ace: Okay, for legal reasons, and for truthful reasons, I'll just say that the guy that the NY Daily News is suggesting might...
Ogged @Unfogged: Oh, That's Gross — It may be that the subway flasher has been caught.
John Cole: Possible Flasher Caught Thanks to the Intertrons, the notorious NYC subway flasher may have been, ahem, fingered: ...
Steve Bainbridge: I Just Can't Help Myself — Raw Food Restaurateur Allegedly Caught in the Raw
Senator Will Ask Rumsfeld to Testify to Panel on Iraq
By Carl Hulse / NYT
WASHINGTON, Aug. 28 - With lawmakers facing tough questions at home about the war in Iraq, Senator John W. Warner, the chairman of the Armed Services Committee, says he intends to summon Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld quickly for a hearing when Congress returns next week. |
Arianna Huffington: Sen. John Warner has announced plans to grill Don Rumsfeld about the lack of progress in Iraq.
Thomas de Zengotita: John Warner, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee (NY Times, p.9 8/29/05) There you have it.
Gary Farber: As here: [snipped quote] Noting the anxiety level is always a useful measure in politics.
Pessimist @LeftCoaster: In the Senate, Virginia Republican Senator John Warner will ask Rumsfeld to testify to the Armed Services Committee on Iraq.
Laura Rozen: Rumsfeld asked to testify before Congress about Iraq.
Tempest brews over quotes on Starbucks cups
By Lornet Turnbull / Seattle Times
Starbucks says it was hoping to inspire old-fashioned coffee-house conversations when it introduced a campaign this year featuring the words of notable Americans on its coffee cups. But at least a few of those words are sparking more discord than discussion. |
Jeff Jarvis: It seems less silly now that one "national Christian women's organization" is furious about the following quote from...
Cookie Jill: the way i see it... these women are freakin' nuts.
Ace: Breaking News: Starbucks Is A Liberal Corporation — A Christian women's group is upset that most of the quotes on its...
Katrina's floodwaters inundating Gulf Coast
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) — Parts of New Orleans are flooded with up to six feet of water Monday after some of the pumps that protect the low-lying city failed under the onslaught from Hurricane Katrina, Mayor Ray Nagin said. |
Holly: Update on Hurricane Katrina — CNN: New Orleans takes a beating [snipped quote] Apparently power is out in the entire city but some emergency generators are working.
Kevin Aylward: Of course now it's just a horrific disaster, as opposed to an unprecedented one... Katrina pounds Louisiana, Gulf Coast...
Judith Weiss: Extra! Extra! Bush causes massive flooding in New Orleans! Did you know Bush is to blame for Hurricane Katrina?
Steve Bainbridge: (See CNN's regularly updated article.)
Gene @HarrysPlace: Katrina strikes — Best wishes to any of our readers who live on or near the Gulf Coast of the US. I hope they got to a safe place in time.
See No Evil, Hear No Evil
By Stephen F. Hayes / Weekly Standard
AHMED HIKMAT SHAKIR IS A shadowy figure who provided logistical assistance to one, maybe two, of the 9/11 hijackers. Years before, he had received a phone call from the Jersey City, New Jersey, safehouse of the plotters who would soon, in February 1993, park a truck bomb in the basement of the World Trade Center. |
Captain Ed: More Dots Missing From The Omission Commission — The invaluable Steven Hayes presents yet even more information that...
Ace: 9/11 Commission Suppressed Evidence of Links Between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein — Since "everyone knows" there was no...
Scott @PowerLine: I missed the article by Stephen Hayes in the new issue of the Standard when the new issue was posted on Saturday: "See no evil, hear no evil."
Lorie Byrd: It is a doosie. UPDATE - ADDITION: See No Evil, Hear No Evil by Stephen Hayes in The Weekly Standard.
Betsy Newmark: He hopes that now, with the attention on the 9/11 Commission and what they left out of the report, that people will...
Andy McCarthy: WHY DID THE 9/11 COMMISSION BURY IRAQI TIES TO 9/11? Steve Hayes is asking over at that other magazine. A must-read.
Alive and Kicking
By Jack M. Balkin / Slate
We are all living constitutionalists now. But only some of us are willing to admit it. The notion of a Constitution that evolves in response to changing conditions didn't start with the Warren Court of the 1960s; it began at the founding itself. |
Stuart Buck: Balkin on Originalism — In this long article describing various faults of originalism, Jack Balkin offers this...
Orin Kerr: Are We All Living Constitutionalists Now? Jack Balkin tries to make the case in a provocative essay over at Slate.
Jack Balkin: Synthesizing Originalism and Living Constitutionalism JB My defense of the idea of a living Constitution and my...
Democracy works, but may not be enough
By Joseph S. Nye / Lebanon Daily Star
The Bush administration provided three major rationales for going to war in Iraq. Only one remains at all credible: the need to transform the Middle East through democratization and thereby undercut support for terrorists. |
Brad Plumer: In the Lebanon Daily Star, Joseph Nye compares 'democratization' in Iraq with that in Japan and Germany fifty years ago:...
Matthew Yglesias: Via Brad Plumer, a Joseph Nye column raises some of the issues that people need to be asking: "Nevertheless, we can...
U.S. Businesses Balk at Backing Immigration-Overhaul Campaign
Aug. 29 (Bloomberg) — Some of America's biggest companies are withholding contributions to a public campaign supporting President George W. Bush's immigration plan because they're concerned that any legislation may impose greater restrictions on hiring workers from overseas. |
Cernig: US Big Businesses are refusing to bankroll Bush's immigration reforms until they are certain reforms won't be hijacked by both right and leftwing hardliner xenophobes.
Mark Krikorian: I'LL TAKE DOOR NUMBER TWO — Apparently, big business is hesitant to pony up cash for the campaign led by Dick Armey and Ed Gillespie to support the White House on immigration.
Greg Ransom: Wal-Mart, Marriott refuse to bankroll Bush's open borders lobby group — Corporate America fears that Bush's amnesty...
New Yorker
Thomas Keller is one of the world's most respected chefs, a best-selling cookbook author, and the owner of four successful high-end restaurants. Until a few weeks ago, he seemed a model of entrepreneurial rigor. |
Tyler Cowen: Here is James Surowiecki on tipping. Here is a New York Times article on tipping. Here is my previous post on tipping.
Vanderleun: THE TIPPING POINT IN THE NEW YORKER : "In another, waiters sharply increased their tips by giving each member of a...
Brits driving Austrians bonkers over rude village name
LONDON, (AFP) - British tourists have left the residents of one charming Austrian village effing and blinding by constantly stealing the signs for their oddly-named village. While British visitors are finding it hilarious, the residents of F---ing are failing to see the funny side, The Sunday Telegraph newspaper reported. |
Jan Haugland: AFP can't write "F**king", but they can go off their rockers in this hilarious piece.
Ace: F---ing and You: Perfect Together — I'm completely sure this is a spoof, but damnit, it seems to have a valid URL.
Gary Farber: I F**KING MUST POST. Where you live isn't work-safe. [snipped quote] I'm sorry, but I just had to. I'm really into F**king.
Kathryn Jean Lopez: F***ING NONSENSE "LONDON, (AFP) - British tourists have left the residents of one charming Austrian village effing and...
Vigils take on higher profile
Sacramento Bee
WASHINGTON - Since the spring, long before an angry mom named Cindy Sheehan set up camp outside President Bush's Texas ranch, anti-war activists have been holding vigils outside Walter Reed Army Medical Center on Friday nights, when many soldiers and their families venture off campus for steak dinners. |
Michelle Pilecki: Margaret Talev of the McClatchy Newspapers' Washington Bureau tries to sort through the story to get a little closer to...
John Cole: The Anti-War Vigils at Walter Reed The controversy at Walter Reed is heating up: Since the spring, long before an...
Atrios: The Anti-Military Anti-American Right — Lovely folks: WASHINGTON - Since the spring, long before an angry mom named...
Journalist death toll exceeds Vietnam
By Alastair Macdonald / Globe and Mail
BAGHDAD — More journalists have been killed in Iraq since the war began in March, 2003, than during the 20 years of conflict in Vietnam, media rights group Reporters Without Borders said yesterday. |
Nick Gillespie: And more bad news: Journalist death toll exceeds Vietnam and Iraq violence will rise, Bush says. Remind me again: How do you spell cluster f**k?
Jeralyn Merritt: Journalist Toll in Iraq Exceeds Vietnam — This is quite a sobering statistic: "More journalists have been killed in...
Gary Farber: IT IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE. But not a good war to cover.
Laura Rozen: Journalist death toll in Iraq exceeds that of Vietnam. Update: The latest killed, Reuters TV soundman, Waled Khaled, 35, was killed by US soldiers.
Katrina Rages Across Gulf Coast, High Waves, Powerful Winds Lash Region
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 29 — The monster storm Katrina raged ashore along the Gulf Coast Monday morning with sustained winds of 140 miles per hour, driving rain and huge battering waves, expected to top 28 feet in some locations. |
Daniel Drezner: If this report is any indication, the original estimates of potential damage appear to have been overstated (though the New Orleans Times-Picayune has a different take).
Armando @DailyKos: New Orleans Spared The Worst — From WaPo: "The monster storm Katrina raged ashore along the Gulf Coast Monday morning...
Did Time intentionally deceive its readers in Plame case?
Media Matters for America
For some time, the central mystery in the Valerie Plame saga was which members of the White House staff leaked the undercover CIA operative's identity to reporters. |
Digby: Tim Russert For Best Actor — Following up on Michael Wolff's Vanity Fair piece, Media Matters points out that Time...
Atrios: Journamalism — We now know that Time magazine is happy to print information it knows to be false. Blogger ethics panel, convene!
Roberts Pushed for Reagan Policies
By Jesse J. Holland / AP
WASHINGTON — Supreme Court nominee John Roberts suggested a conservative Ronald Reagan supporter "go soak his head" after he criticized the White House for avoiding a friend's fight with immigration officials, new documents show. |
Jo Fish: French-Fried Apartheid — Our old pal Justice French Fry is getting to look more and more like the whitebread racist that makes the GOoPers orgasmically happy.
Echidne: More from John Roberts — These are some of his thoughts during the Reagan era: [snipped quote] We are getting to know our John, better and better, even though slowly.
City Questions Circumcision Ritual After Baby Dies
By Andy Newman / NYT
A circumcision ritual practiced by some Orthodox Jews has alarmed city health officials, who say it may have led to three cases of herpes - one of them fatal - in infants. But after months of meetings with Orthodox leaders, city officials have been unable to persuade them to abandon the practice. |
Eugene Volokh: "Bloodsucking Circumcision," as Slate characterizes it; according to this New York Times article, "A circumcision...
Spoons: You can read the wretched story here.
Che Guevara's family to fight use of famed photo
HAVANA, Cuba (Reuters) — With his picture on rock band posters, baseball caps and women's lingerie, Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara is firmly entrenched in the capitalist consumer society that he died fighting to overturn. |
Damian Penny: Until the revolution comes, we'll use lawsuits — Che Guevara presumably didn't think much of the concept of...
Ed Driscoll: Irony Can Be Pretty Ironic Sometimes — Charles Johnson writes: [snipped quote] Who'd have thought that Latin American...
Popinjay jibe triggers US brawl of the Brits
By Duncan Campbell / Guardian
Not since the Rumble in the Jungle, when Muhammad Ali fought George Foreman in Kinshasa in 1974, can there have been such an eagerly anticipated punch-up as the one due to take place in New York in a fortnight. |
Judith Weiss: If you are in the NYC Metro area, you can watch the pyrotechnics at Baruch College.
Stefan Beck: We'll be there. Have you got your tickets? Even the Guardian is salivating about it.
Andrew Sullivan: IT'S ON NOW: Hitch versus Galloway - live in Manhattan on September 14.
Cori Dauber: C-Span Should Charge — If this were pay-per-view they could make up their budget in one night, although you will notice...
Norm Geras: An item on the upcoming debate between Christopher Hitchens and George Galloway.
Gretchen Wilson Pockets Skoal Controversy
By Rose French / AP
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Country music's "Redneck Woman" promises to keep her can of Skoal in her back pocket from now on. Tennessee's attorney general had asked Gretchen Wilson not to pull out a can of smokeless tobacco during performances of her new song "Skoal Ring" because it glamorized tobacco use. |
Jacob Sullum: As Nick notes, Tennessee Attorney General Paul Summers recently sent country music performer Gretchen Wilson a letter...
Nick Gillespie: Skoal Scolds — Reader Jim Murphy, who blogs here, points us to the latest skirmish in the war against tobackey: [snipped quote] Whole AP account here.
Critics hitting bull's eye: Top executive defends magazine
By Greg Gatlin / Boston Herald
David Carey is shooting back at those who've stuck a bull's eye on the back of The New Yorker for making retailer Target the exclusive advertiser in the Aug. 22 issue. ''We've had people who say the New Yorker shouldn't do things like this,'' Carey, The New Yorker's publisher, told the Herald in an interview. |
Jim Romenesko: New Yorker publisher calls columnist Lazare "a crazy nut" — Boston Herald Care to respond to New Yorker publisher David Carey's insult, Lewis?
Rex Hammock: Target marketing update: In today's Boston Herald, David Carey calls Lewis Lazare "a crazy nut". (rexblog flashback: I...